Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Cocoyashi Village
After Beating up Arlong's Crewmembers Calvin had started to talk to the villagers and get to know them. He eventually settled in a Quid quo pro deal, he does something for them and they do something for him.
Night in Cocoyashi village.
It is night at the Island which Cocoyashi village is located. A little red headed girl rowed her boat up onto the dock at Cocoyashi Viallage it was Nami.
"Oy Nami throw me the mooring rope so I can tie your boat to the dock". Surprised that anyone was at the dock at night, Nami was quite suspicious and looked up at the dock.
Looking at her with a big toothy grin, was a dark skinned boy with white hair dressed in unusual clothes!
Nami clutched one of her bags of Belli defensively, and recoiled like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. "Who are you?! How do you know my name!?"
Taking a posture of self importance, he puffed up his chest and started to speak. "I am a simple passerby in the night! A good samaritan looking for people in need to assist! I am-"
"A weirdo! Why are you here and why do you know my name!? .... Were you waiting for me!?" She blurted before becoming fearful and suspicious at the end. She was alone with lots of money and a stranger was in her hometown calling her name.
Her little crafty 10 year old brain went into overdrive trying to comprehend the situation. 'Is he a pirate I stole from here for revenge?'
Calvin's grin turned into a smirk, a smarmy, smug look of self satisfaction. "Your sister told me about you stupid!"
"You're the only redheaded kid rowing a boat around, without adult supervision."
Notoriously peppery Nami was quickly ticked off. "You're the stupid one! You dont call strangers by name before telling them how you know them BAAAKA!" She stuck out her tongue at the end to emphasize her statement.
'Kids are so easy to distract though Calvin'. Calvin knew that he had successfully disarmed her suspicion. "Well are you just gonna sit in the boat all night? You're starting to float away silly girl".
Nami had an internal struggle, should she believe him or not. 'He says my sister told him about me but he could be lying' she thought to herself. Stealing from pirates had forced Nami to become cunning and so she was still suspicious!
Calvin sighed before turning around and cupping his hands before his face. "Oyyy Nojiko!!! You won she is quite the suspicious one".
A giggle was heard before the blue haired loli Nojiko, walked onto the dock clutching chopper in a furious cuddle. "He's so fluffy!! Haha I told you she wouldn't listen to you just like that, you owe me a 1000 Belli!
"Save me Calviiiiin!" Chopper begged tearfully as he struggled weakly in the little girl's hands.
Looking at Calvin Nojiko blushed, she quickly turned her attention to Nami with stars in her eyes. "Give him the rope Nami! He's a really good guy! He's a Super cool Prince ! and he has an army that has been beating up the Arlong pirates! They couldn't even fight back, it's amaaaaazing"
"Prince!?" said Nami as her brain was flooded with images of endless Belli notes like an ocean. When the other parts of what Nojiko said registered in her brain she was stunned.
She was slack jawed in disbelief "Beat fishmen! No way!"
Nojiko squeezed chopper in indignation. "Yes way I saw it with my own eyes!"
'maybe we really can get saved' thought Nami. A tiny flame of hope that had always been flickering in Nami's heart, started to burn brightly in anticipation.
Calvin looked at Nami lazily. "Now you believe me? Throw me the line so you can get off the boat already..."
That was the first encounter with Nami.
At the same time on the other side of the Island
Chew, Hatchan aka Hachi and Kuroobi were patrolling along some well irrigated farmland. It had been three days now and their subordinates had been beat up several times.
Hachi the octopus fishman with six arms and a long mouth, was cursing tearfully into six handkerchiefs. There was one in each hand, he was crying and complaining at the same time. "why can't we find the humans that are doing this? I'm upset every time one of our crew gets beat up!"
The pale skinned fishman with blade like fins on his arms patted Hachi on the back. He was wearing a blue karate Gi and had short twintails in his hair. "Don't worry Hachi we'll make them pay! Also as long as they see a doctor they will be ok!"
Hachi looked instantly looked relieved and stopped crying. "They will really be fine as long as they get a doctor!?"
Looking at Hachi confidently Kuroobi nodded firmly. Hachi stopped crying quickly and started to laugh with a goofy smile.
"Haha haha! What a relief" said Hachi slapping kurobee on the back.
Kuroobi recoiled from Hachi in disgust. "Oy stop touching me with your snot filled handkerchief!"
"Did someone just say they needed a Doctor? You're in luck! I'm the best doctor in the world" says a female voice.
Hachi kuroobi and Chew jump in shock, how did someone approach them without even the sound of footsteps?! It was
Looking around they spotted a slim woman in a purple leather jackets and pants with shades on the top of her head.
Kuroobi instantly got into a combat stance and Chu looked wary. "Oy human where did you come from!?"
"Wait a minute this is too suspicious Hachi, plus this human isn't from the island she might be the enemy!" cautioned Kuroobi.
The woman that was Dr. Kureha grinned sinisterly. "HAHA a cautious one aren't you, tricking you would waste too much time anyways". She was not the least bit intimidated by the fishmen who were all at least minimum 7 feet tall!
