Sanctuary Agency

Chapter 8: Level Up (18+)

〘Date: 2/8 - Friday〙

〘Time: 3:30 PM〙

〘Location: Texas, San Antonio - Trinity Valley University〙

Allie and I finally made it back to San Antonio for Matt's game, the parking lot filled completely with fans and families of the university, making it nearly impossible to find a parking spot. Eventually, we managed to find one, the two of us hopping out of the car to rush toward the stadium.

"We gotta hurry! The halftime is almost over!" Allie called out to me, quickly grabbing her Student ID out of her purse.

I quickly followed behind, grabbing my ID from my wallet to get past security. As we rushed across the street, I noticed a speeding car headed our way, the sound of the honking horn immediately alerting Allie.

Her eyes widened with shock, time seemingly stopping for her as the car was oncoming to a head-on collision with her. Before she knew it, she was on the other side of the road in my arms, the car slamming on its breaks to check up on us.

Allie felt her heart beating a million times per second, her gaze slowly shifting up toward me in disbelief. She noticed as my eyes began to gradually dim down, faint sparks of blue lightning still crackling around my hair.

"Ryder..." She began, immediately growing quiet once I placed my finger on her lips.

I gave her a soft smile, helping her to her feet and ruffled my hair, removing any form of energy from my being. "It's're safe now."

〔Talent EXP +100〕

"Yo, dude! You nearly hit Allie!" Danny called out as he hurried out of the car.

Tony stared at me, his eyes slightly red as he was still processing everything that happened. He couldn't take his eyes off me, his senses finally coming back to him. 'He moved hella fast...Who the hell does this guy think he is..?'

"Hey! Keep your bitch on a leash next time, will you?! You know how much it would cost me to remove her remains from my hood?!" Tony barked, marching over toward me and Allie with Danny cautiously following behind.

I stared at Tony, my expression darkening once it was revealed he was behind the wheel. "You nearly hit Allie with your car, and all you care about is removing her remains from your stupid car..?!"

Allie quickly held me back, gently gripping my shirt to prevent me from lunging at Tony. "Ryder, no! You already saved me..! It's alright..."

"Yeah, that's right, Ryder. Listen to your little snow bunny, now she's saving you from me. Because she knows the skills...I have," Tony said, slurring his words slightly with a mocking smile on his lips.

I stared at Tony with fire burning in my veins, blue lightning subtly crackling around my hair, causing a few strands to stand up. I glanced down at Allie, noticing her mouthing for me to stay calm. I let out a soft scoff at Tony, gently grabbing Allie's hand then walked off toward the stadium entrance.

"Yeah! Walk away, Failure! Remember your place in the hierarchy!" Tony laughed, claiming the victory over me in his mind.

Danny glanced at Tony then back at me, shivering slightly as the cold stare in my eyes lingered in his mind. "I don't think you should've provoked him like that...did you see the look in his eyes?"

"'re actually scared of that guy? What you think because he is the son of a Destiny Woman he deserves respect? And I'm the drunk one huh?" Tony judged, patting Danny on his shoulder and chuckled as he walked back to his car.

Danny glanced at the security who witnessed the incident and idly stood by, lowering his head and shaking it. He heard Tony honking at him and began making his way back to the car, getting inside and Tony took off down the street again.

I looked back, watching as Tony's car drove off into the distance, my anger still simmering within from his dismissiveness and recklessness. I turned toward the security guard who witnessed it all, shooting him a glare that seemed to pierce his soul.

The security guard's arms began to develop goosebumps, averting his gaze to avoid making eye contact with me. He knew he was guilty, but decided to only stand at his spot innocently, checking visitors for their tickets.

"C'mon, Ry... Let's just head inside and have fun. We're here in support of Matt and Trinity Valley remember?" Allie said, looking up at me, noticing my expression was still serious as the incident held true in my mind.

"Allie, why did you stop me? I had every right to retaliate against him after what he did and said," I questioned, glancing at Allie with a stern expression mixed with concern for her.

Allie's smile slightly dropped and she lowered her head a bit, letting out a soft sigh as she prepared herself to answer me truthfully. "It's because I know your anger. When you get pushed too far, you tend to lose that self control you always have and it's scary to watch you like that..."

"But also, I stopped you because if you had struck Tony, you would've gotten in trouble. It's like he says, there's a hierarchy and in Trinity Valley University, he sits at the from most of all repercussions," Allie finished, meeting my gaze directly, hoping I could understand her reasoning.

