SHADOW SLAVE [Ray: Incomplete Existence]

Chapter 2: Saviour?

Ray was leaning against a rock in the near vicinity having regained his senses recalling the events that took place he still could not believe what just happened

Just as Ray was about to give up suddenly he felt a shock wave it felt as if whole world was quaking then suddenly the root holding him was lunged into the air there he saw the tree tilted halfway due to what seemed like a punch that was thrown on its stem but 'what attacked the tree and where was it now'thinking to himself Ray looked up

Looking up he saw a beautiful lady beneath the moonlit sky looking more magnificent under moon light .

The lady spared a glance towards Ray and simply snapped her finger ray was confused by her action but realised what it did next moment. It seemed an external force was applied on the black tree pulling it out of the soil forcefully at first it seemed the black tree resisted but soon it was in air.

Ray did not miss this opportunity he quickly broke free from the root and planned on using the gaint shield to float on that liquid

But to his suprise the liquid was also rising up in air.

Then he heard a clapping sound with this all the liquid and caracasses in it started to surround the tree suprisingly not affected by their flow or the force directed upon them Ray fell down using his gaint sheild to cushion his fall.

Just as he looked up again to see what happened he saw a gaint ball of liquid with the black tree as its centre


This was all he heard before the ball of liquid exploded shattering the tree and splashing that strange liquid all over the place

'Is it over'

Ray thought to himself then he saw what was left of the mouth of the tree it still had many tendrils which were waving mindlessly to find a source of nourishment or footing not sure about its actions Ray considered his chances of finishing it as he was about to come to a conclusion the flying lady landed on the monster and ended it's misery with a single punch

Not suprised by her action Ray started analyzing his savior.

'woman, blue hair, immaculate skin, most likely a saint, looks young but surely isn't inexperienced '

Ray concluded the woman before him was most liked a saint but what was she doing here? It's not like Ray was a legacy or if he had been he would have not been in such a predicament well whatever he had to give a good impression to his saviour


As Ray said these words awkwardly he was met with a kick to his neck by the lady saint if not for him instinctively turning his gauntlets into a shield and reinforcing it with his aspect he would have lost his conciousness at best or worse could have died

Falling several meters away he looked up to say "wait wha " but was interrupted mid sentence by the lady saint landing on his belly with a painfull kick

Ray felt pain navigating through his being and he fell he was feeling dizzy loosing conciousness before going blank a passing thought came to him

' At the end it was my own fault for all of this, I hope they won't miss me too much' thinking this he lost conciousness...

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