Chapter 11: Volume 1 Chapter 10: Fortune for a Dragon
We do not own RWBY or any other copyright content. All rights to it go to Monty Oum, Viz Media, and their original owners. All OCs are owned by us.
Writing credits go to Uzumaki Ricky, Monsterhuntergod, Sharad the hedgehog, and Traines.
Tiger King and Dragon Queen
Volume 1 Chapter 10: Fortune for a Dragon
Morning had come in less with the grace of a tiger, and more with the uncomfortable and ominous aura of a crashed freight train. Despite thousands of years of civilizational level skills of humanity taught collectively into the group, the servants were left with the waste of a rich frat party from the first night. Despite the dismal refuse of the samurai lords, two individuals were somewhat chipper that morning. Huddled in one of the smaller kitchens of the great castle was Yang and Azura, cooking up some breakfast as an attempt to awaken the place.
"Gods, this toast isn't enough. What the hell even happened last night to get me a hangover this bad…?" Yang groaned, rubbing her throbbing sore spot on her head as she ate a dry piece of toast.
Azura immediately blushed a bit. "O-Oh… n-nothing…" He replied, which let Yang know something potentially embarrassing had happened.
"Azu. You wouldn't by chance upon your honor tell me what happened, if just for closure?" Yang asked suspiciously.
Azura sighed, wishing Yang had never learned that trick and had not thought to use it to make him be honest. "Well… you got a hold of some traveler's sake somehow, then we started talking about ourselves. Nothing too major at first…. just little things…" He began explaining.
"Azura, please just tell me. This headache isn't gonna let me deal with coyness today." Yang groaned.
"You… then told me about your mother, what happened to Summer, and how that affected you, Lady Rose, and your father. When you started crying, I… felt a pain in my chest for some reason and pulled you into a hug to try to comfort you." Azura continued explaining.
"Damn it, drunk Yang. You fucking traitor, telling him…" Yang muttered, blushing in embarrassment that she spilt her guts like that.
Azura blushed again as he recalled what happened next. "Th… then you complimented my eyes, calling them beautiful… I told you a bit about my ex-girlfriends… a-and you tried to kiss me…" He admitted in embarrassment.
"Wait, what!? I knew you for only a semester, why the hell was I…" Yang burst out in a flustered manner, only for the familiar head of Red to pop in through the doorway to put the two on pause.
"Sorry to interrupt this little moment..." Red started to say only to be interrupted by the two.
"NOTHING HAPPENED!" Azura and Yang blurted out, cutting him off in unison while blushing.
Red waved off their discomfort "I didn't say anything was." He said easily.
"So Red… how is everything…? Nothing out of the ordinary, I hope?" Azura asked, trying to remain calm and ordinary.
"Nothing out of the ordinary. Have you seen Cao around?" Red asked casually.
Yang raised an eyebrow at that. "Who is Cao and why are you looking for him?"
"He's the schmuck who gave you the booze last night. I'm surprised you took them, but we can't change the past." Red answered.
"Um... yeah… I took it. That's all I did with it. Totally…" Yang nervously answered.
"Cao, you son of a Razorback whore…! You planned this…!" Azura muttered in embarrassed anger, low enough that only Yang caught it.
"So where is he?" Red asked again, seemingly ignoring what they were saying.
"Try his room. He is usually getting up by this time." Azura told his friend.
"Cool!" Red responded with gusto and, before leaving, pulled something from his pocket and tossed it to Yang, "Try those for your head pains, Blondie."
Yang caught it and grabbed a nearby glass of water. "Duly noted…" She replied, popping the painkillers back before chugging the water to wash them down.
As Red slowly walked off to make his point known to the man called Cao, Azura let out the breath he was apparently holding in. Composing himself, he then looked at Yang.
"A-Anyway, Yang… about what happened last night…" The azure shōgun started only for Yang to interrupt him.
"Um, I'm good. That's all I needed to know. Anyways, you were making the Vale toast?" Yang nervously said, trying to steer the conversation away.
The blue samurai simply sighed as he flipped the cooking oil-soaked bread in the pan. "Fair enough. But we do need to talk about this sooner or later…" He replied.
"Later isn't now. That's Future Yang's problem, not Currently-In-Pain Yang's." Yang grumbled back to the blue haired samurai.