Even though I hated the answer, I knew deep down she was right and it was because she was right that only fueled my anger more. "It's not right. He and his little yes men are able to just walk around here like they own the place because he has a little bit of influence..? It's wrong..."

"Yeah, it is...but that's how the system plays. We all have to play the game correctly or else it's over for our careers," Allie said softly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I can't continue playing this game if it only ends with someone I care about being hurt. He's been roaming around here like he's a king...someone needs to bring him down and put him in check," I said, my tone filled with justice and righteousness.

Allie smiled at my diligent tone, a bit of her hopeful to see me fully embrace my heritage. "I know that look in your eyes. You're plotting aren't you?"

A smile began to stretch upon my lips, my gaze shifting toward Allie again and I gave her a nod. "I've been dormant for long enough and he's disrespected us for the last time. He's going to get what's coming to him."

Allie nodded in agreement, letting out a hum of approval. Suddenly, the cheers of the stadium grabbed our attentions, the half time show now over and the heated game starting once again.

After hearing the distant cheers and the instruments of the band playing their fanfares, we decided to hurry toward the student area of the stadium, our steps quick while we moved with a purpose. Making it to the entrance, we showed our IDs and made it past the gate, allowing us inside the stadium.

"Silver 30! Silver 30!" Matt called out, adjusting his helmet and looked ahead at his rival on the other team, his eyes sparkling with competitiveness.

"Alright, let's get a good one, Matt!" The running back said, getting down into position, glancing at Matt with a smirk on his face.

Matt nodded, chuckling lightly then clapped his hands. "You already know, Wade. Set, hut!"

Immediately the center snapped the ball, both teams rushing toward each other, ramming into each other like two rival herds of bulls in an open field. Matt caught the football, scanning for Wade across the field and moving around to avoid being tackled.

Not able to throw the ball toward Wade, he found himself being charged by three other players at top speed. Matt's lips curled into a grin, his blood beginning to flow with adrenaline, his heart pumping with excitement as the three neared.

"Even when I'm outnumbered, you fools still can't keep up!" Matt taunted, spinning around all three of the defenders, causing them to tackle each other then launched the ball down the field.

Wade sprinted forward, stiff arming his defender to get some pressure off his back. He watched as the ball began to come down, swiftly stopping and causing his defender to lose traction on the ground. He leaped in the air, catching the football with one hand before crashing onto the ground with the crowd bursting into cheers.

Wade stood up quickly, spiking the ball to the ground as he walked toward his team, patting his chest. "You can't stop me! You just can't!"

Matt exclaimed as he hurried over toward Wade, performing their signature handshake together before meeting up with the rest of the team. "That's what I call a play! 77 yards, big dog!"

Allie cheered loudly with the rest of the crowd, clapping her hands with a big smile on her face. "Seeing Matt play up close again feels like a dream! His footwork is excellent!"

I chuckled softly, nodding my head in agreement. "It's all that ballerina practice believe it or not."

"You're lying!" Allie laughed, quickly turning to face me with a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"It's true. He mainly took those classes because he hoped to get with one of the ballerinas, but he came out with skills no other QB could possess. He has real finesse to his game," I said, praising Matt for his skills as an athlete.

"Y'know, I would have never taken Matt to actually go through with the entire class," Allie giggled, turning her gaze back to the game.

"The things he'll do for a woman, but he has some real ambition," I said, chuckling along with Allie and began watching the game again.

The score was currently 21 to 20, a close game with Trinity Valley University in the lead by one point. Oceanview's team wasn't anything to scoff at either with each player being coached by legends within Destiny Islands, three of them being Mark Angels, Eric Sanders, and Jake Bell.

Matt felt the pressure was beginning to increase as the defense was beginning more aggressive, but he lived for the chase and the increased pressure only seemed to fire him up even more. Sounds of the cheerleaders chanting and the band playing their tunes made the stadium more electrifying, the field seemingly springing to life with faint signs of energy.

"Matt, we can not allow them to get any form of interceptions...And I know you want to make it to the WFL so I'm gonna let you shine. Get your rushing yards and make sure Oceanview can never see the peaks of our very valleys," The coach said, nodding at Matt with a determined gaze.

Matt only became more fired up, his smirk stretching wider into a arrogant grin. He let out a soft chuckle, cracking his knuckles. "Now we're talking coach... It's time for the world to see how Number 4 gets down."

The coach watched as Matt began to walk back out onto the field with confidence, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. "Don't let me down, kid."

