Chapter 1: Memoirs of Antarctica
Memoir #1: Rain's house, NQSC, the day the Devil arrives at Falcon Scott
Returning after a long day of school, Rain took off her shoes, and entered her house, shouting "I'm home!", before immediately pulling out her communicator, scrolling down until the words 'Teacher' could be seen, and clicked on it.
As expected, her teacher continued to ghost her, no matter how many messages she had sent since he went dark after the first week of reaching Antarctica.
'Hey, did you get my last message?'
'Rain to Sunny, hello?'
After the first week when Sunny had reached Antarctica, he started to reply less and less, until one day, he didn't respond to her anymore.
'Damn it, Sunny! Why won't you reply to your worried student! What if something happens to you and I lose you forever!'
Rain shook her head.
'Not that I'm that worried of course! It's just that, I don't want to… forget it.'
She sighed, before putting down her communicator and sitting on her bed.
"Sunny," She murmured, "Are you really alright?"
'Stop ignoring me.'
Rain twirled her communicator around her hand, looking at the neighboring porch where Sunny had used to sit there, drinking his coffee and staring into the distance.
A deep sense of regret bloomed in her heart, why hadn't she cherished the time with Sunny more?
That night, Rain dreamt of a malnutritioned boy with black hair and onyx eyes, who looked suspiciously like Sunny, but a younger version. He had a face of regret as he sent one last look to an orphanage, before quietly disappearing into one of the many alleys of the outskirts.
'Why aren't you answering?'
Rain couldn't focus on class, tapping onto the communicator with her hand, her mind zoning out to Antarctica. What was her teacher facing while she was wasting time here learning absolutely nothing?
'Damn it! Answer me!'
'If you're too busy, just say something and I'll find something else to do.'
Rain tossed and turned.
'If you're not busy, just say something so I'll be able to sleep peacefully…'
'You are not dead, are you?'
'Ha- ha, just joking.'
Rain was holding the communicator in her bed, ignoring how the light blinded her eyes in the darkness of the room.
Sunny couldn't possibly be dead!
'What the hell, you didn't even congratulate me on my birthday?'
Rain blew the candle on her birthday cake, her friends and family clapping by her side, wishing her a happy birthday. Yet, something was missing – where was her teacher? Where was Sunny?
'Sunny, are you okay?'
'I don't care about the fact you weren't here for my birthday anymore, so… tell me, are you okay?'
'Answer me, damn it!'
'Sunny, answer me.'
Rain sobbed under the cover of the night, why has her teacher gone radio silent for over 2 months? Was he okay?
'I might be a little worried, so… please send me a message when you have free time.'
'I'm extremely worried, so say something! Say something!'
'Please answer me.'
'You can't… right…?'
Rain gritted her teeth and put her communicator into her pocket, her eyes already red again.
'Damn it! This always happens whenever I look at the message log!'
Of course, Rain knew Sunny was an Ascended, one of considerable power, not just anyone could be a part of Changing Star's cohort after all.
But still, still…
Lady Nephis, Effie, Night… They were all exalted warriors. But Sunny was a scout. Even if he was a splendid swordsman and cunning tactician, his Aspect shouldn't be suited for combat, let alone the kind of battles in Antarctica.
If only… If only she had stopped him from going in the first place!
'Forget it Rain, there was nothing you could have done.'
'Could you stop him?'
'So deal with it and do whatever you can.'
Walking towards the sofa and slumping onto it, she switched on the television and quietly watched the news. She had to know if there were any updates on the Antarctica Campaign. She had to know of anything that could mean Sunny was still alive.
"Good afternoon, and welcome to Hello NQSC, I am James of BCC, bringing you the top stories of this hour. Devil of Antarctica identity reveal goes viral, netcitizens blowing up the internet with various comments and theories over the mysterious hero in the Antarctica Campaign."
Rain wanted to scoff, how could such a hero appear so suddenly, and was the news about him even accurate?
However, if everything was true… Could this devil possibly save Sunny?
Reporter James nodded at the camera, sneaking a look at his notes before he continued:
"According to leaks from government sources, a video taken by 'TheGOATdevilOFantartica' was uploaded onto 'yuutube', detailing the Devil of Antarctica in action."
Rain wouldn't admit this to anyone who asked, but she was as curious as anyone about the identity of 'the Devil of Antarctica', who was it that single-handedly gave hope to the thousands, if not millions of soldiers in that god-forsaken land.
"Many experts have been consulted on whether said video had been generated by AI, and through extensive research, it is proven to bet. Now let's invite Professor Intel, a professional in the field, to tell us more… about AI video making, to share his thoughts."
Professor Intel?
Rain shook her head, 'I pity them, their mother must have been a more poetic soul than my own!'
The screen shifted from reporter James to an old man wearing a white suit and a monocle.
"From the video shown, here, at this point, you can see a figure with four arms, two corporeal, two made of shadows, holding a weapon in each hand."
The video shifted from Professor Intel to a figure clad in black swinging his swords brutally at rushing abominations, brutally killing them, or a few of them at the same time with each swipe of his hands. He had black hair and onyx eyes, an impish stature, and most importantly, pale skin.
The devil looked like Sunny.
'No… I must be dreaming, the renowned devil of Antarctica couldn't possibly be him! Sunny's a scout.'
Or is he?
