Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 19: Split

Los approached the ruins. Sekhmet had instructed him that his powers were failing and he must head there one final time. This would not free the Sanctuary but it would help him do so. 

He stepped inside and immediately lost consciousness His own voice rang out through his head "Behold A future that could have been."

Los saw himself and many others looking through the sanctuary's forest with lanterns out calling for someone on Emilia's lips he made out the name "Subaru!" Eventually, they gave up and time seemed to move forward rapidly, Los caught a glimpse of Otto going into an abandoned structure and exiting with Subaru in tow. Garfiel stood in front of Ram his rage burning off of him they were speaking, and Garfiel looked more and more agitated as it continued. Behind Ram, Subaru emerged looking slightly malnourished and said something causing Garfiel to Lose it and start fully yelling he said something that made everything but Subaru go on edge. Subaru said something but Ram and Otto got in front of him. They said something, and Subaru's face changed to an expression of pure terror. Ram said something to Garfiel who slammed his fists together, it was apparent to Los they were done talking. garfiel hit a tree causing it to fall. Otto snatched Subaru off his feet and Ram ran towards Garfiel Los didn't see what happened to Ram. Otto and Subaru were riding by ground dragon Lights showed them their way Los saw the people of Arlem were the ones holding the lights. They stopped by some villagers who pointed, Los assumed towards an exit or somesuch and looked over to where Loud crashing noises were coming from. They were all knocked off their feet by an explosion and Subaru rose to his feet coughing. Emerging from the cloud of dust he had kicked up, Garfiel in beast form was approaching. Subaru was talking to him but it was clear Garfiel didn't understand he raised a paw as Subaru got closer, Right before he swung, Otto pushed Subaru out of the way and was killed.

The people of Arlem rushed to his aid after Subaru was knocked back by another huge blast. Garfiel killed all of them one by one and got closer to Subaru. Patrasche was pulling Subaru by his collar trying to get him out of the barrier. Garfiel got closer and Los's view changed. He was himself now but he couldn't control his movements. A prisoner behind his own eyes he shot down to earth destroying Patrasche and harming Subaru in the rough landing "Ahhhh, Still not used to this." his voice came out but sounded odd like an impression or something. He looked up from the bloody mess under his feet to see Garfiel standing in front of him. Again the voice came out of him "Ahhhh, you the mutt." Garfiel growled deeply and with a roar swiped at Los. The attack scratched him but he regenerated swiftly. He could have blown Garfiel away then but instead with both hands, he reached out and grabbed Garfiel's head and squeezed. Garfiel Screamed, Bit, roared, and scratched and Los felt a foreign smile creep across his face as he continued squeezing with a sickening wet pop Garfiels eyes flew out and blood showered Los and the nearby watching Subaru. Los felt the smile grow wider across his face and licked his lips a disgusting Iron taste filled his mouth. He looked down at Subaru who was wide-eyed and shaking his limbs were mangled from Los's landing and he was breathing heavily with blood coming out of his mouth.

"D-don't." Los took a step towards him "Don't what?" he tilted his head eerily his bloody visage filling Subarus's eyes. "DON'T COME NEAR ME!!" Subaru screamed pushing away as fast as he could with his broken legs. Los smiled sickly reaching down and grabbing one of the legs he pulled one of Subaru's legs to try and pull him back but the leg was ripped off causing Subaru to let out a pained scream. "AGGGGHHGAGAH, no.... Please!" Los shook his head and laughed "No." he outstretched his palm and felt a small heat pulse out from it he readied for the end, for the blast that would reset the world. but it never came. Los was letting out just enough heat to burn Subaru alive. Slowly.

Eventually after what felt like hours of Subaru's screaming and Los's- or whatever was controlling Los's body's unhinged laughing. the scene faded to black. and was replaced by a new one. The Sanctuary was bathed in shadow Subaru was calling out. from the base of the ruins to no answer. a shadowy figure arose and came close to him embracing him and whispering something to him. The two were broken apart by Garfiel who grabbed Subaru and jumped away.

They ran from several attacks landing on the top of a building far away. Los's view changed again and he prepared for the worst. But to his surprise when he landed beside them, it was gentle. "What is the situation," he asked, his voice sounding like his own. Garfiel looked at him "The only important thing is figuring out a way to bite off that damn thing's head! Nothing else!" Los nodded and Subaru spoke up "Los! That thing is the witch of envy!" "Understood." Los shot off and blasted a wave that slammed into the darkness pushing it back the witch turned and shot unseen hands from all angles, though significantly less than Sekhmet.

