Chapter 12: House Sorting
Author's notes:
I figured I should try this and see how it goes. Let me know if the new layout of chapters with the single spacing is a bit better on the eyes and the like. If there are any questions then feel free to ask; I will be a bit vague if they come into spoiler territory or cover anything I plan on revealing at a later date.
Finally, apologies for the strange schedule...or well lack of one altogether. From now on there will be at least one new chapter every month (this goes for the four main fics I'm handling: Phantom Masquerade, Scars of White, Class Wars, Piracy!) with the word count increasing to at least 3000 words per chapter. Let me know if that's a change for the better as well.
That and a surprise that I'm looking forward sometime in the near future (Probably next month or the month after), I'm excited for it. But I'll reveal more details with that as it becomes relevant.
An announcement sounds throughout the speeding locomotive.
"Please depart from the train. Attendants await your journey towards Hogwarts academy. Please ensure all hand luggage has been gathered and the spaces cleaned before leaving the premises. First years please report to groundsman Rubeus Hagrid. Second years and above should find the group of the headless hunt." The voice died down after that, it wasn't quite the static of an intercom like I expected, perhaps the use of magic? Or they actually have modern technology implemented in the train? Though that seems strange to modify the train for that purpose, wouldn't it make more sense to just get a modern train instead? I'm asking too many questions that don't matter…
"Headless hunt? What's that Ron?" Is it something to do with Dullahan maybe? Assuming folklore and mythology are based somewhat on reality would explain a lot. After all the magic and muggle worlds have been interacting infrequently throughout time, it wouldn't be crazy to assume some things have been seen by either side.
"A band of ghosts! All of them were beheaded. Brutal, I'm telling ya." How long have they been around if they were killed by beheading. As far as I'm aware beheading was abolished in the early 19th century and instead hanging was used as a form of capital punishment for crimes of such severity.
"Wait. Ghosts exist?!" Harry exclaimed the shock that couldn't manifest in my own body. I wonder how long they stay around. The number of people that have died throughout all time should mean we should've at least encountered one in our lifetime up to this point. Unless they can decide whether they want to be seen. Or perhaps there are conditions necessary for a ghost to remain clinging to the human world? In media often unresolved desires are the reason for their conviction to stay in the world of the living.
"Yeah. I mean dragons exist. Magic exists, surely ghosts aren't that far-fetched?" Ron stated matter-of-factly. He has a point.
"Whoa! Dragons as well?!" I wonder when the initial magic will rub off. Pun intended. Will there come a day when things just don't surprise me anymore in terms of magic? At this point I can confidently say I doubt it. Who's to say what the future has in store.
"Yeah, actually my brother's been working with them the past year. He's been in Romania studying them." Ron slowly looked down and twiddled with his thumbs, a nervous habit he often exhibited.
"Cool. Have you ever seen one?" A childlike wonder sparkled in Harry's eyes as he continued to interrogate Ron about the magical world.
"Have I hell! Rare creatures dragons, that's actually the reason that Bill's working with them. They have to be specially raised in captivity. They very rarely mate naturally, that and add poaching in the mix. The number's drop rapidly…"
"I'm surprised they manage to get poached. You know when I imagine dragons they're kinda this unstoppable force." How would you even face a dragon? A simple flick of its tail could destroy the body, its breath could destroy entire villages. Practically a walking calamity, let's hope I don't encounter one under those circumstances…
"You aren't wrong. But magic can do plenty of things, nothing's faultless. That being said it isn't that poaching happens all the time, it's just the number of dragon's themselves are so low that each individual case is shocking."
"I see. So, they're super rare then."
"I told you about the house creator cards right? There are a few hundred of each in the world. There're probably fewer individual dragons in the entire world than there are copies of one of the house founders."
"I wonder if I'll ever get to see one?" Harry pondered whilst looking out the window.
"Just between you guys, I'm gonna try to convince Charlie to take me one day to see them." Should I try and hitch a ride for that? Unquestionable, obviously I should.
"I'm jealous, make sure you get pictures!" A beautiful friendship was blooming here between the two boys. I only hoped my lacklustre responses could also plant such seeds.
"Already ahead of you. I plan on framing the memory, if only I could get a pensieve that'd be awesome." I assumed he meant by taking a picture, but his words leant towards something else instead.