Both teams got set up on the field once again, Matt taking his spot behind center and locking eyes with the rival quarterback, his lips curling into a smirk. The rival quarterback scoffed lightly at Matt, not amused by his antics at all.

"Trinity 100! Trinity 100!" Matt called out, adjusting his mask and exhaling slowly.

"Here it is...The Trinity Plays. Matt has been given full permission to run the plays, so expect unorthodox routes team!" The rival quarterback called out, his gaze never leaving Matt's, keeping a close eye upon him.

Matt glanced over at Wade, nodding at him and Wade nodded back, the two of them once again on the same page. Matt clapped his hands together, readying himself for the play. "Set, hut!"

The center snapped the ball toward Matt, the ball flying straight into Matt's hands. He stood up straight, holding the ball toward Wade as if he were to hand the ball off to him. Wade grabbed the ball, tucking it under his arm to act like he had it then began running down the field.

The defenders chased after Wade, believing he had the ball and Wade never stopped moving, going down the field before eventually getting tackled to the ground. The defender who took him down noticed Wade didn't have the ball, his eyes slightly widening in shock.

"Jay!" The rival quarterback's teammate called out, pointing toward Matt who was rushing down the field with the ball.

Jay snapped his head toward Matt, gritting his teeth then began to chase after him at high speeds and put his mouthpiece inside his mouth. 'Tch..! How can you idiots fall for such a rookie trick?!'

Matt evaded each defender that charged after him, spinning and side stepping around each of them with a mix of finesse and balance. As he continued down the field, hearing the crowd roar his name, a figure appeared out of the corner of his eye, rushing toward him like a battering ram.

Matt chuckled softly, swiftly evading Jay as if he were a bull in a rodeo. "Jay Valentine, it's time for you to recognize what real star power looks like!"

Jay rushed back toward Matt, his eyes flashing with determination to stop Matt's run. "We'll see about that, Matt Hunt!"

The two entered in a game of cat and mouse, Jay doing everything in his power to tackle Matt, but Matt merely toyed around with him with graceful spins and maneuvers, dismantling his every attempt.

Matt noticed two more defenders rushing at his right, the added pressure causing his heart to pump with even more excitement. He dodged the first defender swiftly, using the tip of his toes to find his balance then spun around the second defender, causing him to take Jay's tackle.

Matt walked past the end zone as if he were a robot, spiking the ball to the ground and walked around near the stands, holding the number four at the cameras and giving each fan and supporter a high five then made it toward me and Allie, his smile widening even more.

"I know you saw that! I'm in God Mode, boy! Can't nobody stop me! They better recognize!" Matt exclaimed, dapping me up with extreme energy pumping through his veins.

"Yes sir! Made it look easy down there!" I laughed, patting Matt on his helmet, playfully pushing him back toward his team.

Allie laughed and cheered as Matt ran back down to his team. "Whoo! The way he embarrassed them, that was amazing to watch!"

"You're telling me! I've been known this man had skills," I chuckled, continuing to watch the game with great interest.

As we watched the game, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up, noticing Jaiden standing in front of me. I gave him a smile, scooting over to make room for him to sit down.

"You literally just made it. The game is getting good, both teams are pretty much evenly matched," I said, watching as he sat down next to me.

Jaiden hummed at me, looking at the scoreboard with a hint of amusement. "I'm pretty much caught up on the game. We spent most of the rest of studio time watching the game."

Jaiden turned back toward me, noticing Allie sitting next to me and smiled at her. "Hey, Allie. It's been a while since we last spoke," Jaiden said, holding his fist out toward her for a fist bump.

Allie smiled at Jaiden, happily bumping her fist against his. "Yeah, it has, I'm glad you've been helping take care of this big tiger here~"

Jaiden chuckled softly at her, noticing my soft blush at her tease. "No problem. That's what brothers are for right?"

"Alright, alright. Enough with teasing me," I said, rolling my eyes at the both of them.

Jaiden and Allie laughed at my reaction, their attentions being turned back to the game as well. As we watched the game, Jaiden and I began to explain more about Matt's history as a ballerina, the story causing her to break into a fit of giggles.

The game continued, the life of the stadium only increasing as the two teams played their hearts out. Despite Matt's overwhelming finesse and IQ on the field, Oceanview held their own on offense as well thanks to Jay's IQ on field as well.

Soon, the fourth quarter came around, both sides of the game feeling the fatigue settling in. Matt and Jay were running low on steam, but the game was tied and their coaches knew that they were the only ones who could change the outcome of the game.

