Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 17: Dead Eyes

Krista was sitting on her bed in her lavender-coloured room with her legs crossed. She took a deep breath in, a deep breath out—another one in and another out.

Yesterday noon

"Do you want to become a part of the family officially? To become one of us?"

"Yes. I want to be worthy."

"Then you must prove it to me by accomplishing many dangerous feats to show your worthiness since you were born in the family's power."

Krista looked up to see her father's matching blue eyes, a physical trait that was passed down from him to her. " I understand that I was undeserving of the family's power! But I will show you that I can put this ability to great use!"

"Krista," Her father said with a stern tone, reminding Krista to realize to bow her head down.

"I apologize."

"Forgiven. I'm quite pleased to see your eagerness to prove yourself. Remember, if it weren't for me, you would've been lying dead on that disgusting farm along with that nasty woman and the parents that raised her."

"And I'm grateful for your rescue and taking me in," Krista agreed. "If I were to stay there, I wouldn't have been as strong as I am now."

"That is correct. Now and go forth to prove your worth!"

"Yes father," Krista said as she slowly opened her eyes before she got off her bed and summoned her sword.

The red handle of the rapier was long enough for two hands with a golden pear-shaped pommel at the end of the handle. The golden-coloured cross guard was encircled with a golden wire hilt protecting her hands and the base of the thin double-edged-steel-looking blade. She remembered the first time her rapier appeared in her hands at around 11 years old when she was in one of her training sessions. Her father gave her a smile of contentment at her accomplishment. She was proud that a rapier was her weapon because it represented a highborn status.

She continued to practise her swings and thrusts until she heard a knock on the door.

'Who in the hell could that be?' Krista approached the door and looked through the peephole to see Reiner and Jean by the door.

Krista rolled her eyes as she opened the door slightly."What do you guys need?"

"I was wondering why you weren't answering your phone," Reiner said.

Krista didn't even realise that Reiner even called, not that she was going to answer the call anyways.

"I'm sorry. I was taking a shower and didn't realise you were calling," Krista lied.

"Anyways, the test starts in 15 minutes and we'll be waiting for you in the main area," Reiner informed her.

"OK, thanks. I need to get ready," Krista said before closing the door.

Krista hadn't taken her shower today because she was training her body, doing stretches in her room to improve her flexibility. Doing archery and combat training in a simulator with her arsenal to improve her dexterity and combat skills and doing weight lifting for her lifting strength though she hated that part with a few of the male contestants ogling at her when she was doing weighted squats.

Krista sighed as she took a quick shower and changed into a simple raspberry pink jean jacket over a white cotton t-shirt and a matching pink skirt that was above the knee with a black belt holding the skirt around her waist with black tights underneath and her 2-inch heel white combat boots with pink soles that matched the colour of her jacket. When she opened the door, the two boys were gone. Krista made her way to the elevator, making a small clicking sound as her heels made contact with the carpet.

she began to think that the next test would be as the elevator doors opened.

'Could it be a 1v1 or a team event?' Krista pondered while in the elevator.

Judging by the recorded previous tests that Krista had the privilege to watch, they always have a solo and a team event. However, the order is always shuffled so there was no concrete pattern for her to figure out, but the events themselves were a bit different from each other.

For one of the team events 12 years ago, a team of four would have to find an assigned treasure within a certain amount of time. A previous solo event which occurred 7 years ago had two people fight only doing a hand-to-hand combat with powers being prohibited. But that didn't matter to Krista as she was prepared for any scenario that the instructors could throw in your path.

When the elevator doors slid open, she hardly saw anyone around except the receptionist who was on her phone and a couple groups of friends conversing with each other.Krista was going to sit down til she noticed a lavishly black grand piano sitting in the corner of the main area. She slowly approached the instrument, placing her right hand gently on the fallboard that was protecting the keys below. She lifted the cover to reveal the cookies and cream-coloured keys that were hiding underneath the shelter of the fallboard.

Krista did a quick swipe to see not a lick of dust on the keys. Krista gently pulled the leather bench and sat down in front of the piano. Krista thought about which song she would play although the songs she knew were because her father told her to memorise them by reading old sheet music that her father had given her. But she did know the one that she made by herself,she hasn't memorise it by heart yet but she did know most of it.

She was about to test a key until she heard a familiar voice call her name.

"You're gonna play it?"

"No…no, I wasn't going to play it. Curious about the quality of the keyboard. Looks very similar to the one in my home," She told Jean, closing the fallboard.

"Not surprised. The Aloof Goddess could get anything she wants just by looking pretty."

"What's your issue with me?"

"Are you having a blonde moment? You shot me, remember? "Jean said before showing his injured shoulder. "Or did you hit your head on the way down here?"

Reiner asked her if she could give him a warning and because of the distance between them she decided to shoot him but hitting his shoulder was an accident.