"Pensieve?" Perhaps something to filter out memories or thoughts, using the sieve in the word. What the prefix refers to I'm not sure. I can only assume that's the kind of item Ron has in mind.
"It's like a pool where you can view memories supposedly, I've heard those are super rare. Real ancient magic used to create them, so very few people have them. Usually, the super-rich or super powerful wizards. Although, I suppose one tends to the other in those cases." Power and fame usually tend to come with wealth.
The two continued chatting enthusiastically as we departed from the train with the few possessions we held in hand. The majority of our luggage like animals and the trunks with school supplies were handled earlier. Apparently, they were rather strict with the things that can be taken onto the campus. So, they were already awaiting in the castle. I hope Hikari hasn't gotten hungry or bored in the meanwhile, I'm sure the staff of the school will take care of it for the day at least.
Departing from the rustic steam train, my feet reached a concrete platform with a small village or perhaps hamlet is more appropriate, not far away. Signs on the wall depicted this stop as Hogwarts academy pointing to the large winding road that led to a looming castle visible even across the great expansive lake between us. Another road led to the village centre dubbed Hogsmeade.
Small places used to be named after specialties and the like, so is this village peculiar for its alcohol and food? I'd have to investigate that later. Well, the latter more than anything. When your age is barely in the double digits, drinking is hardly a concern.
Dull thuds reverberated on the platform as I looked around whilst following Harry and Ron. The noises were distinguishable even amongst the avid chatter and excitement of a full train of excited children. A large figure approached our group, his shadow easily loomed over the entire entourage of first year students happily chatting. As the hairy figure got closer the noise died down further and further until barely a whisper could be heard. He looked over the crowd formed silently until his gaze widened a tick.
"'Arry you're 'ere! Good t' see you made it in one piece!" He had a rather thick accent, not posh or formal. If anything, the exact opposite of it. The large boom of his voice still made the words easily distinguishable despite his characteristic way of talking.
"Hagrid!" I guess they were familiar with each other. I thought he had only just become familiar with the wizarding world. How does he know Hogwarts staff intimately? Judging by their familiarity and body language they seem rather comfortable with each other. Harry is a notable name in the wizarding world, is it nepotism? No there are plenty of wealthy students among the crowd some among the first train cart they would also be familiar with him. He's an employee of Hogwarts as a school, meaning he answers to Dumbledore. I'm guessing this has to do with that, in which case that means due to Harry's unique circumstances he has assistance from Dumbledore and his followers. That must also mean Harry doesn't have any involved family members or friends seeing as someone unrelated has to brought into the fray. Dumbledore trusts this Hagrid then, at least to an extent. Has he said anything about me?
"Well then introduce me, who are your friends?" If he's playing dumb, then he's doing it well. Although, he might've only just heard my name if anything at all was mentioned to him…
"This is Ron Weasley. And this is Kiyotaka Ainakoji." He looked rather proud of himself; I didn't want to let him know that he absolutely butchered the pronunciation. But it should be expected from a child unfamiliar with my language. It isn't exactly a linguistic exercise that the English language practiced often. He got the first name right, that's more than good enough.
"Bit 'o a mouthful. Got a nickname feller'?"
"Just Taka's fine, Hagrid."
"Right'o well pleasure meetin' ya."
"Likewise." The look in his eyes said he didn't recognise my name or face. Meaning I should be able to dismiss the possibility of Dumbledore telling him anything. In normal circumstances…
I'm overthinking things, there's better options. I doubt he would've gone to all the trouble.
"'Riiight. All you first years, gather round! We're off to the shore, a nice relaxing boat ride to the castle. Pair up, groups of three to a boat each. Whoever's left can join with me." I only hoped I wouldn't be the person left behind; I'd rather avoid that embarrassing scenario.
As the three of us had already shared a carriage before this the choice seemed obvious… Hopefully… They aren't going to replace me, are they?
"C'mon Taka, let's get going!" Ron had already sped off towards direction pointed by Hagrid.
"Yeah, I can't wait to get to the castle!" Harry following quickly behind him. Honestly sometimes, I thought that I lacked the energy to keep up with the typical child.
The two of them rushed forwards to the shore not a great distance away. A small wave of relief rushed along my body accompanied by the evening breeze. They hadn't even thought about it… That was nice.
