Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Costumes and Chaos
Costumes and Chaos
We own nothing except OCs. All content goes to the proper owners
"Hey, dad. I've… got something I need to tell you about. Some bad news." Yang told her father in a call over the scroll.
"What kind of bad news? Did you destroy another bar? Because, if you did Yang…" Taiyang answered, growling out the last part before the blonde brawler hastily cuts him off.
"Not about me, dad! Geez, you destroy a night club one time…" Yang complained, annoyed at Taiyang for jumping immediately to it being about her.
"Well, what is it?" Taiyang asked impatiently.
"It's about Ruby. She kind of had an… 'episode' during training yesterday…" Yang awkwardly told their father.
"When I hear 'Ruby' and the word 'episode' in the same breath, then we are not in the territory of a good sign. What happened and do we have to get her out of Beacon?" Taiyang asked.
"We don't have to get her out of Beacon. But we may or may not have an issue with the Sōtora clan, considering that she kind of bruised the stomach and broke some ribs on one of their members who's a friend of ours…" Yang told him, only to be cut off.
"SHE DID WHAT!?" Taiyang roared into the scroll, creating cracking feedback from the sheer volume.
"Ow! Dad, not so loud!" Yang flinched, holding the scroll away from her ear.
"Yang, I sent you with Ruby to make sure stuff like this didn't happen, and it hasn't even been a week!" Taiyang yelled.
"Okay, dad! Don't freak out, don't freak out! He doesn't seem to be all that upset about it!" Yang told her father, trying to de-escalate things.
"Don't freak out!? Yang, do you realize if the cat gets out of the bag what could happen to her? Her mother's kind's reputation makes Faunus look like they have a spotless record. If she is found out, then her life is going to be in extreme danger." Tai answered sternly.
"Dad, it's fine. No one suspects a thing and Azura's not mad. If anything, he seems thoroughly impressed with how she did against him." Yang told him.
"Thank the gods for that. Look, keep Ruby on a tight leash for a while to be sure, and make sure that Ozpin doesn't find out. I don't want her roped into his nonsense." Tai said, desperation clearly in his voice.
"What nonsense?" Yang asked, legitimately confused by her father's words.
"I'll explain it when you're older. Just please keep Ruby safe, Yang. After Summer, I…" Tai said sadly, till Yang cut him off.
"You don't have to worry, dad. I'll keep Ruby safe. I promise." Yang reassured him.
"Thank you, Yang. Sorry, but I have to get going. Zwei has to go to the vet." Tai answered thankfully.
"Okay, dad. I'll try to call you with regular updates, and we'll see you during the next school break. Love you." Yang replied warmly.
"Love you too, my Sunny Little Dragon." Tai said warmly as well as he hung up.
With a deep sigh to calm herself, Yang walked back into the study room with the three teams. A tense atmosphere hung over the place like a thick fog. Azura sat there covered in bandages, mostly concentrated in his chest region, and reading a book. Everyone wanted to say something about the incident that happened yesterday, but no one had the courage. Trivia, who had joined them half an hour ago and was not in the loop, sat there in confusion and frustration. Finally, she could take no more and decided to act.
Trivia, completely beside herself in frustration, angrily stood up, as a physical manifestation of a thought bubble appeared above her head, thanks to her Semblance. In the bubble, were the words, "Why the hell is everyone so glum?! You have any idea how hard it was to sneak away from my team to join you!? I came for fun, not depression!"
"Congratulations Trivia on your first swear word. I'm so proud of you." Blake answered monotonically, patting her on the head while not taking her eyes off her Ninja's of Love book.
Trivia crossed her arms, puffing out her cheeks, and pouting.
"Do you really want to know?" Ren asked the tiny girl.
Trivia nodded, confused to all hell.
"Oh, oh, let me, let me!!" Nora yelled, jumping up and now waving her arm to her teammate.
"Alright Nora, but this time keep it PG." Ren said dryly.