"Now, such blatant 'shadow' arms might make one think that this video is artificial, but… we live in a world with the Nightmare Spell, even the impossible must be real!"
The screen suddenly zoomed in at the corner, and Professor Intel continued his speech.
"...At this point, there is blood at the corner of the camera. Now, speed up a few seconds, and you can see the blood turning from crimson to more of a brown shade."
Rain wanted to laugh, the color of blood determining whether something was real or not?
Ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as whatever Sunny would usually say.
Professor Intel readjusted his monocle.
"Even though AI is learning how to create realistic videos, they have yet to learn how to recreate more natural changes in a fake video. While it could copy it from the web, that would mean clunkiness in the forms of lighting on the blood captured being slightly different from light on the figure."
Well… If that's what an expert had to say, Rain supposed she had to believe him, there were Aspects as strange as the devil's after all.
The screen shifted back to reporter James, who nodded at the camera.
"Thank you Professor Intel for your valuable insight, and for sharing to our viewers on how to discern between fiction and reality."
Reporter James looked at his notes, before lifting his head and staring straight at the camera again.
"Next, we've received news that the 2nd evacuation company is making its way to Antartica, and here are some prominent members among the armies the government had sent. Raised by Wolves, and Nightingale: members of Changing Star's cohort, and survivors of the Forgotten Shore. Will this increase volunteers for the evacuation efforts? Let the esteemed citizens of NQSC tell us themselves."
Oh? News on Effie? Now that's something she had to know.
The screen shifted to a young man that was in his 20s, wearing civilian clothing, a mic stationed near his mouth.
"Nightingale and Raised by Wolves? Yes, they are definitely part of the reason I decided to gather my courage and sign up for the evacuation army, but that's not all there is," He let out a wistful sigh, "It's mainly my idol — Lord Mongrel, or now known as the Guardian Angel of Antarctica."
Determination blazed in his eyes, "I've been a fan since her first appearance in the Dream Realm tournaments, and seeing her determination to contribute to humanity has ignited my own desire as well! To be one day as selfless as her. Which is why I've decided to enlist."
Rain furiously nodded, understanding the young man's sentiment. The stalwart warrior had saved her life a few months ago, when a gate opened near her school, and her life had been in danger.
After that, she held newfound respect to Lady Mongrel and swore to become like her, to one day save and protect the helpless.
That was why she had enlisted Sunny to help teach her combat after all.
The scene on the television ended and a new one took its place, this time a visage of an old woman.
"Nightingale? Isn't that a popular idol group?" She croaked, "Why would they join the army?"
"Raised by Wolves? What a cruel name! I truly pity whoever named this young soul."
"Well… If the group Nightingale is there, it could lead to their supporters also enlisting," She shrugged, "But how would an old granny such as me know anything about this? Ask the youngsters!"
Rain scoffed, the women were clearly not caught up with modern trends. Nightingale didn't mean the group, it meant Kai – it was his True Name after all.
The screen shifted and a middle aged woman started speaking.
"There might be an increase in young people enlisting in the army, but—"
It was at that moment, the screen glitched for a few seconds, before showing the scene of reporter James in deep concentration, along with someone who was whispering something to him, and with each word being spoken, his expression grew more and more somber as seconds ticked by.
Rain was growing increasingly confused, what was happening?
As the person left the camera, reporter James bewilderedly started:
"We— we apologize for interrupting the broadcast with sudden news, the identity of the Devil of Antarctica has been confirmed by government sources mere minutes ago! I can't believe this, I'm really not paid enough…"
Rain stood up from her seat, shocked.
"What!? So who is it?"
"The infamous Devil of Antarctica is Ascended Sunless, survivor of the Forgotten Shore, and a member of Changing Star's cohort!"
At this, Rain's mind short circuited and she fumbled with the remote, struggling to switch the television off.
Drunkenly walking into the kitchen, she leaned on the doorframe.
"Mom?" She asked, mind still racing with questions and possibilities.
"What is it sweetie?" Her mother turned around from whatever she was doing, eyes laced with concern.
"I think I'm hallucinating, the reporter just said that Sunny, our neighbour, is the Devil of Antarctica."
Her mother walked over, and wrapped her arms over Rain in a crushing hug, "Rainy, are you alright? You should go take a shower and clear your mind before you take a nap. You must be sleeping too little."
"There's no way that kind, noble, respectable young man could ever be that… Did you see that gentle smile of his, how could he ever harm a fly?"
Rain might not agree about the kind, noble, respectable part, or about the harm a fly part... but she agreed that the Devil of Antarctica could never be Sunny.
However, a small part of her mind whispered, 'Sunny could've been the devil, he was part of Changing Star's cohort, and a survivor of the Forgotten Shore after all. He could have been lying after all. No, more correctly, Sunny might have hidden information from her, from the world. The more proper word would be – omitting the truth.'
"Mmm alright, I'll take up that offer of showering and sleeping. There's no way that Sunny could ever be the Devil."
Slowly walking towards her room, Rain entered and took out her communicator, this has now become part of a daily ritual she would commit to, staring at the screen of her message log with Sunny whenever she could.
"Sunny, are you the Devil of Antarctica?"
After a while, Rain scoffed, "What am I doing? It's not like you're gonna answer me. Right…?"
She stared hopefully at the communicator.