The groups had all formed and gathered in front of a small paddle boat each. Neville was left to pair with Hagrid and join his boat. I actually felt a little bad for him, he was a nice boy. If we had enough room, I imagined Harry and Ron would also request he join us.
In the back of my mind, I was also glad that they immediately chose me for their group. I wasn't quite selfless enough to offer him my place. I was glad even if superficially that these two valued me higher than another they had met at the school. Almost immediately I felt the thought as natural, despite being a bit disgusted with my own thought process in the moment.
"Everyone, get in yer' boats, make sure ya' keep your 'ands and feet in the boat. We don't need to lose one o' ya this early into the year." Well, that's awfully comforting to know. The fact he said that so easily must mean things of that nature happen semi-frequently. If that's the case I'm surprised this school remains open.
Every student approached the boats and had taken the warning apparently to heart as they all carefully sat in the centre of the boat. Not even daring to approach the edge of the vessel. I guess even with the excitement they still want to ensure safety, I half expected some of them to completely ignore that warning.
Without warning as every student sunk into the vessel, they all miraculously pushed off into the lake and paddled the oars automatically without any intervention from the students or Hagrid himself. Was this his doing or was it some sort of charm which was embedded in the boats themselves? How curious.
As it was currently the beginning of winter, the air was crisp and the night dark. The moon a luminescent orb that hung in the balance. Shedding a beautiful glow along the surface of the lake. That light permeated slowly beneath the ripples of the water where shadows could be seen gathering beneath the waves.
"Hey! Taka, Ron you see that?"
"Sirens. What are they doing?" The same from old sailor stories? If the legends were anything to go off they were reasonably dangerous to approach. Perhaps that's why Hagrid had warned us. If that's the case, are they going to attempt to draw us towards them? Would the allure of a female beauty even work against developing children? I suppose the harmony of whatever song they sing might. I was quietly anticipating what they might be concocting. I can hardly imagine that it was anything dangerous to the students seeing as this is the path they planned to take us first year students.
Abruptly soft yet resounding hums reached the ears of all the students up above in the boats, no discernible lyrics were ever uttered instead hums and vocalisations that reached a harmony regardless of language or interpretation could be enjoyed. It was a rhythm enjoyable by any and all.
As the pace picked up a large structure raised from the lake, atop it a choir of these denizens of the lake stood. Before the students had even realised, we were surrounded by sirens with tridents along the runway. They remained static in the water a measured distance from the boats and each other, almost militaristically.
In the centre of the choir lay a figure with more clearly distinctive clothing, some sort of noble figure for the tribe. She had an appearance more seemingly human than the others. Rather than scales on the face it was the same porcelain quality evident in the monarchy of times long gone by. She was extremely youthful not just from the vocalist integrity but also in expression.
Gasps escaped from the students due to the grand display. Despite the arrival of the Mer people, they had no intention of stopping us. We simply continued drifting in our vessels past the welcoming party towards the castle. The look of enjoyment never leaving the faces of the choir as we continued. Almost as if we were simple passers-by to the show, they would've continued in their own amusement either way.
It gave the impression that this wasn't some favour to or for the school in any way. Were they simple inhabitants of the land? Where exactly does the jurisdiction of Hogwarts lie? Do they own and control all of the land and settlements here? My mind wandered over possibilities that likely wouldn't hold any importance over my actions.
The sound of the siren's song had all students in a stupor. None of them said a word until the song died down due to our distance. By which we had reached the small landing pad that was supposed to be our destination. Immediately ropes extended to our rowboats and pulled each and every one aboard, like… well, like magic.
The students excitedly chattered between themselves whilst disembarking from the shore up a large staircase into a grand entrance of the castle. Seriously this place is huge, cleaning it would be a lot easier with magic. In fact, that had me wonder how difficult it was to clean such large monuments. The Sistine Chapel probably had some gnarly cobwebs on the ceiling…
What a drab thought.
Surprisingly both Harry and Ron had been as quiet as me, simply taking in the sights as we approached a large door. A noticeable cacophony of noise was present just further beyond.
Hagrid who had been guiding us the entire way had told us to sit still for a minute as he wandered off who knows where.
A familiar face, well to me, approached the trio of myself, Harry and Ron.
"Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. Draco. Draco Malfoy. These are Crabbe and Goyle, say hello." The two boys both murmured a greeting to Harry in particular. Apparently, Ron and myself weren't a part of this conversation.