"Ruby broke Azura's ribs in a sparring match! It was a pretty awesome fight!" Nora told her as Azura flinched at the reminder, rubbing where his ribs were broken.
Trivia simply looked confused, typing, 'And? Who HASN'T broken their friend's ribs at least once? Isn't that a normal thing that just happens?'
"How did you get into Beacon again?" Weiss asked, raising her eyebrow.
"She bribed the front desk with her cuteness, by the looks of it." Rena dryly answered.
Trivia looked insulted, typing, 'How dare you! I bribed Glynda, NOT the front desk!'
"Okay, not touching that with a barge pole. How are you holding up boss?" Zhan asked his team leader, trying to drop the current line of conversation like it was hot.
"Fine. Still hurts, but not as much as yesterday." Azura told his partner.
Trivia, confused, sighs, typing, 'Wait…. Those bandages aren't a fashion statement?'
Azura rolled his eyes at the question. "Yes, Trivia. They're a fashion statement. The 'bandaged badass' look is in right now." Azura replied sarcastically.
Trivia's eyes went wide as she excitedly typed, 'Really!? I know, right!? I knew anime would never lie to me! Now to base my entire life on anime logic!'
Azura sighed at that. "Sarcasm, Trivia. I am very much in pain right now." Azura explained.
Confused, Trivia typed, 'Gesundheit.' Trivia types innocently.
Ruby, seeing this subject being brought up again, got up and silently left. Even if Azura forgave her for that, she still did not let herself be forgiven. Closing the door behind her as Azura, Pyrrha and Ren tried to explain the concept of sarcasm to Trivia as Neo came out like a lawyer to defend her dum-dum. However, in her dejected stance, Ruby failed to notice what was in front of her as she hit something soft, followed by a thud on the ground. Looking down she saw Velvet rubbing her butt in pain.
"Oh, gods I'm so sorry Velvet! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Let me help you up!" Ruby said frantically, pulling Velvet to her feet so fast the poor rabbit Faunus was on the verge of whiplash.
"It's fine, Ruby. No harm, no foul." Velvet replied, shaking off her sore arm before dusting herself off.
"Then why were you rubbing your butt?" Ruby asked.
"I'm fine, Ruby. Honest." Velvet reassured her junior.
Ruby looked down and saw a poster at Velvet's feet, then picked it up. "What's this for Velvet?" Ruby asked.
Velvet smiled a bit at that. "Oh, Coco had an idea for a way to help you first years get comfortable with being at Beacon. We're holding a costume party, and she left us in charge of putting up posters to let people know." She told the red-hooded reaper.
"A costume party?" Ruby asked, confused.
The rabbit Faunus nodded at that. "Yeah. We're all gonna be holding a costume party next Friday night so that the first years can socialize with the rest of the students and get to know them. There'll be games, music, food, and drinks, even a costume contest. Coco's ordering some supplies to build a runway for the contest." Velvet explained.
"I'll make sure to let my team know. Thanks Velvet, though I don't know if I'm gonna go… I'm not the best in crowds…" Ruby said nervously.
"I think you should go. It sounds like it'll be fun." A familiar voice told them from behind Ruby.
Ruby looked behind her to see Azura. "Azura? What are you doing here? I thought your ribs were…" She tried to finish but got cut off.
"I'll be fine, Ruby. I was always a fast healer. Besides, I kind of wanna see what kind of cute costume you can come up with." Azura told her with an honest smile.
"W-w-well I c-can try…" Ruby nervously said, trying to hide her blush.
Azura smiled at that. "Glad to hear it. I'm already trying to think about what my costume should be. I look forward to seeing yours." He told his friend.
"A-alright. S-see you there." Ruby nervously said before using her Semblance to escape the situation, leaving behind a very confused Azura.