"I apologised, Jean. Leave it be."

'But he should be heedful of his words, lest he wants another one on his shoulder.'

"Thanks, Krista! My shoulder is healed now because of that fruitful apology!"Jean replied with a big, crooked smile.

"I can't magically repair your shoulder. So be grateful that I even apologised to you. By the way, where's Reiner?"

"Your boyfriend is getting a quick drink."

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Reiner is not my boyfriend, Jean."

"Might as well be. He will do anything for you," Jean said. "Shit, he will probably even kill someone for you."

"Like you with Mikasa?"

Jean's face reddened but she couldn't tell if it was embarrassment or anger. 

Krista sighed."If you have nothing else to say to me Jean,I shall take my leave."

Krista got up from the bench and took a couple of steps away until Jean said something.


Krista looked back at him. "What?"

"Don't talk about my mother ever again," Jean warned. "You got that?"

"I apologize for speaking ill about your mother. I promise to be more careful with my words."

'He's right…I'm the last person to talk about anyone's mother…' Krista told herself.

"Everyone gather up!" one of the instructors shouted, leading Krista to turn her attention to see most of the participants slowly gathering up as Petra, Eld and Rico standing by the door.

Rico looked around, most likely checking if all the participants were here,Krista guessed.

"We're missing a few participants. If they're not-"

The elevator doors slid open and she saw a familiar face come out from the elevator. Most of her face was covered by a black hoodie while wearing a camo jacket over it with torn black jeans and black combat boots. Her badge number was 409 placed on the left breast pocket of her jacket. She was short with an athletic build with light blonde hair covering most of her face except a pale pointy nose.

"409, you are late," Rico said sternly. 

"Sorry," a monotone feminine voice replied.

'Her nose…is that?'

Rico looked around again. "We're still missing four more."

A couple of minutes later, a group of footsteps and shouting started to come from outside, leaving Krista and the others a bit confused at the sound.

"It must be them," Eld said.

Four people barged into the main area. Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Sasha were breathing heavily as they entered. 

"Where were you?!" Rico asked.

"Simulation," Sasha said tiredly as she tried to catch her breath.

She kinda wished they stayed in that simulation a little longer so that they would leave them here to fail.

"Alright, that's 80! Now, everyone put on your number badges and head into the buses! We're heading to the location of the second test," Rico demanded.

Krista and the participants followed the instructor's directions while they were chatting among themselves to the point that the conversations were overlapping each other.

"What do you think is going to be the second test?" She turned her head to see Reiner beside her.

"Most likely a team event or a solo event," Krista answered. "As for the objective of the test,I cannot say."

Krista sat in one of the coach buses with Reiner next to her and Jean in front of them. If it's a team event, she would need Jean. Although he loathes her right now, his barrier is versatile and could deflect projectiles and hold off monsters. Reiner can hit hard and take a beating at the same time so he can be useful, although if it's a team of four…that could be an issue. The buses continued their journey deeper into the forest as Krista thought about more possibilities in the next event. Krista decided to train her brain by playing some more chess on her phone.

"Alright, we're here!" Eld announced from the front of the bus.

Krista got up and got out of the bus only to be surrounded by trees again but there was a large white stone wall with a massive blue-lasered gate in the middle.

"What's with the gate?" Armin asked.

"Great question. But it's beyond the gate that you should be worried about. Come on, follow me." Rico said.

'Judging by the size of this gate, we're most likely going to be fighting some sort of beast.'

The participants headed to a wide white door a dozen feet away from the gate. Rico swiped her card above the reader causing the two doors to slide open, giving them access to another hallway.

"Petra, lead them to the waiting room. I need to check to make sure they're fine and ready," Rico said.

Petra nodded as she told the participants to follow her, walking down the empty hallway with an army of footsteps echoing throughout the hallway. Another pair of doors slid open to reveal a flight of stairs.

"We're close to the waiting room. We just have to go up these stairs now," she said.

After climbing up two flights of stairs, doors opened to reveal the waiting room. The room was large but minimalistic with only rows and rows of black chairs, four 200-inch monitors hung up with one on each side of the room, two black doors that led to the bathroom with one labelled 'Men'' and the other labelled 'Women' and a snack table consisting of bowls packaged pretzels, bags of jelly beans and granola bars with rows of water bottles beside them.

"It's a little minimal but, at least the stairs are comfy," Petra said. "Anyways, now it's time to tell you what the second test is about. This section is a team test, meaning that there will be teams of 4. The teams are randomized so who you get is who you get. No trades or redos, you will have to deal with who you have on your team, whether you like them or not. Now pay attention to the screens around you and it will show what team you're in looking at the badge number that you were given."

The monitors showed the team number with a rectangle split into four squares with each containing a number. Krista looked around the monitor to see her number,477 to see who was in her team.

