RWBY: Tiger King and Dragon Queen

Chapter 9: Volume 1 Chapter 8: Time to see the Family

We do not own RWBY or any other copyright content. All rights to it go to Monty Oum, Viz Media, and their original owners. All OCs are owned by us.

Writing credits go to Uzumaki Ricky, Monsterhuntergod, Sharad the Hedgehog, SlimShady2015, and Traines, as well as our friend Kima Whitehawk Jordan from Facebook.

Tiger King and Dragon Queen

Volume 1 Chapter 8: Time to see the Family

The wind gently nipped and tucked at loose garments as Azura's stoney eyes observed Yang and Ruby, each of them now wearing weighted clothing over their workout clothes. The two stood firm footed on the ground, tensing their muscles as hard as they could. After finishing circling them for roughly the fiftieth time, or at least that is how the sisters would tell it, Azura let out an ever so slight sigh. With the speed of a thunderbolt, he slammed his palms firmly into the girls' stomachs. Ruby could not bear the brunt as she hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. Yang, gritting hard, managed to stand for but a moment before the blow wreaked havoc on her equilibrium and sent her tumbling to terra firma.

"Still not quite right, but you are getting better. Let's take a break, girls." Azura told the sisters, walking over to get the water bottles and towels.

"Freedom from unrelenting torment…" Ruby groaned.

"The day you're on the receiving end of that will be my muse…" Yang groaned as she sat up.

"Do not be like that. You are improving surprisingly quickly. I actually felt like I hit something hard that time." Azura replied, waving off their complaints as he tossed them their water bottles.

"Three months for that… great, my life is flashing before my eyes." Ruby groaned as she barely caught the bottle.

"It is only this difficult at first. Once you know how it feels to do it properly, you just have to commit it to muscle memory." Azura told the sisters.

"And how long will that take…?" Yang groaned in frustration before drinking from hers.

"It varies from person to person. But I must say that you two have a surprising amount of talent for this." Azura explained as he tossed them their towels.

"Thanks. Let me guess, your master said the same thing to you." Ruby answered after she drank half the bottle.

"Oh, you know it. If you think I am bad, then you would hate sensei. He is brutal." Azura explained, taking a sip of his own water before stopping as his eyes widened in realization.

"What's wrong, Azu?" Yang asked, a bit concerned as she toweled off some sweat.

"I just realized… I am not a master of this discipline quite yet and did not ask for sensei's permission to teach you two this martial arts technique." Azura explained a bit fearfully.

"Um… how much of a problem is that?" Ruby asked in nervous confusion, cocking her head to the side like a parakeet.

"For you two? Not much. For me… I may be in a lot of trouble for not following proper tradition and etiquette." Azura gulped, jumping a bit as he heard a ringing.

"I think your scroll is going off, Azu." Yang said, pointing to his pocket.

Pulling out his scroll, Azura raised an eyebrow. "Someone's video calling me on Skope." He said, confused.

"What does your mom want this time, Azu? Did you forget something again?" Ruby asked in a slight teasing fashion.

"No, she does not use Skope anymore. She switched to Chaos years ago." Azura replied, looking at who was calling.

As soon as he saw who it was, the azure shogun's eyes widened in fear as he saw who it was. Looking at the Username, Azura gulped. It said "BigMasterY," and the profile picture was the image of a kitten.

"I… It is Sensei…" Azura stuttered, trembling a bit.

"Well don't keep him waiting. He might have you clean the outhouse or something. Or whatever those Mistrali masters do in the movies." Yang said, folding her arms.

Nodding, Azura answered the video call. Immediately, the image of an incredibly old looking man with a faded, almost white, pale blue beard and extraordinarily little hair on top of his head. He had dark azure-blue eyes like Azura's, but with a look of a strange mix of mischievous mirth and ancient wisdom. In his hand was a worn-looking cane as he was looking away from the screen, addressing someone off screen.

"Skylar, is this infernal machine on? It is? Thank you, my dear. Go get a cookie for helping an old man. Greetings, my wandering student. I take it you have been adapting well to your more westerly surroundings." The old man asked in a low, deep, and characteristically wise tone.

Nervously, Azura bowed his head deeply in reverence to the old man. "G-Greetings, Yūri sensei. Yes, I am. Thank you very much for asking." He told his old master as calmly and politely as he could, seemingly afraid to look up without permission.

