Chapter 73: Serena Snape: Love of Magic - chapter 72
Enid, now transformed into her wolf form, began running back and forth right where I had landed, before running in my direction once I landed.
"No, wait- " Enid tackled me completely and began licking my face, her tongue the size of my entire head "ENID!" I tried to push the oversized wolf off of me to no avail, I could hear her laughing even in her wolf form when she finally pulled away. I snorted loudly as I wiped the saliva off my face.
"Ha ha , very funny." I said dryly, I could see the gleam of amusement in her eyes, then she pointed her head at my back, I tilted my head slightly "you... you want me to ride you?" I asked confused, Enid nodded a few times. I snorted in amusement. "Wow, I didn't know you wanted me to ride you so eagerly" I teased her. Enid stopped, her eyes widening slightly before she somehow let out a loud moan.
I chuckled before she swatted me with her tail. The force behind her blow caused me to stagger slightly before I quickly recomposed myself. I saw Enid smirk at me smugly. I rolled my eyes as I laughed. I walked over to her and in one fluid motion climbed onto her back.
Enid shook slightly as if to get used to my weight, I was about to ease off when Enid shifted explosively. I could feel all of Enid's muscles moving in unison like a well-oiled machine as she began to move. I instinctively grabbed onto Enid's fur to keep from falling.
Enid was fast in her wolf form. As shapeshifters of the Quileute tribe, they were one of the few beings who could keep up with vampires in terms of speed. From what she remembered, that was at least 100 mph, but there was never an actual number.
Enid, Enid was moving much faster with that. at least 3 or 4 times that limit and she seemed to be enjoying it like never before. I could feel the excitement and euphoria rolling off of Enid as she ran through the forest without any destination.
I was used to high speeds, I could reach hypersonic levels with the proper preparation by stocking up on plenty of Feruchemical and Allomantic metals, so I could easily keep up with Enid's speed and enjoy the scenery. Again, it wasn't the fastest speed I'd ever moved at, but it was still enjoyable, not just the speed, but Enid herself enjoying the ride made it even better.
Enid seemed to run without any purpose, she simply seemed to be letting out everything her wolf had been holding in and running just for the sake of running, to my surprise, her footsteps were extremely careful. Enid's wolf form, as agile and light as she seemed when she moved, was quite heavy, coupled with the strength of her legs, leaving deep footprints wherever she went. But still, Enid managed to never step on a patch of grass or flowers when she could, leaving the forest completely untouched.
The island was 15km2, just like my pocket dimension, and I had abused the control center to create small ecosystems around the island to accommodate all the magical plants I had brought to the island. So the island was divided into well- defined sections. A large portion was a fairly generic forest, which really didn't have anything special besides being extremely fertile, lots of mundane plants, a variety of fairly normal magical plants, and some clearings with other plants in abundance.
We ran around that forest in a circle for a few minutes, going from one end to the other. But there were other areas that made Enid stop, for example, the swamp. Enid stopped at the edge of the beginning of the swamp. I quickly got off of her and ran a hand through her fur absentmindedly while looking at the swamp.
Enid returned to her human form, my gaze lingering on her naked body for a few moments. Her body didn't really have as many pronounced curves as Bella's body, but she had more than enough curves. She's thin but extremely healthy, her new biology as a shapeshifter had made her gain a few extra inches in height and quite a few muscles, but her muscles were right in the middle between softness and hardness.
Her skin was still a healthy pink without any blemishes, but it was gaining a few shades darker from all the time she was spending outdoors lately. Her breasts were barely a handful, but they were just as mesmerizing as Bella's. Her ass was much firmer and formed a beautiful bubble butt. My hand itched to move towards Enid, but I stayed still.
The only thing still present on her body were the hairpins in her hair. Still Enid made no move to cover herself, but squirmed slightly on the spot, I blinked a few times before moving my hand and conjuring some clothes for her, colorful ones of course.
"Thanks," Enid said shyly with a slight blush before clearing her throat, "I didn't know there was a swamp around here." Enid hummed as she looked around, I nodded.
"There are several special 'areas' for plants that needed a special environment to grow." I explained simply before approaching a plant that looked old, decayed and rotten. "For example this one." Enid approached and gasped slightly.