"Have you found your number yet?" Reiner asked.

Krista continued to look around until she found it. "Now I have. What is your number?"


Krista looked at the numbers she'd grouped up with. The numbers grouped with hers were 504,409 and 278.

"You're not on my team," Krista said plainly.

"That sucks…" He pouted.

"Shit…" She heard Jean cursing a couple of feet away from her.

"What's going on, Jean?" Reiner asked.

"I'm with Mikasa…"

"How could you tell?"

"Mikasa's number is 498 and mine is 476," Jean pointed to where his number was.

'I bet he's secretly smiling from ear to ear right now,' Krista thought.

"Alright, if you know what group you're in, gather up with your teammates," Eld informed.

The participants started to shuffle around, looking for their partners. Reiner waved goodbye as he went to his group while Jean sighed as he looked for his. Krista grabbed a water bottle at the snack table and sat down waiting for her teammates to come to her. She opened up the bottle and took a sip, smacking her lips a couple of times before she shuddered in disgust.

"This is a cheap brand. Do these instructors actually expect me to get hydrated with this?"

Krista noticed the same girl with the camo jacket approaching her, taking a closer look at her badge number.

'409…she's grouped up with me…'

"Hey," The hooded girl said with boredom in her tone.

"I think I know who you are," Krista said with a smile.

"You do," she said before taking off her hoodie revealing her oval-shaped face having short blonde hair slightly paler than hers styled having most of it tied in a bun in the back of her head with the rest of it resting on the right side of her face with cold and glum blue eyes. But Krista knew who she was paying more attention to her curved nose. Krista was slightly taken aback at the fact that she was here as well.

"Krista," Annie took a closer look at her badge number. "Hmph. Guess we're on the same team."

Krista knew that having Annie as a teammate was very beneficial for her success in this trial. She's strong, fast and tactical adding with her being well-versed in martial arts and with her ability as well, she could be a great asset.

"I am glad to have you as my teammate, Annie," Krista said. "You're very strong with a good head on your shoulders. I know that me and you will do well." 

"Sure, thanks, "Annie replied with a plain tone before sitting down next to Krista. 

'She should be more enthusiastic working with me. Although knowing how she is, I'm lucky to get any reply from her,' Krista thought.

A couple minutes later, another person approached us.He was fairly tall,being an inch under 6 feet. His skin tone was slightly tanner compared to her and Annie with his lethargic brown eyes being slightly downturned with wavy sandy blonde hair long enough to graze the base of his neck. His long, lean face was cleanly shaven wearing an oversized navy blue sweatshirt, black sweatpants with ankle cuffs at the end and creased white and black high top Adidas but she wasn't able to figure out the model. He was holding a black metal pole approximately four and half feet in length with one end covered in white leather bandaging, most likely for better grip.

"Can I help you?"

"We're teammates, dude," The man pulled down his black drawstring bucket hat over his head revealing his number,278."The name's Blake.Blake Lively."

"Krista Lenz."

"Annie Leonhart."

Blake chuckled. "A team of blondes, huh? That's wild. Maybe the next person will be a blonde, too."

"Didn't know you were here,"A familiar voice said.

"Eren?" Annie suddenly said before the two teens gave each other a fist bump.

"I didn't know you were here," Eren said with his wild smile. "I texted you, but you left me on read."

"Sorry. Personal issues to resolve," Annie replied.

"No biggie. You have personal business and you have to do your thing," Eren smiled.

"Why are you here? Go find your team," Krista said coldly, standing up immediately.

"Sorry to tell you this but we're on the same team," Eren took out his badge from his jacket pocket showing his number.

Krista looked closely at his number only to see it was 504. Krista rubbed her eyes to look again but the number stayed the same. Her eyes were not deceiving her.

"You have to be kidding me! You must have switched your badge with someone else!"

Eren shook his head. "Nope, this is my badge, Krista. So, we're gonna have to work together and-"

"No. I refuse to work with a street rat like you!"

"What's wrong with him?"Annie asked. "He's a very good fighter. Although, he's a little reckless and a bit stupid."

"Stupid?! Your nose should've gotten longer for that lie," Eren chuckled.

Annie punched Eren but that made his chuckle grow into laughter. Krista placed her hand on her chin and thought about her team. 

'Perhaps, it may not be that bad. Eren is stronger and just as fast as Annie although he's not as tactical. Plus, he and Annie have good chemistry so mixing with my intellect and strategy alongside their physical prowess, we could do it.'

Krista sighed. "Fine…only because you are strong, I will accept you as a teammate."


"Do not take it as a compliment. I'm only working with you because I have to."

"And I heard that your name is Blake, right?" Eren asked the taller blonde.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Blake said, a little surprised.

Eren pointed to his right ear. "I have really good hearing. The name's Eren Yeager."

