Chapter 19: Chapter 19
"You cannot save them Priam. You are running towards your light, while they've already found theirs. The barrier that seperates you and Klaren is as strong as fate itself. They must be put into the ground."
-Francisco Lavonte, third-ranked player.
"The Valiants have already found a clue on the main boss and will soon set up a camp near the Death Pillars."
"Do they even fucking sleep?" A bald giant of a man called out.
A small room was filled with people, players. The walls were made out of stone, a blue carpet was covering the cold rock floor.
A long dark wood table was on the red carpet with a dozen wooden chairs.
A young man with medium length, raven black hair spoke to the people gathered here. He seemed to be the leader. He was a handsome fellow. Quite tall too. He wore beautiful dark purple armor richly detailed with carving art that nearly matched Priam's. No cape.
What stood out the most however, more than his facial beauty or height, is a huge diagonal scar that started right of his mouth and ended at the left temple.
This is very striking and unique because scars heal and actually dissappear because the body undergoes constant structural change with every stat point invested.
This scar has not dissappeared. Not for a long time. And not because the man hadn't invested stat points.
He had a black sword by his waist.
The armor showed the sigil of his guild. A white heart crest with a yellow crown on the top and a sword stabbed through the white heart.
The Guild Master of Salvation, Klaren.
"They think that we all want to be freed from this game. That all of us have something good and bright waiting for them outside this game. Do we?" Klaren said.
"No!" Many said in unison.
"In here, we can do anything, be anything! We don't have illnesses, people or anything that reminds us of our old, dark reality. This game is our new reality."
Nods and sounds of agreement ensued.
"The only thing that reminds us is the fact that some of us are ugly or short, but it doesn't matter if we have power!"
"I am living proof of that." A bald man said. He had thin eyebrows, wrinkles and crooked teeth. A true ugly man.
"Hahahaha!" Many present in the room laughed.
"We must stop them! For the sake of this reality!"
The black haired man continued.
"Some of you know but I was a turned cripple in the real world. The fact that you're in this room means you have something that repulses you from the real world."
People nodded.
"We will finish what Tariq started." The black haired handsome man said.
"Yeah!" Several players said slightly louder than normal.
"Next week, at this same day in the evening, we meet here again and depart for the Death Pillars. Priam will not be there. Neither will David."
"Okay." Everyone agreed verbally or nodded.
"Sorry, one question."
The leader of the group, the black haired young man with dark purple armor, turned towards the person who was about to ask a question.
"How sure are we that Priam won't be there?You know that he is enough to kill all of us on his own."
"When I say that he will not be there, you better believe it, newbie. I am 100% sure. I have a very, very reliable informer. He's going to have a meeting with the Golden Heart guild master. With the vice master David."
"Thank you, guild master. And I'm sorry for having doubts."
The leader nodded.
The players all got up and walked out of the mysterious room.
There was loud chatter, singing and music in an expensive tavern.
Max sat in front of the bartender, with Manuel.
He was told that Lovrin visits this tavern at least once a week in the evening by several people.
A hard person to meet.
A rich person. Not a noble, but very close.
"Third day...You know what they say, Manuel."
"Third time's the charm."
They refused to get intoxicated and only drank juice, like usual.
It was a long time since both of them were drunk. The people here, their conversations, motions and actions all seemed almost alien to them. They couldn't get into the vibe at all.
Max was alone the first time and couldn't bear it. So he brough someone with him.
Today Manuel was keeping him company.
"When is the tournament in Virtonis exactly?" Max asked.
"30 days. We'll make it, don't worry."
"There might be a special reward. I'm hopeful."
"You'll be fighting Awakened fighters, though."
"I know. I'll get stronger by then. Besides, I'm pretty good."
"Can't deny that. You slaughtered those mundane knights. Have you even fought humans before in this game?" The spear knight said.
