Chapter 35: The monster in human skin
Evans could not believe his earholes. "He wants to fight? When we are supposed to be hunting Nergigante?" "You can't be serious right now..." The Admiral's face however, shows that he was deadly serious. And his words would further confirm that free spirited mischief. "Of course I am serious! What better way to prepare to hunt down an elder dragon that EATS elders than a tussle to get are muscles moving? Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I should bring this idea back to the base. It could make the hunters tougher!" Sweating bullets at how many hunters will get harmed by the admiral's 'training regimen' Grace intervenes. " Well that can wait since we have bigger fish to fry. Besides don't you two have to spar now?" "Traitor!" Evans accuses Grace. She observes the wall away from Evans, not making any eye contact. "Wow these crystals are very interesting, what do you think?"
The Admiral interrupts before Evans can continue his prosecution of the deflector. "You're right! Come on let's go!" The admiral leaps towards Evans, performing a superman punch. Grace dives to the side as Evans is launched towards the Uragaan's nest. Evans rolls to his side, leaping to his feat as the Admiral's fist comes crashing down. Gravel falls as spiderweb cracks form around his fist, dust shrouding Evan's vision. "Lord, what does this guy EAT!?" Trying to get a visual, Evans swings his tail. The force from it blows the dust away, revealing that the Admiral is... not in his original position. Confused, Evans surveys the area. A sharp pain soon erupts from his belly as he recoils from the impact. The Admiral, giving Evans a punch straight to the stomach, uses him as a springboard to Evade the claws coming at him. Unfortunately, being airborne is never a good option. Evans, having recovered from the punch, slaps the admiral with his tail. Like a cannonball, the admiral is sent crashing into one of the walls.
"Take that you ape!" Evans snaps out, basking in the sweet karmic justice served. Seeing no movement in the dust however had quickly snuffed the joy he was feeling. "Oh shit, I hope I didn't kill him. that would be hard to explain to the commission." Moving towards the location, Evans cranes his neck to see where the admiral is. A hand soon erupts from the dust, growing larger in Evans' view. Before he knew it, the admiral had his palm right on his snout. The Admiral, slightly bloodied, but looking no worse for wear, vaults over towards Evans' forehead. He then pulls his arm back, drawing power from his core and other muscles. "That was an amazing hit! Now take one of mine!" The Admiral launches his fist right onto Evans. Evans felt his bones shake as his jaw impacted the floor. The Admiral lands to the ground. He flexes as he says, "THIS is the power of GAINS!" His moment of triumph is interrupted however as Evans' tail wraps around him as if it were a boa constrictor. The Admiral is then thrown away, as Evans gets back to his feet. The Admiral performs a somersault before hitting the ground, his combat boots skidding across the rocky terrain beneath them.
"All right its time to crank it up a notch, spar be dammed." Flames brew in Evans' mouth, the heat licking the adjacent skin around his jaw. He spits out three fireballs, flanking the admiral on all sides, rapidly approaching. Instead of showing any fear or hesitation of seeing human sized fireballs approaching, the admiral smiles as he shouts "I have never felt such a rush!" He then draws his arms back, with his shoulder blades pressing together
The admiral claps his hands together, producing a mighty gale. The winds and flames meet, dispersing at the moment of impact, sparks fluttering in the air. "AW COME ON! This can not be real!" Outrage wells in Evans' chest as he thinks, "What is this hulk clapping bullshit? I REFUSE to believe he came up with that on his own!"
Likely from the frustration of an unwanted beating and how his main element seems less and less reliable lately, Evan's dorsal fins and nose bone flare up as he rushes forward, war cry bellowing from his scaly lips. "HAAAaaahhh!" The Admiral responds in kind, running forward, enjoying every moment of this spar.
2 hours later...
"Uggggh, when will those two be done already!" At first, Grace was enjoying the show. However, she soon left back towards the camp as the two began to wrestle. neither gaining any ground. The sound of wheels and footsteps soon drew here attention. The usual restock group had come to ensure that the hunters that had begun to set foot in the elder recess had all they needed. Normally, this would not be so attention grabbing for Grace, but she noticed that there was an extra travel companion with them. She jumps to her feet as she gleefully exclaims, "Oh my god, Mittens! it's been so long!" Mittens, her hunting partner that had been assigned with the palico hunting parties ever since her promotion to Chief explorer, Hops out of the cart and embraces Grace. As the two catch up on their own escapades, with Mittens Even describing with his usual sign language how he led a group of hunting palicos in taking down a diablos, Evans and the Admiral continue in their test of strength.
Evans punts the admiral sending him flying out of the nest into the crystal caverns across the way, Startling the hunters just finished observing a surprisingly docile dodogama. Evans walks over as the admiral hops back to their feet. Although both are now sporting bruises, Neither seem willing to give up. Not wanting to be apart of whatever is happening now, the hunters grab their gear and flee back to the camp. The Dodogama, having eaten it's meal, turns its head in curiosity to the events now taking place. Three individuals now found themselves in a strange Mexican stand off. The Admiral cracks his knuckles, a gleam of fervor in his eyes. Evans puffs air out his nostrils, staring down the Admiral with a fiery gaze. The Dodogama chews away at its rocks, a blank stare on its face as it looks between the two.