"Blake Lively," The two boys fist bumped as Blake grew a relaxed smile.

"Cool. Hope we can beat this test," Blake said. "But you guys look young, teenagers I'm guessing?"

"Yeah. Turned 15 almost a week ago," Eren replied. 

"Wait, you're 15?" Krista said, a bit surprised. "I thought you were older. When's your name day?"

"Name day…?" Eren said, a bit puzzled. "I'm guessing in basic terms, you mean birthday? It's March 30, X835."

"I'm actually older than you…" Krista realized. "I was born in January of that year."

"I was supposed to be a grade above you two," Annie said. "I was born in March of X834 but I never cared about my grades, forcing me to repeat."

"Holy shit. You three should be getting ready for high school," Blake said, surprised to hear their ages. "But if you're curious 'bout mine, I'm 19.20 in a month. Fun fact, this is my third time doing this test. Failed twice in a row. My buddies and I failed the first time but they passed the second one but I didn't so, they're waiting on me."

"Then you should know what monsters they have in stock," Krista looked at the tall blonde.

But he shook his head. "Nope, never went this far for the first time. And the second time, I had to search for something instead of fighting any monster, so sorry I can't give you any important info."

"Okay, so what can you do?"

Blake smiled before he blew out a small cloud of smoke from his mouth and turned it into a ball. "I'm a smoke dude. I can create and manipulate smoke."

"That could be useful to confuse the monster yet we don't know what monster we're gonna face. So we don't know if the monster we gonna face will have enhanced vision," Krista said.

'Weapon summoning plus kinetic, smoke and fire…None of them are very compatible with each other so we are going to have to try a bit harder to fight together.'

"So, who's the captain?"Annie asked out of nowhere.

"I am," Krista declared. "As the best strategist here, I think I should take the lead."

Annie and Blake shrugged but Eren rolled his pale silver eyes. If there's one thing that Krista didn't mind about him was his eyes. Depending on the lighting, they would look like a pale blue or grey or even a mix of the two. Too bad those eyes belonged to him.

"Is there an issue, Yeager?"

"I don't mind you taking the lead…but I don't know…" Eren said, uncertain, rubbing his shoulder.

Krista was surprised by his sudden lack of confidence. 'If he's wavering, what does that mean for me? No, I haven't come all this way just to be nervous at this moment. I'll make sure that I will succeed even if I need his aid.'

"I can handle it, Yeager. After all, I've been training for this for years and you have as well. We could do this, we just have to make a plan."

"I know, Krista. But it's just that would need a step stool to talk to me and Blake, so we can hear you properly, "Eren joked, making Blake laugh.

Krista's face started to heat up so much that it felt like her blood was boiling from within her veins.

"Do you think this is a joke?!"Krista yelled at Eren, fuming at his lackadaisical attitude. 

"Relax,Krista…it was a-"

"Quiet! If you don't care about your results then fine, but I do! So, you don't dare spread your carelessness now! Especially since we have to damn work together!"

Most of the other participants were looking at them but she didn't pay attention to them, focusing on her teammate's carelessness.

"Uhhhh, dudes…"Blake drawled.

"I do care, Krista. But I want to have fun while doing this well," Eren argued, with a bit of aggression in his tone.

"You can't have it both ways, you idiot! Your friends almost died in the previous test because of you! Look at Forester, Ackerman and Arlert, I'm surprised they're even alive being around you!"

"Because of Me?!What about you?!" he yelled back, his silver eyes glaring at Krista. The glint in his eyes died as if they now belonged to a corpse and showed her his pronounced canines. "Speaking of friends, you were the one who shot Jean and Floch and we almost failed because of you, so shut the fuck up! I pushed myself because I wanted to become an Adventurer too and I promised I would help them become one too! What about you?! What have you done to help your so-called "friends"?!" He stepped closer to her, forcing Krista to look up to him as she took a step back but the chair was blocking her way.

"I helped Reiner get to the finish line faster!"

"Of course. You helped your number 1 asskisser so he would probably stick with you even more as some sort of debt, right?"

Krista gritted her teeth.

"Exactly. And you shot Jean because he wouldn't help you. You expect everyone to come and kiss your ass and do whatever you tell them to do just because you're pretty and rich. You don't see friends as people but instead as tools for your gain. Do you think you can treat other people like shit and still except to treat you with respect because you're a high-born? Fuck that! You might've screwed up with some people's minds here but that won't work on me, so don't fucking try it!" Eren shouted.

"What the hell do you know?!" she screamed back. "You don't have a single clue why I'm here,so fuck you! I pushed myself for the past 5 fucking years! My chance at advancing are dependant on this result, if we fail, then I fail and I cannot afford to fucking fail!" Krista shouted.

Krista shoved him aside before storming into the women's restroom.

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