"Damnation! Your cute student is here asking for advice and you don't answer me!? Why do I even care about that idiot anyway? Even if he sends me a message now, I won't answer."
At that moment, her communicator vibrated, announcing that there was a new notification.
Rain glanced at it absentmindedly, then suddenly froze. There was a new message on the screen.
It read:
"Sunny: Gods! What is up with all these messages? Are you a stalker? I was just stuck in an area without a network connection for a while, there was no need to assault my inbox! Anyway… Happy belated birthday, I guess. How are you doing? Data transfers are limited where I am now, so I'll be short. I'm fine. Oh… and have you seen the news? Can't believe they somehow found my secret identity. Yes, I am the Devil of Antarctica, though some of the other Masters have the audacity to call me Little Devil! Also, I received another medal. Pretty cool, right?"
Rain stared at the screen for a few moments, in disbelief that Sunny had responded.
"Devil of Antarctica? Sunny, don't joke with me!" She shakingly took a breath of air, "You can't… You're a scout, right…?"
Yet, looking back, the clues had always been in front of her. She just didn't want to accept it.
Sunny was an exceptional swordsman, evident by him keeping up with Changing Star in their spars. He was part of her cohort, even though he was only a scout. And lady Nephis wouldn't accept just anybody into her cohort. The news had also revealed the truth to them, she just didn't accept it.
Could it be… That Sunny didn't want his strength to be known? But it was necessary in Antarctica.
Which means… She was right. Antarctica was that deadly.
"Sunny, don't die!"
Surprising Rain took the news better than when the television had told her, she did receive a message in person after all.
'Whatever, I'll think about the implications later."
Rain took a shaky breath and started typing furiously.
"Why had you never told me!" She typed, "Making me worry all those days, and spending sleepless nights! Do you want to kill me? Also, why had you never told me you were the devil! Am I not that important? If you had told me, I wouldn't be so worried! Your student is worried, damn it! And yes, I'm fine, better than you at least!"
The communicator vibrated again.
"Sunny: Sorry Rain, but I have to go right now! The Devil is being called! Glad that you're fine though, and have the time to worry about little old me. All my hard work has paid off!"
"Wait!" Rain typed, "Don't leave me in the dark ever again!"
Yet as she waited for the next few minutes, she received no response.
Sighing, she threw her communicator onto her bed and slumped on it, staring out of the window. A perfect blue sky greeted her, and the world was still the same, unaware of the turmoil going through her mind and heart.
Rain was just told that her teacher was one of humanity's strongest Masters and fighters.
And if he ever challenged the Third Nightmare…
Humanity would gain another champion, perhaps one as strong and as influential as the heroes of the past.
'Why had he even bothered to teach me then… There are thousands out there better than me. Or is it just through sheer luck? Through fate?!'
Rain slapped her cheeks, thinking that fate exists? That's a new level of insanity she has reached.
'As though fate exists! And even if it did, mine would surely be lower than average, it's not the worst at least.'
Looking over to her clock, it was half past six already. Almost dinner time.
Standing up, she got out of her room and slowly made her way down towards the living room.
This was going to be a long night of explanations.
Memoir #2: Falcon Scott, Central Antarctica, the day the Devil arrives
Sunny was standing in one of the offices of the local government complex at Falcon Scott, waiting for Jet while enjoying the view of the snowy landscape of Antarctica. Not that he could enjoy much. After his journey of shielding the refugees on their march towards Falcon Scott, his image of the pure, ethereal snow of Antarctica had changed drastically. It was just like the Dark Sea back in the Forgotten Shore, beautiful yet harrowing, of deadliness hidden in the shadows.
Looking at the clock at the corner of the room, Sunny sighed, and started walking towards the conference table, sitting down on one of the many chairs provided.
'Where is she…'
He did not have to wait long. A minute or two later the door opened, and Master Jet walked inside.
Soul Reaper looked pretty much the same as she had the last time he saw her. Granted, she was wearing the usual bodysuit instead of battle armor today… ah, the bodysuit… but other than that, it did not seem like the hellish months of the Antarctic campaign had impacted her in a negative way.
Noticing Sunny, Jet smiled.
"Well, if it's not young Master Sunless, valiant slayer of abominations and savior of men. The Devil of Antarctica. It's good to have you back, Sunny."
Sunny forced out a smile in return.
"Yeah… it's good to be back. How have the last two months treated you? Because, you know, I had it a bit rough."
Master Jet took a seat at the head of the table and gave him a humorous look.
"You have no one but yourself to blame. Who asked you to be such an overachiever? I sent you to retrieve one man, and you brought me forty thousand instead. I must say, if everyone here had this kind of attitude, the Chain of Nightmares would have been over in a week. Hell, we might have reclaimed America by now."
Sunny glanced at her darkly, "No thanks."
Jet pulled out her communicator.
"I'm not done yet."
She clicked a few buttons on her communicator, before sliding it to him.
"Read it."
With a nod, Sunny complied. One does not disobey the Soul Reaper after all.
In front of him, there was an article from BCC, and as he read it, Sunny's face grew paler and paler.
Of course, he knew that his identity as the Devil of Antarctica has caused ripples in NQSC, but who would have imagined for it to be this much? The reporter who wrote this had done nothing but praise him, yet Sunny was sure that if they were a part of the refugees…
They would have berated him for not being stronger, for not saving more people.