"Oh no, it's spoiled," Enid said sadly, I shook my head.
"No, actually, it's quite healthy, the plant is naturally like that." I explained as I crouched down next to the plant. "It's a Sopophorous. " plant , the most important of which are its pods, they contain beans with magical properties that are used to make potions. On the one hand, if the juice is drunk on its own, it can erase the drinker's memory, but on the other hand, if it is prepared correctly, it has soporific effects, it is one of the most important ingredients of the Draught of Living Death . The simplest and most effective method to obtain its juice is to crush the grain with the flat side of a silver knife, once…"
I stopped stiffly before smiling awkwardly at Enid "I... got carried away, sorry." I apologized, to my surprise, Enid smiled beautifully at me while shaking her head.
"Don't apologize, it's just nice that you enjoy something like this." Enid said happily, no mocking tone in her voice. My smile softened. "I had Botany at Nevermore, so I'm used to working with plants. I'm pretty sure they won't be as magical as the ones you have, but I can try to keep up with you, so don't hold back! It'll be nice not to be the one talking all the time for once." Enid said with a huge grin. My smile grew even bigger.
"Oh, you'll regret that." I chuckled. I could talk for hours about potions and their ingredients when they let me ramble on, most of the time it was Bella who suffered from my ramblings, most of the time she actively participated, but I knew it wasn't something Bella was really interested in, at least if they weren't potentially lethal potions.
"No, I don't think I will." Enid looked at me with all the love in the world and I couldn't help but sigh as I stood up once again.
"Come on, I want to check if the plants are okay, but I want to see if any enchantments holding them in place remained." I wrapped my arm around Enid's, she immediately snuggled up against my body. Enid went to take a step towards the swamp, but I stopped her, she looked at me with a curious expression.
"Let's go to other areas, the swamp isn't really safe." I said with an apologetic smile before pointing to a group of harmless looking tendrils. "The whole swamp is crawling with Devil's Snare , you have to be careful where you walk." I explained, Enid frowned slightly.
"Isn't that the plant that tries to suffocate everything that comes near it?" she asked and I nodded.
"It actually has no use in potions, but Lucius basically bought up all the rare plants and flowers he could find in the short time he had, one of them being several Devil's Worm seedlings. Snare , we had room so... why not?" I shrugged "they grow pretty fast, so they're already starting to spread throughout the swamp" Enid nodded.
"Stay away from the swamp, I got it." Enid said simply, I nodded before turning with Enid and then we started walking once again to the forest area.
I started babbling about every plant and flower we saw while Enid listened with all her attention, as if she was trying to memorize every word that came out of my mouth.
"…and those are Flutterby Bush, they are shaped like-"
"oh eh " Gee ! They look like butterflies! They're so pretty!" Enid squealed as she approached the bush, and sure enough the plants blooming from it looked like blue butterflies perched delicately on the bush's leaves, which quivered as Enid approached. "What are they doing?" Enid asked excitedly.
"Nothing," I said simply, Enid looked at me curiously and I shrugged. " Flutterbys only move when someone gets close. They have no important use in potions or any magical effects. They're just decorations," I said simply, Enid's eyes twinkled.
"Can I keep them?!" Enid asked, almost bouncing in place. I nodded without hesitation.
"If that's what you want, I'll take care of transferring it to some pots so you can place them wherever you want," I said simply, Enid shrieked.
"Thank you!" Enid thanked before coming over and standing on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek with a huge smile. My eyes widened slightly before I smiled at her.
"Let's continue." I said simply, Enid nodded as she wrapped herself around my arm once more. Once we started walking for a few minutes before she stiffly stopped, her nose twitching sharply.
"Wolfbane." Enid said as she looked in a direction. I stopped before starting to walk in that direction with Enid. Once we reached the spot, there was a large patch of land with dozens and dozens of plants. "Why do you have wolfbane?" Enid asked in a whisper.
"For you," I said honestly. Enid looked at me with a hurt expression.
"For me?" Enid asked shakily. I grimaced.
