RPG gamer through the multiverse!

Chapter 20: (14) I learn archery from the amazons finale

This will be the chapter where Yuuji unknowingly unlocks observation haki.

(Also would fate grand order be something Yuuji should play later on?)

And with that out of the way onto the chapter.


Training log day 38

It's been just over a day and a half since I found myself learning archery from the amazons from Amazon lily, so far I managed to hit the target 4 out of 10 times using the bow given to me by marigold, will I be able to learn one of the forms of Haki before Garp makes it here? Well im about to find out.

I close my note book and place it back in my inventory as I get up from the tree near the archery field and pick up the bow and quiver, my hands were calloused from pulling back the string of the bow and keeping it in place.

*Thwack* *Thwack*

I fire two arrows back to back an managed to hit the inner part of the target with on of them, sure it wasn't a bullseye but I was getting there albeit slowly. I look down at my hands, rough and calloused with some bleeding, "I will master archery by the time I get back." I mutter to myself as I get back to firing more arrows.

…lower…go lower…

I lowered my bow and look around the training grounds, "I could have sworn I heard something." I say as I do one more sweep around the area, but it was still deserted.

'That was…weird, wonder who or what that was.' I think to myself as I knock another arrow and fire it hitting just outside the bullseye again, I clench my fist as I wonder where im going wrong.

Go lower…move the arrow to the right…

'Huh, it's that voice again. I guess I'll give it a shot.'

I notch an arrow feeling the feathers on its shaft as I pull it back like I usually do, but I lowers the angle and move it to the right like the disembodied voice suggested and after a few seconds I leg go of the string and watch the arrow fly.


Despite the wind moving it to the left my arrow hits the bullseye, I look at the result in shock as I replay every character I know in one piece, there were those who could hear the voices of all living things, and one of them that stood out was admiral Fujitora, "is this Fujitora's observation haki?"

I shake my head as I take the arrows out of my target and put them back in my quiver and get back in my stance, "that was probably a fluke…only one way to find out." I say to myself as I notch an arrow again and pulled back.

…aim higher…release!


I hit the bullseye, noticing this I keep going and listen to the voice that I hope isn't schizophrenia.

*THWACK *9* *

I hit the bullseye ten times in succession, I couldn't help but get excited, I managed to hit the target's bullseye 10 times! Without thinking I start running out of the training grounds and beeline to Nyon's home where I see her enjoying some meat, "Elder Nyon, You got to see this!" I say as she puts down a newspaper and looks at me, " What seems to be the myatter Yuuji?" She asks as I take a few breaths.

"I was firing arrows and I heard disembodied voices telling me to adjust and as I listened to the voices I managed to hit the bullseye ten times in a row!" I say excitedly as she gets up and we head to the training grounds and she teases a seat on a stump.

"Shyow me again." She says as I get back into my stance and start firing my ten arrows, and as I get to my final arrow Elder Nyon couldn't help but be impressed by the young man before her, what most pirates and even marines struggle to awaken in their entire lifetimes Yuuji managed to awaken observation haki within two days of being here.

But before I fired the last arrow I hear the voice again.

Turn around and fire

I turn around just in time to see an arrow coming right at me and I let my arrow fly and watch as my arrow intercepts the other arrow and they both fall to the floor, and I look In the direction of where the arrow was fired and I see Aphelandra with a bow.

"You did it! You unlocked your observation haki Yuuji!" Aphelandra shouts with joy as I look at Elder Nyon and she was nodding in approval, "good job Yuuji, Nyow you can see what cannot be seen." She says cryptically as we all hear an Amazon ringing a bell.

"A ship is coming to port!"


Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, Yuuji has unlocked his observation haki, now I need to figure out how to make him unlock his armament haki, I have 2 ideas, have him spar with Rayleigh for a year or have Garp make Yuuji punch an abandoned marine battleship.

(Comment which one should I do here)

(Comment your idea here)

And with that I'll see you all next week, peace😁✌️

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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