Re:Zero Flaw If

Chapter 9: Unleashed

he two figures came into focus—a man dressed in all white with white hair, and a shorter man with sharpened teeth, long brown hair, and a black cloak.

Los said, "Rem, Crusch, stay in the carriage," before stepping outside.

One of the men saw him and said, "Huh, you people seem to have a lot more manners than those idiots who just tried to run me over. How dare they?! They didn't even know me but decided I was better off dead! Now, introduce yourself and apologize. When you almost hit a pedestrian, they deserve an apology!"

Los was silent for a moment, but the man butted in, "Oh, I see, you want me to introduce myself first? How greedy!"

He paused and stood up straight. "Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult... Representing Greed... I am Regulus Corneas."

Los looked at the dead men and ground dragons and replied, "I am Los. However, you are an evildoer. I will judge you as you have judged these men."

Regulus looked enraged. "You judge me for self-defense?! THIS IS A VIOLATION OF MY RIGH—"

"Nonsense! You killed all of these men and ground dragons! How dare you do all those brutal things?"

Regulus grew even madder now. "Don't interrupt me! That is a violation of my right of speech! When someone is talking, is it not common courtesy to hear them out? What if they have something important to say? Have you ever thought of that? How would you feel if you were interrupted? Angry, of course! So I have every right to be frustrated that you will not let me finish my sentences! If you had any sense of respect, you would understand my pain!"

Seeing that Regulus was rattling on and on, Los decided to move first. He blasted him with red energy. The area smoked, but Regulus walked out unscathed.

"NOW YOU ATTACK ME?! Every action you do violates my rights!"

In a fit of anger, Regulus brought his arm up. Los didn't see anything, but suddenly, he was ripped apart. He heard a gasp behind him from Crusch, and Rem screamed.

He crackled with black and white energy, negating his injuries, and stood back up.


He stomped his foot, and the area around him was destroyed. Los's legs were destroyed, but he was ready, and they regenerated immediately.

Los blitzed in and kicked him in the stomach, launching him away but doing no visible damage. The other man had stood back but now approached.

"No matter how much I ea—"

He was interrupted by Los soccer-kicking him a football field away in one blow. This time, there was visible damage—clearly an ability.

Los ran toward Regulus, who dashed as well. The speed surprised Los; Regulus was almost as fast as Reinhard.

The two met, and Regulus grimaced with effort. At the same time, Los crackled with red and black energy. Regulus lifted him and threw him straight up. At the same time, Los blasted him a mile away with red energy.

Strangely, Los did not stop going up. He went faster and faster until he left the planet.

He sucked in a breath and looked to the side, seeing the moon. Shit, he thought to himself. I'll just keep going forever now.

He saw something glowing behind him but began to black out due to a lack of oxygen. He felt himself bump into something and lost consciousness.

Back on the Surface

Crusch and Rem looked up where Los had disappeared. They would have to worry about this later, as a shape in the distance was returning. Regulus Corneas, as well as Gluttony, were up and coming towards them.

Back to Los

"Wake up, fool."

Los opened his eyes to see a beautiful yet languid woman in her mid-twenties with absurdly long, unkempt magenta hair that went down to her toes. She wore a sultry black outfit that complemented her voluptuous and feminine physique.

Her skin was pale—so much so that one would consider it unhealthy. Her face gave off an extremely debilitated and apathetic look.

"You disturb my slumber. I ought to just kill you, but I'll tell you what—"

"Who are you?" Los asked, concerned.

"Oh, I forgot how slothful I am. I am Sekhmet, the Witch of Sloth. I fell off the Great Waterfall in a battle and ended up here. I'm technically dead, but my consciousness split. All my powers have been stuck on this rock.

I don't mind, though. I always wanted to rest undisturbed."

Her face hardened. "Anyway, back to what I was saying." She paused to take a breath. "I'll send you back on one condition." Raising a finger, she continued.

Los nodded vigorously. "Anything! I need to get back immediately."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Time's different out here. It's way slower. So, I've been here for... let's say... 10,000 years?"

Los's jaw dropped. "10,000?!"

"Well, that's a lowball. I just sleep most of the time, so I don't know. Anyhow, the one condition is you sign a contract with me and bring me back with you."

Los was confused. "Wait, if you are sending me back, why do you need my help to get back?"