"You see Potter, there's a certain difference between wizards I'd say. You should pick your friends wisely, whilst here. As such, how about we get better acquainted?"
"Buzz off Malfoy." Ron had stepped in between Harry and the student, still harbouring a snake over his shoulders.
"Heh. Handy-down robes. Bright-red hair, like a baboon's arse. Let me guess… You're a Weasley, right? What am I saying, the stench of poverty made it pretty obvious." Ron simply looked down in response to his provocation. I couldn't exactly allow the family I owe to be talked down like that…
"I can make my own judge of that, thanks though." Before I had gotten out a word. Harry had already given a polite refusal to his advice.
"I'd think twice of that if I were y-" The clack of boots across the floor stopped that sentence from being uttered. An elderly woman confidently strode towards the group of first years wearing emerald-green robes and the same hat witches worn in various media. The fact that some tropes were followed so accurately honestly made everything seem like more of a joke than anything. Like it was cosplay instead.
"First years. I am Professor McGonagall, deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please prepare yourselves we'll be attending the housing ceremony immediately." Without another word she turned on her feet and flicked her wand opening the doors to a large hall. Several large tables with innumerable students stretched out in my view. The ceiling had the uncanny semblance of the night sky spread about it, some sort of illusion. Candles floated in the air and spectres floated around the room. If you were to try and capture the essence of magic in a single scene then this would be it. By design I'd wager.
"That ceiling is an illusion. I read about it in 'Hogwarts, a history'." The brunette from the train, Hermione had said that to another female student. Although they basically dismissed her words, eagerly looking about the hall instead.
Our entire group followed the strutting professor along the straight pathway to the front of the hall where a podium stood and further behind it a congregation of what I assume are some of the staff of this institution. In fact, Hagrid along with another familiar face were present.
He was there in the centre seat. Presiding over the entire hall, his presence unmistakable.
Harry and Hagrid shared a small wave between each other as we approached. I guess he doesn't know Dumbledore personally or is closer with Hagrid? Thankfully, my guardian was also restraining himself from acknowledging my presence. Although, whether that was conscious or required any effort was debatable. Either way I was thankful for it.
Our group stopped in front of the podium where a single chair stood, a large hat resting atop the furniture. Strangely enough the folds in the hat gave the appearance of a face, particularly a dastardly grimace. Whatever personality that hat had, was probably not particularly agreeable.
"Here we are Headmaster."
The aged wizard raised ceremoniously from his seat and ushered the crowd into silence.
"Quiet. Quiet, please everyone. The new first year students have arrived. Without further ado let the sorting ceremony commence. Minerva, please do the honour of announcing the students." It felt strange that he didn't refer to a fellow colleague by her surname or title. Was he uninterested in such etiquette? It at least showed some aspect of closeness between the two, I suppose that was inevitable given they had the two highest seats of authority at this academy. Still, it registered in my mind.
"When I call your name, please approach the stand and place the hat on your head. Hannah Abbott!" A small mousy looking girl approached the seat and placed the large hat on her head. The folds of the hat immediately shifted and creased in ways to show the hat deliberating, voicing something. Yet no audible cues were present. After a few moments the hat simply shouted "Hufflepuff!".
The girl was then guided to a large bench where the students were all clapping and awaiting her arrival.
The fact that the hat was needed must mean that there is a process and therefore some sort of requirements or attributes which complemented the different houses. The question was; what?
Was there a reason to hope for a certain house? What house would they automatically seat me in? Did I have any influence on that decision?
More students passed by and sat on the chair as I deliberated my observations. The lack of information I have on each student couldn't help me fill in the gaps. Before I could attempt to ask one of the other two what the houses meant, one had been taken from the group.
"Ron Weasley!" The red head gulped in response and took a few timid steps towards the platform. Placing the hat slowly on his head. The faint imagery of a guillotine appeared in my head. I imagined the fallout wouldn't be as bad as that, but if Ron were picked for any other house, it'd cement his place as an outcast in his family. From what he was saying earlier I think his entire family has been in Gryffindor. That's a lot of pressure.
The hat's face twisted into a diabolical smirk, apparently taking satisfaction in the fear and dread Ron was no doubt feeling. What a sadist.
"Another Weasley, huh? Hmm. I know just what to do with you… Gryffindor!" Relief flashed over the young Weasley's face as he quickly run to join his brothers at the Gryffindor table.