"Azura. Do not bow over Skope, it offends the spirits of the machine." Yūri said with a sigh, pinching his furrowed, decidedly ancient brow.

Raising his head, Azura gulped. "R-Right. Forgive me, sensei. I-I have two people I would like you to meet…" Azura told his old master.

"Ah yes, my two grandstudents that you did not consult me over. Do please come forward." Yūri answered with a smile only a cunning old fox could properly pull off.

Azura and the girls' eyes widened in sheer disbelief at that. "H… How did you…? Never mind…" Azura replied, turning his scroll's camera around to show the girls to the ancient master.

"No, seriously. How did you do that?" Ruby asked in disbelief.

"Oh, a little birdie told me." Yūri answered simply.

"... Please tell me you don't mean that literally." Azura nervously replied.

"I will leave that for you to decide. Besides, I can clearly see your future mate's golden locks in the corner of the screen." Yūri answered with a smile.

Azura blushed as red as Ruby's workout clothes at that. "S-Sensei! Wh-Why does everyone keep saying that…!?" Azura stammered nervously.

"I didn't hear a no." Yūri said simply, a smirk forming in the corner of his old thin lips.

Yang blushed slightly, but grinned. She liked this old guy. "So, I take it you're the famous sensei that Azura quotes and goes on about?" The blonde brawler asked.

The old master answered with a smile and said, "He quotes me? That warms the cold, dead cockles of my heart just enough to potentially lessen his punishment. Potentially."

Azura gulped at that. "R-R-Right! Sensei, I would like you to meet Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose. Yang, Lady Rose, this is my sensei Sōtora Yūri." He said, doing the introductions.

"It's an honor." Ruby said in her bow.

"It's great to finally meet you." Yang replied with a bow of her own.

"The pleasure is mine. It is clear to me now there is no malice on the part of you two fine young students. As for my star pupil…" He answered with a bow of his own, his voice trailing off.

"Please not the Hashi, please not the Hashi, please not the Hashi…" Azura whimpered quietly before turning his scroll's camera back around for Yūri to see him.

"The next time I see you in person… to the HASHI!!" Yūri roared, pointing off the screen.

"Aw man, I hate the Hashi…!" Azura groaned in frustration, facepalming.

"Question?" Ruby asked as Azura turned his scroll camera for his master to see the girls.

"Answer." Yūri answered.

"What's the Hashi?" Ruby asked.

"A chamber where he will be locked inside under supervision, forced to balance upon unstable objects while performing an intensive hand-eye coordination task. It is a punishment that combines endurance, hand-eye coordination, balance, precision, and one's will to not break their legs." The old master explained.

"Not the Hashi again…!" Azura whimpered, pale as a ghost.

"That sounds like torture!" Yang called out in disbelief.

"That's because it's supposed to be…" Azura sighed in response.

"That's horrible! You can't do that!" Ruby yelled, hugging Azura's arm as if somehow the gesture would save him.

"Ruby, please don't tempt him into making it worse…" Azura told her a bit sternly.

"How am I doing that?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"Because he hasn't set how long I'm supposed to be in it yet." Azura told her in a deadpan tone.

"Very true, very true…" Yūri answered with a chuckle, twirling his beard. "I shall think about that for the next time we see each other. Have a good day, my pupil. And train them well."

Turning his scroll camera back to himself, Azura sighed and smiled. "I won't let you down, Sensei." He replied, giving a salute.

"I know you would not. Yet." Was all the old man said before hanging up.

Azura sighed at that. "That man still terrifies me sometimes…" He admitted to the sisters.

"Sounds like all the time to me. Let's take a proper break to get you calmed down." Yang said, smacking his shoulder.

"That's the best idea I've heard all day, Yang." Azura told her with a smile, sitting down to relax.

However, as the sisters sat down with him to drink their water, a different ring went off. This time, a machine voice called out a Username. "BigGreenMama101!" The voice called.

Azura was surprised as he pulled out his scroll again. "It's Mother." Azura noted, pulling out his scroll and answering the call.

"Sōtora Azura! It has been months without a call, young man! How dare you keep your mother in the dark! I thought I taught you better than that!" A familiar, if angrier than normal, voice came through as Verdant appeared in a video call.