As the week went by, the news of this party spread. Ruby's poor wolf ears hurt from the sheer amount of chatter. Trivia let her borrow her earmuffs she used for sleeping to help block out the worst of the noise, even if they were pink, fluffy, and had hearts on them. Thursday evening Yang took her little sister out to a costume shop in Vale to try and find something to calm her sister's nerves. However, by this point, the eve of the big night, Ruby was panicking.
"Yang, I don't know if I can do this…" Ruby said.
"Don't worry about it, Ruby. I'll be right there with you all night." Yang reassured her little sis.
"But Azura actually wants me there! What do I do!?" Ruby panicked a bit, forcing her big sister to smack her on the back of her head.
"First of all, calm down and take a deep breath." Yang ordered her.
Ruby dug in deep before letting out a deep breath. Seeing this, Yang gave her some more advice.
"Secondly, this could work to your advantage. If you dress to impress, maybe you can get his attention." Yang told her, ever so slightly teasingly.
"I swear, you sound like Coco right now." Ruby said, looking away as they entered the store.
"Hey, nothing gets a guy's attention like flaunting what you got." Yang replied with a shrug.
"You at least got something. I've got skin and bones." Ruby said dejectedly.
"Nonsense, Rubes. You look great. You've got legs that go all the way up and a cuteness factor no straight guy or lesbian girl in their right mind could resist." Yang reassured the red reaper.
Ruby blushed deeply before heading off on her own to look at something. As Yang looked at big look suits, the little red reaper wandered about like a lost puppy. Finally, however, purely by accident, stumbled upon a silver showroom dress. At first it merely caught Ruby's eye due to its glittering in the light, but then it jogged something in her memory.
"Yang! Do you remember that one poster Azura put up in his room!?" Ruby asked from across the small shop.
"Yeah, why?" Yang called out, looking back at Ruby.
"What kind of Faunus was that Sōtora singer?" Ruby asked.
"A fox Faunus, I think! Why?" Yang replied.
"I'm gonna try something on. I'll be out in a bit." Ruby said, taking the dress off the rack and entered the changing room.
Swiftly as she could she took off her own clothes, combat skirt and all, and examined the dress. It was a lot lower cut in the skirt and chest portions than she would ever consider normally. This time however, maybe, just maybe, she could grin and bear it. Or be embarrassed and laughed out of the room. Swiftly throwing it on, fixing the folds and creases, and then growing out her wolf ears, tail, and changing her skin to silver and red. Standing there in her second form, Ruby put a hand on her hip. It just might work.
Slowly opening the door, Ruby walked out to face her sister. "H-how do I look?" Ruby asked.
Turning to see Ruby, Yang nearly had a heart attack. "Ruby, what are you doing in your Colorful Form out in the open…?!" Yang hissed out quietly.
"This is my idea. It's going to be a costume party, remember? And that singer is always in that gaudy makeup covering her body." Ruby answered.
Yang sighed at that. "This is crazy, Ruby. But… maybe it's just crazy enough to work…" She said contemplatively.
"Really?" Ruby asked. Never did her crazy ideas ever get past the blonde wall.
"Yeah. I mean, that singer Azura's such a huge fan of does have a fake tail as part of her outfit and fake claws. That plus the body makeup could allow you to pass for her in a cosplay…" Yang said, adopting her thinking face.
"Alright. Let's find some shoes and let's do this!" Ruby said with a smile.
With that Ruby went back to swiftly change. Yang's fears of public exposure were dashed when she saw the kind old man at the cashier, with glasses thick enough to be beer bottles and wax sticking out of his ears. Soon the two left, ready to broadside the stolid Sōtora into the stone age.
The night of the party was soon upon them, and immediately after classes there was a flood of people rushing to their rooms to get into their costumes. Team RWBY was especially lively; the mood of their team was helping them. Weiss dressed up as a great war admiral, Blake as a ninja from her books, and Yang as a Noir star she liked. Weiss and Blake noticed Ruby was in the closet for a shocking amount of time.
"What's taking your sister, Yang?" Weiss asked.