"Not in the way you think," I said slowly before sighing, "I won't lie to you, I have… a certain aversion to werewolves thanks to Lupin. But I wasn't going to let that stop me with you, I knew you were a werewolf, but I didn't know if you would want to take the Wolfbane potion to maintain consciousness during the full moon, so I prepared to have all the ingredients ready just in case." I told her honestly, Enid paused.
"The wolfbane potion." Enid said, her eyes widening as if she had just remembered it, and possibly she had. "I... could have controlled the wolf during the full moon?" she asked almost reverently.
"I... I don't really know, the werewolves that the potions are made for are different than the type of werewolf you were, so I didn't know if it would work properly, at least not at first. But after a couple of tries? I'm sure I'd get it to work." I said confidently. "I wanted you to have the options if that's what you wanted."
"Oh," Enid said simply, before smiling lightly at me. "That's nice of you. Thank you for thinking of me," I nodded simply. "Still, I wouldn't change my decision to be a shapeshifter. Although, I'm not completely a shoulder werewolf like I used to be, I… I wasn't for most of my life, now… I'm more comfortable the way I am now." Enid added with a smile.
"I'm glad." I smiled lightly at her before grimacing. "Although, if you were still a werewolf, I wouldn't know if you'd even be able to transform." I said simply, Enid looked at me curiously and I just pointed at the sky. Enid looked up at the purple sky, it took her a few seconds to notice.
"Oh... there's no moon in the underworld, right?" Enid asked slowly as if she had just remembered, I shook my head.
"No, there isn't, at least not a real one, there is an artificial one created from demonic power and a day and night cycle, but I don't think it's enough." I said simply "Which is also a problem for my plants, some need to be picked on a full moon and… well, I don't know how to harvest them properly anymore, like fluxweed , I'll have to do tests." I added with a pout. Enid laughed lightly.
"I know you'll figure it out." Enid said confidently before clinging to me once more. "Let's keep walking, the wolfbane may not be as lethal to me as it once was, but I still hate the smell of it." Enid said with a grimace. "Well, I mean they're still lethal, but- you get my drift." She pouted, I nodded as I chuckled lightly.
"Come on, let's continue, we have more plants to see." And we started walking once again. The island was big so we had to walk for a while to change areas.
"...and these are, floo plants ." Point to one of the flowering plants nearby.
" Floo ? Like the powder they use to travel down chimneys?" Enid asked excitedly, I nodded.
floo powder was always a closely guarded secret, so no one has ever managed to decipher it. It's really cheap in our world, but since we don't have access to it, I wanted to see if I could find a way to replicate it." I began to explain "though traveling through chimneys is basically useless with the means of travel we have available now, so it's more of a personal project out of curiosity than something actually necessary" I shrugged. Enid hummed lightly as she nodded. Before gasping audibly.
"I'm a demon now! You have to teach me magic!" Enid demanded completely excitedly, I chuckled as I nodded.
"Of course, why don't we find a place and take a break? We can call Dobby to bring us something to eat while I explain the basics of magic to you." I said as an idea, Enid nodded strongly. I started walking with Enid bouncing next to me while holding my hand. We were close to a place that I knew Enid would love. It was a few minutes of walking until we reached the place I wanted.
"This-wow" Enid muttered as she saw the place. It was a huge clearing within the forest and the entire place was filled with flowers of every color possible. It was practically a flower field and Enid looked completely enthralled by the sight. A huge smile slowly began to grow on Enid "This- this is beautiful Sera! I didn't know there was a place like this on the island! It- it's perfect!" Enid squealed before beginning to drag me towards the flower field. "This is officially my new favorite place!!" she said happily.
"I'm glad you like it," I said with a smile. Enid turned to look at me and hugged me tightly.
"It's beautiful, I love it!" Enid squealed before looking back at the flowers. "I didn't think you'd have such... common flowers, I can recognize a lot of them." Enid said fascinated. I nodded.
"Normal flowers also have their uses in potions, for example lavender, I can easily name 4 potions that use it." I said easily, Enid nodded several times. "But let's leave that aside, let me do something-" I added as I dragged Enid into the field. Enid carefully moved through the field to avoid damaging the flowers and plants around us.
Once we reached the center of the field, I stopped. Without hesitation I clapped my hands loudly and slammed my hands into the ground. The earth around us began to tremble slightly before I began to move. Carefully avoiding both the plants and their roots, I began to move the earth around us and created a small empty patch of land before several structures began to emerge from the ground.