Azura flinched at that, pulling his scroll away from him. "M-My apologies, Mother! I have been busy with classes and training with Yang and Lady Rose." He nervously told his irate mother.

"You mean to tell me you were progressing towards my grandchildren, and you haven't kept me in the loop!?" Verdant yelled before noticing the girls. "Oh Ruby, Yang. How are you two doing?"

Yang blushed a bit but grinned at that. "Hi, Lady Verdant. How have you been?" She told the shorter, older woman.

"Oh well. Especially considering my dunce of a son and his twin's birthday is coming up soon." Verdant answered sweetly.

"Azura, you didn't say anything about a birthday!" Ruby yelled, rushing up to him.

Azura shrugged at that. "It's just another day." He replied nonchalantly.

"It's not just another day, Azu! It's the day you and Kenshi were born! That's a big deal! And you didn't tell me that your birthday was two weeks before mine!" Yang snapped back angrily.

"Oh, my stars! I'll have to make sure to throw you a birthday party, Yang. In fact, how would you girls and your family like to come to Azura and Kenshi's? We have quite the shindig going on." Verdant said excitedly, the camera shaking.

"You really do not have to go through all this trouble, Mother. It is just our-" Azura started only for Verdant to cut him off.

"I'll show you trouble when I crack you across the backside if you don't get in the birthday spirit." Verdant sternly said.

Azura flinched at that and sighed. "Yes, Mother…"

"We'd be honored… on the condition you don't hurt Azura." Ruby nervously answered.

"That depends on how he decides to act, dear." Verdant replied simply.

"So how should we all dress for the occasion, Lady Verdant?" Yang asked with a smile.

"Whatever you feel appropriate for a semi-formal affair." Verdant answered.

"We will see you there, Mother. I love you." Azura told her with a smile.

"Love you too. Bye." Verdant said with a smile, ending the call.

Azura hung up as well as he put his scroll away before looking at his two friends. "Well, girls. It looks like you and your family will be coming to a bash for Kenshi and I from Friday to Sunday. We usually party over the weekend on birthday weekends." He told them.

Yang smirked at that. "I didn't take you for much of a party animal, Azu." She teased.

Azura smiled at that. "You can thank Akazaru Red, my very best friend, for that. He always takes me out whenever he is around." He explained.

"Right! Let's go, Yang! We got a party to prepare for!" Ruby yelled, kipping up to her feet from the ground.

"Right! See you later, Azu!" Yang called out as the sisters left.

"I will see you later, girls! We will head over to the house together!" Azura called out as well, packing up his stuff and heading back to his cabin.

The Next Friday, July 14th; A Castle Town Outside the City of Vale

As the family car rolled up and parked, they had to park a decent distance away. An eclectic variety of other vehicles sat in the driveway, yard, and street around the residence. With a sigh, Azura addressed the girls, Tai and Qrow.

"A bit of forewarning, everyone. My family, friends, and retainers are a bit… eccentric." Azura explained in a semi-formal azure blue jacket with a pink, button up undershirt and black pants.

"Do I need to refill my flask?" The bird uncle of the sisters was wearing a simple, if old, sport coat.

"Worry not, Lord Branwen. You will have all of the alcohol you could ask for at the party with the Akazaru clan catering." Azura told the drunk.

Qrow then, to the surprise of everyone, poured out his flask, hugged the boy, and looked at Yang. "He's a keeper, Firecracker."

"I'll… keep that in mind…" Yang replied in surprise, wearing a backless, yellow maxi skirt dress with a sparkly belt across her waist and a small, heart-shaped boob window, a yellow rose corsage, and tan strapped tan sandals with heavy blush on her face.

"Right, let's go people." Tai said as he left the car, and walked towards the door, clad in an old suit from the back of his closet.

"Yang! Why am I in a dress!?" Ruby groaned, coming out in a red summer dress and black ankle boots.

"I'm with the kid. Why did I have to find this in the bargain bin?" Qrow asked.

"Because we're gonna be around nobility and Dad and I wanna make a good impression." Yang replied with a smile.

"Please, I've been around them. Besides kid, the Sōtora aren't as prim and proper as you think they are. Your man over here has been warning you about that this whole trip." Qrow said, nudging towards Azura.

Azura blushed at being called that by Yang's uncle. "L-Lord Branwen is right, Yang. You will make more than enough of a good impression just by being yourself. We only dress up a lot at more formal events."

