Settling the Debate

Chapter 14: Heroes of Tommorow.

Welcome to the Shield office, a hub of sleek and advanced design bursting at the seams with activity. As our camera glides through the corridors teeming with busy workers, we are drawn to a central room dominated by a round table. Seated around it are a group of impeccably suited men, all with extremely focused expressions. In front of them, Nick Fury.

Nick: The Japanese hero, Izuku Midoriya, also known by his hero name, Deku, is becoming too powerful for his own good.

As Nick speaks, a screen rises from the wall, depicting Deku in action.

Nick: His battle against the villain, Nine, leads me to believe that at this rate, he'll pose a threat to the United States. 

The screen now shows Deku standing alongside Dynamight, fists held high together.

Nick: It's no secret that he has a tendency to push boundaries to attempt to have his own way.

The screen switches to a translated headline from a newspaper: "Pro hero Deku has vanished," with a subheading: "UA High is currently looking for any information regarding his location."

Agent Fitz: What is our next move Fury?

Nick: Simple, we can take him away on an extended visit. This is purely to assess whether he poses a threat to the integrity of the United States.

Fury gave a sly smile.

Nick: Leo, get Spiderman on the line.

We cut to the city, where Spiderman is doing what he can. Swinging around cleared out area, with no signs of life nearby. The city had been ravaged with an increase in crime,causing a mass evacuation. Despite that, this was the last sighting of Midoriya. He continues to swing, doing flips with each motion.

Miles: Rally me those details again.

Agent Carl: Deku is a threat to the United States. His power is overflowing too much for his own good. You are to subdue him. And if he resists, neutralize him.

Miles: Should we really go that far? I mean, he's still a kid.

Agent Carl: It's that or America Spiderman. Good luck.

The call cuts.

Miles: (Well. think of it this way Spider-Man, at least I'm being paid triple for this.)

Now, he lands on a building. He doesn't have to look to hard to find him.

Deku: Spiderman? What are you doing in this abandoned city?

His voice was that of confusion, rather than amazement. The Izuku that would have been excited to see him, was locked away. This Deku stood before him, not as the eager hero he remembered, but as a figure marked by exhaustion, his clothes bearing the damage of countless battles fought and won. Yet, beneath the torn fabric and bruised exterior, lay a resolve unyielding. This was no longer the familiar face of a hero-in-training; this was the visage of a vigilante.

Miles: So you're the guy everyone's been talking about. Nice to finally meet you.

. . .

Miles: Welp, nice chat! Alright, now come with me!

Miles grabs his arm and prepares to swing away with him. But he instinctively jerks it away.

Deku: Normally, I would Spider-Man. But you shouldn't get involved in my troubles.

Miles: Troubles?

Deku: I won't let anyone else get hurt because of me. So please, respect my choice to go it alone for now. It's for everyone's safety.

Miles: Right, right. You sound like one of those "I have to do this alone" heroes, huh? I get it. I've been there. But you know you could die, right? Without help, you seem like you won't make it very far.

Deku: Their hopes rest on me. I will persevere. Now. Leave me alone, Spiderman,

Miles: You're stubborn, you know that?

Deku: GO!

Miles: Seriously, you have to...


Deku took heavy breaths as Miles shook his head, walking toward him.

Miles: I just care, alright? I don't want you to die. Trust me. I can help. 

Deku's breaths continue. Miles places a comforting palm on Deku's shoulder, offering silent support in their shared struggle. Suddenly, Deku feels a sharp pang erupt in his head. His danger sense kicked in.

Miles: Hey.



A Blast of electricity levels the ground beneath them. Although, the smoke lasted much longer than it should have.

Miles: Damn, that always worked!

Miles Spider-Sense kicks in, a few seconds too late as in the midst of the smoke, Deku's arm emerges. 

Deku: Detroit Smash!

He sends Miles off the building, barreling like a ballistic meter. He lands in a crater and picks himself up, feeling in pain. He quickly rolls to the side, dodging another punch, then jerking away from another delivering a roundhouse to the side of Deku's face. He stumbles back and steps on the ground a few times, suddenly bouncing away. He starts to hop around Spider extremely fast in the open street, going to the side of the building to the ground and everywhere in between in half-second intervals, trying to catch Miles off guard. When he finally goes in for a kick, Miles delivers chain lightning straight to the face in a strong blast, sending him stumbling back. Keeping his momentum, however, Deku uses black whip to keep him airborne and begins to swing.

Miles: Hey! That's my thing!

He slings after him, sending continuous blasts of Chain Lightning at him, who stylishly dodges them while slinging. Suddenly, he turns around, and from his other arm, he uses pinpoint focus Black Whip and stabs Miles in the side, carrying him all the way to a building, where he is pinned. Deku lands sideways on a building, stamping onto it to create energy and jumping off.

