Royal Saiyan Blood

Chapter 2: The Saiyan Prodigy

Prince-R's childhood was a testament to the Saiyan ethos of strength and conquest. His nursery was a training ground, where the rattles were replaced with weighted training gear, and lullabies with the sounds of combat.

The Gravity Chamber: By the age of three, Prince-R was subjected to the gravity chamber, a place where even the most seasoned warriors tread with caution. The pressure within was a crushing force, simulating the harshest conditions found in the farthest reaches of space. Yet, the young prince endured, his body adapting, his spirit unyielding.

The First Spar: His first spar was against a battle-hardened Saiyan warrior, chosen for his merciless fighting style. The clash was fierce; each blow Prince-R received was a lesson in pain and resilience. But with each fall, he rose again, his eyes burning with the fire of a born fighter.

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