Looking around I was now aware of the different banners for the houses.
Gryffindor had a deep red almost reminiscent of nobles or monarch emblems. Along with the imagery of a lion. They seemed to value pride or strength, courage. Something like that from the choices. The Weasley brothers would have fit that mould to some extent. Next was the Hufflepuffs, as they were called. Yellow/amber colouring and the image of a badger on the banner. Honey badgers were known for being relentless and unwavering, but that didn't match the energy from the table or the dichotomy with Gryffindor. The houses would serve too similar a purpose. So, I can only assume its something else… They seem friendly, almost as if connection were the most important aspect of them. Badgers form burrows, they create interconnecting tunnels and establish a community. Above all they are a social animal, relying on teamwork. When compared to the other houses they are the most cooperative animal. Lions form prides but one always stands above, snakes are lone predators. Birds do form large gatherings; the rest of my assumption depends on the type of bird the moniker comes from…
"Michael Corner!" A thin boy with curly raven hair approached the stand rather silently. His face with a small smile as he reached for the hat. It barely moved at all, only the word "Ravenclaw!" erupted from it as the boy placed it on the chair once again.
Ravenclaw was the name then…
Crows are generally solitary creatures whereas ravens can work individually but also form small groups as well. They can generally be seen in pairs; they also tend to partner for life.
Why am I so particular about birds and their patterns?
Well, soaring high in the sky seems freeing. Given a free moment it's the first thing I find myself watching… without thinking too much about it.
"Draco Malfoy!" The snake-clad student sauntered over to the chair as if he owned the place. Before the hat could even rest atop his head it immediately screamed out "Slytherin!".
Without even bothering to sit in the chair he walked off once again, this time in the direction of the table with a snake banner, painted with a royal green. Although I was confused slightly, Draco exhibited excessive pride which was what I assumed would place him in Gryffindor. Maybe it's the difference between confidence and narcissism? Or perhaps the direction of their pride? Draco didn't seem one for cooperative thought, instead it was his way or the highway as they said. Perhaps that's the greatest difference. Does that mean Slytherin is a den of snakes as its emblem represents? Immediately assuming all the members are the same simply from the attributes of an individual and a banner would be mere conjecture, and wholly inaccurate.
I was unsure. Not only of what house I would be placed in, but also which I should hope to be put in. My first thought was to hope I joined the few people I had met already. In which case it was all but chosen for me already. That irked me. As if it were out of my control.
"Harry Potter!" The youth beside me was stunned silent. Especially as the noise of the hall died down to search for the figure of my newly made friend. Seeing him freeze, I imperceptibly urged him forward to the chair.
Nearly stumbling as he approached the steps, he reached the chair and settled the hat atop his head. Following it the hat seemed to go on a lengthy diatribe which was inaudible to the rest of us in the audience. What I could make out though, was a few words from Harry's own mouth.
"Not Slytherin." Repeated again and again. After a while the hat relented and shouted once again.
"Gryffindor!" Harry jumped up from his seat and rushed towards the Gryffindor table which had erupted in the densest applause and cheering the entire evening had seen thus far.
More names continued to be called by the deputy headmistress. The other faces I was familiar with assorted into their houses. Hermione and Neville among them which were sorted into Gryffindor. That cemented it.
"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji!" The hall descended in a calmer silence, not as terse as when Harry was called prior. Likely the only reason was due to the obviously different name I carried compared to the other students. After all this was a primarily English attended school, I was an outsider in that regard.
Step by step I approached the chair and placed the hat atop my head.
"Well, what do we have here? What a candidate! A strong body, unwavering in the face of danger. Courage unlike anything I've seen before. A great mind, the likes unimaginable to the mere man. The ability to lead or follow at will. But beneath it all… There is an urge, to prove yourself. Not to anyone else, just to yourself... Your competence is in spades, young man. Ask yourself, what did you come to this academy for? You could do with some allies, no? In that case I already have a place in mind."
"Ravenclaw." A voice coldly interrupted the hat before he could make his judgement.
My own.
Without awaiting the instruction of the hat or a teacher, I walked towards the bench which held my new home. Ravenclaw.
Word count: 4449
Thanks for reading. Hope you've all been enjoying the story so far. Let me know what you think and comment any questions. As stated, before I likely won't go into spoiler territory, but I appreciate the engagement.
Until next time.