Los blew them back and drew his sword. He blitzed in and stabbed the witch through the chest. Instead of recoiling the witch seemed unfazed and embraced Los. Who sank into the darkness. His view panned out again and he saw Subaru and Garfiel running through the woods. The Ryuzu clones behind them. They arrived in front of the witch who had started to head for the mansion at this point. Garfiel's transformed black arms shot out from the witch restraining him, the Ryuzu clones ran forward at Garfiel's command and exploded, Destroying Garfiel's bindings. Garfiel shot in again but was speared by countless sharpened unseen hands. He was eviscerated and the shadow closed in around Subaru.

Once he was absorbed Los came back to his own Presence he was within the shadow and his true being came out. the red light pushed against the shadow. Pure Hate versus Pure Love. Which one would prevail? We will never know as once this began the heat incinerated Subaru causing his vision to fade to black. 

He felt the falling sensation as his consciousness returned to his own body, however, he was not within the ruins. he was on a flat blank, white canvas stretching infinitely. He heard a voice behind him. "Well if it isn't the flawed part." he turned around and his eyes widened the man he had fought on the day the mothership had returned to Earth, stood before him. He smiled "Well, you've seen what I am capable of, haven't you?" Los thought back to him killing Subaru and Garfiel and shuddered "You... YOU DID THAT?!" The man shrugged "While, I would have. it's a 'future that could have been' Remember?" Los gritted his teeth and closed his fist "I'll KILL YOU!" The Man smiled "You already did."

Los shot forward and hit the man with a solid strike. he was glowing red, pure heat and destruction flowing from him. it crackled and damaged the blank world surrounding them. The man spit up blood and rose to his feet "Well, I guess taking your body will be my pleasure."

Los growled and shot in again but was Bisected by a slash leaving his body on the floor. He tried to regenerate and heard the sounds of the man's laughter. "heh, your regeneration works on an algorithm and it will never create two of you, so if I split you perfectly in half it doesn't know what to do." he leaned down to get eye to eye with one of Los's halves. "Interesting huh?"

Los burnt brighter the half close to the Man exploded and the one farther away regenerated and he stood up. The man had been knocked away smoking and his face was partially burnt. Los faced Diagonally so the man couldn't see him in a way where he perfectly divided into two. Los scorched forward his body starting to lose form. Several slashes met him but he regenerated instantly through all of them and landed a bladed hand thrust to the man's solar plexus. It sliced through him and the man coughed up a massive amount of blood. A cold sensation ran through Los's arm where it touched the man and suddenly everything above his wrist had been eviscerated. His hand was still lodged in the man's chest, it burnt bright before exploding and leaving a smoking crater in the man's chest. He fell to the ground and a massive bloodstain shot out from him. The man choked and Los grabbed his head in both hands one of which was freshly regenerated. He began crushing and burning hotter simultaneously "I'LL DO THE SAME AS THE FIRST TIME!"

The man smiled blood popping out from every pore as his head was crushed and his face burnt off. "That's *Cough* The Way. You are *Cough* nothing *cough* But a weapon. Now *CCHK* Remember." the man's smiling face was incinerated and the scene faded to the forest where he had been with Kenneth before the man had come in his spacecraft and killed them. In fact, this was the exact moment the spacecraft had arrived he remembered it. He had just regenerated in front of Kenneth and Kenneth was looking at him horrified "ABOMINATION!" He yelled Los was watching from the third person. this was exactly when the spacecraft had came. He waited expectantly but saw nothing in the sky 'What?'

 He focused his gaze down at himself where he was crackling with red energy. 'no. please.' he thought Kenneth was looking at him horrified before running away. Past Los had lost all form now and was just a floating, swirling mass of red energy. He slammed into the ground and the View zoomed out. Cracks spread across the entire forest. But the view still zoomed. The cracks spread across the entire continent but the view still widened. Finally, the entire planet was in view, the cracks eerily made their way across the planet. Los wanted to look away but was nothing but a floating consciousness focused on the scene before him. The cracks reached opposite ends of the globe and like a marble spiked too hard against concrete the planet, Exploded. 

He was back in the white expanse the man stood before him again Los was on his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. The man smiled and with a few steps his form changed, from the one his mind had created, to reality. He stared at himself with bleary eyes. "ooooh, poor baby. Is it too much? Knowing we KILLED MILLIONS?!" He sneered "Too much that you are NOTHING! but a FLAWED piece of technology? that ended up in this world?" his sneer went away and he stopped gesturing all around at images that had been popping up about this world and the world he had come from.

"well if you want I can take over." he said with a wicked smile on his face. Los was about to nod but remembered "I... can't." his inner version smirked "Ahhh, tooooo bad. If only you didn't see that. Anywho, you would have best get going I suppose, things to do people to save I suppose." Los looked up "What about you? What will you do?" His inner self smiled wickedly back "Well, as to that probably, the same thing as you." Los was confused "Seeing as..." his smile widened impossibly far and he walked up to Los and pulled him to his feet by his hair. Los saw he was looking in a mirror and inside of it was this man talking to him "I am You after all." A chill ran down Los's spine and his vision faded to black. 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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