Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 19: Search

"I hate this…so much…" Ymir complained, wandering around an abandoned simulated city.

Her group contains Bertholdt, Porco and luckily Pieck. The instructors chose the teams randomly and there wasn't anything that she could do about it unless she wanted to quit. So, she quietly threw insults at them while they were explaining the rules.

"You tell me… I thought we were going to fight…not find stupid artifacts…" Porco said miserably.

Porco is Marcel's younger brother by a year and some change. Porco shares so many of Marcel's features, that they could say that they're twins and a stranger would believe it, sharing the same athletic build, hazel eyes slightly upturned nose and somewhat tan skin with the difference that his hair was a dirty blonde and more unkempt while his older brother had dark neater brown hair. He was wearing an olive green button shirt and tan pants with a white tank top underneath white socks and a pair of all-black Nike Air Max 90s the same shoes that were on Ymir's feet.

Conveniently, Ymir was paired up with Pieck, Porco and Bertholdt to find a golden ball-shaped artifact in 30 minutes or else they would fail. Although Porco and Marcel have the same power, she would rather have the elder brother instead because he's more level-headed and has more experience with his power. They spent 10 minutes in this simulated city, looking for it but to no avail. 

"We are going to fight as there's gonna be a team protecting the treasure," Pieck informed. "Ymir, can you track their scent?"

Ymir sniffed around for something but no new aroma appeared.

"I got nothing. Only Bert's scent and he's fine. Not smelling any blood from his direction so far."

"Where's Bert?!" Porco said, impatient and irritated."Since the test began, this guy just flew up and left!"

"Hopefully, he's getting better results than us."

Ymir picked up another scent. A familiar scent, like the one in the elevator. The scent was getting stronger and stronger.

'Wait a minute, this scent…shit!'

"Watch out!" Ymir shouted before a massive pillar of ice burst through the ground.

Ymir landed on a streetlight to see a better view of the frozen pillar in the middle of the street.


"I know, Pieck. That ice guy is one of our opponents."

'Are you fucking me?! We're facing him out of all people?!'

"Great, now I have the chance to mop the floor with him!" Porco said before growing a smile. 

"Don't be so reckless, Porco!" Pieck advised. "He's strong, very strong…"

"And I'm stronger!" Porco said before growing gauntlets of bone. "Show yourself! Stop hiding like a bitch and fight me face to face!"

Another massive ice pillar shot out from the ground, hitting Porco and launching him into a skyscraper.

'Wait a minute…if he heard that insult…'

"Pieck, he's nearby."

"This isn't good…If the area gets too cold…" Pieck said, starting to shiver.

"I know….We have to split up if that's the case," Ymir decided.

But Pieck shook her head. "No, we can't. My power is multi-range so I can help you from afar. It's better if you and Porco fight him at close range and I can support you from afar."

Ymir shrugged."Let's try it."

Pieck nodded as she jumped away with Ymir being the only one facing him. From afar, she saw the teen walking towards them, wearing a dark blue tracksuit instead of a white one. She heard a window shatter from afar, looking briefly to see Porco jumping out of the building with the bone gauntlets starting to crack. When Ymir turned back, suddenly the teen was in front of her, about to cut her with an ice knife but she managed to dodge it, only grazing her face, leaving a small horizontal cut on her right cheek. When she touched her cheek, the tips of her fingers were red.

'Luckily I dodged. I don't want to imagine what would happen if I didn't react in time.'

The ice man stomped on the ground, making another wave of ice, hitting her with the field of ice, slamming through a building, and smashing through the office cubicles on the floor she was in.

"Fine…let's go…" Ymir growled before jumping out of the building and sliding back to the ground using the ice wave. Ymir slowly transformed into her hybrid form with her body getting noticeably taller and more muscular with her legs and ears turning those of a wolf and her legs and arms mostly covered in dark brown fur, with the canines in her mouth becoming even more pronounced. Her eyes turned a golden yellow while a dark brown tail grew out just above her ass.

Ymir ran quadrupedally down towards the ice wave as Porco strengthened his gauntlets before throwing a straight punch at him but the tracksuit teen swiftly dodged.

"Let's see how good you are up close!" Porco said, continuing his barrage of punches.

The teen in the tracksuit continued to evade his fists before he created a small wall of ice, blocking Porco's punch. He then sidestepped from the wall and created a sword of ice that looked like an overgrown icicle. He was going to thrust the sharp point into Porco's side but Pieck wrapped her tongue around his waist and pulled him towards her, evading a possible fatal wound.

"What the hell, Pieck?!I had him!"Porco yelled.

"You didn't," Pieck responded. "He could've killed you with that."

Porco added bone spikes to the outer part of his forearms and knuckles of his gauntlets while adding claws as well."He's pretty agile, I'll give you that but let's see how long he can keep it up."

Porco broke off a spike off his left gauntlet and threw it at the cold opponent but he made another ice wall, jamming the bone shard Pieck tossed him left giving him a different angle to attack. He threw a couple more shards of bone but also created another wall blocking those.

