Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 156: Chapter 156

(AN: My work is sending me to a two-week certification course out of state on March 1st. As such, during the weeks of 3/3 and 3/10, I will not be releasing chapters. Earning the certification at the end of the course comes with a decent pay raise at work, so I cannot afford to screw it up. Sorry, guys!)

---Jabba's Casino---

Ducking out as soon as we walked through the door, Vikzel disappeared into the sea of gamblers and workers without a word. Stepping forward to take over for him, six xeno women wearing bikinis and bunny girl suits welcomed us to the casino. Offering me various alcoholic beverages and appetizers, the Lethan Twi'lek among them inquired about how I wanted to start the evening.

"This casino has a wide variety of entertainment options. Would you prefer to try your luck here on the gambling floor, catch dinner and a show in your private booth, or maybe sample some of our more intimate offerings?", the Lethan Twi'lek questioned, contorting her body in a way that accentuated her curves, "Do not hesitate to follow your heart's desire here."

"Dinner and a show sounds wonderful right now. We skipped lunch today, and I am famished.", I responded, maintaining a calm expression, 'Damn you, Jabba the Hutt! You are a disgusting, reptilian slug, but fuck, you have exquisite taste in female attire. Before I kill you, I will have to figure out where you get the outfits made. Hopefully I can convince my wives to dress up for me in private like this!'

Looking at me with astonishment, the Lethan must have expected me to act on my libido instead of my stomach. Turning to her colleague, a lavender Twi'lek, she promptly stepped forward and grabbed hold of my left hand.

"Of course, dinner and a show it is!", the lavender woman acknowledged, attempting to pull me forward. "Please follow me; I will lead you to your VIP booth."

Leading us through the sea of gambling tables, we made our way to a private elevator protected by several heavily armed guards. Allowing us through without any issues, we headed up several floors and stepped out into an incredibly posh hallway. Decorated to reflect the Hutt clan's power and wealth, it honestly disgusted me he had spent so much money for a fucking hallway. Continuing down the hallway, we strode into a more conservatively decorated room with a large leather sofa and a massive monitor.

Waiting for all of us to enter, ten additional xeno women came forward from the far side of the room and gracefully bowed their heads. Dressed in the same attire as their colleagues, they motioned for us to take a seat and relax. Happily obliging their request, the moment my butt touched the cushion, the hostesses rushed to my side and began fawning over me. Ignoring the five women I came here with, Amallyn's expression soured as she stormed over to them, trying to maintain her composure.

"Excuse me, make way for his wives!", Amallyn snapped, shoving them out of the way and plopping down between my legs, "While I can appreciate your dedication to your jobs, our HUSBAND is not your only guest. Right, ladies?"

Looking at the other women for support, they gave Amallyn a very confused expression. Unsure what they were supposed to do, Ahsoka suddenly remembered that I had introduced them as my wives.

"Cut them some slack, Amallyn; they are only doing what they have been taught all their lives. Judging by the faint scars on their bodies, each of them has undergone quite intensive training to ensure guest satisfaction. Correct?", Ahsoka remarked, as the other three remembered things now.

"That… that is correct.", the lavender Twi'lek acknowledged, with a fearful look. "If you are dissatisfied, I beg you, please do not tell any floor supervisors or Vikzel!"

"Every one of us is on our second strike. One more, and Lord Tiure will feed us to his pet Rancor.", the Lethan Twi'lek elaborated, her body beginning to tremble, "Two of us were fed to it just last week…"

"As long as you tone it down a few notches, we can let this minor problem go.", Bo-Katan offered.

"We will!", a silver Theelin swore, relieved that we were not assholes like most clients were.

Continuing with the ruse, Ahsoka and Bo-Katan took a seat on my legs while Rose and Samus sat on either side of me. Looking at the six of us, a hint of sadness flashed across our hostesses' eyes. Smacking themselves on the cheek, they snapped out of their funk and got back to work.

"What can we get to drink for you, Lord Stark?", the silver Theelin inquired, picking up an ordering tablet from the end table to our left. "We have a wide variety of beverages to choose from. Maybe a few cocktails and sodas?"

"A few bottles of wine and several glasses of water, please.", I said, with a respectful nod, "Nothing too fancy; something middle of the road is more than enough for us."

"Of course, I will go pick them up for you immediately.", the silver Theelin replied, punching in the order before walking toward the door.

