Sexy Isekai: One Piece Most Wanted

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: It Begins


It was a turbulent night on the island of Karakuri. The mountainous island, that is perpetually locked in winter time, was experiencing a blizzard.

What little unimportant island on the Grandline is this?

For those who don't know this is the island where the Future Kingdom Baldimore is located and it island is the hometown of Dr. Vegapunk genius scientist.

The main mountain which Vegapunk once inserted a giant screw into, hoping to create a summer time climate, could not be seen due to the massive snow storm that was taking place.

Life is funny, one minute Calvin was in his girlfriend's room pillow-talking the next they are all dragged into one piece.

At least it seemed like they all had been dragged into the strange phenomena.

One minute he was a run of the mill black man, the next he was an Automata or a bloody robot!! One Piece was full of side characters, so instead of the cliche Calvim thought outside the box.

He took the box and cut it into small pieces, put it in a bag and mailed it to Santa Claus!

Instead of the Oh no I became another weak human in One Piece, he thought it would be interesting and funny to shake it up.

He chose General Galaxy the automata dressed like a shogun, that was built by the scientist Tsukimi on Karakuri Island.

A character shown only in the mini cover story Enel's great space adventure! A robot that was designed to have feelings.

Old man Tsukimi is a kind fellow, he treated his automata like they were his sons. However as he was an old man it was more like living with a grandfather, the grand father Calvin never had.

'Since I am in an anime world, I'll do the protagonist thing to do!' thought Calvin in his heart.

'I will change your fate old man Tsukimi! You won't Die from choking on a dumpling!' metally vowed Calvin.

Even though he was in an anime world, he wasn't Chuuni enough to spout shit like that at the top of his voice Calvin mused while shaking his head.

Seeing that old man Tsukimi had fallen asleep and the other automata namely First Lieutenant Spacey, Sergeant Cosmo and Colonel Macro were standing guard over him.

Calvin stealthily made his way outside the Japanese style house and disappeared.

He had scouted the way to Vegapunk's lab, shortly after transmigrating. Using the storm as cover Calvin bot (lol) made his way to the halfway point and then started to dig underground.

The manga said Franky blew up the lab with the self destruct button by accident and then found a hidden section of the lab with advanced weaponry.

He was right and the hidden section of the lab was underground. Making his way inside he got to work.

First he built a new body which he transferred the memories of the old General galaxy to .

He then rebuild his body to look like Lwai Aura Tibesti the African prince from the anime Dimension W, while making another robot important for the future.

For some reason he could not recall how he looked back on earth nor most of his non anime memories.

He remembered his parents vaguely, and the advice from his father over the years.

He couldn't remember childhood nor high school or any of his friends from those times. He recalled a few memories of Becca like the first time they met and the first threesome with Jasmine and the subsequent transmigration.

It probably was because the scientific knowledge he had was so expansive, that some of his memories were displaced and would return eventually.

Anyways so that is why he chose to look like an anime character as he forgot how his own face looked in the mirror.

He also made a vessel for transportation, it was a All State Multi Terrain Vehicle (ASMTV) it could drive on land, sail on the sea, submerge beneath the ocean or fly in the and even venture into space if he wished.

He activated the new general galaxy automata at the halfway point for him to return to Tsukimi and the other automata.

I had also installed a medical emergency protocol inside it, it would be able to extract a dumpling from the throat of the choking Tsukimi.

It also had a defibrillator get a heart running again and other life saving technologies such as liquid nanobots to repair injury .

He chose to go to Vegapunk's Lab as it had all the technology and materials already gathered. So he did not need to hunt for and smelt iron steel, magnesium and other such minerals to make parts, it was a huge time saver.

With his goal of gaining access to Vegapunk's Laboratory complete, he set off to get himself a body with all the squishy parts.

Being a robot was fun but he had no physical sensation without skin, muscle, bones and nerve endings.

He knew the perfect devil fruit that would do the trick, soon he was going to be a real boy!.