Azura nodded in response. "I understand…" He told her, flipping the toast pieces out of the pan and catching them on a plate as they fell.
"SKYLAR! Find the food! Scar is hungry!" The booming, thunderous echo of Scar resonated into the kitchen.
Azura and Yang flinched at the thunderclap of Scar's voice ringing out into the small space. It was at that moment that little Skylar rushed into the kitchen.
"Find the food, find the food for the old man." Skylar chanted, looking through the kitchen to get as much as her tiny arms could carry. "Why didn't he ask the big kids?"
"Because you're the only one that gets shit done!" Scar yelled back, the cringe from the aforementioned big kids following close behind.
Azura sighed and handed Skylar a huge stack of already prepared Vale toast on a large plate. "Here, Skylar. This should hold him over long enough for me to make enough for Yang and I." He told the little wolf Faunus.
"Thank you, Mr. Baffoon." The little cub replied, using a nickname her sister calls him behind his back.
"... Okay, first: Rude. Second: You're welcome." The azure shōgun replied as the little wolf girl carefully made her way out of the kitchen and into the nearby dining area with the veritable mountain of toasted bread.
"Cute kid. Kinda reminds me of Ruby when she was little." Yang said with a smirk.
Azura smiled at that. "She can be quite the handful. Honestly, I do not know where she gets it from… nah, that's a lie. It's obvious where she gets it from." He jokingly said.
Yang tried to laugh, before her head began to hurt worse. "Ow…! Please don't make me laugh. It makes my head hurt more…"
"Sorry, sorry. You just relax while I get yours ready." Azura told his blonde friend as he continued flipping her Vale toast in the skillet.
Once their breakfast was prepared, the two sat down in a small sitting area in the kitchen to eat. Yang looked over to see that Azura had a stack that was easily more than twice the size of hers. She raised an eyebrow with a small grin on her face.
"And why have you got all of that to yourself there?" Yang coyly asked before slowly eating.
Azura shrugged as he politely dug into his own food. "Heightened metabolism. Side effect of my Semblance." He replied after finishing a bite.
"Good thing you're rich. Otherwise, you'd eat yourself out of house and home." Yang said, the many times of his hunger-based food crimes now making more sense to her.
Azura nodded and gave Yang a small smile. "So, how is it?" He asked.
Yang moaned a bit before saying, "Very good."
"Good. By the way, isn't your birthday coming up in about two weeks?" The blue samurai replied to his friend.
"Yeah. Pain in the ass timing though. I don't got nothing going on." Yang grumbled as she ate.
"Why don't we have a day out in the city of Vale together for it? Get some one-on-one time to get to know each other better?" Azura offered with a smile.
"You sure?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow.
The azure shōgun nodded. "As sure as the sea is wet." He responded, a pair of plans forming in his mind.
With that, the two began to eat. All the while, Yang did not know what lay in store for her.
Xiao Long-Rose Residence: Two Weeks Later, July 28th
The Xiao Long-Rose household was in an unusual state of calm. The rest of the family waited down in the living room as Yang finished getting herself ready. While she was excited, a knot of nervousness stayed persistently in her stomach. The two "tried" several times to hash out "the incident" they termed it, but things got too awkward each time.
After a bit of brushing, Yang figured she would be as good as she ever was going to and headed down. The family soon saw her as she came down the staircase. What stuck out was that, despite Azura very clearly stating this was a casual thing, Yang did get a bit flashy in her looks. She had put on very light makeup, just enough to accentuate her natural beauty, and tied her long blonde hair back in a ponytail. Her outfit of choice was a yellow crop top under an orange jacket and long black pants that, while a bit form fitting to show off her figure, were loose enough to not restrict movement.
"Easy kiddo. You want to kill the boy?" Qrow asked playfully.
Yang fought the urge to blush. "Look I just want this day to go well, okay?"
"Why wouldn't it?" Ruby asked, confusion written on her face.
"You sure you're okay, Yang? You two have been weird around each other since the party." Tai asked out of concern.
This time, Yang did blush a bit. "We're fine! Totally fine! Nothing happened!" She said quickly and nervously.
"Look Yang, I know you like the boy but calm down. It's not like it's a date or anything. Just go out there and enjoy yourself." Tai said with a small smile to try and reassure her.
Yang took a deep breath. "Right… thanks, dad…" She replied, trying to hide how unhelpful that actually was.
