RWBY: Dragon's Heart

Chapter 69: End of the trip: Tepes Extinction II


The Lightbreak blade clashed with the enchanted steel of the vampires swarming her. It took three of them to withstand it, as they tried to open Yin up for the spellcasters. Several bolts, spikes and tendrils of bloodmagic shot out, smashing straight into Yin and pushing the nearest three vampires to her away.

"Hmph.. There must be more. This invader was weak. Quick, look ar-ooou-CK!" The vampire speaking, who had withstood Yin's strike, along with the other two were bisected horizontally via an incredibly fast flash of light.

The vampires in the hall stared in horror as their entrails and blood soaked the already red carpet before they turned to dust.

"He must be the best at calling things too soon." Yin mocked, having took the hit to fuel her semblance for later.

Taking a step forward, she activated 'Accelerate' and dashed toward the other Vampires.

"Hold! Raise your barrie-heuk!" One of the Vampires in the back tried to take command, taking Yin's blade to the throat as a consequence before the blade carved up through his neck and slicing his skull and brain open before turning to ash.

The vampires didn't panic and continued to bombard the hall with their blood magic. While more and more became aware of the attack and started to congregate to kill Yin. As more and more arrived, the stronger Vampires began to make their presence known, content with watching their lesser kinsmen kill the intruder from afar.


As soon as enough of them had gathered, Yin poured magic into The Lightbreak blade and struck out, incinerating four Vampire men brave enough to attack her with rapiers and broadswords. Their sudden deaths prompting the Vampire mages to try harder, lobbing not only blood magic but fire, lightning and other destructive spells at her. All of which were swatted away like insects by Yin's blade.

"Guess that's enough playing with my food." Yin reached out her hand glowing with bright blue flames before a three meter sized fireball shot out into the group, incinerating the rest of the low ranking Vampires that had grouped up to attack her.

"Hmph.. Arrogant are we?" One of the higher ranked Vampires watching spat in contempt. Though he said as much, he couldn't deny the ease in which she killed the low ranking Vampires. Being ganged up on like that would have left even a high ranked Vampire seriously injured.

Yin grinned and looked at the high ranked Vampires, noting how they were positioned further apart than the low ranked fodder she had dealt with. "I have the qualifications to be arrogant with you. Try to make this interesting."


Yin's body blurred once more, stirring the high ranked Vampires into action. Her blade clashing with the blond high ranking Vampire who confronted her. He leapt back and slid along the stone floor as Yin locked blades with him.

"Don't get cocky, intruder!" The blond Vampire roared as two other high ranks leapt over them with incredible speed and thrusted enchanted black steel blades at Yin's back.

Yin spun on her heel and smashed away their blades with The Lightbreak blade while raising up her leg and kicking the blond Vampire away. The Vampires began to speed up and surround her when Yin wreathed the blade in flames and stabbed into the stone floor, blowing up the hallway in a bright blue flash of light.


One Vampire flew out, severe burns all over her body as she was thrown into the courtyard, where the sun began to burn her. The rest had shielded themselves from the explosion with darkness manipulation magic.

"Damn it! Bind her with darkness! At this rate, the Castle will be destroyed!" The blond Vampire yelled out before seeing a clawed hand reach out, mere inches from his face.

His body turned to mist, letting the claw pass by him and impale a Vampire man behind him. Yin clicked her tongue as she tore her hand through the unlucky Vampire's chest, killing him.

"Nice tricks. It's gonna make destroying you sweeter." Yin chuckled, activating 'Ignition' now and leaping back from the numerous shadows that closed in on her previous position.

The Vampires' eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when even more of those blue flames gathered around her body. Even more so when she slung the blade over her shoulder and created flaming claws over her right hand.

[Skill- Blazing Mana Claws created!]


"GYAAAAAAAH!!!" Two Vampires suddenly ignited, their limbs flying off their bodies as Yin outsped them, carving them up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

The Vampires lost nearly all their confidence seeing the absurd speed Yin was displaying. To have mutilated two of them when she was originally five meters away in less than a second meant she was far faster than them.

"Shit! Barriers! We need barriers!" The blond Vampire ordered, setting up several barriers made from darkness magic with fifteen of the other high ranking Vampires.

He nearly sighed with relief, until he thought he heard Yin snicker.


Their barriers twisted and bent, creating sharp spears that impaled seven of the Vampires through their heads, hearts and spines. Though he only took a spear to the gut, he staggered back in pain and stared in shock as the darkness magic turned against them.

"G-Gather up as many of our forces as you need to! We must inform King Tepes and Lord Marius!" The blond Vampire yelled, initiating the rest of the high ranked Vampires to withdraw.

Yin watched as the surviving high ranking Vampires that engaged her retreated back, into a more open area outside. They used their darkness manipulation magic to cover themselves in a film of darkness to protect themselves from the sun. She stepped forward, about to give chase when she felt a small pull in her mind.

"Oh good.. Yang and Shia are off the Castle grounds. Time to go Sukuna then." Yin muttered, manipulating the darkness spears that impaled the high ranked Vampires to follow her, dragging along their bodies as she walked over to the entrance of the courtyard.

She stood there and watched as more high and low ranked Vampires swarmed the area. This time, they weren't clustered together, fearing the power of Yin's flames. Several dozen spells started to be cast, aimed directly at Yin. Though she looked unbothered.