The headline was just ridiculous!
"Devil of Antarctica identity revealed? The renowned 'devil' as refugees from Central Antarctica call him is Master Sunless, member of Changing Star's cohort." He muttered out loud.
"Master Jet, don't tell me those people believe this… this ridiculousness!"
Soul Reaper shrugged, "Well, it's out by now, and I'm sure every single person in NQSC has long known of this fact. The government can't contain it anymore. The secret's out. Besides, did you even read it
Sunny sighed, "At least they don't know about the identity of Mongrel…"
"I'm not really sure of that," Master Jet chuckled, "What they're doing is something worse. Slide to the next article."
"Refugees from Antarctica spreading a forbidden romance between Mongrel and the Devil — Now known as Ascended Sunless of the First Irregular Company stationed in Central Antarctica.." Sunny forced out, growing more terrified as he skimmed across each word, "What is this…?"
Jet shrugged, "It's what you've read. Not that anyone knows that the devil and mongrel are the same person. The misunderstanding is insane!"
Sunny sighed, "What can I even do to change that?"
"Nothing. There's only one thing we can do right now — defend Falcon Scott."
Sunny nodded, but before he could say anything, the door opened again. Winter and Dale entered and took their seats. With only the four Irregulars in the office, it seemed a bit empty.
Sunny looked around.
"…Where are Randal and Jesse?"
Master Jet lingered for a moment, "They're dead."
He grew quiet, "Oh."
Soul Reaper sighed, then picked up her datapad, scrolled through a few documents, and addressed them in a bright voice:
"Well then, let's begin. There's going to be a big strategy meeting in an hour for everyone important enough to attend, but before that, I should update you on the current situation. In the next few days, Falcon Scott is going to be besieged by an endless sea of abominations. Our task is simple: we must ensure it doesn't fall for at least three weeks."
Memoir #3: Falcon Scott, Central Antarctica, A few days after the arrival of the devils
The cohort had struggled to relax during the first few days back under the safely of Falcon Scott, it was quite hard to quit the habits his cohort had learned during their long and dangerous hike back to base. They had to train themselves to lower down their guard, and to get as much sleep as possible.
…Which was the exact opposite of their directives back when Sunny had led the refugees into Falcon Scott.
As Sunny entered the Rhino for a strategy meeting with his company, he was prepared to see them pacing around, constantly looking at the window for any signs of danger. Yet, reality was always different.
Sunny walked into a scene of Luster shouting as he waved his communicator in hand, erupting into giggles with each sentence being spoken. The audience were grinning or laughing as each sentence was spoken, that they didn't notice his entry to the Rhino. Even the usually serious Don was laughing heartily as he listened to what Luster had to say, and Sunny couldn't help but feel a sense of silent relief.
Being on guard really drains one's energy, and he would only accept them at their top shape in tomorrow's battle.
Which was why Sunny was glad that they were relaxing and joking around.
Silently fading into the shadows, he listened to what they had to say:
Luster swiped his communicator, showing it to Kim and Samara, who immediately erupted in giggles.
"What's the title this time?" Quentin curiously asked, his hands grasping Luster at the shoulders, "Come on, what is it?"
"Refugees from Antarctica — you won't believe this," Luster said humously, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes, "Refugees from Antartica spreading a forbidden romance between—"
It was then Luster laughed, the communicator slipping from his hand and onto the floor.
Belle picked it up and gave it to Quentin, "You read it, Luster is officially drunk from laughing."
Quentin's eyes shone, and he too smiled larger and larger as his eyes skimmed across the title. After a while, he finally continued on what Luster had said, "Spreading a forbidden romance between Mongrel and the Devil — Now known as Ascended Sunless of the First Irregular Company stationed in Central Antarctica."
Sunny's eyes widened, there was no way they could read such an embarrassing article about him!
Appearing from the shadows, he put his hand onto Luster's shoulders, and mustered as much murderous intent as possible, "What are you looking at?"
Luster gulped, "N— Nothing Captain!"
"Then what's this 'forbidden romance between Mongrel and the Devil' I hear about?" Sunny asked innocently, tilting his head with a smile on his face.
Luster looked around the room, only to find the other members of their cohort looking away or maintaining the Rhino, "Uhhh guys? Didn't we swear to take the blame together?"
"What blame are you talking about?" Kim shrugged.
"Oh? So now you're trying to pin the blame on others? Come with me Luster, we're going to have a nice, long chat."
Of course Sunny knew that his cohort all had a part in this, but Luster was the one who started it, like always. And it did help contribute to lowering the stress of his cohort, so Sunny will let Luster off lightly. And the rest of the cohort.
"Guys, you can't be betraying me like this!"
Memoir #4: Falcon Scott, Central Antarctica, a few weeks after the arrival of the Devils
Throughout the long fights for survival in Falcon Scott in the past few months, there was a myth among them. Of the Devil they all knew guarding the siege capital at day, and the Guardian Angel Mongrel.
Not that Kim believed any of that. She had the privilege of being in the First Irregular Company, particularly in Sunny's cohort, or the Devils as they are now called. She knew the forbidden truth — Captain Sunless is Mongrel.
Which makes the current situation all the more ridiculous to her. Somehow, someway, such gossip had spread to NQSC, and naturally, the masses got curious about the current situation. The government's propaganda machine had spread the 'love story' of the Devil and the Guardian Angel, and a movie was even hyped up!
