ROWON's fall

Chapter 7: The Test of Strength

Chris and Ryan arrived at the luxurious five-star hotel in Buenos Aires, which they registered with no difficulty. Their rooms were on the same floor, a few doors apart from one another, so it was easy for them to arrange their next meeting. They showered and dressed in a hurry and met at the hotel lounge for dinner.


The ambiance was refined but relaxed, the pale golden lighting spilling warm light over the shining tables. Ryan leaned back in his chair, glancing over at Chris as they sat and waited for the orders to be taken.


"Tomorrow's meeting is going to be tough," Ryan remarked, stirring his whiskey idly. "Ortega isn't the sort of man who makes concessions. He'll want to test us."


Chris breathed deeply, resting his elbows on the table. "I know. But we have to nail this. ROWON has to have this tie-up."


Ryan grinned sourly. "We don't just have to nail it. We have to sell them on being the best bet. That's the test."


Dinner arrived, and the conversation shifted to strategies, market trends, and potential pitfalls. By the time they finished eating, the weight of the upcoming negotiations sat heavily between them. With a firm nod, Chris stood. "Get some rest, Ryan. We'll need to be at our sharpest tomorrow."


Ryan nodded, watching Chris descend into the elevator. He finished the remainder of his drink, his brow furrowing in thought. He suspected tomorrow would not be as easy for Chris as he was anticipating.

The next day, Chris and Ryan pulled their car up in front of TWIGRI headquarters, a glass-built office towering over the Buenos Aires skyline. Inside, the reception area was sleek and contemporary, a testament to TWIGRI's reputation in the industry.


They were led into a grand boardroom in which Ortega held the head seat at a lengthy table. To either side of him sat two prominent TWIGRI board members, their expressions stoic. Ortega, with taut facial features and the aura of calculated restraint, waved at them to sit down.


"Mr. Rowon. Mr. Stans. Good day, TWIGRI," Ortega remarked nonchalantly. "Don't waste my time. Tell me why ROWON Enterprises is deserving of this deal."


Chris shifted his stance. "ROWON has become one of the leaders in the industry. Our track record speaks for itself on our ability to—"


Ortega held up a hand to shut him down. "Yes, I've read your reports. But they're numbers. What I want to know is—why should I believe you? How are you better than the half-dozen other firms who'll do whatever it takes to get a contract with us?"


Chris hesitated for half a second before responding. "We have the infrastructure, market leadership, and strategy to drive success for both of us. Our emphasis on growth and innovation is aligned with TWIGRI's vision long term."


One of the graying board members, with eyes piercing like those of a hawk, leaned in. "What guarantees do you offer? What if ROWON again falls into crisis as before? How do we know that your leadership won't falter when under attack?"


Chris's lips parted, but nothing came out. The room went silent as Ortega's gaze tightened. The question hit a sensitive point—ROWON's volatility over the recent past.


Ortega leaned forward, not easing up. "Tell me, Mr. Rowon, your profit margins last quarter compared to the quarter before? Your supply chain efficiency compared to our top three partners?"


Chris's head went into a spin. He had the numbers, but the pressure made his mind fog. The silence persisted.


Just as the lull threatened to go on too long, Ryan slipped in seamlessly. "With respect, gentlemen, every corporation faces its own challenges. The test of resilience is in the response. ROWON not only weathered recent challenges but implemented measures to prevent recurrence."


Ryan turned to the board members, his tone confident. "To respond to your question immediately—ROWON's latest quarter profit margin has risen by 3.8% from the last, showing the trend of financial recovery. Our supply chain efficiency is 92%, 6% higher than our worst during the crisis in last quarter of global market. We are now in the competitive range compared to your number three partners, with plans to surpass those figures in the coming months."


Ortega studied Ryan carefully, then leaned back, nodding slowly. "Interesting. You're sharp, Mr. Stans. Perhaps sharper than your CEO."


Chris clenched his jaw but forced himself to stay composed. Ryan, unfazed, smiled slightly. "We are a team, Mr. Ortega. Where one falters, the other reinforces. That's what makes us different."


Chris gazed at Ryan, a brief flicker of thankfulness in his gaze. A tiny, almost undetectable smile danced on his lips before he faced Ortega again.


The room fell silent, considering. Then Ortega laughed, scanning the faces of his board members. "Well, I think this meeting just got interesting. Let's see if you can keep up."



At ROWON Enterprises, the top-level board, led by Mark, Leo, Emily, and Sophie, had a regal meeting in order to revive the company's rules and regulations. The event was held within the main conference hall, which was filled with executives, department heads, and workers eager to see the restoration of corporate rule.


Mark stood at the podium, his voice authoritative. "ROWON Enterprises was established on pillars of integrity, strategic management, and adherence to corporate law. The recent incident has taught us the danger of leaving these pillars. With immediate effect, we are reintroducing the company's basic rules."


Leo came forward. "All staff will receive a direct email outlining these rules. Shareholders will also receive a separate letter outlining their role and limits."


Emily went on, "These guidelines will also be available on the company bulletin board. Everyone who is involved with ROWON will be aware of and comply with these rules. No longer backroom politics. No longer struggles for power."


The crowd grunted in agreement. Sophie concluded, "We are here to secure the future of ROWON. Today, we take back control."


A wave of applause washed the hall, the air electric. ROWON Enterprises was reclaiming its power, and this was only the beginning.



Chris sat in the lobby of the Buenos Aires hotel, swirling a glass of whiskey, his mind heavy. Ryan sat next to him, setting down a fresh drink.


"Tough day?" Ryan asked.


Chris sighed. "Ortega is tougher than I had thought. I slipped up, and he sensed it."


Ryan smirked. "Yeah, he did. But that's why I was there. We're in this together. We'll secure the deal."


Chris nodded, determination lighting his eyes. "We have to."

Ryan clinked his glass against Chris's. "Then let's make sure we do."



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