"Hold on a moment, are you not going to take orders from your colleagues?", I questioned, "I imagine handling clients all day must be exhausting; you should take this opportunity to rehydrate yourselves. Feel free to order whatever you like from the menu; I will pay for it out of my own pocket."

"Lord Stark… ", the Lethan Twi'lek said, with a soft smile, "We truly appreciate your kindness, but it is against casino policy for us to order anything off the menu. Please do not worry about us and enjoy yourself."

"Ah, I see.", I remarked with a smirk, "Well, as a foreigner, I have no idea what tastes good on the menu. How about you order several beverages you think I might enjoy, and I will sample them? If I do not like them, it would be a shame for them to go to waste…"

Realizing I was not going to back down easily, they relented and placed their recommended drink orders. Too numerous for any of them to bring up now, the silver Theelin suggested we also order food now to make things easier for the wait staff. Agreeing to her suggestion, the hostesses handed us menus to look over.

"What in the hell?! There are seven pages of food items here. Just tell me what you recommend, and I will choose from that.", Bo-Katana inquired, situating herself as she leaned back into me, 'Hmm… I can see now why Satina is always snuggling up to Obi-Wan. This is quite comfortable and relaxing.'

"The Celestial Porterhouse with the giant lobster tail is the most popular item on the menu.", the Lethan Twi'lek said, taking a seat on my knee.

"The Diamond Trout is also a popular item on the menu.", a blue Mikkian suggested, sitting on my other knee.

"Personally, I think the seafood pizza is the best…", the lavender Twi'lek chimed in.

"Bleh! The fish tacos are where it is at.", their Pantoran colleague remarked. "The garlic burger is also pretty decent too."

Recommending several other food items on the menu, we chose to order all their suggestions as Jabba was paying tonight. Unsure if the six of us could really eat that much food alone, I chuckled and informed them it was for all of us, the sixteen hostesses included. Constantly on the verge of starvation and severely malnourished, this time they did not attempt to dissuade me. Adding a few more items to the order, the silver Theelin sent the order down to the kitchen before turning on the monitor.

As VIP rooms did not have a direct line of sight to the entertainment stage, each booth was equipped with a monitor that provided a live feed of the stage. Tonight's act was a magic show put on by supposedly famous magicians from the Algrand Empire. Using the most basic elementary spells to entertain the guests, I was a bit disappointed that they were not using more advanced spells to further heighten the experience. Since none of the guests could probably utilize magic, though, there was really no reason to use the higher-level magics.

"Their magic spells are so cool. I wish I could use magic like them!!", the lavender Twi'lek said, full of excitement and wonder. "Don't you, Lord Stark?"

"Haha, Victor is actually a very talented magician himself. Isn't that right, dear?", Samus said, giving me a playful grin.

"You know it.", I chuckled, creating a large ice diamond from the moisture in the air. "The Algrand Empire is not the only place where magicians reside. There are many galactic nations where mages/magicians can be found."

"Holy cow!! You really can use magic too!", a Zygerrian woman gasped as I handed the ice chunk to her. "What other magical feats can you do?"

"Please, show us everything you can do!", the Pantoran woman pleaded, eager to see what I could do.

Seeing no reason why I should deny their request, I used magic to seal off the room so light and sound would not leak out. With our privacy secured, I gave the hostesses one hell of a show.

---Twenty Minutes Later---

Accompanying the wait staff to our private room, Vikzel walked in and began immediately apologizing for leaving us at the front door. Insisting he had important business to attend to, the Ishi Tib began to ask how things were going when he suddenly fell silent. Walking in on us while the hostesses were swimming through the air, the wait staff and Vikzel were at a complete loss for words. Noticing his arrival a few moments later, the hostesses stopped giggling and laughing.

"I… I can see they have been keeping very busy, Lord Stark.", Vikzel remarked, his face twitching with anger. 'What the hell do you ladies think you are doing?! You are supposed to be entertaining our guest, not yourselves!'

"Please forgive them, Vikzel. They inquired about my magical abilities, so I gave them a little demonstration.", I chuckled, gingerly setting them back on the ground, "I hope you ladies enjoyed yourselves."

"We did, Lord Stark, thank you for the wonderful magic show.", the Lavender Twi'lek said, her colleagues nodding their heads enthusiastically in agreement.