"Alright, Matt...You think you have one more good one on you? We don't need any crazy plays. Just one good pass is enough," The coach asked, looking down at Matt with a curious gaze.

Matt drank more of his water, rehydrating himself and let out a soft sigh, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, I definitely have one more in me. This one is going to be the game winner...three time champion..."

The coach smiled at Matt, patting his back then closed his playbook. "Alright then, superstar. Go out there and win the game for us. Bring home the trophy again."

Matt nodded, springing up from his seat and grabbed his helmet. He put on his helmet, walking into the field with confidence in his step. "Number 4 will come in clutch again. Believe that."

The coach smirked at his confident remark, tapping a button on his headset to communicate with Matt through his helmet. "Make us proud, kid. Make Trinity Valley University proud."

Matt nodded and took his position on the field, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "Trinity 1! Trinity 1!"

"Here it is, boys! The Hail Mary Play! It's all or nothing! Intercept the pass at all costs!" Jay called out, adjusting his helmet and locking onto Matt.

"Set, hut!" Matt clapped his hands, catching the snapped ball and began rushing down the field immediately.

'I need to pass to Wade, he needs to get open!' Matt thought to himself, scanning the field for Wade for the last pass.

Wade sprinted down the field, being defended by Jay and did everything he could to try to shake him off. He grunted as he couldn't lose him with even his best routes, his frustration gradually simmering within.

"You can't lose me unlike Matt can! This is it! Your streak ends here!" Jay called out, sticking to Wade like his own shadow, not letting him out of his sight.

'If I can't lose him, I'll have to out jump him!' Wade thought, sprinting toward the end zone in hopes of catching it at the touchdown.

"Come on, Matt! You got this!" Allie yelled out, using her hands to amplify her voice.

"Yeah! Trust in your gut and Wade's! You got this, bro!" Jaiden cheered, clapping his hands in hopes that Matt heard them.

Matt heard Allie and Jaiden amongst the crowd, his gaze flicking over to me and noticed the three of us sitting within the crowd. Immediately, a wave of resurgence washed over his body, his focused going back to the game and looking for Wade.

Noticing Wade all the way down at the end zone, he knew he had to strong arm the ball the best he could. With multiple defenders surrounding him, he knew he couldn't slip out of their reach. With one last push, he launched the ball from across the field before being tackled to the ground.

The ball ripped through the air with a perfect spiral, any defender who dared to jump to grab it, met with a spiral force like a bullet and flinging into the air. The ball reached the end zone, Jay and Wade battling to be the first to catch the ball.

Jay leaped in the air for the ball, stretching his arm up to catch it and the ball was set in motion to grab it. 'This is it...if I catch this, it's our ball and 1st down. It's over...we actually won...'

Before his hand could grab the ball, he looked up, noticing Wade higher in the air than him, his eyes slightly widening. Wade grabbed the ball out the air, the two of them seemingly falling in slow motion and landing on the ground.

Once the realization set in, the crowd erupted into roars and cried of victory. Wade had scored the game winning touchdown for Trinity Valley University, the entire university chanting Matt's and Wade's name and singing their anthem with pride.

Allie, Jaiden, and I seemed to cheer the loudest, the three of us exploding with happiness for our grand victory. Matt grunted softly as he stood up from the ground with a smile, dusting himself off and chuckled proudly at Wade.

Wade grunted softly as he sat up from the ground, noticing a hand in front of him. He looked up, his gaze meeting Jay's and he took his hand, Jay helping him upon his feet. "Thanks..."

Jay stared at Wade, closing his eyes and nodded at Wade. "That was an excellent game and I enjoyed it a lot. Tell Matt that I said a Fool can only get lucky so many times..."

Wade watched as Jay walked off, a small smile of respect tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey!"

Jay stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at Wade. "What?"

"Next year, you better bring your best game. Someone like me shouldn't be able to beat you," Wade said, playfully taunting Jay with a smirk on his lips.

Jay stared at Wade for a moment, smirking at him then turned away and began to walk away again. "Just think of it like me putting you time I won't be so generous."

After the game ended, the stadium began to clear with everyone leaving and heading back to their cars to wait for the players to come out or to head home. Allie, Jaiden, and I began making our way through the sea of people, squeezing through everyone to reach the parking lot as well.

Once we were free, we began heading toward our cars, Allie still giggling and humming happily about the game winning play, holding my hand and skipping forward. Jaiden and I noticed her cheerful mood, the two of us chuckling with one another.