Not that the Captain knew of course, or he would have complained their ears off, saying something like: "Damnation! What do you mean I'm romancing myself!" and forbid them from viewing similar related content. Like the time they got found out viewing similar articles and getting their ears blown off from the sheer intensity of the scolding.
Kim was more careful this time, she would only do this when there was no one conscious in the Rhino.
Kicking her legs on the sofa of the Rhino, Kim giggled as she pulled out her communicator and accessed her web. Yes, it might not be the most Kim-like behavior as Luster would have said, but she wasn't just all seriousness or timid, she enjoyed other activities as well. Now that she had enough points for data transfers, she can finally do the activity she enjoys the most – reading fanfiction.
Typing Antarctica Campaign ao4 in the search bar, Kim patiently waited for the search to load and immediately clicked into the link of the archive.
Filtering the options by ranks of kudos, she eagerly consumed their details.
"Now… which should I choose? What should I download? If the Captain ever sees this…"
Best not think about it.
Heart of ice: A devil and an angel by IseeEVERYTHING
Graphic description of violence
Relationship: Sunless | Devil of Antarctica / Mongrel | Guardian Angel of Antarctica
Characters: Sunless | Devil of Antarctica, Mongrel | Guardian Angel of Antarctica, Ascended Jet | Soul Reaper Jet, Original Characters
Tags: Slow burn, unrequited love, war, angst, alternate universe
Summary: An angel reaches out her hand for a war crazed devil, whispering pure songs besides his ears. Inside this god-forsaken land, will the warmth of the guardian thwart the frozen heart of the Devil?
Language: English Words: 365,739 Chapters: 57/? Comments: 1,453 Kudos: 3,752 Bookmarks: 777 Hits: 273,951
'Oh?' Kim thought as her eyes scanned across the page, 'This concept has a lot of potential… But let's see.'
Clicking onto the link, she skimped through chapter one, and was immediately shocked.
'This… This is actually good… No, majestic is the only way to describe it!'
{"Sunless, or do you prefer the Devil? Why must you continue onwards towards this trail of destruction? Aren't there other things you could be doing? You have to rest! What if you one day burned yourself up? Take a break from fighting non stop!" The angel pleaded, as tears streamed down her face.
"Dear Angel," Sunless said, his face hardening as each word was spoken, "I cannot. There is only one path left for me in this world — a path of war and destruction."
His eyes glimmered with conviction, "I have gone this far, I cannot stop now!"}
Kim laughed, 'How different Captain is in real life! I wish he could have been like this… I definitely have to download this and read whenever I have time!'
Pressing a few buttons on her communicator, she watched with a satisfied smile as the entire fanfic was downloaded into her device.
'Okay, onto the next one!'
Mongrel's demons by DC
Graphic description of violence
Relationship: Sunless | Devil of Antarctica / Mongrel | Guardian Angel of Antarctica
Characters: Sunless | Devil of Antarctica, Mongrel | Guardian Angel of Antarctica, Ascended Jet | Soul Reaper Jet, Original Characters
Tags: Angst, Found Family, Mongrel needs a hug, Romance, BAMF Sunless, BAMF Mongrel
Summary: "Why do you do this?" The angel asked, "Why must unnecessary bloodshed continue to happen? You can stop it, can't you?"
The devil laughed, his voice deep and heavy.
"Dearest Angel, I am human, like all of you," He paused, "You may call me a devil, but my name is Sunless, and I am still mortal, no matter what all of you might think."
Language: English Words: 111,113 Chapters: 37/? Comments: 693 Kudos: 2,647 Bookmarks: 538 Hits: 175,938
'Ooh, this is even better if I just compare the summary, but what about the chapter?'
{In the dark, snowy landscape of Antarctica, Stephen shivered as the cold wind blared across the land. He was but a mundane soldier after all, not at all comparable to the many Awakened who had Memories that could combat the cold.
"Why did I even join the evacuation company…" He muttered under his breath.
It was at that moment, the Obel Scale that their division held rang loudly across the campsite, and the soldiers immediately got to work.
"A category 2 gate! Someone call the Devils!" His superior shouted, and Stephen immediately heeded his orders, pressing his communicator with renewed vigor. If the Devils arrived, they might be able to survive.
As the call got through, Stephen immediately shouted, "Sergeant Stephen from the First Division! A category 2 gate is opening where we are currently situated!"
"Sergeant, do not panic, hold out for five more minutes, and the Devils will arrive."
Stephen immediately nodded, hanging up and shouted, "The Devils! The Devils will be here soon! We'll just have to hold out for five more minutes!"
Cheers spread throughout his division, and he confidently started prepping his rifle. The Devils were here, and they would rain hell upon whatever abomination that was unlucky enough to stumble across them.
All hail the Devils! All hail our Devil of Antarctica!}
Kim was instantly hooked, the fanfic was not just propaganda about her captain's love story with his echo, but an imitation of reality. Would she be in it?
Hitting the download button, Kim was instantly conflicted, what should she read first?
It was at that moment, the door of the Rhino was pushed open, and as she turned her head, praying it wasn't the Captain but someone from the cohort…
It was Sunny.
Switching off her communicator with record speed, she hid it in her pocket, and faced the Captain with the most reassuring smile she could muster at the moment.
