Royal Saiyan Blood

Chapter 14: The Turning Tide

The Revelation**: In the midst of battle, Prince-R realized that Ice-Cold's power source was hidden within himself. Ice-Cold taunted them, "Foolish Saiyan monkeys, your strength is nothing compared to mine!" He unleashed a series of devastating ice blasts, forcing the Saiyans to stay on their toes. Each blast created massive ice formations, turning the battlefield into a treacherous icy wasteland.

**A Desperate Struggle**: Prince-R and Gokhan fought back with all their might, their punches and kicks colliding with Ice-Cold's attacks in a symphony of destruction. The ground shook with the force of their blows, and the air was filled with the crackling of energy and the shattering of ice. Blood and sweat mingled on their faces, their bodies pushed to the brink.

**Unleashing True Power**: In a final, desperate move, Ice-Cold began to absorb the surrounding ice, his form growing larger and more menacing. "You cannot defeat me! I am the embodiment of cold and despair!" he roared, his power reaching its peak. Ice spikes erupted from his body, and his eyes glowed with a malevolent light. Prince-R and Gokhan, recognizing the dire situation, tapped into the deepest reserves of their Frosted Ice Saiyan forms. Their auras flared brighter than ever, their power radiating with an unstoppable force.

**The Devastating Blow**: With a united roar, Prince-R and Gokhan unleashed their combined energy in a devastating attack. "This ends now, Ice-Cold!" they shouted in unison, their energy beams converging and piercing through Ice-Cold's colossal form. The ground trembled as the energy engulfed him, but Ice-Cold, now in his ultimate form, withstood the attack, his icy form regenerating with an almost unnatural resilience.

**Retreat and Regroup**: Realizing they needed a new strategy, Prince-R and Gokhan retreated momentarily, their minds racing for a way to counter Ice-Cold's newfound strength. "He's stronger than ever," Gokhan panted, his breath visible in the frigid air. "We need to find a way to break through his defenses."

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