Drum Island Drum Kingdom

On the frigid coasts of Drum Island the sea, the water parted to reveal a huge grey futuristic looking object that vaguely resembled a submarine.

It was the All State Multi Terrain Vehicle (ASMTV), that Calvin had Built and newly named as the All Surface Ship Clapper aka the A.S.S. Clapper. A/N: (lol) .

Making his way along the snowy ground ,he walked past a homely village and made his was up the mountain side.

Nodding his head to a polar bear that was walking on it's hind legs along with a walking stick and a hat, Calvin made his way to a tramway system.

It consisted of a massive rope going from underground to all the way up at the top of the highest mountain. What could possibly be done in drum kingdom you might be wondering.

'It's the place where a painfully underutilized Devil fruit Lay. With an intelligent user things such as Alchemy, creating new metals, restructuring matter at the atomic level and more is possible.

'Where was such a gem hidden in One Piece why haven't I heard of it? you may ask yourself' said Calvin to the audience of whichever power or being that brought him to the world for their amusement.

"You saw it but you didn't really think of the implications of it because you were enjoying one piece too much, that and the user was a grade A1 dumbass so you legit over looked it" said Calvin to the readers.

Stepping off the tram, Calvin leisurely strolled towards the castle on the top of the mountain. One by one the soldiers standing guard fell down as they got hit with a tranquilizer aka his robotic fist in their faces.

Walking among the bodies of the unconscious guards that he had 'tranquilized' Calvin approached and knocked on the massive door.

"Knock knock" shouted Calvin playfully as he knocked on the door. "Who is it?" asked a bewildered guard. "Pinocchio" replied Calvin. "Pinocchio who?" responded the even more confused guard.

"Pinocchio I wanna be a real boy!" responded Calvin as he pounded the massive door in laughter at his own joke.

BOOM! The doors that would normally swing outwards, flew inwards as it broke with wood wood flying everywhere.

The guard was smashed away from the door by the impact, he lay several metres away unconscious.

"Wow I don't know my own strength" said Calvin looking at his arm in wonder. "I didn't even get to say open sesame...…"mused Calvin " Oh Well".

Suddenly it dawned on him, he had just punched several guards in the face.

'I hope they're not dead' thought Calvin nervously ' Need palace guards for the puppet king I will make, wouldn't want to have to make a robot army just for this. place a puppet king in charge.

Walking slowly over the broken door, Calvin is greeted by the remaining 3/4 of the Drum kingdom Army and standing behind them were Chess, kuromarimo and King Wapol.

Arrogantly Wapol did the villain sthick saying how I would be sorry for breaking in yada yada yada.... He then told Chess to list out all the things he ate today, which included cannons a house etc. etc.

Calvin was too bored to listen. While the items were listed he transformed into what was named.

Having into a house with canon arms Wapol screamed "Baku Baku factory!" and then devoured chess and kuromarimo.

"He actually stopped attacking to listen to to what I said, even my enemies stop attacking in front of such a great king as me! Shoot him!! shouted Wapol as he grinned evilly. It was a way to buy time

Curious as to witness it with his two eyes Calvin patiently waited and observed Anime Rule number 1: Always wait on a transformation to complete before you attack your enemy (lol).

The Drum army meanwhile opens fire on Calvin, hitting him with a hail of bullets. Without doing anything, the bullets hit him and crumpled leaving no damage.

"Oy you side characters go sit quietly over there, I'll beat you up later!" said Calvin dismissively not even bothering to take his eyes off the transformation.

The Drum army was flabbergasted and their jaws dropped to the floor comically, seeing how their attacks failed and he was even ignoring them!

Calvin watched Wapol house shaking like a old ass overloaded washing machine on spin cycle.

The door on his chess opens and from it emerges the fused chess & kuromarimo aka ChessMarimo.

"Go Chessmarimo ! Beat him up so that I can devour that bastard!" shouted Wapol as his mouth drooled excessively.

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