"Those damn bastards! Overworking me for weeks. Oh… Good morning Kim. Or is it even morning anymore… Anyway, don't bother me, I'm going to sleep."
Kim nodded and hesitantly waved at him, "It's the afternoon Captain. And yes you look terrible, go to sleep, I'll look after the Rhino for you."
Sunny drowsingly waved his hand, before retreating to his room, the door automatically closing once his tired self went through it.
Kim breathed a sigh of relief, luckily, she didn't get caught.
'Well… Since he's that tired… I can read these fics safely!'
And as the sun set across the horizon that night, the captain finally woke up, and he never once questioned what was on her communicator that day.
Memoir #5: Unknown location, Pacific Ocean, a few days after the Fall of Falcon Scott
At the depths of night, a solitary vessel surged through the waves, its beams cutting through the darkness of the abyss itself.
Near the slumbering Luster and Kim, a radio sputtered to life, flickering as it powered on.
"W—We apologize for interrupting the broadcast with urgent news. The siege tower, Falcon Scott, where the First Evacuation Army is stationed, has collapsed. I can hardly believe it myself!"
"I... I don't know what to say. In my lifetime, this is the first such incident—the fall of one of the four quadrants."
"Our reporters are scrambling to secure footage of the incident, so let us observe a moment of silence for our fallen brethren."
"What—What should we do? Humanity has only three quadrants remaining, and the Nightmare Creatures—they—" He trembled, "They control the sea, the sky, and now, the land."
"I repeat! Falcon Scott has fallen!"
Luster stirred in his sleep, his eyelids snapping open.
He rushed to Kim's side, shaking her awake.
"Wh—What!" Kim exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.
"Shhhhh!" Luster hissed, covering her mouth. After a tense pause, he let her go.
"What the hell, Luster!" Kim whispered angrily.
He shot her a glare. "Listen. Please."
The radio crackled back to life, "I repeat, Falcon Scott has fallen."
"What!? How!?"
Luster made a hush gesture. "Damn it, Kim! Do you think I know how!? The government must have intel on the mainland. Just calm down!"
Kim stilled, her voice trembling. "I'm worried," she murmured, eyes falling to the floor. "What of the captain? Dorn? Samara? Belle..."
Luster moved closer, patting Kim's back. "Believe me, I'm anxious about them too."
"I... I know the captain will most likely survive," Kim said, lifting her head as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Luster, tell me he'll survive."
She paused.
"Won't he?"
Luster inhaled deeply, meeting her gaze.
"Of course he will!" He determinedly said, "He's the captain we know and love! The ones we should fear for are Dorn, Samara, and Belle…"
As he said the names of each of their comrades, his voice got smaller and smaller.
"The captain will probably slip through the shadows if things get dire. We must believe in them—they will survive!"
A lie. It was a lie.
Kim offered Luster a shaky smile. "The captain will save them, won't he? He's the Devil himself, after all!"
"Yeah... I reckon he'll create quite a scene! Like... appearing with the entire cohort in East Antarctica. He'll work a miracle, won't he?"
Kim nodded slowly.
"That's our captain, isn't it?"
Memoir #6: Rain's house, NQSC, the battle between Song and Valor for the Tomb of Ariel
A young girl with black hair and pale skin was furiously typing into her communicator, muttering curses under her breath.
"Sunny… You can't possibly have fallen along with Falcon Scott! Yeah, there's no way he could have…"
'Damn it! What if he really is… But… if he really was alive… Fuck it all! His cute pupil is so worriedly waiting for him, why won't he respond!'
Rain sighed, putting down her communicator and drinking a sip of water. This teacher of hers was really stressing her out.
'At this rate, I'll get old waiting for him to ever respond.'
Picking up her communicator, she stared at the message log again. It really was embarrassing now that she looked at it, better than the log before though.
"Sunny, you're not dead are you? I swear…"
"Have you seen the news? Falcon Scott has fallen. Are you alright? Heh. What am I even worrying about? You must have left already, right…?"
"Answer me, Sunny!"
"Don't leave me your dear worrying pupil in the dark again!"
"Not that I mind if you go off by yourself and die! But at least tell me your last words…"
Typing, she added another message:
"Sunny… Tell me if–"
It was at this moment, she was interrupted by her communicator vibrating and a message popping up.
"Sunny: What the hell Rain! Are you trying to kill me with all these messages again? Didn't I tell you I'll be alright? I'm one of the strongest masters in existence! Do you think a thing such as the Winter Beast can kill me? You should be worrying about yourself! Oh… and, Dorn, Belle and Samara. Quentin. They're gone…"
Sunny had told her stories about his cohort during the few days he could still transfer data to her, telling Rain more about the different environments of Antarctica.
"Are you alright…?" She typed, "What happened? At… Falcon Scott?"
"Sunny: Winter Beast arrived a day earlier than planned. But, Luster, Kim and Beth survived. I did too. Oh, Master Jet as well. I'm quite busy right now, so… don't slack off practice!"
"Think about yourself! And of course I didn't slack off, why would I? Also, the newly producing Devils of Antarctica movie is set to release soon! You'll watch it with me, right?"
However, her communicator never vibrated again even as she waited for a minutes.
A few days later, in the middle of the night, Rain's communicator vibrated.