"That was such a fun game to watch!~ I've never screamed so much before, I think I might lose my voice!" Allie giggled, looking over at me and Jaiden with a bright grin.

"You were pretty much the loudest in the stadium, even scared a few people with your cheers," I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, keeping her out of the way of a few cars driving in the parking lot.

Allie hummed, leaning against me and glanced up at me. "Well of course, I gotta show love to my own university! That's how you know we have real pride for our campus!"

Jaiden smiled at the two of us, chuckling along with us then felt his phone buzzing. He took it out of his pocket, looking down at th screen and noticing Matt had texted the group chat. I felt my phone buzz as well, Matt's message reaching my device as well.

"Heh, and to no one's surprise, he's throwing a victory party at his penthouse at six. Open invite also so you know it's gonna be crazy," Jaiden said, looking up from his phone and at me.

I whistled slightly, slipping my phone back into my pocket. "It's been a while since I last went to an open invite, but since it's Matt's party, I'll show up."

"That's the move, man. Are you coming too, Allie?" Jaiden asked, looking at Allie with curiosity.

"Of course! I wouldn't want to miss this chance again, especially when Matt throws his parties!" Allie nodded, giving Jaiden a bright smile of excitement.

He nodded back at Allie, his lips curling into a small smile. "Alright then it's settled, we'll meet up at Matt's house around 5:30 alright?"

"Gotcha. Alright, me and Allie are gonna go get ready," I said, stopping at my car then dapped up Jaiden.

He returned the handshake, smiling and nodding at me. "Same here. I'll see you at the party."

I waved at Jaiden, Allie and I watching as he went back to his car. The two of us got into my car and I drove off back to the dorms, the two of us planning to get ready within an hour for Matt's victory party.

〘Date: 2/8 - Friday〙

〘Time: 5:00 PM〙

〘Location: Texas, San Antonio - Trinity Valley Dormitory〙

I parked my car at the dorms, Allie and I getting out and heading inside the building to go to her dorm so she could get herself ready for the party later. The two of us walked together, hand in hand, her hold on my hand tighter than usual. I could tell something was on her mind, but I didn't know how to ask it.

Soon, we reached her door, Allie using her key card to unlock the door and pulled me inside her dorm with her. Entering inside, we noticed it was still empty, Jade still nowhere to be found in the room.

"She's still out or something? I haven't seen her all day," I said, looking over at Allie with a curious expression.

Allie nodded her head, looking at me with a soft smile. "Yeah, she always leaves to go visit her sister in Oceanview on the weekends. You'll never find her in San Antonio during this time. So, I have the entire dorm to myself until she comes back!"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a soft chuckle escaping from my lips. "So is that why you were practically dragging me here?"

A blush began to form on her cheeks, her gaze shifting away from me for a moment. "I mean...we can go to your dorm since Matt won't be there. Either way, it doesn't matter to me," Allie huffed, crossing her arms and turning away from me.

I glanced down, noticing her legs slightly quivering with bottled up energy and excitement. I smirked at her, bringing my gaze back to meet her face. I gently held her chin, making her meet my eyes. "You forget that I can read body language and emotions like my father..."

Allie scoffed softly, feigning an unamused expression and rose an eyebrow. "I know you can... I'm just saying that I don't care where we do— I mean, where we go..."

I snickered softly, shaking my head slightly and sighing softly. "So you want to pregame before the party huh..?"

"We have an why not, plus knowing Matt there's no way that party's gonna be ready by six. Have Jaiden let you know when to come by..." Allie said softly, placing her hand on her arm, a mix of bottled up desire and anticipation bubbling to the surface.

I smiled more at her body language, taking my phone out of my pocket to text Jaiden to let me know when Matt's party began. Seeing his confirmation text, I slipped my phone back into my pocket, winking at Allie.

"There..~ Now let's start our pregame," I hummed softly, pulling her closer to me by her waist.

Allie's lips curled into a coy smile, her arms languidly wrapping around my neck as she closed the gap between us, her chest pressed against mine. She spoke no words, instantly capturing my lips for a hungry kiss.

Immediately, I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her waist firmly. She began to pull me back toward her bed as we kissed, her hands slipping down toward my belt and working to get it unbuckled.

I helped her undress as well, my hands working the buttons of her pants as she worked on mine. Once we got our pants off, Allie pulled me onto her bed with her with a coy grin on her lips.

"C'mon..~ I wanna know if you still got it...I know you're a bit rusty," She teased in a seductive tone, pushing down her panties and kicking them onto the floor.