"Have fun, Yang." Ruby said with a smile.
"Thanks. Don't wait up." Yang replied as she headed out the door, shutting it behind her.
Tai flipped open his scroll and pressed a contact on it before putting it on speaker. "Blue Comet, this is Golden Dragon. Birthday Girl has just left."
"Copy that, Golden Dragon. I am already at my rendezvous point waiting for her. Do you three all remember your roles in the plan?" Azura's voice came in from the scroll's speaker for all three to hear.
"We go to the castle to help set up the party while you use your boyish charms to keep Yang distracted. How drunk do you think I am right now, Azura?" Qrow asked.
"Copy that, Drunkle Bird. Red Rose, are you ready to go with Golden Dragon to pick up the party supplies on the other side of the city?" Azura's voice replied.
"Got my running shoes on and everything!" Ruby yelled chipperly.
"Glad to hear it. Operation: Sun Dragon Birthday Bash is a go. Blue Comet out." Azura's voice replied as he hung up.
"Leave it to you, Tai, to ruin the one chance you got of non-nerdy grandkids." Qrow said, looking at his brother-in-law with a smile.
"Don't act like you're not having fun, 'Drunkle Bird.' I seem to remember that you were the one who suggested the code names." Tai replied with a smile of his own.
"Honestly, I didn't think he'd take it. Right, let's get going. Last thing we need is Yang to do something stupid around the kid to make this all in vain." Qrow said as he got up from the couch.
"Dad and I will go get the party supplies, Uncle Qrow. You head to the castle and make sure everything else is going smoothly." Ruby replied, trying to take charge a little.
"Let's just go get it, Ruby. And try not to trip." Tai said with a sigh.
"Got it!" Ruby yelled as she rushed off.
"She's gonna trip, isn't she?" Qrow said.
"Multiple times." Tai sighed as the two of them headed to the car.
City of Vale: Just Outside City Hall
Azura shifted nervously as he tried to stay calm. Just like Yang, he was also nervous about this day out. Something was different between them because of that night, but neither of them could tell what it was. All they could say was that they needed to talk about it eventually. If Azura had his way, they'd do so today.
Taking a deep breath, Azura looked over himself. He was wearing an azure-blue sport coat over a white button-up shirt with black pants and his hair combed back to show off his face in full. Tugging at his collar, he tried to remain calm as he shifted on his feet.
"Why the hell am I so nervous? It is not like this is a date. Even if it was, I have had four ex-girlfriends…" Azura muttered to himself.
Meanwhile, a couple of blocks away, Yang was looking at her reflection in a shop's window. Just to make sure nothing was out of place. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself.
"Why am I so nervous about this? I've dated and fucked guys before. How is Azura having this kind of effect on me…?" Yang muttered to herself, puzzling as she continued looking at herself carefully.
Deeming everything to be in order, she smiled and took a deep breath. Moving on, Yang made her way over to City Hall where she and Azura had agreed to meet. With every step, Yang could feel her heart beating a little faster as the knot in her stomach grew a little tighter. Finally, she made it to where Azura was waiting and caught sight of him.
To her shock, he had also dressed up a bit like her. Surely, a coincidence. There was no way they both had the same idea on her birthday. No, absolutely not. Using that to steady herself, Yang walked up in her usual confident stride to hide her internal conflict. Seeing Azura's warm smile gave her hope that he fell for it.
"Afternoon, Azura. Went with something a bit above causal I see." Yang said, making a visible effort to look him over.
"Hello, Yang. I see I am not the only one. You look lovely today." Azura replied, fighting the urge to say what he was really thinking, 'How does she look even more beautiful than usual today? Wait… where the hell did that come from?'
"It was a bit last minute, but a girl can make it work." Yang answered with a smirk, 'Damn, he looks smart… no, focus Yang. Stay focused. Never mind how smart that hairstyle and sport coat look… For fuck's sake girl, you're training to kill bone rage demons for a living! How is a cute boy getting to you like this!?'
Azura offered the busty blonde his arm like a true gentleman. "Shall we?" He asked.
"Yes. After you." Yang answered, taking his arm as he began to lead her through the town.
"So where would you like to hit first? I had Cao look everything in the area over and he found some nice places for us." Azura offered to Yang, wanting to let her choose first.