Just as easily, a table and a couple of chairs were created with alchemy. In no time the furniture was finished, then I moved a hand and created a small shield in the new area to keep pollen, bugs, and other things from reaching us. The place was beautiful, and normally pollen and the occasional bug weren't a bother, but it was best to avoid them if we were going to bring food into this place.
"Okay, now there's just one thing left to do... DOBBY!" I exclaimed loudly. I waited a few seconds before a small pop resounded around me.
"Madam Lady Prince! Lady Bella told Dobby to prepare food for Madam Lady Prince and her Lady Wolfy . Madam Lady Prince and Madam Wolfy want to eat now?" Dobby asked anxiously, sighing tiredly.
"Hello Dobby! Yes, Lady Prince and I would like to eat! Can you get us anything?" Enid asked playfully as she looked at me, I rolled my eyes as Dobby nodded loudly.
"Right away Mrs. Wolfy ! Dobby will bring your food!" said Dobby loudly before disappearing into the spot once more.
"it's adorable" Enid said while laughing.
"I just wish you would stop calling me Madam Lady Prince somehow" I sighed tiredly, Enid laughed at me again.
"Good luck with that" Enid said playfully, I pouted as I pulled out the newly created chair to help her sit down, Enid looked surprised but smiled widely at me. "Why, thank you very much Lady Prince" Enid teased playfully, I snorted but sat down in my own seat, just in time for Dobby to appear once more.
The food appeared on the table and I sighed once more, thank goodness I had ordered something light, I should have known that Dobby has no concept of light food, it was practically a full meal. Mostly flat meats for Enid, which, now that I thought about it, even with all the food there was, it would barely keep up with Enid's current metabolism.
"Thanks Dobby, that's perfect." I said to Dobby, Dobby smiled and disappeared once more. Enid didn't hold back and began grabbing the food quickly, I smiled fondly at her as I watched her eat without a care in the world. The first few times we had shared meals she had restrained herself considerably. Even more so with how we ate, especially Bella, Cissy and Lucius, the three of them had been raised with a certain standard in the way they acted and that meant when it came to eating as well.
Enid had been feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious around them, so she wasn't eating enough to keep up with her metabolism. Luckily, this was quickly resolved. It still wasn't something she liked to do in public, but in front of us she no longer held back according to her needs.
"This is delicious," Enid moaned after swallowing her food, "not as delicious as yours, Sera!" she said quickly, I chuckled.
"If Dobby could be compared to Faerie Feast , I'd be crying," I said playfully, "although, I need to get the upgrade so Dobby can cook for himself, every time I walk into the kitchen he looks at me like I'm committing some atrocity," I snorted derisively, Enid chuckled as she continued eating, I started my own meal.
"This is beautiful." Enid said as she slowed down, she had a soft smile. "Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me, whenever you want to go out again, just tell me, I'll find the time to do it, don't ever think that it's a bother or anything, I enjoy spending time with you." I told her honestly, Enid smiled at me more widely before looking around.
"The flowers are beautiful," Enid said simply before looking at me curiously, "by the way, who's going to take care of them? And all the other magical plants? Or do we have to let them grow completely on their own?" Enid asked, I made a face.
"The idea was to use my dolls to keep everything in order."
"Dolls with fetish clothes?" she interrupted mockingly, I could feel my eye twitch.
"Yeah, those dolls," I said through gritted teeth, Enid chuckled, I rolled my eyes. "But I still can't get them to have a consciousness and individuality of their own, my normal minions aren't up to the job, even Aria and Co. who have limited sentience, are still too restrictive." I said simply, Enid wrinkled her nose.
"I really don't understand, are you trying to act like those... what were their names? Those people who had names of the deadly sins in that alchemy anime you made me watch?" Enid said, frowning.
"The homunculi?" I asked confused, she nodded and pointed her cutlery at me.
"Those! Aren't you trying to create something similar?" Enid asked and I stopped as my mind began to think quickly.
