Chapter 70: Serena Snape: Love of Magic - chapter 69
January 9, 2008 – Bellatrix PoV
I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Sinclair's immediate response surprised me, but I nevertheless opened the door and looked into the room. I grimaced. Colorful was the only non-offensive word that could describe the interior of Sinclair's room. Colorful. And messy. It looked like a tornado of color had passed through the room.
Nothing seemed to match anything at all. But somehow, Sinclair seemed to be in her element, in fact, she blended perfectly well with the room.
"Give me a minute." Sinclair said with a smile, she went back to playing with her phone, which was placed on a tall tripod, and there were several circular lights around it. She then started dancing… what was going on? It was a short dance, before she stopped and went back to fiddling with her phone. After a few seconds, she smiled widely and turned to look at me. "Did you need me Bella?" she asked happily.
"What was that?" I asked quickly with a frown, she looked at the phone confusedly before opening her eyes.
"Oh, yeah, Gen X… or before them. Boomers, " Sinclair muttered incomprehensibly. "Don't worry, I was just recording a video to show other people on the internet." Sinclair said quickly, I narrowed my eyes, she was hiding something from me, but there were more important things than questioning Sinclair.
"Today is Sera's birthday, I need you to -"
"It's Sera's birthday?!" Sinclair interrupted me, I tried to glare at her before seeing the completely shattered expression Sinclair had on her face "It's Sera's birthday?... It's my imprint's birthday…and no one told me?" Sinclair whimpered.
"oh" when you put it that way, she really would be just as sad. I sighed "Sinclair, calm down." I demanded as I walked over to her, Sinclair looked like she was about to cry but stopped and looked at me, I sighed again, she really looked like an overgrown puppy that had been kicked "first, it really didn't occur to any of us to tell you for the simple fact that… actually, we just forgot, with everything that happened this last week of coming to a new world we forgot that you didn't know about her birthday" I tried to comfort her, I made a promise to Sera to try, she better appreciate it.
"Really?" Sinclair asked plaintively. I nodded.
"Seriously, I'm sure even Serena can't remember that today is actually her birthday," I told her honestly, and really, Serena had spent too much time in her makeshift lab studying her new demonic magic and studying for the promotion test to even remember what the dates were. That seemed to do the trick, as Sinclair gasped loudly in dramatic fashion.
"Don't you remember your birthday?! Unacceptable! Let's get her out of her lab! We have a birthday to celebrate!! " she said quickly, she really did look like Narcissa when she did that, I couldn't help but snort in amusement.
"Not yet," I said, cutting off her sudden excitement, "I have some shopping to do first, so I came to see if you wanted to join me," I offered. Sinclair gasped again and looked at me with wide eyes, completely moved.
"Are you inviting me... to go buy gifts for Sera, together?" she asked slowly, looking like she was about to explode.
"Yes" her squeal was completely expected, the hug not so much, but I didn't separate her immediately.
"Sinclair, we have to go if we want to get there on time," I said simply. She pulled away.
"Oh yeah! Let me get ready! 5 minutes!" She ran out and started rummaging through her closet before grabbing a few clothes and shamelessly starting to undress. I quickly turned around to give her privacy. "Ready! …what are you doing?" I asked as she approached me. I snorted once more.
"Nothing, let's go." I grabbed her hand and we apparated to the nearest town.
"Okay, that's still just as awful as before." Enid said slightly dizzy, it wasn't the first time we apparated with her, but none of those times really sat well with her. "Where are we? Is this... a bathroom? " Enid asked confused as she looked around, I nodded.
"We're in a… mall, I asked Sera for a place where there would be a lot of stores." I said with a grimace.
"A mall?!" Enid squealed excitedly before stopping. "I don't have any money!" Enid exclaimed distressedly.
"Don't worry, I'll pay for everything, just pick something if you want." I said simply.
"But..." Enid tried to say, I looked at her.
"Don't make me repeat myself, I have money so don't think about it." I said once more , Enid seemed to struggle but nodded, then the excitement came back to her. "Come on we have places to go." I said quickly and started walking.
" W- wait for me!" Enid said as she quickened her pace and caught up with me. "Where are we going? What do we need to buy?" Do you need to buy anything for the birthday party? Have you bought her a gift yet?! Oh my gosh ! I don't know what to buy for her! "I didn't have time to think about anything! " Enid said quickly.
"Sinclair, stop." I said firmly, Enid quickly shut her mouth. " Everything is already prepared, Narcissa and Dobby are taking care of all the details. Yes, I already bought her gift or at least one of them, Lucius helped me get in touch with the grey wizards and Narcissa with Golden Dawn , I bought her several magical books and many ingredients for potions from this world, she will love it."
"Lucius got her books on mythology or well, history of this world with the help of the Greys, while Cissa is making her clothes, or well, patterns for her stupid cloak to absorb."
"And you don't have to buy her anything, Sera won't be upset. And where we're going… I wanted your… opinion on… her other gift… it's kind of delicate." I said vaguely as I answered all her questions. Enid blinked a few times while pouting.