"How about an arcade?" Yang asked.
Azura smiled. "Cao told me of a very nice one nearby. How about, after that, we get some lunch and hit up a nearby ice cream shop for dessert?" He replied.
"Are you sure you can trust him after what happened last time?" Yang asked, skeptical of this man known only as Cao.
"Do not worry. He may do questionable things, but he always makes sure that they somehow benefit me before doing them." Azura told her with a warm smile.
"Alright. If you trust him, then I guess I can." Yang answered, still clearly being skeptical, but giving Azura the benefit of the doubt he is right.
With that, the two headed off to the arcade together. When they got there and started playing some games, they made a competition out of who could win the most tickets with the winner getting the loser's tickets. To Yang's surprise, not only did Azura win, but he used the tickets from the competition to get her something: A stuffed, yellow dragon styled after a cartoonishly cute eastern dragon.
"I feel like you're trying to tell me something through this adorable stuffed toy." Yang said, looking at the boy funny as she held her new stuffed companion.
Azura blushed a bit but gave Yang a bright smile. "I was simply behaving as any gentleman would and putting my winnings to good use getting something nice for a pretty girl." He told his female friend, catching her off guard.
"Are you… flirting with me?" Yang asked nervously, blushing just a hint.
Azura blushed more at her question. "Th-That wasn't my intention, but… apparently so…" He nervously replied.
"Wait, you're flirting with me? On my birthday? This is a date!?" Yang asked frantically and nervously.
Azura tried frantically to correct her. "Th-That was not my intention! I just wanted to spend a day alone with my beautiful friend! Oh, by the gods, this is a date! HOW did I accidentally make this a date!?" He replied in nervous disbelief.
"B-Beautiful?" Yang asked him, having singled out that one word.
Azura blushed red as he realized what he said in his attempt to explain himself. "W-Well… yes, Yang. You are probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen…" He nervously told her.
"Um… thanks… Gods, how did we make this almost as weird as your party?" Yang asked, trying to verbally wrap her head around all this.
Azura sighed in response. "I have no idea. But I guess we should try to make the best of this. Since this has… become a date… do you still want lunch and ice cream? My treat…" He offered, gulping a bit.
"Despite how much this looks like an offer out of those cheesy romance movies mom used to watch… Yes, I'll take you up on your offer. It would be rude not to." Yang answered with a deep sigh.
Azura then offered her his arm, trying to be a gentleman. Gulping a bit, Yang tucked her stuffed dragon under one arm and took Azura's arm with her other as they walked together. After having lunch in a semi-awkward silence together, neither of them knew what to say now that they realized that this was a date. All they could do was eat in silence and steal glances at each other, neither understanding why they were so nervous. It was as they were heading to the ice cream shop while cutting through an alley that Yang could not handle the tension anymore.
"So, anyways… about me getting drunk back there…" Yang said in a nervous chipper tone.
Azura gulped a bit at that. "Oh, so now you want to talk about it?" He asked in disbelief.
"Hey, it's a good icebreaker. I swear that wasn't a pun this time." Yang said nervously.
Azura laughed more than he should have, both due to nervousness and genuine amusement. "Fair enough. So, what about it…?" He replied once he got his laughter under control.
"Look, I'm not embarrassed that I spilled my guts to you. Well, both ways, but not the gross kind. It's more of… well you know my past, but I don't know any of yours. I'm not trying to pry, but it's…" Yang explained, becoming increasingly nervous until Azura threw her a proverbial bone.
"I understand, Yang. Look, how does this sound: We can talk more in detail about what you told me that night after I answer any one question you have about my past." Azura offered to her.
"Any one question?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow at such a kingly offer.
Azura nodded in response. "Any one question. You need only ask, and I will answer it to the best of my abilities no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. After all, it is only fair…" He replied.
"Why did you freak out about this being a date? I mean, I assume it's because you don't date anymore but…" Yang asked, only stopping at the reaction that got out of Azura.
Azura flinched like he had just been hit, as if the question had dragged up an unbelievably bad memory. Seeing this, Yang felt guilty for asking and tried to recant her question to ask a different one.
"Um… I can take that one back and try again if you want." Yang offered, but a raised hand from Azura stopped her inquiry from there.
