Shadow Slave - One Shots

Chapter 78: Beautiful Little Gremlin

Teacher Julius, with his warm smile and gentle nod, stepped up to the counter. "Sunn- No. Master Sunless," he said, "thank you for being here and for surviving everything." 

Sunny shrugged with a wry smile. "No worries, Teacher. Just another day, right?" 

Julius chuckled. "I must dash off. I promised Master Rock I'd meet him soon. Take care." 

"Sure thing," Sunny replied, his voice casual as he went back to his work. 

With Julius gone, the quiet hum of the café returned.

Moments later, the door swung open, and two figures stepped inside.

A young couple that instantly stirred memories of old times.

"Captain… Sunless, sir!" Luster called out, a mischievous grin on his face. 

Kim's soft voice followed, "Welcome back, Sunny. We missed you." 

Sunny turned away for a split second, his cheeks burning as he mumbled, "Shut up,"

Obviously, he wasn't prepared. He had just gotten his fate back and his mind was in a massive turmoil of emotions. Especially after everything had been going on, he didn't expect this.

Luster rolled his eyes. "You know, we've been waiting for you. We thought you died. But, you were forgotten." he said, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Kim, ever the gentle soul, added quietly, "We were really worried." 

Sunny shook his head, trying to keep his cool.

"Nah, I was busy fighting a cursed tyrant, glad he's dead. Also killed a damned fiend that chased me around the whole of antarctica, thank the gods he's dead. Oh! And my fridge is basically remnants of the Winter Beast."




There was a pause as Luster's eyes widened and Kim giggled. 





"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Sunny asked whilst tilting his head, feigning innocence.

Luster clapped him on the back. "You really are something else, Cap'. Only you could turn battling a winter beast into a casual comment." 

Kim's voice softened. "We're just glad you're back, Sunny. Really." 

Sunny leaned back against the counter, shrugging nonchalantly. "Guess I always find my way back, huh?"

Luster couldn't resist another jab. "So, did you really manage to beat that tyrant? Or did the winter beast sneak into your fridge and steal your leftovers?" 

Sunny snorted. "No, no. I killed the beast. And let me tell you, it was a real cold day."

He paused, then added with a playful glint,

"You should've seen the look on its fac-"

(i'm too tired to add quentin, think no one really cares for him)

Before Sunny could finish his sentence, the cafe door swung open with a bang alongside the sonorous silver bell ringing, turning his head sharply at the sound.


A blur of fur and energy launched itself at him, colliding into his chest with surprising force.


He staggered back, barely managing to stay upright. His bones creaked in protest.


A small, fluffy wolf pup clung to him, wagging its tail with enough enthusiasm to power a wind turbine.


The realization hit him a second too late.

'Oh, no.'

In the next moment, a man's frantic voice rang out from the street.

"Ling Ling! Summon your clothes!"

A tiny, guilty voice whined in response.

"Buuuut… daddy…"

"Right now!"

Sunny felt the weight against him change like it lessened, and when he glanced down, the wolf pup was gone.

In its place stood a bright-eyed four-year-old boy, grinning up at him in a simple tunic.

Further down the street, a good-looking young man - who's name was anonymous due to his flaw - was pushing a large cart toward the cafe, sweat glistening on his forehead.

He gave Sunny a friendly, if slightly apologetic, smile.

"Master Sunless! Sorry if we're a bit late."

Sunny exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, yeah. Just get in before your kid transforms in public again."

The man chuckled and ushered Little Ling inside, maneuvering the cart with ease.

The scent of fresh ingredients wafted into the cafe, reminding Sunny why they were here in the first place.

The Beast Farm provided most of the fresh produce and meat he used for the Brilliant Emporium, and this was his usual delivery.

And then - because things couldn't just end there - the door swung open again.

This time, however, revealed a , muscular woman with an unusual off smirk.


The smirk dropped.

She froze in place, staring at him.

A long, uncomfortable silence stretched between them.

Sunny tilted his head.


Effie squinted, then took a step forward. "…Sunny?"

"Uh. Yeah?"

She made a strange noise.

Her eyes darted from his face to his entire existence, and then she groaned, covering her face with one hand.

"Gods damn it," she muttered. "Of course it's you. Of course."

Sunny blinked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Effie groaned louder, dragging her hands down her face.

"I-ugh… I just! It's just that… look at you!" She gestured wildly at him. "Why do you look like that?!"