Deku: Take this! Manchester Smash!

He smashes him through the building, into the window of another, where he grabs his ribs.

Miles: This guy packs a punch! Or Kick!

He continues to swing around as Deku now follows him on the ground, flicking some Delaware smashes at him. Miles is almost hit by one and shrieks a little bit with a close call absolutely walloping another building nearby. He continues to dodge them and suddenly vanishes.

Deku: Huh? Where did he-

Suddenly, Spider appears just inches from his face, winding up. For a second, the nerd in Deku reappeared.

Deku: Cooool!


Deku is skids on the floor three times and lands in a Jacko-like pose. His danger sense forces him up, but in what direction? His head still wasn't very straight after that punch. The buildings around the evacuated town in all their golden brown glory definitely didn't help. Then, he looked up.

Venom Smash!

The entire area had a multicoloured venom convulsion of an explosion. 

Miles: What's your deal anyways? Why are you acting like it's all up to you? No matter how strong you get, you're not the only one here.

Deku: No... I'm... not done yet!

He slowly walks towards Spider-Man, pointing at him accusingly with every phrase.

Deku: I don't know what's up with you. Or why you wont leave me alone. But I'll never follow you! Ev-

Miles webs his mouth, much to his dismay as he tries to get it off.

Miles: Quit. It.

With a venom dash, Miles Venom punches him into the air and then shoots a barrage of webs at an increasingly fast pace. The web shots push Deku to a giant web (which was created by the shots that missed) behind him around him, creating a massive building-sized web. , and he is fully restrained by Spider-Man's webbings. Spider-Man then shoots a load of webbing at once behind him to create a slingshot. 

Miles: Hang on. This will only hurt a bit!

Deku watches helplessly as Miles slingshots himself as hard as he can using two buildings. Now he's barrelling towards Midoriya at light speed, foot first.

Rapidly, thoughts fly through Deku's head as he tries to mutter his way to a possible counter. Suddenly, Miles is much too close for comfort, forcing Deku to use pinpoint focus Black Whip yet again. Froppy Style.

This time though, he stabs him straight through the head.

Miles delivers a blood curdling scream as Deku bursts through the ropes with his hair a slight glow.

Deku: Texas Smash! Gearshift!

Thanks to the properties of Gearshift, Deku delivers 5 absolutely nasty Texas Smashes, with the last one even creating a massive whirlwind.

And, it's raining.

Miles at first lies motionless, his suit was now as torn up as Deku's.

Deku: Sp-Spiderman, I didn't...

Lightning strikes.

Right on Miles's body. Deku watches as the lightning flows through his veins with shakey eyes.


Deku is sent flying into the air. Now Miles is covered in a venom coating, like a superform.

Miles: Fury was right. All that strength is being funnelled into the wrong guy! 

The storm continues to rain down on the two, as Midoriya stops himself again, mid-air, heaving heavily. The energy around Miles continues to crackle.

Miles: You're putting yourself in danger that you have no reason to be in! What's the point of being strong if you can't help others, huh? doing it alone IS what WILL get them hurt!

His expression darkens at this scolding. But he rises up, like he always has.

Deku: I don't...wanna be a burden, for anyone...I just wanna, do what I always wanted to do. To be a hero, who saves people with a smile!

Miles leaps off the building, taking some glass with him as it reflects the beautiful scene. He flips mid-air and lands with a slam on the marble road, sending orange electric shockwaves of venom towards his opponent. He slightly avoids it. But as soon as he jumps in the air, he shoots a web at Izuku, zipping through the air again, and tagging him with multiple electric blows. Each blow sends volts through Deku's veins faster than he can process the pain. 


Screaming, he double axe handles the Spider into the ground yet again, while he recuperates in the air.

Deku: What drove you to this? I don't know. But I'm not losing to you. I have much more that I'm fighting for. Which is why I'll go even further beyond. 100% or Nothing!

The air crackles with intensity as Deku goes all out! 

Miles: Alright. You made your choice. I won't hold back either.

Mid-air, Deku stops himself, before propelling himself at the speeds of his opponent.

Deku/Miles: And I'll give it everything I've got!

The two clash punches, breaking everything glass-related in the city. 

But he breaks through.

Deku: United, States, of Smash!

Deku delivers a resounding second punch, knocking everything out of the spider. Before delivering one final vibrant kick to the midsection, the impact mushroom clouding the entire city.

Deku lands on the ground. His opponent had been kicked into complete nothingness. Vaporised. Obliterated by the force. Exhausted, tears leave his face without permission.

Deku: I... I'm sorry...Spider...Man-

He is cut off, by his own failure. He collapses into the ground, as the rain continues to pour on his unconscious body.

From afar, his U.A. classmates spot him. Although we never get to see them, we only hear a muffled "He's ok!" as the camera and Deku's consciousness fade into nothingness.


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