A new notification appeared on it's screen:
"Sunny: You want to see it to embarrass me again! I already know your antics, dear pupil. But alright, I promise, I guess I do owe you that much."
"What do you mean you owe me that much, bastard!? It's a promise then. You won't chicken out will you, teacher?"
"Of course not! I'm the most honest man in the world – two worlds even!"
"Good morning, and welcome to Hello NQSC, I am James of BCC, bringing you the top stories of this hour. Changing Star's cohort stranded in the new death zone of the Dream Realm — the Nightmare Desert. Experts predict that Changing Star will have to challenge a Nightmare Seed and ascend to survive."
"In the most recent Press Conference by Morgan of Valor, it was revealed the emergence of a category 5 gate in Antarctica — now an established uninhabitable zone, and the emergence of skinwalker, a corrupted creature from the gate."
"The Awakened near there had entered the gate in order to escape from the ordeal, and some of them – Changing Star, Nightingale, Raised by Wolves, Song of the Fallen, Soul Reaper Jet and the Devil of Antarctica – have been left behind in the Dream Realm, with no way to reach the Waking World."
"Experts predict that Changing Star might create another miracle – like her escaping from the Dream Realm through Ascending when she was but a mere Sleeper. However, the Third Nightmare is known to be quite perilous, not anyone could surv–"
Rain switched off the broadcast, her head heavy.
"Damn it Sunny…" She muttered, as she lifted her head and gazed into the porch of where his house used to be, her mind replaying memories of her teacher.
"Didn't you say… that you would be fine?"
"Didn't you say, you would definitely survive?"
"Didn't you promise that we would see the movies together?"
"Tell me Sunny, why have you broken your promise?"
Why did you challenge the Third Nightmare without telling me?
Weren't you teaching me so I can Awaken and catch up?
Memoir #6: Unknown Movie Theater, NQSC, the Devil transcending
In a movie theater at NQSC, couples, families, friends were chattering all around, impatiently waiting for the movie to start. Except for a lone girl, one with startling pale skin, and hair the colour of the abyss itself, who was sitting still, blankly staring at the screen, monotonously putting popcorn into her mouth.
Soon, the credits rolled, and everyone was quiet, anticipating the upcoming masterpiece that would be shown to them.
[From the studio that gave you the Song of Light and Darkness]
Words slowly appeared from beyond the screen, and soft music enveloped the theater.
[Nominated for best pictures]
[Nominated for best soundtrack]
[Nominated for best special effects]
[Based on a real story.]
[The Devil of Antarctica]
The screen darkened, and a voice resounded throughout, soft, yet impossibly deep.
[He who had come from nothing.]
[He who had conquered everything.]
Lights off.
[Master Sunless, this… this might be our last battle. Our last stand. Will you stand with me till the end?]
[I… I…]
A harrow roar resounded throughout the theater, and the blizzard grew stronger, effectively cutting off what Mongrel had to say.
The devil walked a step closer, holding Mongrel's hands.
[Dearest Mongrel, of course I will. And… you don't have to say it, I already know.]
[I love you.]
The angel looked at him.
[Do you promise you'll be with me no matter what?]
[I promise.]
A tear slipped from his eyes.
[Let this be our last stand, our last crusade…]
His voice grew louder.
[But know this world! That we shall never give up, that our love will transcend boundaries!]
The Devil looked at his Angel.
[I will be with you always.]
The Angel traced the word on her lips.
[Always, and forevermore.]
The blizzard blew across the land, devouring the standing figures within.
The scene changed, and what was left of the Devil and the Angel, was an eternal statue of ever encasping love.
The screen darkened.
Words flashed.
[The End.]
The audience was lit ablaze, as compliments flew off their mouths.
Except for a lone girl, who was mouthing the words — promise.
"Didn't you promise?"
Her words were lost, lost to the theatre, where everything could be seen, and nothing could be heard.
Memoir #7: Unknown location, Dream Realm, the Devil trandscending
The silent breeze of Autumn blew across a tombstone, or more accurately, 5 tombstones, the petals set atop them fluttering into the breeze.
As the graves were cleaned, words from so long ago could be seen, shining like a memoir found in the deepest recesses of the earth.
The first one read:
Here lies Dorn.
Soldier, comrade, friend.
Your bravery truly knows no bounds.
May your nightmare be over.
The second:
Here lies Belle.
Swordsman, protector, friend.
May your passion continue to blaze.
And may your nightmare be over.
The third:
Here lies Samara.
Sniper, engineer, friend.
May your creations reach the heavens.
May your nightmare be over.
The fourth:
Here lies Quientin.
Defender, survivor, friend.
Your curiosity was what we knew and loved.
So, may your nightmare be over.
The fifth:
Here lies Professor Obel.
Inventor, pioneer, teacher.
Your intelligence was what made you a protector.
May your nightmare be over.
Quiet footsteps echoed through the cemetery, as a handsome man wearing full plate armor silently approached.
"Your nightmare is over."
He whispered, crossing his arms and kneeling before the graves.
"I'm sorry Belle, Dorn, Samara… I'm sorry captain. I'm sorry Professor Obel."
He stood up, looking at the graves for one last time.
"My name is Quentin, and I'm not as dead as you may all seem."
Quentin looked at the distance, eyes flashing with conflicting emotions.
"So… captain you have to survive. Like I did."
