Sexy Isekai: One Piece Most Wanted

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Training Arc....Not Really


Garp personally trained Calvin for several days, as they journeyed from East Blue to Marineford. "Bwahaha kid You're one of the most talented recruits that I have ever seen! You remind me of that boy Aokiji, he used to be on my ship one time, you'll rise through the ranks fast just like him!"

On the day that he arrived at Marine Ford 's training Camp, it was bright and sunny. Calvin saw Garp who had gone ahead, walking towards him with a few of the upper level marines.

"Officers on deck! Salute!" screamed an unknown drill sergeant. All the marines and recruits did a stiff salute. Calvin hurriedly imitated the others seconds later, albeit a bit sloppily. As he was never in the military in his life on earth so naturally saluting did not come naturally.

Garp strode forward and stopped in front of Calvin, bringing awe and surprise to the watchers. 'How was this young man acquainted with the legendary Hero of the marines Garp!?

"Good news brat! You're going to start as an officer!" He grinned widely. "You're too strong for the training camp afterall bwaahahaha!"

Calvin was shocked! 'Did I perform too well? This won't do, the training camp is where all the rising stars of the marines come from, I want to snatch a couple of them for myself' he thought to himself.

Sengoku Fleet admiral of the marines who was among the marine brass present for the inspection of the training camp rebuked Garp. "I already told you that he has to be tested before he can become an officer!"

Garp grinned as if he wasn't one bit concerned. "I trained him and he's strong, so he'll pass the test and be an officer by the end of the day! BWahahahaha!"

Curtesy of Garp and Sengoku a graduation test was set up. The test was in the format of a timed obstacle course, sparring, and group combat simulations

On the first test on the graduation training camp at Marineford, Calvin utterly devastated the world view of his fellow marine recruits. In he morning they began with pushups, sit ups, pull ups, laps, rope climbing, obstacle courses etc.

Calvin tied on a thousand pounds of weight on his body, then he proceeded to complete 1000 pushups,1000 sit ups, 1000 pull ups, climb 100 metres of rope hanging over a ravine. Finally he then ran 15 miles in under a 5 minutes.

The next persons to finish were a tired gray haired young man and pink paired young woman. They were staring at Calvin with a competitive fire in their eyes.

Here they were struggling to finish 10 minutes after him, and he hadn't even worked up a sweat! Both were elite trainees that tried and failed to keep up with Calvin. Tired and frustrated, they lay on the ground sweating profusely, as they tried to catch their breath.

The pink haired woman turned to the gray haired man. "haaa haaa Hina does not believe Hina....haaa haa can't beat a little boy in physical fitness ...haa haaa smoker san!"

The gray haired man looked her dead in the eyes. "haa haa talk normal damnit!....haa haa....he's didn't even breath hard the entire exercise !". The two were future Vice Admiral Smoker and future Rear Admiral Hina! (After the Summit War of Marineford)

Calvin walked over to the two and threw them bottles with water. Catching the bottles they looked at Calvin inquisitively. Calvin smiled, "I you two seem strong and I like that, you can be my subordinates in the future when I become Admiral!".

Smoker and Hina were shocked at how brazen this child was!

"Hahaha a little runt like you thinks you're a big shot! Just wait till sparring time in the dojo!"

20 minutes later in the Dojo

It all started when Calvin proposed that the sparring should be 1 vs many. "A marine officer after all is a top tier combat force, any marine officer worth their rank should be able to defeat multiple opponents, so please allow me to fight against everybody else here.

Hina and Smoker were beyond annoyed, their thought synchronized as they bubbled in anger. 'He's looking down on us that endured this elite marines training!' This little kid was just asking to be beat up!

The examiners for the test were surprised, but they allowed it as the words that Calvin spoke were quite reasonable.

The examiners shouted to begin and Calvin stood at the centre of the sparring ring and looked at all the marine recruits with oblivious eyes. "Just remember today as the glorious day you got beat up by the future admiral of the marines! You can tell your grandchildren about!" said Calvin with a smile.

"Uryaaaa! Die you lil RUNT!" were a few of the many curses that rang out as the marine recruits rushed at Calvin together.

With an unbothered look on his face Calvin wielded his wooden sword and got to work.

Bam! Twack! Boom! Swoosh! were the sounds that permeated the battle of the dojo. with each sound one of Calvin's opponents disappeared as if by teleportation!

With quick swings that were too fast for the untrained eye. Calvin's hand was a blurr. His hand didn't stop moving and his opponents didn't stop dissapearing.

After Ten seconds of Calvin's hand blurring like a speeding car, he stopped and became motionless. Hina and Smoker that did not join the initial rush were staring with their jaws dropped!

"Hina must be seeing things! over 100 people attacked him and he didnt even move his legs even once!" she said breatlessly.

Smoker suddenly glanced to the left and his blood ran cold! "How could that be possible!?"

In the direction that smoker pointed was a pile of bodies of unconscious marines! They could be seen piled up at the side of the large Japanese styled Dojo training hall.

The marine recruits who had been discarded into a pile like a garbage dump was the result of them being beaten in seconds! They hadnt dissapeared! No they had been hit by Calvin at blazing fast speeds and sent neatly into a pile at the side of the dojo.

They looked limp as if they all had broken bones, and all would need to see a doctor. However it all happed too fast for the recruits to get any medical aid!

Calvin who held the wooden sword nonchalantly, won every single round with 1 hit. Every opponent got smacked in the face with a wooden sword and passed out.

Turning to Hina and Smoker he said: "Remember you're going to be my subordinates in the future, you shouldn't be surprised by something small like this!"

Shocked Hina and Smoker were tongue tied and didn't know what to say. Recruits should be able to put up a better fight than this right? It wasn't as if Calvin was a Marine Admiral or something, this is too exaggerated!

Calvin looked at the two that were still shell shocked. "Well if you're not coming to me I'll come to you said Calvin as he charged forward.

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