"Better safe than sorry, Handsome. I wanna make sure I make a big splash." Yang playfully replied with a grin, making Azura blush a little more.

"Behave, Yang. Let's be polite to our hosts." Tai said sternly.

"Awww, do I have to for you, Azura?" Yang asked with one hand behind her back and her other hand by her mouth with her index finger in her mouth, giving Azura a seductive look, like a lynx cat stalking her prey.

Azura blushed and nervously tugged at the collar of his shirt. "Y-Y-You are fine, Y-Yang. I-Is it getting hot out here…?" He replied as they came up to the castle in the town.

Towering in both its size and grandeur, only its elegant and ancient styles prevented it from appearing a brutish fortress. Sloping green plated roofs, red lacquered timbers, painted screens, everything that screamed that the legendary samurai lived there. As they walked up the stone walkway, on both sides of the door stood two great tiger statues, standing guard over the home against any who would intrude. It did not feel much like a home… It was too crushing for that. However, the lively noises and lights from inside dispelled these feelings as Azura approached the impressive set of doors.

"It's huge!" Ruby yelled in childish wonder.

"It's got to be one of the best, biggest houses I've seen. Damn, I guess I know where to find the rich guys." Yang said in a sly voice with her hands on her hips, winking at Azura and making him blush a bit.

"House? Looks more like a small palace." Qrow replied, giving an impressed whistle.

"Focus, people." Tai sighed.

"Right. Well… here we go…" Azura sighed, reaching out and opening the doors.

At first, nothing happened. No one jumped out or anything. Sighing in relief, Azura smiled and flung the doors of the great castle open. But, before they could go in, a voice was heard coming from above.

"HAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAAY, AZURAAAAAAAA!" The familiar voice called out from above.

"What the-OH CRAP!" Azura called out in disbelief as they all looked up as Azolum came crashing down feet first on top of his son, putting one of the birthday boys into a crater, much to the shock of the others present.

"You're late, son! The party has already started!" Azolum called out with joy, hopping off Azura dressed in a semi-formal tuxedo.

"What the hell, Father!? I thought we were done with you doing things like this!" Azura called out in anger as he got up out of the crater and dusted himself off.

"We're not finished until you learn to never let your guard down!" Azolum piped back chipperly.

"In my own home!?" Azura asked in disbelief.

"Especially in your own home!" Azolum replied as Azura hit his father with a flying kick to the stomach that knocked him backwards.

"I shouldn't have to keep my guard up in my own home!" Azura called out in anger.

"Nice kick, son…! You've gotten a lot stronger since last time…!" Azolum groaned out, holding his stomach while on the ground.

"Yang… What is going on?" Ruby asked.

Yang rolled her eyes, put her head down with her thumb and middle finger on the bridge of her nose. "Azura was trained his entire life. Seems like his father wants him to continue staying fit, since the Sōtora clan can't afford to lose in battle with some fights. Soooo…. Yeeah, even on special occasions, it looks like Azolum likes to make sure Azura ain't slacking off."

"That's about right, Yang…" Azura sighed.

It was at that moment that someone else came walking through the doors. In a semi-formal green jacket with a white undershirt and black formal pants was a young man with long, spiky silver hair and piercing emerald eyes. He was tall, about an inch or two taller than Azura. Other than slightly sharper facial features and the other differences, he looked just like the azure shogun. He walked up with his hands in his pockets. As soon as he locked eyes with Azura, his eyes widened a bit.

"Kenshi…?" Azura asked in seeming surprise to see his younger twin so soon.

"So, you do remember me after all this time, the greatest swordsman in the world?" Kenshi asked with a serious tone, punctuated by a smirk.

Their eyes then narrowed at the sight of each other, the air seeming suddenly tense for some reason.

"Oh no… they're gonna fight…" Ruby gulped nervously.

"You four might want to step back a bit…" Azolum said with a smile as he got up.

Yang shook her head, then stared at Azolum with concern. "Uhh, sir… why?"

The two twins' eyes narrowed at each other before they broke out into wide, joyful grins.

"KEN!" Azura called out happily.

"AZU!" Kenshi called back in joy.

Laughing happily, the two ran up to each other and clapped their two hands together in a high ten. They did this multiple times, laughing like idiots.

"Told you so, Tai." Qrow said.

"Shut up, bird brain." Tai groaned.