"Everyone already got presents for Sera, but I haven't, I don't know what to get her." Enid said depressed, I made a face, I had really forgotten about it. I sighed as I thought.
"Don't think about it too much, we're just… making up for it a bit, we couldn't get any presents for Yule, for Christmas, we were too busy to go shopping at the time." I quickly explained, Enid looked like she was about to burst again so I spoke again "can you… help me pick out a couple of things, I'll tell her they're from you" I said as I squirmed in place, Enid looked at me curiously.
"What are we buying?" she asked curiously. I didn't answer as we continued walking to the place I had found. I had come all alone to try and shop on my own, but there were… so many stores and so many options that I didn't know what to choose.
"Well… my sister told me about that time Serena helped her with… with Malfoy and she mentioned something… that she helped her get-" we stopped in front of a store "-lingerie." I nearly spat that word out like it was poison. Enid's eyes widened as she looked at me and then at the store in front of us.
"Lingerie?! You want me to help you buy lingerie for you to wear with Sera?! " Enid squealed in surprise, I made a face.
"I know... it may seem cruel to ask you for help with this when you're not with Sera in the same way yet, but... you're the only one I could -"
"I'd be delighted!" Enid interrupted my babbling with a bright smile. I paused for a few seconds before sighing in relief. She didn't really seem upset or hurt by my request, in fact, she grabbed my hand and began to drag me towards the tent. I could feel myself blushing once we were inside.
"Thank you, Sinclair." I said softly, Enid turned to look at me once more and smiled widely.
"Don't thank me, I like helping you! Thank you for trusting me ! I know it can't have been easy." She said much more slowly, I sighed shakily.
"No… don't worry about it" I said honestly before taking a deep breath
"Alright, let's get you that lingerie and make Sera lose her mind when she sees you wearing it!" she said quickly, I nodded and took the change of subject as it was.
"I leave it in your hands" I said simply, Enid began to drag me while holding my hand once again through the store.
I was exhausted, completely exhausted. We had been shopping for hours going from one store to another, Enid was clearly in her element and seemed completely tireless, even I with my regeneration was starting to feel mentally tired. We were now resting in a nearby restaurant while enjoying a small lunch, I had placed a muffliato around us for privacy.
"Are you... are you sure Sera will like this?" I asked as I looked at the bags beside us. It wasn't normal for me to doubt my appearance, but this was so far out of my comfort zone that I couldn't help it. Some of those clothes were completely useless pieces of fabric that didn't fulfill their only function as clothing, covering the body. Enid snorted amusedly.
"She definitely can't keep her hands off you anymore, you two make love all the time, this will make her devour you even more," Enid assured mischievously, I sighed in relief.
"Thank you." I thanked her more slowly. Enid smiled broadly at me.
"You're welcome, I'm glad you asked, I really enjoyed it." Enid said honestly.
"Wait, what did you say?" I said stiffly as I looked at her, Enid tapped her nose with a mischievous smile, my eyes widened, sense of smell enhanced.
"I can smell Sera anywhere, at any distance, it's my imprint, it's the least I can do. So… yeah, I can smell her on you all the time, her scent on you is stronger after you have sex." Enid said, I shuddered slightly.
"I… I'm sorry, it must be horrible to know about that." I said with a grimace, I wasn't ashamed of my relationship with Sera, nor of the fact that we had sex most nights, but rubbing it in Enid's face wasn't something I really wanted to do.
"Huh? Why ? " Enid asked confused as she tilted her head, I looked at her slightly incredulously, Enid seemed to understand and giggled. "I already told you that I don't care silly, you're my imprint's partner, it's obvious that you were going to make love, I expected it and it doesn't bother me." Enid said amused, before blushing slightly. "Besides, I like Sera to be happy, and you do, so really, it doesn't bother me. In fact, I kinda like the smell." Enid said shyly. My eyes widened.
"What?" I asked dumbly, Enid blushed a little more before clearing her throat.
"Are… are we being completely honest? Sex is totally normal, having a healthy sex life with your partner or self-exploration is completely com -"
"Sinclair" I interrupted Enid's stammering, she smiled shyly while blushing, I sighed "yes, we can be completely honest, but I refuse to answer anything I don't want to" I snorted, Enid nodded.
"I… I like smells!" Enid said quickly as she burst into red "I… I'm a wolf, smells are a way we have to communicate, to… say certain things, mostly to mark territory… or mates." Enid said shyly. "I… was very close to being a lone wolf, I couldn't turn into a werewolf despite being of age, my mother was about to kick me out of the pack, but… now I'm here and I have a pack and an imprint and it's wonderful." Enid said dreamily.
"I... don't understand" I said honestly, she smiled and shook her head.
"You don't need to understand, it's just that… I have a pack now, and I love them all so much and I like them a lot, like, family obviously! At least Lucy and Cissy, their scents are like family, yours… yours feels a little more intimate." Enid said shyly, I shuddered slightly, and I didn't know for what reasons and I didn't want to find out now "but Sera's-" Enid moaned loudly "-Sera's smell… it smells divine, her scent is everything I ever dreamed of in a partner, in someone I could call my own and… I got a fetish for it, I can't stop smelling her every time I'm around her."