A False Requiem: Lost from the world
In the dark coldness of Antarctica, a lone shadow silently sat up, looking at the scene around him. He exclaimed:
"Wait! Have I… transcended? I must have!"
After a while, his face lit up in shock. He then climbed up from where he was buried — within a great amount of concrete.
A flaming angel met him there, her eyes full of wariness.
The shadows' eyes shone with delight.
"It… worked! It worked!"
"I'm free!"
The angel stared at him, confused.
"Who are you?"
There was no hint of recognition in her voice.
"Identify yourself."
Lost from Li— No, that name was lost already. The shadow lost from fate stared at her, as recognition dawned on him.
[Be careful of what you wish for.]
In the shining white light of a hospital, a survivor, a wounded and a seer were talking when a sudden headache assaulted their brains.
"What was that?" The wounded asked.
"I don't know." The survivor said.
"What were we even thinking about?" The seer wondered.
"We were talking about the… the Captain." The survivor said.
"Who is the Captain?" The wounded asked.
The seer turned to him, "I don't know, Luster. I don't know."
"I only remember a joke. A joke we never made. A sixth gravestone:
Here lies the Captain.
Devil, saviour, friend.
Your compassion reaches the heavens.
Your treachery knew no bounds."
Luster said.
The survivor stared at him, saying: "It doesn't have the 'your nightmare is over' part. Like mine, or the others."
Luster shrugged, "I guess we knew that he'll definitely survive. But who is he?"
"I don't know."
In the waking world, a builder was staring furiously at her communicator.
In the next second, a sudden headache assaulted her brain.
"What the hell!"
She muttered, before confusingly looking around, the communicator soon catching her sight.
"Who was I talking with?"
Straining her brain, the builder tried to remember anything that could be related to it.
"A promise. A broken promise."
She proclaimed.
"I only remember this broken promise."
A Forgotten Requiem: In the far future…
Sunny smiled, "I have something for you. Give me your hand."
Rain outstretched a hand, and Sunny grabbed it. A moment later, a beautiful bracelet forged from black silver manifested itself from strands of darkness, and he put it around her wrist.
"It's pretty. But what is it?"
"A memory. Bind it, then think about wanting to know your state."
Rain sat up, infused the beautiful bracelet with her essence, waited for it to take hold, and then thought about… her state.
In the next moment, a field of shimmering runes ignited in the air in front of her.
Rain froze, "Is… Is this?"
Sunny nodded. "Yes, it's something I came up with myself after being cut off from the Spell. It's not as refined as the Spell of course, but it's still handy to have around."
Rain smiled.
So these were the infamous runes… Strangely enough, seeing them suddenly made her feel like a real Awakened.
Summoning as much knowledge of runes as possible, she glanced at them, trying to intercept what they read:
Name: Rain.
True Name…
She concentrated.
'Promise… Promised? Promised Storm?'
At this, a wave of sadness and regret spread throughout her soul.
'What is this!? Why is this word bringing such agonizing regret?' Rain thought, 'Is it Storm? Or promise?'
Promise… Promise… Promise…
Rain tried to recall any memories related to a promise. Yet, there was almost none, except…
'There was this guy who broke his promise? A promise to see the movie of the Antarctic Campaign. About the Devil of Antarctica and the Guardian Angel.'
Who was that?
Her teacher before Sunny?
If he really was her teacher, then why couldn't she recall anything about it? And why is it that the more she thought about it, the more her head hurts.
'The only thing I can clearly remember is that he was in the First Evacuation Army. Then, there's nothing…'
"Rain?" Sunny's voice resounded around the camp, anchoring her back into reality, "Is there something wrong? Don't you like your True Name?"
Rain would be a fool to mention a promise. Who even cared about that while receiving their true name?
'I'll think about it later."
Back to her runes.
No, it wasn't Promised Storm. There was a sort of darkness, but also glimmering hope. It was a promise that the darkness would be dispelled, and a glimpse of a beautiful light shining somewhere far away.
There was also a hint of melancholy to her name, because relief and light were still far in the distance.
Rain looked at the runes once again and read them properly this time.
True Name: Promise of a Distant Sky.
Rain rolled the words on her tongue.
Promise of a Distant Sky…
It was a beautiful True Name, if not as fierce and fearsome as other True Names were.
The name felt unfamiliar, but strangely comforting. Like a piece of the puzzle that she had not known was missing from her soul, and now finally fell into its place, thus making her soul more… complete.
However, with it came indescribable longing.
A longing for a forgotten promise, a promise broken that can only be rebuilt under the shining sun and the pulsing waves of a distant sky.
'What a strange feeling.'
Sunny studied her expression with a hint of curiosity.
"I'm guessing you are thinking about your True Name?"
Rain nodded.
"Yeah. I like it… I think. It's pretty."
Her brother chuckled, "Indeed it is."
"But… Once I heard it, I felt incredible sadness and regret. Oh, and longing. Longing for a broken promise."
"I've never heard of that before…" Sunny muttered, "Can you tell me more?"
"I… I can't remember much. Only that, someone precious to me had broken a promise — a promise to watch a movie together."
Sunny stared for a few moments, emotions she didn't know flashing across his onyx eyes.
He smiled, before speaking:
"Nevermind then, a broken promise can never be repaired."
It was strangely bittersweet.