"Well, now I feel stupid…" Ruby muttered.

Yang scooped up Ruby in her arms. "Of course. His brother is as stupid and crazy as he is." She said with annoyance, grabbing Qrow by the collar, "C'mon, you two. Let's get away so this stupid shit gets out of their systems."

Kenshi then manifested two massive hand-shaped force fields around his hands as he clenched the Aura gauntlets together. "AZU!" He called out with joy, knocking Azura aside with a massive sideways sledgehammer fist that sent him tumbling away past the family of four.

As the descent into utter feline madness fell before them, the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen contingent was left simply stunned. Gone was any preconceived idea of the regal, powerful, and unyielding nobility of the Sōtora. All that was left was… this. What, frankly, none of them knew.

Azura quickly got up as Kenshi jumped up and down with joy. "C'mon, Azu! My turn! My turn!" He laughed.

Smirking, Azura began to glow with a cobalt blue lightning-like aura as his eyes glowed the same color. He then shot forward like a bullet from a gun, hitting Kenshi with a flying kick to the stomach that sent him flying into the castle. As Kenshi righted himself, the disaster twins laughed with joy before starting to dust themselves off.

"You haven't lost a step, Azu!" Kenshi called out with joy.

"Back at you, Ken!" Azura called out with a grin of his own.

Taking off with surprising speed, the two Sōtora twins rushed at each other. Kenshi cocked back one of his massive Aura fists while Azura cocked his hand back in a fist of his own, the two letting out twin roars as they prepared to punch each other. However, before they could make contact, their mother appeared between them, a frying pan in each hand as she cracked them both over the head.

"Can you two, for once, remember all the good manners and proper etiquette I taught you? And not greet each like complete savages?" Verdant groaned.

"Sorry, Mother/Mom…" Azura and Kenshi groaned sheepishly, rubbing the tops of their heads as they deactivated their Semblances.

"And Azolum, stop trying to train them to be savages and be a better role model for them around company." Verdant sighed at her husband.

Azolum gave a sheepish smile at that. "Sorry, dear. It has been too long since I last saw Azura. I got a little overexcited…" He apologized, equally as sheepishly as the twins.

"No disrespect to you Miss Verdant, but your boys and your husband are clinically dumb." A smooth voice said, grabbing everyone's attention.

A man walked out from the shadows at the other side of the lobby. A tanned skinned young man who looked slightly older than Azura. His red eyes drooped, looking pretty exhausted. He was a bit short for a man, a couple of inches below Yang in height, wearing an open red smoke jacket with a black t-shirt in place of an undershirt and baggy brown jean shorts. His hair was red and shaggy as he walked with a slouch. The most notable thing about him, aside from his unusual appearance, was his lack of shoes, in place of normal feet was a pair of sharp-looking bird talons.

"It has been a long time, Red. You look well." Azura greeted the Faunus with a smile as he put his hand out.

The Faunus smiled and took Azura's hand in what looked like a normal handshake, but quickly pulled him into a hug, surprising Yang and Ruby with how familiar he was being with Azura.

"Happy birthday, you glorious bastard!" Red exclaimed happily.

He then turned and looked at Kenshi.

"Oh, and you too, Ken." Red added easily.

The two broke the hug as Kenshi grumbled at the dismissive tone, Azura smiling at the family of four. "Everyone, this is Akazaru Red of the Akazaru Clan's Kaze Family. Red, this is Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose, their father Taiyang Xiao Long, and their uncle Qrow Branwen." He told them all, motioning towards each member of the family as he introduced them.

Red broke away from Azura and let out a low bow, he spoke in a tone brimming with pride and excitement. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you're ready for a night of fun and partying! I've made sure to cater this event to the best of my abilities. I assure you; you won't be disappointed!"

The two sisters shared a look. This guy was a member of a warrior clan? He looked and acted nothing like the Sōtora. They were all prim and proper for the most part, well dressed. And this guy was the complete opposite. He looked more like a guy you would bump into on the street.

Qrow walked up to the Faunus, gripped him by the shoulders, and spoke to him in a very serious tone. "Where. Is. The. Booze? I've heard stories about Akazaru drinks, I wanted to see if they're true."

"Just up the stairs and to the left is the dining hall where the party is taking place. The bar is open to anyone at the age of seventeen and above." Kenshi told him with a smile.