I chuckled softly at her tease, pushing down my underwear, my shaft standing up with excitement to claim Allie once again. "It's only been two years...relax..~"

Allie giggled softly, her hands gripping the sheets to brace herself for my insertion inside her. I began to slowly rub the tip of my member along her slick folds, her body jolting lightly in reaction to her sensitive skin being touched. Her body was on fire, her excitement and anticipation now through the roof.

Soon, I guided my cock inside her, Allie gasping and throwing her head back in pleasure, a loud moan escaping her lips as I began to fill her. She arched her back off the bed, her face contorting with a mix of pain and pleasure on her face. Her grip upon the sheets tightened, her knuckles turning white in attempt to keep her grasp upon reality.

I held her hips firmly, starting with slow and intimate thrusts, allowing her body to adjust to my size again. Allie let out soft whimpers, her body shivering with pleasure as I moved inside her, her inner walls clenching around me in attempt to pull me deeper.

"F-Faster...Ry...Faster," She begged, reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck lazily.

I hummed at her plea, driving my hips into hers faster and faster, her moans growing louder in response. She let out a shivering cry, her body jolting with each deep thrust as she began to become lost in the feeling of being filled by me.

"Fuck...! Ahh— Don't stop... don't—" Allie moaned, her nails gently gripping my shirt, her mouth open for a silent scream.

I could tell she enjoyed being at my mercy, a faint pink energy slightly embracing her body as I continued to dominate her. I continued to pound her into her mattress, my hand gently wrapped around her neck to keep her pinned down.

Allie let out an excited moan at the feeling of my hand around her neck, her eyes rolling back with pure enjoyment, loving the way I took control. She began to babble, her hips bucking to meet my every thrust.

"Ry... I'm so close..!" She begged softly, panting loudly as she was on the verge of an explosive release, her orgasm approaching rapidly.

I began to grunt with each thrust, my body shivering as I neared my own climax. Each of my thrusts began to grow harder, the sound of skin slapping together gradually growing louder, the room filled with the harmonious sounds of Love.

After a few more intense thrusts, I gave her one last thrust, letting out a loud groan of pleasure as I came undone inside her. Allie let out a loud cry of pleasure as she came hard, her body shaking violently with pleasure. She squirted all over my cock and her legs, her juices staining her sheets as a reminder.

She panted heavily, still in the midst of her orgasm, trying to catch her breath. She gently pulled me down, pressing her lips against mine for a calming, tender kiss. I kissed her back, gently rubbing her quivering legs, the two of us humming into the kiss. A sigil began to form along her pelvis, taking shape in the form of a heart.

〔Lust/Love EXP +150〕

〔Lust Level UP!!! 1 ↠ 2〕

〔New Award Unlocked: Lust EXP Gain +10%〕

〔New Main Objective Complete: Go on a date with Allie.〕

〔Task Complete: Raise Empathy and Lust to Level 2.〕

〔Reward: Credi +5000, Art of Love EXP +500〕

I pulled away from the kiss, getting off Allie and playful slapped her breast. "Not so rusty am I?~"

Allie let out a squeak, letting out a laugh of disbelief and smacked my chest. "Whatever..!~ It was amazing though..~"

I chuckled softly, getting off her bed and grabbing my underwear and pants. "Well, after that...we really have to get ready for real."

Allie giggled softly, watching as I put on my clothes and sat up on her elbows. "Yeah..~ Do you maybe wanna come back over after the party...for our after party?"

I smirked at Allie, knowing the damage I caused was now irreversible. I chuckled at her suggestion, walking toward her and giving her another kiss on her lips. "Sure...we can come back here, but this time it's my dorm.."

"Sure, your dorm...fine," Allie breathed against my lips, pulling me back down for another kiss.

Our last kiss lasted for a few moments, our kissing turning into making out with one another. Soon, I finally broke the kiss, pulling back from her hold with a smile. Allie whined softly, not wanting me to leave her yet.

"Don't worry, we'll be back here after the party..~ I'll come pick you up after I get ready. Be dressed by the time I get back," I said, poking her forehead before making my way out of her dorm.

Allie smiled at me, watching as I left her room. She looked down at herself, rubbing her pelvis and noticing a faint glow upon her skin. Her smile grew even wider as she noticed she had been marked with a Love Sigil.

〔Allie's Affection for you has increased to 100%.〕

〔Achievement Unlocked - The Power of Love I: Marked 1 Woman with a Love Sigil〕

〔Reward: Hearts +1〕

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