"Keep distracting him, you two…" Ymir muttered as she was almost ground level.

Shards of ice popped through the wall, hitting Pieck's tongue and making her let go of Porco but giving him another angle. However, instead of shooting more bone shards he landed and dashed towards the ice teen but again he created a wall of ice, but at the last minute Porco added more spikes all over his forearm, drilling through the wall.

'He's putting ice walls all around him, basically trapping himself.'

Ymir ran and jumped over the walls now inside and towering over with the unknown enemy but he didn't look scared at her sudden increase in height. She quickly swung first but he blocked it and did a roundhouse kick but she stepped back just in time.

She then swiped upwards but he grabbed her shirt and threw her through one of the ice walls. Ymir recovered and threw a punch, but he evaded and threw an uppercut, hitting her below the jaw. Porco then pulled his arm out of the ice and hopped over the wall.

"Out of the way! He's mine!"

Porco dove, preparing to throw a Superman punch, but the teen grabbed Ymir's shirt again and threw her towards him, making the she-wolf take the punch instead and smash through another ice wall and into an empty convenience store.

'What the fuck, he's moppin' the floor with us!'

Ymir got up, witnessing Porco fight the unnamed teen and unsurprisingly losing, with him trying to land a punch, but he missed every time before he shoved his knee into Porco's gut, making him grab his midsection. But then the teen created an ice gauntlet on his left arm and socked Porco in the face.

Ymir hopped out of the convenience store before chunks of debris went in the maker's direction making her tail rise and stiffen. She looked up to see Bertholdt standing beneath a disc made of swirling land, making him stand in midair with debris circling him with Porco in midair surrounded by a sphere of wind.

Bertholdt is the same age as Reiner, standing at almost 6'4. He had a slim build with short messy black hair, dark green eyes, a long face and thin black eyebrows, wearing a black wool cardigan over a plain white shirt with a bottom tucked into his skinny fit khaki pants with white and black Adidas Superstar shoes.

"Go. All three of you," Bert demanded.

"What?!" Porco said angrily. "I don't need your help, I can still fight!"

"You can't beat him, none of you can. Our fight was interrupted and I want to finish it."

Ymir remembered that fight last evening with the canal being completely frozen and debris spread on top but it was interrupted by the cops and their laser guns, forcing them to leave the ending of their fight on a cliffhanger.

Bert softly landed on the ground next to her with chunks of debris still floating in spheres of wind, dropping Porco softly on the concrete.

"No! Let me st-"

"Stop it, Porco," Ymir said, getting a little annoyed.

"I found his team's little base, Ymir," He handed a small ball of navy blue coloured cloth. "That should help you get to the location of the artifact. Now leave me with him. We have unfinished business."

Ymir stuffed the cloth in her pockets before she left the tall teen alongside Pieck and a frustrated Porco as they were now a couple of dozen blocks away from the battle.

"Fuck!" Porco punched the closest building to him."He was right there and I couldn't beat him!"

"We're just too weak, Porco," Pieck said. "Even in a three versus one setting, he still overpowered us…could've even killed us if he desired."

Porco opened his mouth but no words came out. Ymir took out the piece of cloth and sniffed it, showing her the path to get to the enemy's base.

"Beating him isn't the goal, Porco. We have to find the artifact," She reminded. "Now, catch up with me. I know where to go."

Ymir began to track down the source of the scent as Pieck leaped and Porco ran to catch up with her. The three teens were slowly closing the distance between them and the source of the scent. Ymir realised that the source of the smell was coming from the large open park a couple of blocks down.

'So that's where they are. I can see what they were going for, being in an open area,' Ymir thought.

"Think you can camouflage us both into the base, Pieck?"Ymir asked.

"I probably can, but let's get a better view before we try anything," Pieck pointed towards the roof of a 40-foot building a block away.

The three teens climbed to the roof of the building to see an overview of the park. There were 3 people. One of them was a dude with tan skin and long braided purple hair, the other one was a pale woman with short, light brown hair with a scar on her lip. The last one was a dude with teal hair styled in a mohawk, a strip black eye, a busted lip and torn blue jeans.

"Guess that's the person Bert beat up," Ymir pointed at the beaten man.

"Three people…but I don't see the artifact…"Porco said.

Ymir looked around for the golden ball as well but even she didn't see it. She sighed and cracked her knuckles.

"Let's get down there and have a better look," she said, preparing to jump off the building.

The three teens jumped off the roof and landed right into their little base in the park.

"Shit! Where did they come from?!" the short-haired woman said, shocked.

Porco threw a punch at the tan-skinned man but he dodged it and made a giant arm made of dirt and swung at Porco luckily he made a bone shield just before the arm slapped him, flinging into a group of trees.