Sekhmet grinned and replied, "I'll draw out your power and bring you back, but we need a soul-binding contract. I'm not particular about the terms, so let's figure it out already."

Los nodded in swift agreement. "How about we can't hide things from each other unless absolutely necessary? This contract can nullify and automatically supersede other contracts. We both get access to each other's abilities and can speak to each other telepathically. Finally, I don't want you harming people."

Sekhmet smiled and took his outstretched hand. "I, Sekhmet, the Witch of Sloth, agree to the conditions of this soul-binding contract."

Los felt a tingling sensation and heard Sekhmet in his mind. Let's get started.

Back at Rem and Crusch

Rem swung her chain.

Ley Batenkaitos and Regulus Corneas were back at the scene.

Ley jumped in and repelled a few attacks from Rem before getting knocked back by Crusch. Regulus was ranting about his rights again. He prepared an attack that would surely kill Rem and Crusch but stopped when he heard a massive roaring noise.

Something massive was falling through the sky, scorching the air.

"A star...?" Regulus remarked. "How...?"

He turned back but was swiftly slammed into the earth by Los.

"Los!" Rem shouted.

Something was different, however. Los did not reply. His entire body was covered in crackling black and red energy. The red was the dominant color, and Rem had never seen anything like this.

Regulus attempted to shake Los off, throwing dirt at him, but it didn't work.


Los palmed his head like a basketball and hurled him into a mountain far in the distance. Then, he charged a massive ball of pure crackling red energy and fired it.

Not only was the entire mountain vaporized, but all the land in the surrounding area was also destroyed.

Turning back around, Los faced Ley Batenkaitos.

Regulus survived although he passed out from being forced to use his ability for almost 10 seconds, Ley Batenkaitos however would not be so fortunate.

Los drew his sword and Ley leaped towards him Los pointed the blade at him and, Midair an inconceivable force pressed down on Ley BatenKaitos it slammed him into the ground creating a crater and, on impact splattering Ley BatenKaitos all throughout the ground Los sheathed his sword and turned to face Rem and Crusch, Then he collapsed unconscious. 

Time Skip

Los opened his eyes and saw Subaru, Crusch, Rem, Felix, Reinhard, and Wilhelm talking.

When Los looked over, Crusch, Reinhard, and Subaru rushed over.

"Hey... Subaru," Los said weakly.

"Crusch and Rem told us what happened. Thank you, Los," Subaru said.

Reinhard spoke up. "I am pleased to see you okay, Los. I did not think anyone could take you this far."

Los smiled. "It was the Archbishop of Greed. He seems to be immune to all attacks. I sent him flying, but I doubt I killed him."

Reinhard frowned. "Such an attack should have killed anything. Even I wouldn't be able to take it head-on."

Los grunted. "Yeah, hopefully, we figure out how it works before we meet him again."

Reinhard smiled and said, "I'll leave you be now. Get lots of rest."

Subaru nodded in agreement, waved goodbye, and left the room.

Wilhelm and Felix walked up.

"Thank you for saving Mistress Crusch on behalf of this camp," Wilhelm said.

"Nya~ thank you for saving Crusch-senpaaiii," Felix added.

Los replied, "It's my pleasure. You were there for Subaru and me, so I'm glad I could be of help."

Wilhelm nodded and left the room, while Felix looked down for a moment before also leaving.

Finally, it was just Rem and Crusch who remained.

Rem walked over and grabbed Los's hand.

"Thank you, Los. I would have been erased had it not been for you."

She hugged him and left the room, flustered.

Now, only Crusch was left.

Los looked over and realized that this whole time, she had been holding his hand. He glanced down at her, confused.

"Los-sama..." she said softly.

She looked up, blushing, and smiled cutely.

"Thank you..."

Fewer words than the others had spoken, yet even more sincere.

Crusch blushed deeper, her face noticeably red. Quickly, she leaned in for a kiss on the cheek, eyes closed.

However, Los, out of reflex to sudden movement, twitched his head—causing their lips to touch instead.

She opened her eyes slightly at first, then widened them in shock.

Pulling back, she placed a wrist on her mouth. Los swore he could see a line of steam rising from her head.

They locked eyes for a moment before she bolted up and ran out of the room.

Los stared after her, dumbfounded.

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