"She needs time to get her costume ready. Just give her a minute." Yang replied.
Right on queue the door flung open. On three-inch heels that Ruby was still a bit wobbly on, she walked out of the closet. Silver heels, silver stockings, and a shockingly revealing and low-cut silver dress that shone in the light like a million diamonds. Covering every bit of her skin was a fiery red and luxurious silver. Her red tipped wolf tail swayed nervously as if being tugged at by the wind, and she tried her best to keep her wolf ears up to prevent suspicion, her short claws glittering in the light. Even her silver eyes shone with a level of intensity and clarity that should not be physically possible.
"How do I look?" Ruby nervously asked.
"How are you that good at makeup!? You never wear a scrap of it!" Weiss yelled in shock, her eyes as wide as dinner plates.
"Nicely done, Ruby. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a Faunus the whole time." Blake said with a smile.
Yang gave her little sis a thumbs up. "Looking good, Rubes!" Yang said with a grin.
As if rehearsed for a play, the door to their room flung open wide, revealing an imposing figure. That mug was unmistakable, down to the missing chunk of his ear, but that was impossible! He was dead! Before them stood the notorious, and assumed deceased mob boss, Hei Xiong.
With the speed of lightning, Team RWBY had their weapons out and into a fighting stance. This caused a sudden and noticeable change in the demeanor in the mob boss. One that was unmistakable.
In a mere moment, less time than it took to blink, the crime boss disappeared, revealing a very scared Trivia, standing there, in her underwear, looking as if she might faint.
"Trivia!? Oh, gods you gave me a fright." Ruby said, as all of Team RWBY lowered their weapons.
Trivia, looking obviously upset, typed, 'Why the weapons!? Is my uncle Hei really that scary?!'
"Your Uncle is a Mob Boss? And put some clothes on! I don't need to see your underwear!" Weiss said as she averted her eyes.
Trivia blushed as she raised up her semblance to make herself decent, typing, 'To be fair, I use my Semblance to get dressed, more often than I'd like to admit. I get lazy sometimes…'
"TMI, Trivia. Just get your costume back on and let's get to the party. Don't want to be late." Blake said, covering her eyes as well.
Trivia pouted, using her Semblance to get back up her "costume". Soon the five were off, Ruby several times having to lean on either Yang or Trivia due to her lack of knowledge in lady stilts. After a bit of coaching from Weiss they made better progress and arrived at the party. Despite being early, there was a shocking number of people stuffed into the ballroom.
Yang smirked a bit. "Nice turnout. Looks like we weren't the only ones excited for this party." She commented.
Soon the group split up a bit. Yang, Blake, and Weiss went to find their other friends, Trivia made a break for the snack line and was immediately pouring herself some punch. Ruby therefore was left all alone as she wandered nervously around the various clicks and groups that had formed. She then, however, bumped into someone, but regained her balance to prevent falling over.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was goi… oh! Hi, Ruby." A familiar voice said to her.
"A-Azura… I'm so sorry for running into you. I really need to stop that." Ruby nervously said, looking up at her crush.
Azura smiled at her. "It's fine, Ruby. I don't mind. So how do you like my costume?" He asked her.
Ruby then began to look him over. Azura was wearing a wandering samurai style robe, bandages on his back, his hair dyed black, and had contact lenses to make his eyes look as red as rubies. Held against his shoulder was a sheathed tachi longsword. Overall, he looked very much like a character from a samurai anime.
Trivia, with a look of intense jealousy, crushed her punch glass with her bare hand, causing quite the alarm. She then quickly stormed up to the samurai in question to give him a piece of her mind.
Angrily, Trivia yell typed, 'Stay away from Ruby! She's far too good for you! Besides! That's the lamest character in the entire show! A total "Mary Sue!" Everyone knows the antagonists are where it's at!'