Ymir and the scarred woman were looking at each other intensely, waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Come at me, you hairy freak," She said as she pulled out a bowie knife in reverse grip with her right hand. Ymir quickly smacked a rock before she sprinted towards her. The rock grazed the woman's face before she realized Ymir was heading in her direction. The woman slashed at the wolf girl but it grazed her midsection. She endured the cut and punched her face, almost making her drop her knife.

Ymir was ready to throw another punch but she saw an arm made of dirt heading towards her from her peripheral vision. She was about to dodge but a few pairs of arms made of dirt grabbed her legs and held her down, making her unable to move before the woman threw her knife at Ymir.

She caught the knife through the palm of her right hand before the dirt arm rose and slammed her into the ground.

Ymir's body bounced off the ground before being grabbed by the short-haired woman and now flying in the air with red bat wings bursting on her back. 

"Thanks for holding my knife," She said, pulling the knife out of Ymir's hand.

The woman was going to stab Ymir again but instead, she used the palm of her left hand to catch the blade, going through her left hand.

Ymir shouted in pain but she used the opportunity to grab the woman's hand making it harder for the woman to pull the knife out of the brunette's hand.

"Let go of me, you mutt!" she demanded.

Ymir kept being persistent as she tightened her grip even harder to the point that her claws were stabbing the winged girl's hand. She grunted in pain as they continued to fly around the park. 

"Where's the artifact?!" Ymir asked.

"And why would I tell you and risk my chance at passing?!"

"Then get ready to lose a hand…"Ymir dug her claws even further, making the woman shout in pain.

"Fuck you!"

She flew right into the trees using Ymir as a shield to take all the impact, pile after pile but even then, Ymir didn't let go.

"That's all you got?"She said, smiling.

"No, this is just the beginning," The winged woman said, flying up in the sky. "Let's try something harder."

She flew right into the nearest building and smashed Ymir through a wall and then another wall and then another wall and then another one. She continued to endure the pain but the grip was loosening.

'Shit…. I'm losing my grip!'

She threw a punch at the woman but she quickly blocked it, shaking her hand with a smile.

"Let's keep going!"

Ymir continued to go through multiple buildings while she still gripped the hand carrying the knife but her grip got too weak giving the winged woman the opportunity to pull out the knife.

"Finally!"She said, taking out the knife. 

Ymir grabbed the woman by the neck before headbutting her. The woman stabbed Ymir in the chest before crashing into another building. The two women got up, now standing on an empty floor of the building.

"You're annoying…"The woman said, switching her knife to her left hand. "Could barely move my hand because of you and for that, I'll make you suffer."

"Try me."

The woman flew towards Ymir. She moved out of the way but the woman drifted and headed back towards her. Ymir narrowly evaded her stab and hit her with a back fist as a counter before she grabbed her head and slammed her through the floor, now in the floor below. Ymir sat on top of her and began to dish out a barrage of punches to the face

The woman was about to stab Ymir but she grabbed her wrist and twisted it, making her drop the knife. The she-wolf threw the knife away and clutched the woman's throat.

"Where's the artifact?"She asked again.

"Fuck you!" She spat her blood on her face.

Ymir punched her in the face. "Watch your mouth. You're not in the best position to be talking like that to me."

"Why would I tell you? Do you think I want to fail?"

"I don't care what you want, "Ymir said, coldly. "If you want to keep your face from turning into bloody mush, I suggest you get to talking."

The woman chuckled. "Not a bad ability you have. Turning into a hairy bitch and mauling your enemies. Wished I had it but instead, I could only grow bat wings. Who did you get it from? Your mom or your dad?"

"Don't change the subject and answer my question."

"Answer my question first," the woman said. "And then I'll answer yours."

"Don't know. My father didn't have an ability so I can only guess that it's from my mother, "Ymir said.

'Fucking bitch, leaving me to suffer…' Ymir thought, the anger rising within her once more.

"Now, tell me where it is."her grip tightened.

"The ground…it's in the ground…" She answered.

Ymir softened her grip. "The ground?"

"Yes…It's in the ground somewhere. Mikel hid in the dirt somewhere in the park i don't know what-"

Ymir lifted and slammed her head against the tile floor. "Don't lie to me! You know where it is!"

"I'm telling the truth," she coughed. "Mikel can manipulate the dirt beneath him, so he can move around the artifact anywhere he likes."

Ymir let go of her and sat down a few feet away across from the injured woman.

'This is gonna be a problem…he can probably move it anywhere in this stupid city since underneath there's dirt everywhere.'

"Shit…" Ymir muttered as she looked at the timer above her.10 minutes left.

"If he can manipulate the dirt, he can move the artifact anywhere and he could be playing us."

"I doubt it…"

Ymir looked at the woman who was still lying on the floor. "What do you mean?"

"Mikel can only manipulate dirt within a half-mile radius and since the park is large, it would likely be in the park."

"I'm not just worried about just how much area he can manipulate, but the depth of the dirt he can manipulate as well. But there is a way I can find it."

The woman weakly chuckled. "How?"

"Simple. Beat it out of him." 

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