ROWON's fall

Chapter 10: A Moment of Respite

The next day, Chris was noticeably missing from ROWON Enterprises. His office was empty, the lights not lit, and his desk untouched. The team, used to his tireless work ethic, exchanged worried glances as they sat in the conference room for their daily meeting.


Ryan took over, his own level head unshaken. "Chris won't be with us today. He's… taking some time off. Let's continue without him."


Leo's brow leapt upwards, his typical smirk replaced by a worried expression that was far too rare. "Chris? A day off? New trick."


Emily, who sat beside him, nodded. "He has been under a lot of pressure. Maybe he just needs a break."

Ryan turned to her, his expression for a moment softened. "We all do. But for now, let's just get on with business. Sophie, what is the latest on the South American suppliers?"


Sophie adjusted her glasses and began to present her findings, but Leo's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't help stealing glances at the empty chair at the head of the table, his own confidence wavering. Ryan noticed but said nothing, maintaining his focus on the meeting.


Throughout the day, however, the team worked hard in their leader's absence. Towards late afternoon, Emily went up to Leo, her tone quiet. "We should go visit him. He's been putting too much burden on himself."


Leo nodded, his bravado replaced by a genuine concern. "Yeah. Let's go to his apartment after work. He shouldn't be by himself now."


Emily smiled faintly. "I'll pick up some champagne on the way. And maybe a bottle of his favorite whiskey. He could use something to lift his spirits."


Leo grinned, his playful demeanor returning. "Good idea. I'll grab a couple more bottles. Let's make it a proper night."


Emily and Leo later visited Chris's mansion, the large gates opening wide to reveal the enormous estate. Emily was carrying a bottle of champagne, and Leo carried a bag with two bottles of Chris's whiskey. They caught a glimpse as they made their way to the front door, the seriousness in their expressions apparent.


Chris opened the door, his face a mixture of surprise and exhaustion. "Emily? Leo? What are you doing here?"


Emily raised the champagne, a grin on her face. "We thought you could use some companionship. And maybe a drink or two."


Leo hoisted the bag of whiskey, his grin broad. "We come bearing gifts. You've been working too hard, man. Time to relax."


Chris paused, then stepped back to let them in. "I. I appreciate it. I just wanted some time to think."


The moment they went inside the mansion, they were surprised to see Ryan sitting inside the dining room, a wine glass half-poured in front of him. He smiled welcomingly as he saw them walk in, face relaxed but his eyes one of mild surprise.


"Ryan?" Emily asked in surprise, elevating her brow. "Why are you here?

Ryan settled into his seat, a small smile creeping across his face. "Chris invited me over for dinner. We just finished."


Leo chuckled and shook his head. "Well, isn't this a nice little party? Didn't know we were crashing a private dinner."


Chris shrugged, running his hand through his hair. "It wasn't on purpose. Ryan just… stopped by. We chatted work for a little while, but it's been a long day."


Emily regarded Chris and Ryan, curiosity spiking. "You two seem to be spending a great deal of time together lately."


Ryan shrugged, his tone careless. "Someone has to keep an eye on him. He's been working himself into the ground."


Leo grinned, his typical playfulness renewed. "Well, we're here to ensure that he actually does unwind from time to time. And we brought the good stuff.".


He held up the bag of whiskey, and Ryan's eyes lit with curiosity. "Is that 18-year-old Macallan?"


Leo grinned. "You know it. Only the finest for our brave leader."


Chris gritted a tiny smile, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit. "Okay, okay. Let's head up to the roof. It's a better view there."


The friends stepped out onto the balcony rooftop, the lights of the city stretching out before them like a tapestry of shining lights. Emily popped the champagne, pouring glasses all the way around, while Leo put the whiskey bottles out on the table. Ryan leaned against the railing, his gaze out into the distance, while Chris sat back in one of the lounge chairs, his expression thoughtful.


"To Chris," said Emily, raising her glass. "For managing to keep everything together, even when the world appears to be falling apart around us."


Leo raised his glass as well, his tone brighter but no less sincere. "And to not thinking about work for one hell of an evening."


Chris smiled softly, knocking his glass against theirs. "Thanks, you guys. I needed this."

They sat in quiet comfort for a bit, the chill of the night air enveloping them. For the first time in weeks, Chris's shoulders relaxed from their tension. He sipped the champagne, feeling the bubbles dance down his throat, and exhaled a deep breath.


As the evening went on, Emily looked at her phone and sighed. "I should probably go home. It's getting late."

Chris nodded curtly at her. "Thanks for stopping by, Emily. I owe you one."


She grinned back. "No problem. Try to rest, okay?" With a flick of her fingers, she vanished, leaving Chris, Ryan, and Leo to themselves on the rooftop.


Leo stretched, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, boys, are we closing shop here?"


Ryan, already in on the game, sat back against the railing with a smile. "I'm listening.".

Leo grinned. "I say we hit the club. It's been ages since we've done a proper night out."


Ryan grinned in assent. "That is exactly what we need."


They waited for Chris to respond. He looked between them hesitantly. The idea of letting go was foreign after all that had happened. But the weight on his shoulders was suffocating, and maybe—just maybe—he was going to need this.


Finally, after a lengthy silence, Chris let out a breath. "Okay. Let's do this."


Leo whooped triumphantly, slapping Chris on the back. Ryan grinned, already grabbing his phone. The evening had officially started.

End of Chapter 10

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