"No… I gave my word that I would answer any one question you asked. You asked your question. As a samurai and a gentleman, I am honor bound to answer no matter how uncomfortable this is for me." The azure shōgun replied, taking a deep breath.
"Okay… proceed when you're ready. Floor's yours, big guy." Yang said, getting herself comfortable as she felt it was likely to be a long one.
Azura took a deep, shuddering breath and slowly let it out. "As I have told you before, I have had four girlfriends in the past. None of those relationships lasted, as you can obviously tell. Thankfully, I was able to stay on good terms with and remain friends with three of them, but one of them did something I could not abide by…" He explained.
"Um, I don't want to impose, but is it okay if you give some more details? I don't want to have to make you bring this up more than once. I know it's your word, but I'm sorry." Yang asked, nervously awkward about it, but wanting more answers.
Azura nodded in response. "I will start with my first girlfriend. Her name is Kochi Momo. Momo was an extremely cute and pretty girl. Shy, demure, sweet, and gentle, but she could stand up for herself when she needed to. When I first asked her out, she looked half ready to faint on the spot. We dated for several months and things went well. Though Momo did get a little too… 'clingy and obsessive,' I guess would be the right words to say…" He told Yang.
"Care to define clingy and obsessive?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow.
"She started getting nervous when she was away from me for too long and had pictures of me that she took herself that she put up all over the walls of her bedroom." Azura explained briefly.
"Right… so how did that breakup go?" Yang nervously asked.
"We both agreed that we should just be friends and see other people. She was a bit hurt by it but understood that she went too far. Though, since the pictures she took of me were all actually really good, I suggested that she consider going into photography considering the fact that she obviously had a talent for it. She took me up on that and has started working towards becoming a professional photographer." Azura told Yang, surprising her with how amicably that one ended.
"Well, that's good to hear…" Yang said with a smile, trying to keep her nervousness about the details hidden.
"Next up, we have Akiame Tsubaki. She was my second girlfriend and the one of my past relationships that was the shortest since we only dated for a month. Tsubaki is a beautiful girl, but she does not like much excitement in her life. The reason we broke up is because we were just… too different. We went on a date every other day while we were dating and kissed multiple times… but there was just no spark. So, we agreed that we worked better as friends and broke up." Azura explained.
"Well, that's good… I think… Is that good?" Yang asked, confused.
Azura chuckled a bit. "It is rather good. We may not have clicked romantically, but we are incredibly good friends. She even taught me how to knit and always makes sure to send me homemade holiday sweaters every time a major holiday comes up." He continued.
"I take it this is now where we get into the less than good ones then…" Yang asked nervously.
Azura sighed and nodded. "Sadly yes. Next up is Yukikaze Fuyuko, my fourth ex-girlfriend. She was a bit aloof, seemed cold at times, but she is actually a truly kind and caring girl. Though she can also be impulsive. The whole reason she dated me in the first place was to get back at some bullies who had been constantly harassing her for years. But eventually, she came to genuinely like me and felt bad for why she started to date me. After she told me the truth, we agreed that a relationship built on a lie would never work out, so we broke up and tried to just be friends. Eventually, we managed to actually get pretty close." He told her.
"Bit rough but better than I expected…" Yang nervously said, "But why did you skip the third?"
Azura sighed sadly. "Because that one… that one is the worst by a long shot…"
"You don't have to bring up that one if you don't feel comfortable..." Yang tried to say, but Azura again cut her off.
"No… I gave you my word. So, no matter how much it hurts, I am bound by my honor as a samurai and a gentleman to tell you." He said firmly.
"Proceed then." Yang answered, seeing his conviction.
Azura took a deep, shuddering breath and slowly let it out. "Her name is Natsu. Taiyōko Natsu. She was… really something else. That fiery redhead was strong, bold, independent, brave, sweet, flirty, bubbly, and incredibly beautiful. Part of the reason I am so nervous around you is because… well… you remind me of her in some ways back when my relationship with her was good. Or at least… what I thought I knew about her…" He told her.
Yang wordlessly gulped at that, seeing this is about to be what he had been dreading most, sat back, and let him have the floor.
"I was really taken with Natsu. In fact, our relationship lasted almost half a year. But, near the end, I learned something that just… cut me deep…" Azura continued, his voice becoming shaky with emotion.