Wheeling the carts of food and drinks over to us, the wait staff promptly excused themselves, leaving without uttering a word. Removing the silver tray lids, a variety of delicious scents began to fill the room, causing our stomachs to growl. Pouring our drinks first, the escorts proceeded to swiftly hand us our meals and then began loading up their plates. Irritated by this, Vikzel opened his mouth again to reprimand them but stopped when they began feeding me. Releasing a quiet, angry sigh, he turned his attention to the monitor and began speaking with me again.

"Lord Stark, I have received a response from Lord Tiure regarding your earlier request. He is more than happy to have you participate in this year's Boonta Eve Classic race.", Vikzel said, as the hostesses began shoveling their food into their mouths, "You will be responsible for supplying your own vehicle, though. Lord Tiure does not want to be seen as choosing favorites from amongst the competitors. It would go against the spirit of the race."

"That will not be an issue; I already have a vehicle to race with. Please put me down as a participant for the podrace.", I insisted, grinning like a madman. man, 'Hehe, time to show the galaxy what the Spacehog can do!'

"Wonderful, I will let them know immediately.", Vikzel responded, "One last thing, before I leave you for the evening, Lord Tiure has reserved a luxury suite for you here at the casino. Feel free to retire there once you are done for the evening. If any of our hostesses have caught your eye, please feel free to take them with you to keep you company this evening. Rest assured; all our wonderful hostesses are disease-free."

"Well, since you are offering, I would like to keep these sixteen women with me for the duration of my stay.", I said, giving them a playful wink. 'They can use these next few days to rest and recover their strength. Once Jabba and his cohorts are past tense, all their staff will be free to escape this shithole.'

"You… you want all of them!?", Vikzel gasped, choking on air. "Are you certain you can handle so many- "

"I can bench press a hundred-story building all day without breaking a sweat. Do you honestly believe sixteen women will exhaust me?", I scoffed.

Apologizing for his rudeness, Vikzel dropped the room key on the far end table and hastily left the room with a mortified expression. Waiting for the elevator doors to close, I began to heartily laugh at his reaction to my words.

"My apologies for that, ladies. I do not intend to harm you; I simply wanted to give you a few days off work.", I laughed before taking a sip of my wine. "With him out of the way for the evening, please feel free to eat your fill. Once all of us are done eating, we will head up to the suite to get you cleaned up and clothed in more reserved attire. While I can appreciate the outfits, I am sure you would rather wear less revealing apparel."

"You are a very kindhearted nobleman, Lord Stark. No client has ever treated us like actual people before; this has honestly been a very enjoyable experience for us.", the Lethan Twi'lek remarked, her colleagues nodding their heads in agreement, "Forgive my ignorance; what I know about your homeland comes from myths and rumors. Do Imperium noblemen take concubines and mistresses? If so, would you consider purchasing all or some of us for that purpose? I know it is presumptuous of me to make that request of you, but… I… I want to experience the happiness your wives have."

"All of us were born into slavery; it is all we have ever known. We sleep on concrete floors in small cells, barely receive enough food and water to survive, and are used as punching bags by the casino's clients daily.", the blue Mikkian added, rubbing her shoulders uncomfortably, "All of us know it is unreasonable to ask you, but please at least consider it."

Knowing that freedom was just around the corner for them, I did not want to give them an answer quite yet. Needing to keep them in the dark about my plans, for their own safety, I quickly gave them a noncommittal answer.

"How about we put a pin in this conversation and get to know one another more first? While I am flattered by your request, I want to know more about the women looking to fill those roles.", I said, trying to avoid crushing their spirits.

"That is a reasonable request, and it is certainly better than a no.", the lavender Twi'lek remarked, with a pleased smile.

"Moving on, there is a question that I would like to ask the Twi'lek women.", I remarked, shifting in my seat. "I find it fascinating how your race can come in so many different colors, practically everything under the rainbow from what I have seen today. Is it a random genetic mutation, or does it have something to do with where you are born?"

"Hehe, you are interested in how we get our colors?", the Lethan Twi'lek laughed. "I am honestly not sure really, but I have heard a few theories from clientele and other Twi'leks. To start with, most people seem to say that the Twi'lek people were artificially created by a much older race called the Rakata…"

Giving me the history of the Twi'lek, more or less, her assumption was that their creators made them genetically malleable for some particular reason. That said, though, she honestly had not put much thought into it, as it did not really matter in the end. While she thought it was just crazy talk, I felt she might be onto something as the Rakata made them to research the loss of their Force sensitivity. Keeping that piece of information to myself, as no one wanted to hear they were made to become a guinea pig, we pulled in the other races represented among us to discuss our differences and similarities.

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