Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 5: The Ego

As soon as Los spoke those words, many eyes returned to Emilia.

"So, the witch has more allies than ever..." mumbled an old man.

Subaru heard this and immediately shot back, "Hey, you old-browed freak! How dare you say that about Emilia? How dare you judge her by her looks? If people judged you by yours, they wouldn't take you seriously!"

A collective gasp spread through the room as the old man stood up, enraged. "And who are you, boy? Unless you are some kind of god, you have no right to speak so carelessly. So, who are you?"

Subaru flipped into his usual pose and declared, "I am this candi—no, Emilia-tan's greatest knight!"

A moment of silence followed before a light-purple-haired knight stepped forward. "I would be willing to forgive the interruption, but what do you mean by 'knight'?" Julius Juukulius asked, his voice steady.

"I think it speaks for itself," Subaru replied confidently.

Julius rubbed his temple, clearly irritated. "Are you aware you make this claim in front of hundreds of knights? How dare you say such a thing before the knights of Lugunica?!" As he spoke, he extended his arm, and all the knights drew their swords in unison.

"Wow! Did you practice that?" Subaru asked, momentarily impressed.

Los had been prepared to step in and assist Subaru, but he held back, sensing no immediate danger. Julius, still irritated, answered, "Of course we practiced. We knights are prepared for anything. Now, tell me—why do you claim to be a knight? Do you have the strength to protect others? The resolve to match ours?"

Subaru hesitated before tightening his fist. "W-Well, I want to make Emilia the next ruler. No, I will make her the next ruler. I'll do anything for her!"

"Do you have the resolve to do it? The strength to see it through?" Julius jeered.

"I don't have anything as grand as resolve, and I know I lack strength, but I will make Emilia the ruler of this land! I will make her dream come true!"

Julius turned to Los. "Do you see yourself as a knight? Do you see Subaru as one?"

Subaru looked at him, pleading silently. Los thought for a moment before replying, "I know Subaru lacks strength, but his mind is not to be questioned. I believe he will make Emilia the ruler of this country, and any obstacles in front of him will be taken care of. On this, he speaks the truth. Has he been knighted? Of course not, but his drive is unquestionable. As for myself, I care little for titles. I serve Emilia and have my strength. That is all I need."

Reinhard stepped forward. "That is enough, Julius. He is correct. I have witnessed their capabilities myself. While Subaru is no knight, you underestimate him at your peril. As for Los... he is among the strongest in the world. I have tested him myself."

Gasps filled the room. But before the moment could settle, Subaru ruined it with his usual overconfidence. "That's right! You knights shouldn't underestimate me. Knights like you, who use your daddy's name to chastise me, should be the ones looked down on. You're all just—"

"Natsuki Subaru, that is not a good look on you," Julius interrupted.

This only made Subaru angrier. "WHY YOU—"

"Subaru, that is enough," Emilia's voice cut through his fury, making him freeze.

"I apologize for this interruption," she said to the council, before taking Subaru by the arm and dragging him away.

As she walked him out, one of the elders commented, "This has shown us that you are not one to be feared, Lady Emilia. You have a fine attendant."

Emilia stopped and, after a pause, responded, "Thank you. However… Subaru is not my attendant."

With that, the doors opened, and Subaru was escorted out of the throne room.

Los remained, now standing in the place Subaru had vacated. The crowd's eyes followed him. Beside him stood an attendant named Al, who nodded in greeting. Los nodded back before focusing on Felt, who had stepped forward.

"Like I was saying, I hate this kingdom! I will tear it down and create a better place where stupid rich people don't exist!"

Los liked Felt. And with Reinhard supporting her, perhaps he would switch camps one day.

Once the gathering concluded, Los approached Roswaal. "So, is this what you wanted to happen?"

Roswaal smirked. "Noooooo… this is."

A knight burst into the room. "The knight Julius Juukulius and Mister Natsuki Subaru are dueling!"

Emilia gasped. "How could this happen?!"

Los grimaced. "Most likely because he doesn't know how to quit."

"Why does he keep doing all these things for me?" Emilia whispered. "Why is it that every time he gets hurt, it's because of me?"

Roswaal, still smiling, suggested, "Why don't you ask him?"

By the time Emilia arrived at the duel, Los was already there. Subaru lay beaten, his face swollen, blood dripping from his chin. Julius stood, spirits swirling around him, but as Los approached, something in his gaze made all thoughts of further combat vanish from Julius' mind.

"Spirit user," Los said coldly. "You may fight or run, but death is all you will find."

The spirits around Julius dimmed, their energy seeming to drain away. A warm sensation dripped onto Julius' lip—he wiped it, staring at the blood on his glove. Looking up, he saw Los unsheathing his sword, the weapon distorting reality itself. Julius felt as if an immense weight were pressing down on him.

Then, a voice rang out. "STOP!"

The blade was sheathed, and the oppressive force lifted. Julius stumbled back, staring in disbelief.

It was Subaru.

"Do you think I need a babysitter, Los?!" Subaru shouted. "ANSWER ME, GODDAMN IT!"

Los blinked, taken aback. You gave me direction when I had none, Subaru. Why do you expect me to sit back and watch?


Los nodded and stepped back.

"SUBARU!" Emilia's voice echoed across the arena.

Subaru turned and did something reckless. "SHAMAC!"

Darkness engulfed the area, but Julius merely sighed. "Is this your trump card, Natsuki Subaru? You should learn when to stay down."

With a single swipe of his sword, the darkness vanished. He whispered something to Subaru, and the boy collapsed unconscious.

Later, Los carried Subaru back. Rem gasped when she saw his limp body. "What happened to him?!"

"He got in a fight with a knight because he wanted to be one," Los replied.

"Why didn't you help him?!" Rem demanded.

Los looked down. "I tried, but he didn't allow me to."

That night, Los sat with Subaru. "You say no one understands your pain, but do you understand anyone else's?" he asked.

Subaru sighed, then smiled. "You're right, Los. Thank you."

They shook hands.

And, for the first time in days, both could rest.

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