"I... what?" I asked stupidly, Enid was completely red.
"I like the way she smells, her normal scent is simply divine, it's… like ambrosia would smell and more… but when she's excited? When she's just had sex? Or better yet , when he's having sex with you? her scent becomes stronger, more dominant, more… more tempting." Enid was breathing slightly heavier than before.
I… didn't know what to say, really, I wasn't one to talk about other people's fetishes, not at this point when I knew what mine were, but the smell? I couldn't really imagine it. Yes, Sera smelled divine, her scent permeating my nostrils as she sat on top of me-
Yes, I take that back, I could very easily imagine how someone might enjoy that.
"was that weird? Oh my Gosh , I knew it would be weird, forget what I said! I'm a normal girl with normal tastes -"
"Sinclair," I interrupted Enid's babbling again. Apparently I had been quieter than I thought. Enid closed her mouth tightly.
"It's weird, but who am I to judge," I said with a shrug before looking away. "Besides, I like it… a little rougher." I tried to say vaguely.
"Oh, I know! I saw you once when I was with Sera!! I never imagined you liked being tied up, beaten and praised! But there's nothing to be ashamed of" my eyes widened.
"Excuse me what?! What are you? "What ?! " I exclaimed out loud while looking at her slightly angry. Enid ignored my look and laughed.
"Well, you were in a public place, I was just trying to get to the shop and there you were having kinky sex. It wasn't my fault! " Enid defended herself. I'm going to kill Sera, this is her fault "I mean, besides, I wasn't alone, Cissy was with me." Enid said shyly. I got completely hard on
"Narcissa saw us?!" I exclaimed horrified, Enid nodded slightly. "I'm going to kill Sera" I growled slightly embarrassed, Enid laughed lightly.
"It's not that bad," Enid tried to placate, but her smile was too annoying for it to work. "Although… I have to ask… what if I say 'good girl'?" Enid asked mischievously, I flinched slightly as the blood rushed to my face.
"Sinclair." I growled and tried to glare at Enid who barely flinched, in fact, she had the nerve to laugh.
"Okay, okay, I'll leave it to Sera" Enid said quickly as she raised her hands in surrender despite still giggling. I snorted and looked away. "It's not the end of the world if you're submissive, Bella-" I moaned loudly, I was really regretting this. "-I mean, I am too" Enid said shyly, I quickly turned to her, Enid was blushing a little.
"Really?" I asked stupidly, Enid nodded.
"I mean, not like you, I've seen the… aftermath of your encounters a few times, even on your clothes and with your quick healing and I… I don't like anything rough, there's nothing wrong with you liking me!!! But, it's not my thing, I don't like pain, I'd like my partner to be firm, take the initiative, take charge, be dominant, but treat me gently like a princess." Enid was practically bright red at this point. I should be too, I took a deep breath before sighing.
There really wasn't much to think about, was there?
"If you ask her, I'm sure she'll oblige." I said simply. Enid nodded shyly before stopping and looking at me in surprise once she understood what my words implied.
"Y-you? W-do you mean that? " Enid asked, I could see and hear the hope in her. I nodded as I looked away.
"Yeah, I… I'm giving you permission to chase after Sera, I… I just need a little more time to get used to the idea." Even though the idea was appealing to me, that was actually the biggest problem. I grimaced, which only grew when Enid squealed in happiness. I let out a pained moan when Enid tackled me in a tight hug and easily lifted me up as she began to shake me.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! " Thank you!! " Enid squealed quickly. I couldn't help but let out a smile.
"Okay, enough," I tried to stop her, but Enid kept shaking me back and forth. I huffed before looking around and letting my body turn into black mist before reforming a dozen centimeters away from her. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed anything, but no. I sighed in relief and looked at Enid once more . Enid didn't seem bothered, in fact, she still appreciated that she was vibrating with excitement.
"I… this is amazing! Thank you so much! "I… I don't know what to say! " Enid said completely excited, she had a wide smile on her face before she stopped. "But don't worry, I'll go slow! I'll try to keep everything between us away from your sight and I'll even ask your permission for certain activities, all until you're comfortable! " Enid promised firmly, I made a face.
"there's no need."
"No, it's not, but I want to," Enid said with a smile. "I told you that your comfort is important to me, too, and I'll keep that."
"I… thank you." I finally said, Enid just smiled at me.
"Come on, I still have to buy Sera a present!" Enid took my hand and started moving, I let her drag me without any problem.
Enid had decided on a full set of high quality fountain pens, and though she complained about the price and the money she was spending, she was completely satisfied with her gift. Enid was practically horrified when she realized we were still using real pens to write.
I really have to admit that fountain pens weren't a bad idea. They were certainly much more comfortable than the pens we normally used. Enid bought some extra ones of lower quality for the rest of us. Enchantments weren't my strong suit, but I knew enough to be able to enchant Serena's new pens to make them sturdier and self-refillable as a favor for Enid.
Sera liked the birthday party once we got her out of her room and everyone's presents.
...including my new underwear.
I'll have to thank Enid.