Calvin was sitting in the ship monitoring the situation, grinning he pressed the button to communicate with Kureha via earpiece. "Remember to shout out the name before you transform!"
With a slightly annoyed look kureha responded: "I know". "Sexy Doctor Transform!" She shouted. Jumping into the air and spinning she was engulfed in a pink light for one second.
She was now in a braless corset bustier complete with bikini bottom and top for modesty purposes.
The suit was complete with a heart shaped choker, a futuristic looking red bike helmet with green visor, and a sword with a heart shape and wings on the hilt .
It was in a pg friendly, cosplay version of the Angel Blade suit!
Watching the one second transformation Kuroobi is flabbergasted but quickly regains his focus. "See Hachi it was a trick! Get ready for a beating human!"
Looking shocked Hachi was heartbroken, throwing away his handkerchiefs he pulled his swords from their scabbards. Angrily he pointed at Kureha. "You tricked me!"
kuroobi and hachi rushed forward while Chu stepped into the irrigation water and started to suck it up and inflate like a balloon!
"Sigh....Well I am a doctor, but I am not on duty right now" she grumbled. Hachi ran up first and his six swords flashed with astonishing speed turning into a tornado.
Kureha raised her sword and quickly blocked, but was flung up into the air and she fell hard.
Clang! Clang Clang Clang was the sound the tornado of swords impacted kureha.
Kureha lands on her feet, but she is bent over dropping her sword. "God Damnit I wasn't expecting that!" she groaned.
"Haha trying to trick us when you can't even take an attack from Hachi?" mocked Kuroobi. Unconcerned about a fair one on one, he rushes towards her for the finishing blow.
"100 tile true punch!"
Kureha dodges the punch by inches and stepping forward closer to kuroobi headbutts him in the face!
Kuroobi staggers back dizzily with blood leaking from his forehead. "Impossible how did you dodge my attack?! Didnn't hachi get you?"
Looking over he sees Hachi was frozen in the position that he made the attack. "Oy Hachi did you miss too?!?
A light wind blows and Hachi falls to the ground.
He is out cold and foaming at the mouth!
"What the -" shouts Kuroobi before being head butted again and and a third time before his eyes rolled over and he collapsed.
"Whew better pick up my sword, I don't know how to use it for a damn! Sighed kureha bending down.
"I could only block three sword strikes and ended up having to to slap that White haired octopus brat in the head with it, blunt weapons are more my thing"
Chew who is a little further behind witnessed this and a chill ran through his body. He was at a better angle and saw that Hachi's swords did hit her exposed skin, but she didn't even have a scratch! much less bleed.....
'I have to get out of here quickly!' he thought to himself. He shot out the water that he sucked up, like a water cannon. It was a direct hit, he was sure that it was dead on.
It was so powerful that even trees that were behind where she was standing were destroyed!
When the dust cleared kureha was still standing and she had the unconscious kuroobi in front of her as a fishman shield!
"Aggghh what did you do to Kuroobi you bastard!?" wailed Chew.
"Me ? I didn't do anything, you hit him with your water blast!"
Kureha casually threw kuroobi at him. "Catch"
Shocked and distressed Chew caught his unconscious crewmate. "Kuroobi!! Hang in there!"
Kureha pounced on him while he was distracted, and punched with so much force that her fist whistled through the air.
Kureha's fist greeted Chew's face with enthusiasm and Chew said goodbye to consciousness.
Morning Arlong Park
Arlong was up all night and couldn't sleep, he paced the open plaza outside. Back and forth he paced beside the pool that was connected to the ocean.
Arlong had been having a rough couple of days, his mighty fishmen pirates were being beat up! The first time had been by a bunch of humans and it happened again and again for days on end!
Every time they got the news and rushed to the scene it was already too late.
'Now Chew, Kuroobi and Hachi hadn't returned from their patrol' he thought. He had a sinking feeling in his gut, that it was another pirate group from the Grandline.
If he was right, they were cautiously whittling down his crew's strength little by little! They obviously were not as as strong as him and his crew, so they were using guerilla tactics.
Turning to his injured subbordinate Arlong started to give instructions.
"Prepare an ambush for intruders. Bring out all the money and put it on a floating platform in front of the sea gate..... they always make sure to attack us on land so let's force them to enter our territory the water. Shahahahaha!!
If they want it, they'll have to get it after I bleed them dry!"
Thinking of the fact that he was in the weakest sea, yet still was being loosing battles Arlong ground his teeth in frustration.
'Chew, Kuroobi, and Hachi were late, probably ambushed! Now that my crew is all injured, they will aim for me and my resources in Arlong park!' thought Arlong.
He slammed his fist on a table angrily, it broke clean in half!
In a tantrum of rage he stuffed a canon ball in his mouth, and angrily he chewed it to bits before spitting out the metal shards.
"When I see those damn humans , it will be their heads I chew on and not a canon ball! They will pay for disrespecting us fishmen!"
An hour or two passed and the sun was doing it's thing, it was a nice and warm day. Arlong was feeling less angry and more impatient.
'Bam Bam Bam' there was an explosive banging on the huge door towards Cocoyashi village.