"No... homunculi as such, no, they are... parts of Father's soul, the original homunculus, they are the tangible incarnations of the vices of human nature, basically, horcruxes with extra steps. The philosopher's stones in their bodies simply enhance their physical strengths and regeneration" I explained to Enid "but... those are the real homunculi... if we look at it from another perspective, there are the lesser homunculi, the mannequin soldiers, biological bodies created for that purpose, soulless shells that were injected with the philosopher's stone to reanimate..."
"But those homunculi lacked intelligence and only followed their basic instincts, they had been overwhelmed by the souls inside them still conscious and screaming in agony, but… I can use hemalurgy, remove everything that is not useful from a person's soul, remove memories, identity, emotions and then create philosopher's stones with them."
"They would be... they would be blank Philosopher's Stones, it would have the immense sources of energy that the Philosopher's Stones granted, but without the negative side of it. It would be a step back from Hohenheim's Stone, he had the support of the souls that made up his Philosopher's Stone, so his alchemy was more versatile and stronger because they worked in unison. Without any identity in the souls, without any resistance, the stones would not show any kind of rejection, it would not be the same, but it is a second better."
"I could put a stone in the wrists, that would give them life, they would be the equivalent of lesser homunculi, then I could use hemalurgy once again, like the Kandra, who were not sentient or intelligent until they received hemalurgic spikes to make them conscious... yes, it could work, it would work."
I stood up completely excited, I finally had somewhere to go and it seemed to be all I needed to finally complete the dolls. I just needed to learn how to make Philosopher's Stones, but that was the easy part.
Tim Marcoh
He was the lead researcher of the military project of creating the Philosopher's Stone. He knows how to create and destroy Philosopher's Stones. But best of all, he's weak. He can't use alchemy normally, so his power level is relatively low. He was at Tier 4, that would only be 10 credits, I could easily buy him, then learn everything I needed about alchemy from him, and then sell him again, it didn't matter that I could only sell him for 80% of his original purchase price.
That would set me back 8 credits, so I would only have to spend 2 credits just to learn how to make Philosopher's Stones, a bargain, nothing compared to if I had to buy Hohenheim himself which cost 100 credits, even if I sold him, I definitely couldn't afford the price right now, I had a measly 33 credits in total. Marcoh will do.
"I didn't understand anything you said" Enid said honestly taking me out of my thoughts, I looked at her completely excited.
"You're brilliant!" I exclaimed in Enid's direction, who tilted her head in confusion. I didn't care, but walked over to her and excitedly pulled her into a kiss, Enid's eyes widened as she went completely rigid. I pulled away too quickly as Enid stared at me wide-eyed for a few seconds before bursting into a blush.
"W-wow" Enid said coming out of her stupor before blushing deeply "t-that was wonderful." She muttered to herself completely lost in herself before coming back to reality, she looked at the table and blushed even more and tried to glare at me. " Y -you should have picked a better time and not when I was eating, you brute." Enid tried to complain. I chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I'll let you know next time," I said playfully, she blushed.
"N-next?!" Enid squealed before clearing her throat, "o-of course, a-an-an't no need for warning, you can kiss me whenever you want!" Enid squealed quickly, before stopping and realizing she had sounded completely needy and groaned in embarrassment. I laughed lightly.
I looked at Enid for a few seconds, I really wanted to go work on my dolls, but… but there was time later, I better enjoy my date with her. I sat back down in the chair, Enid tilted her head curiously.
"Y-you weren't going to work with your dolls?" Enid asked confused, I smiled widely at her.
"And leave you alone on our date? Of course not." I said amusedly, Enid's expression paused for a few seconds before breaking out into a huge grin and practically glowing. "Now, finish eating, after dessert I can teach you the basics of magic real quick, then I want to show you the lake for the underwater plants, there's a whole underwater area and I have some gillyweed for us to use if you want to be a little bold." Enid's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"That plant that gives you guts to breathe underwater?!" Enid asked excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat, I nodded.
"We'll go once we're done eating." I said simply, Enid nodded strongly "besides, we also have to stop by the vivarium to see the fantastic beasts" Enid's eyes sparkled even brighter, she began to devour her food with more effort determined to finish quickly, I laughed lightly as I went back to my food, I was going to enjoy the rest of my date with Enid as much as I could.