Sunny raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Like that! All mysteriously and unfairly pretty - seriously, what the hell happened?!"

Sunny gave her a flat look. "I ascended."

Effie threw her hands up. "Yeah, well, I noticed! Damn it, Sunny, you were supposed to stay the short, insane cockroach that had no appeal whatsoever and I could push around! Now what am I supposed to do?! I feel embarrassed for hitting on you before!"

"…You hit on me?"

"Not the point!"

Little Ling giggled, clinging to his dad's leg while watching the exchange with fascination.

Sunny sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Look, can we not do this right now? I still need to finish explaining how I killed the Winter Beast."

Effie narrowed her eyes. "Wait. You killed the Winter Beast?"

Sunny sipped his tea. "…Yeah."




"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Effie's eye twitched. "Sunny."


"You killed the Winter Beast?"

"We just established that."

Effie inhaled sharply through her nose. "Oh yeah. You did."

Sunny tilted his head. "What do you mean 'you did'?"

Effie responded. "Do you have any idea what I just remembered?"

Sunny blinked. "I… don't know. Enlighten me."

Effie jabbed a finger into his chest. "I just watched my entire life play out like I was in a theatre. And guess what? You were in it. Everywhere. I saw everything."

Sunny stiffened. "…Everything?"








Sunny slowly placed his cup down, feigning ignorance. "…I have an idea of what you're about to say, and I'd like to request that you don't."

Effie's grin widened. "Oh yeah? So, you didn't take peeks at me at the beach back on the Forgotten Shore? You know.. when we were getting them shards?"

Sunny stiffened.

His mouth opened slightly, but no words came out.

Effie waited.

Sunny exhaled sharply, then muttered, "..I merely did that for survival.. and other reasons."

(let this oen go through i cba)

Effie let out a delighted cackle. "Oh, bullshit! You tried to be all subtle, looking out of the corner of your eye like some shy schoolboy. Multiple times!"

Sunny clicked his tongue. "It was purely strategic."

Effie wiped a fake tear from her eye. "Right, right, of course! The biggest threat out there wasn't the Nightmare Creatures, it was my bikini."

Sunny gave her a flat look. "You weren't wearing a bikini."

Effie's grin turned positively wicked. "Oh? So you do remember what I was wearing?"

Sunny blinked. Then, without hesitation, he said, "Yes, and I'm leaving."

Effie howled with laughter, grabbing his wrist before he could make his escape. "Oh, no, no, no - you're not getting away that easy, my tragically beautiful little gremlin. You owe me some answers."

Sunny sighed, rubbing his temple. "Effie…"

"Oh no, don't 'Effie' me. We're talking about this."

She leaned closer, eyes gleaming with mischief. "And another thing - Windflower."

Sunny's hand froze mid-rub.

Effie gasped dramatically. "Oh my gods, your face just went blank. That means you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Sunny stood quiet, unresponsive.

Effie grinned. "Not responding, are we?" She leaned her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands. "That's okay.. because I saw everything."

Sunny scowled. "I died hundreds of times."

Effie waved that off. "Yeah, yeah, that part sucked - but you were a mess. Every loop, you got more and more unhinged until you looked ready to commit crimes against reality itself."

Sunny remained silent.

Effie smirked. "And then came the part where you lost all your shame."

Sunny's grip on his tea cup tightened. "…I don't know what you mean."

Effie grinned. "Oh, let me refresh your memory. How many times did you think about Neph, to the point where you admitted you loved her?"

Sunny went still.

Effie gasped again. "Oh no. Oh no. Was that embarrassment I just saw?"

She slammed the table. "You did do it! You looped so many times your feelings grew 10 fold because of it!"

Sunny muttered under his breath. "…I did."

Effie cackled. "You smooth little weasel!" She turned to her husband. "Did you hear that? He tried to seduce his way out of the loop!"

Her husband chuckled, looking entirely too amused. "I mean, if you're out of options…"

Effie wiped a fake tear from her eye, still laughing. "Oh, this is golden."

Sunny scowled. "Are you done?"

Effie pretended to think about it. "Hmm… nope! You have so much dirt on me, Doofus - I'm never letting this go."

Sunny sighed, picking up his tea again. "…I should've stayed forgotten."

Effie grinned. "Tough luck, pretty boy. You're stuck with us."

Despite the constant tease, he still had a smile on his face.

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