Yin raised her hand, once more using 'Blazing Mana claws' on her hands as she sheathed The Lightbreak blade in her dust sheath. More and more mana was added to it as several dozen blood, darkness and elemental spells rained down upon her.


"Whew.. Okay. I think this is everyone. All that's left is that big place in the center of the Castle grounds." Yang stated, setting one of the many weaker human kids down.

Looking at the Castle grounds, there was a pretty large center structure, where there would usually be a throne room. On the outside of that were the courtyard, interior halls, lookout tower and tall brick walls. While they were moving everyone out, Gasper had told them some of the human Cattle were kept there for King Tepes and his son, Marius.

"Shia, you should stay here to protect them. I'll go find sis and-"


A wave of bright blue lit up the Castle grounds and the surrounding mountain range. The entirety of the Tepes Castle had been split in half and set ablaze. Even the center structure had a perfect cut through the center of it. The blistering heat had even melted some of the stone that had been directly touched by the magic slash.

Yang nearly forgot to breathe for a second, watching as the massive Castle grounds burned.



Yin's aura flared. Having taken all those attacks and unleashing that move had lowered it to nearly thirty percent. But given what she had done to the surrounding area, she deemed it worth it.

Several Vampires were immolated immediately for being too close to her or taking that burning World Slash directly. There were a few who managed to avoid it and only take a moderate amount of fire damage. Though they were impaled and added to the darkness spear cluster Yin kept floating behind her. As she walked, she noticed one Vampire woman crawl out from underneath some stone debris.

"Wa-Wait..! I'm only.. a Concubine for Marius..! I'm not.. one of them! Spare me.. Spare me please!" The black haired Vampire woman cried out in fear, shrinking away from Yin's gaze.

Yin shrugged, "Sure. But only if you answer my question."

The Vampire woman's breath hitched as she nodded.

"What do bitches love?"

It was a very strange question for her. She thought the strong intruder was going to ask for some information or if she had partaken in killing any of the Cattle. She had, but she got the feeling Yin didn't care about that.

"I.... b-bitches love... they love.. sex?" Thinking of nothing else, she took a wild guess.

Her answer didn't seem to satisfy Yin though. As she took out the Anti-Materiel rifle from her inventory and put the barrel against the Vampire's head.

"Last chance. Bitches love...?"


A tendril of darkness speared through the Vampire's heart before she could properly answer though. A blond man in exquisite clothes meant for nobility had walked out with a black haired man with a trimmed black beard. Both of them looking furiously at Yin.

"You seem to be having fun, Swine. But your games end here. You destroyed our home, killed our kin.. No, death is too much of a mercy for you." The younger looking blond stated, his eyes glowing ruby red.

Yin shook her head and dismissed the Anti-Materiel rifle with a sigh. "Ruined my fucking joke.. This better be entertaining."

The blond, Marius appeared in front of Yin and looked into her eyes. A strange energy tried to push its way into her mind through eye contact.

"You will serve. You will serve me until your dying breath. On your knees.." Marius demanded.

"Marius." King Tepes called out to his son.


But the sight of Yin taking a knee before him excited him too much to care about his Father's reprimands. Marius' hypnotic powers were honed for many years. The only one above him was his Father. But he had already taken the initiative. He felt that killing the beautiful intruder would be a waste.

No, she would be his weapon. His concubine. He was growing bored of the one he had just killed anyway.

Looking down at Yin's cleavage, he felt himself wet his lips.

"Marius." He ignored his Father's reprimanding and swept a lock of her lustrous black hair behind her ear and got closer. The very thought of ravishing her in his bedchambers was almost too much to bear. He felt his thirst and lust increase explosively as he smelled her natural scent.

"MARIUS!" His Father yelled, uncharacteristic for him.

But he understood why, less than a second later, when he felt Yin's hand pierce his stomach. He looked down at her arm, buried in his stomach before feeling her fingers grasp his spinal colomn before it and his head were torn from his body, killing him almost instantly.

"Now that the nuisance is gone.. Hi. I'm Yin. I've come to exterminate you all." Yin greeted with a sly smirk while wiping her bloody hand, as if she had just tossed away some smelly garbage.

King Tepes sighed. Looking at the woman who caused all this havoc, he felt his dulled heart stir in anger.

"How many years has it been since I felt this strongly about anything? You destroy my Castle, impale my subjects as if you were our Ancestor himself and murder my son in front of me.." His voice sounded nearly void of all emotion. But Yin could see the rising anger and what looked like excitement in his eyes.

"What are you going to do about it? Stare at me.. menacingly?" Yin asked.

King Tepes opened the buttons on his royal red robe and tossed it aside. Now in a pristine black dress shirt and slacks, he rolled up his sleeves and summoned a large rapier made of frozen blood and darkness magic.

"I figured I'd tear your heart out after I butcher those who came with you in front of your eyes."

King Tepes felt the air still after he said that. He saw Yin's demeanor change as the spears of Darkness and her threatening blade of light disappeared somewhere else. Now, there was a cold, calculated malice radiating from her eyes as she took an unusual stance.

Both of their bodies blurred as they each charged at the other.


Their fists met in an explosive display of power, shattering the almost destroyed Castle grounds completely and splitting the land in half. The sound of crumbling stone and the deafening power of the two drowned out the screams of the remaiming Vampires who had survived until that point.

[AN: DxD will wrap up soon. Next comes the real start of the Vale arc.]

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