With that Yang took his hand gently to try and calm him. Though he jumped a bit and tensed up, when he saw whose hand it was, he settled himself and resumed. He knew he had to get through it now or forever hold his peace.
Azura, trying to hold back tears and looking away from Yang so that he would not look weak, choked out what he had been holding back. "After everything we had been through… after I trusted her after what Drake did to me… after she and I had been physically intimate for months… I caught her with another guy. When I confronted them about it and made her tell me the truth… she revealed that she had started cheating on me two months into our relationship…" He finally managed to admit.
"Azura. Say no more. You've kept your word to me. I… I understand what you had to go through. For what it's worth to you, they're all short-sighted fools for giving up on a man like you. Especially that Natsu bitch. A man who holds his honor and the weight of his word as highly as you is a rare man indeed these days." Yang said, gripping his hand firmly to support him.
Azura took a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to calm himself and keep his emotions inside. Not wanting his mask to break, especially not in front of Yang. Not wanting anyone, even a friend, to see him cry. For her part, Yang pulled him into a hug, knowing words would not do him any good. This stunned Azura, yet he was so frozen in shock all he could do was verbally resist.
"Yang… please let go…" He told her while fighting back tears, trying to stay strong and not look weak.
"Not until you calm down. I'm not letting go until you've calmed down." Yang sternly yet calmly told him.
Azura weakly tried to pull away, but Yang held firm. After several minutes, Azura could feel the dam starting to break. The mask was beginning to crack. He had to get her to let go now… before it was too late.
"Yang… please… let go of me…" Azura whimpered out, trying to hold back.
"Have you calmed down yet?" Yang simply asked, keeping her grip on him.
Azura shook his head, trying not to cry. He defiantly refused to cry. Not in front of a friend like Yang. Not in front of anyone ever again.
"Azura. Just let it all out. I got you. I swear to you I won't say a damn thing." Yang assured him as she slowly rubbed his back.
That was it. That did it. With that, the dam finally burst, and the mask shattered. Wrapping his arms around Yang, Azura buried his face into her shoulder and started to cry.
Yang just held Azura and rubbed his back gently, trying to comfort him. Right now, he needed this. Finally, after several minutes, Azura managed to stop crying and recompose himself. Pulling back, Azura wiped his eyes, feeling ashamed of himself.
"I… I am sorry you had to see that, Yang…" Azura apologetically told her.
"You saw me five sheets to the wind spilling my guts out. I got no room to rag on you, Azura." Yang answered with a warm smile that made him blush lightly. "I believe we were going to get ice cream?"
Azura smiled as he finished drying his eyes. "Right. Order whatever you want when we get there, Yang. It is on me." He told her, offering her his arm.
"Thank you, fair gentlemen. Lead the way." Yang answered with a smile.
Azura chuckled and led them through the alley to the ice cream shop. Once they got there, to drown any sorrows they had left, the two got the tallest ice cream cones they could physically balance. After they eventually finished their ice cream, they started talking as they headed out, joking and making each other laugh and smile. Azura then felt a buzz in his pocket. Pulling out his scroll he saw a text.
"Attention Blue Comet, preparations are complete. Waiting on landfall." Was what it said, sent from Ruby's Scroll.
Azura smiled as he turned to look at Yang. "Hey, Yang? How about you say we head over to my family's place?" He asked.
"That's fine. It's getting a bit dark out anyway." Yang answered with a shrug.
Azura smiled as they made their way back to their motorcycles and headed out. As they did, Yang tried her best to make sure her yellow stuffed dragon was safe. At this point, it was more than just a toy. It was a reminder of the day Azura started to let her in, as well as a reminder of the best date Yang had, even if it was not originally intended to be one.
After they parted, Azura walked ahead and opened the doors. As soon as Yang was in view of the doorway, the lights flipped on to reveal everyone waiting for her. The lobby and family room were rearranged and fully set up for a party.
"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YANG!!" The thunderous cheer rang out, as Yang stood there in shock before looking at Azura.
"Did you… Did you plan this? From the start?" Yang asked, still shocked.
"Well… not everything. Just for us to have a day out alone together to get to know each other better while everyone else set up the party…" Azura sheepishly admitted, not wanting to bring up the fact that it turned into a date in front of anyone else or what he told her.
Yang let out an ear-to-ear smile before saying, "Well then, no time like the present. Party time, people!!"
To Be Continued...