Qrow sighed in relief and hung his head as he let Red go. "Oh, thank the gods."

"Of course you're happy about the booze." Yang stated with a smile on her face, "Actually I could use some. Where're the strawberry martinis?"

Red eyed each of the family but stopped when he got to Yang and Ruby: "Oh, you must be the 'Ruby' and 'Yang' Azu here won't shut up about." He said as he smiled, walking over to them with his hand extended. "I'm Red. I prefer a more personal greeting than all these flashy introductions."

Yang smiled toward Red, stuck her hand out, and gave a flirty look, "It's always nice to meet friends of Azura's."

Red took Yang's hand and shook it. "He talks about you especially." He said as he smirked.

"Ooooh does he now?" Yang asked, giving Azura a soft look and biting her lip.

"Yep, he told me he was actually training both of you guys." Red turned to his friend and smiled.

Azura, still blushing from the look Yang was giving him, quickly tried to change the subject. "O-Okay, I think it's time we all head for the dining hall and join the party!" He nervously said.

"Right, this way everyone. To the dining hall." The host and hostess said in unison, slowly leading them down a hallway that could double as a city street.

As they traveled deeper into the titanic structure, they noticed how most of it was not actually kept with walls. Instead, between great lacquered timbers were various screens decorated with great mosaics, legendary scenes, and murals of landscapes. Modern lights disguised as lanterns lit the great cavernous hallway. The guests even thought they could have driven their car through here. This thought was broken by a new voice.

"Very nice to see you, Azura." A short, slim built, but surprisingly busty red-haired Faunus girl with deep brown eyes and cute cat ears on top of her head greeted Azura. She was wearing a leather jacket with the shade of sangria and underneath was the shortest black cocktail dress, black wedge desert boots, and three golden chokers around her neck.

She then rushed quickly and gave Azura a hug, almost knocking him over. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then spoke to him. "It's so good to see you, I have a gift for you."

She handed him a small box after he set her down and then her smile turned to a frown looking over at Yang and Ruby. "Ahh, I didn't expect you to bring more friends, Azu?"

Smiling, Azura pulled away from the girl and turned to introduce her. "Right. Guren, meet Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose, and their father Taiyang and uncle Qrow. Everyone, this is one of my oldest and closest friends Sōtora Guren." He told them, introducing them to his childhood friend.

"Hey, Guren. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Yang." Yang stuck out her hand for Guren.

She looked at Yang's hand, then looked at her, put her hand out, and shook it. "Hello, it's very nice to meet you. Azura did mention you hear and there. "

Giving a small smile then he turned to Ruby. "Oh, my gods, Guren! I love your jacket!" The silver-eyed girl said. 

"Thanks. I got it from Fire Wings." Guren told her.

"Oh, my gods! I've always wanted to shop there! But Yang tells me their clothing is too expensive and inappropriate." Ruby explained, giving a sad face, "We're only allowed to go to Gorge."

"Hey, you were asking when you were nine, Ruby!" Yang said, smacking her sister.

"Oh, I can take you shopping. I know all the good shit." Guren told them with a wink and a flirty smile.

Azura gave a smile, happy to see his female friends all getting along. "I'm sure you girls will have a wonderful day out together." He told them as he turned to the massive doors of the dining hall and pushed them open.

A slight cool breeze flowed through the door as it opened, causing a slight shiver. In confusion, the Sōtora looked like the room was dark, the lights drawn dim. It was ghastly, even haunting as a small low hanging mist moved in, emanating from a shadow across the room. Then two eyes opened, one pink and one brown from the dark mass.

The shadowy figure then threw up a flint into the air. Gripping a short, curved sword at her side, she drew it from the hilt as it fell, striking it. With a gust of wind, they sent the sparks flying over the table, lighting chandeliers with candles as they went. Their crystal holders sparkling like the sun had been ignited inside them. In a single fluid motion, they sheathed the blade as the darkness dispelled itself. In front of them stood Trivia in a flowing dress of pink, white, brown, and the proper mon's of her clan, family, and self.

Bowing like a conductor of a symphony, two great old-fashioned paper scrolls dropped from the heavens to the wall behind her. Each in the ancient Sōtora script read, "Happy Birthday, Azura and Kenshi! From your most lovable cousin, Trivia Vanille-Sōtora!!"

To Be Continued...

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