Azura rolled his eyes at that. "First of all, it's 'Gary Stu' for male characters. Secondly, he's a total jackass who has tons of flaws, yet he's arguably the most popular character in the show without factoring in that he's the main character. Thirdly, there's no bad characters in that show and they're all amazing. Fourth of all, huh?" Azura replied.
Trivia, enraged, typed, 'Everyone knows that Sakura Tsusumaki of the Axel coalition, daughter of Kiruha Tsusumaki and Gardenia of the Helm Garden Nation, high priestess of the misuki cult is by far the best character in the entire show! Her backstory is the best in all of anime! And furthermore, that character your dressed up as, burned her entire village to the ground in the 17nth season!'
Azura got a bit angry at that. "First and foremost, the Kuro clan ordered him to do it, and he did it because he had nowhere else to go! Second, Devil Eyed Kujo's backstory makes hers look like nothing! He's literally the last child of the original generation of the Kuro clan and has been treated like a monster his entire life for things he had no control over by his own people! Even factoring in the fact that he's their only hope for survival in the future! Though I will reluctantly admit that her backstory in the light novel is a bit sadder and better than his, we're talking about the anime, not the source material." Azura replied.
"Yang, we need to break this off. We need a distraction." Blake said to her partner nervously.
"I think I have an idea." Yang replied, grabbing a plate of chocolate, cream stuffed glazed donuts. "Hey, Trivia! I've got donuts!"
Cutting her off mid-sentence, she stopped and perked her head up at the sound of donuts. Nearly breaking her illusion, though catching it before anything could be seen, she ran over to Yang. Catching his breath, Azura turned back to Ruby, who nervously was looking up at her samurai friend with expecting eyes.
Azura took a deep breath to calm himself. "Sorry. I'm a huge fan of the samurai anime genre. Especially Ronin Thicker Kujo." Azura told her, trying to calm himself down.
"It's okay. At least you two have your interests." Ruby said with a nervous smile.
Azura then looked over her outfit and smiled. "I take it you're dressed up as Moeru Yōna Kitsune?" He asked.
"I saw the poster in your room. It gave me some inspiration I was needing…" Ruby blushed, rubbing her thighs a bit out of nervousness.
"You look really good. The costume is a little off because you used wolf features instead of fox features, but you look great. Really cute and pretty." Azura replied.
"Y-You really think so?" Ruby asked.
Azura nodded, a genuine smile on his face. "I know so." He told her.
"Thank you…" Ruby blushed as the music turned on, signaling it was time for a dance.
Azura smiled and held his hand out while bowing lightly, tossing aside his prop tachi as a cat yowling in the background was heard. "May I have this dance, milady?" He asked politely.
Ruby let out a nod and offered him her hand. He then kissed it gently as they locked up for the dance. Following Azura's lead as best she could, the two slowly danced their way through the long, slow song. Ruby let out a small little smile. She felt his muscular chest and the heat emanating off it, lulling her into a more relaxed state. If this could last forever, she would take it.
Slowly gazes began to gather on them. Most of their friends let out smiles for the two. Trivia was furious and had to be held back by Neo, who took a poorly fitted lion costume as her faire. Weiss scoffed at it and looked away. Even Coco gave a smirk at the cute sight in the middle of the dance floor. When the music ended, the two broke off, and stared into each other's eyes.
Azura smiled at her, the light seeming to dance in his eyes like a burning flame. "As good of a dancer as you are pretty and adorable. I like that, Ruby." He said, a bit playfully.
Ruby felt her heart flutter, blood rushed to her face, and her head got woozy. Like before she stumbled back on her heels, only this time it was too late to stop it. She fell backwards onto the floor, her eyes spinning in a maelstrom of emotions.
Azura was genuinely confused by her reaction as he looked her over. "Was it something I said…?" He asked, concerned.
Trivia, bloodlust, and fury in her eyes, tried further to go and punch Azura's lights out. Slowly, however, Neo dragged her out of the place to prevent a scene. Friends of the red wolf and azure samurai however just stared and collectively shook their heads. Those two are completely hopeless.