"Mostly bandits at around the forties. I've got some experience. I did sparring matches and training with knights of Trianca and a few other towns after nearly dying to bandits once. Not too much though. And some of them were fights in a group of other players and NPCs as well."
"I've killed two players."
"Players? You never said that." Max's eyes revealed surprise.
"Yes. They betrayed me and Thomas. One guy ran away after I killed the others."
Not even Max had ever killed a player. A real human being, not an AI.
"Did you feel...guilt?" Max asked.
"Guilt? No, it was their fault."
Max looked at Manuel.
He seemed a little different to him now. Not necessarily in a bad way.
"It's Lovrin." The bartender whispered.
Both Manuel and Max reacted by looking at the entrance.
"The bearded guy." The worker added.
Three people entered.
Lovrin, the bearded man who looked to be in his forties. He had brown hair, some wrinkles and signs of aging, but overall, he looked healthy.
He wore glasses and basic clothing with a dark coat. He didn't stand out himself.
But the second person did. He had red armor, blonde and long hair tied into a ponytail and a fierce look. His guard. Only one. Must be Awakened.
The third person was young, younger than Max. Perhaps Lovrin's son? Hard to tell. They sat down at a table in a corner by the wall with no windows. A quiet place that wasn't in the view of many.
"Should I come with you?" Manuel asked.
"No need. Just stay here."
Max got up, left a bag of coins for the waiter and walked towards the man of interest.
The guard saw him approaching and grabbed the hilt of his sword by his waist.
When Max got within three meters, the guard stood in his way.
"You will go no further."
"I have a message to relay to Lovrin. From a friend of his."
Lovrin looked puzzled, but interested.
"Let him sit." He said.
The long haired guard with brown colored hair let him pass through and continued eyeing him.
"Sit down boy, what's your name?"
"I assume you know who I am." Lovrin said while going to shake the player's hand.
He pointed to the third person. The young man who looked like he was Lovrin's son.
"That's my son. Drenir." Drenir nodded with a smile
The aristocrat was awfully laid back and open. This signalled to Max that Lovrin had supreme confidence in his guard.
Well, Max also didn't wear his armor and weapons.
"Good to meet you guys."
"Want a drink?" The middle aged man with a handsome stubble and short brown hair asked.
"No. I don't wish to disturb you for long. I was sent to tell you that one of your friends is alive."
"Who exactly? I'm a man of many friends."
"May I whisper?" Max asked the guard. "It's probably not something that Lovrin wants to be heard by others."
Max was cautious because of the knowledge that Carsius was a wanted man. So wanted that he took refuge in a desert cave.
The guard approached Max just in case and nodded.
Max leaned in and whispered into Lovrin's ear.
The aristocrat's eyes opened wide.
"He said that he wants to meet you where you two first met on his birthday."
"I see. He probably wants to go back." Lovrin said, quietly.
There was a silence. Max didn't question what Lovrin meant by that.
"Very well Max. Thank you. By the way, where did you find him and how do you know him?"
"Luck. Fate. I am an explorer and I met him in a desert far from here. I kept him company and we worked together to clear a dungeon."
Lovrin nodded.
"What can I get for you?" A waiter approaches the table.
"You want anything, Max?"
"No, thank you."
"The usual for me and my son. And bring us a Mivra table. I need to teach my stupid son the game of kings!"
The son didn't show any anger.
The waiter nodded and walked away.
"It was good to talk to you sir. I will go now." The player said.
The two shook hands.
[You have completed a quest: Carsius' Message!]
[You have leveled up!]
[You have received a title: Messenger]
Max sat with Manuel.
"How did it go?" The player knight asked.
"Good. Hold on I received a title."
[You have traveled a great distance to relay an important message to an important person!]
[Agility +15, Physical Endurance is increased]
"Decent. But not enough honestly. Plus fifteen agility and increased endurance."
"Perhaps the journey itself was the real reward." Manuel said.
Max laughed a bit.