Chapter 4: Dream or Nightmare
Ray was taken aback so much by his new features that he let go of the bucket of water causing the girl to be scared due to the sound of bucket falling
Ray had turned old really old his once immaculate young face had been replaced by an old wrinkled one with overgrown beard his hairs which a minute or grey hairs in them had turned mostly grey it was a shocking revelation was he really in a nightmare.?
Coming back to reality due to sobbing of the the girl Ray saw sat down and looked at the girl with brown hairs and chubby cheeks sobbing
" Why is a lady like u crying let me help you"
He picked up the basked with a smile so the girl would losen up but his smile disappeared as he looked into the well it
All he could see was endless darkness
The only thing which cleared the doubt that there water was present deep down was the sound of water but it seemed it was really really below
Seeing this would take a lot of effort and time and Ray had other important things to do
Ray said to the girl
" I am sorry I'll make it up to you later" which joining his hands as a form of apology so the girl would calm down
But instead the girl started to cry harder
"Devious bastard torchering the common folk " "treacherous " "does he have no shame" "apple doesn't fall far from tree"
Such murmurs were heard by ray coming from the group behind him
He looked back at them kind of suprising them and silencing their remarks as he was considering what to say a middle aged man squeezed his way out of the crowd
And yelled at Ray
"What are you doing? Look at you just the news has gotten you on a high horse.
It's pathetic really! "
Forcefully holding Ray's hand the man pulled him up and said
"Come I can't have u staining the family name any more"
And without glancing at girl he took Ray
out of the crowd to the room where he woke up but before while bustling through crowd Ray had turned back and glanced at the girl making sure to remember her
Back in the room after being scolded and told to not go out Ray was still having a hard time coming terms with his reality he had actually been in a nightmare trial
'So that sleepyness was not because me not getting enough sleep past week'
Ray thought to himself
"How can I be so dumb why did I not ever doubt"
Actually it was because of his belief that he would never be chosen by nightmare spell as he never thought himself to be of the level where he had to kill.
Ray thought highly of himself because of such irrational beliefs and to look different he actively did not incquire much about nightmare spell other than things which were common knowlege
For many it would be a dream come true but for Ray a nightmare had started
A nightmare which would haunt him his entire life