Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 21: Truth or Dare?

Eren was playing rock paper scissors with Blake. The score was 9-9 and the first person to get to 10 gets 10 bucks from the loser. The two boys had one of their hands behind their backs.

'Time to use my trump card,' Eren thought with his right hand behind his back.

He listened closely and paid attention to Blake's body language. The blonde's visible left hand was slightly shaking and his lips were slightly tightened, showing his nervousness. He heard some muscles moving along as a little shift of fabric as well.

'He changed his mind,' He thought. 'He chose rock but now he changed to scissors.'

"Ready?" Blake asked.

"Let's do it." 

Eren and Blake revealed their choice and they were both scissors.

"A tie again? This is the fourth one," Blake sighed.

"Let's do it again."

Eren placed his left hand behind his back as Blake placed his right. He paid attention to the older teen's body movements again.

'Focus on your opponent and filter out the sounds not coming from them,' He reminded himself of her words and listened closely and carefully heard his movements.

He heard his fingers close, meaning that he was choosing rock. Eren opened his hand as paper and grew a small smile.


Blake nodded and then the two boys revealed their choices. Blake chose rock and Eren chose paper.


"Ha!Ha!I won!" Eren jumped up from his seat.

Blake dug into his hat and handed him 10 dollars. "A deal's a deal. Here you go, little man."

"Nice game, Blake. Honestly, I thought I was going to lose that one," Eren lied as he put his new earnings in his pocket.

Eren knew he could've mopped the floor with him easily but he didn't want to make it seem weird that he won by a landslide.

"Seems that they finally found the monster," Annie said, looking at the monitor.

"But there's 10 minutes left on the timer," Blake said.

The monster that team 3 was facing looked stocky with a massive tail with bony armoured plates around it making it look like the monster had a big club attached to its body with green stuff that looked like moss all over its body.

"That's a hefty monster," Eren said, focusing on the monster.

"A Duramboros…" He heard Krista mutter under her breath.

"Duramboros?That's the name of the monster?"

"How did you-?Oh yeah, your hearing…" Krista said, a little bothered. "Duramboros are brute wyverns.A flightless group of wyverns that adapted their life on land, using their hindlimbs to get around places. They typically have small and weak forelimbs, making them utterly useless in any situation."

"I thought Sasha was the only one who knew a lot about monsters," Eren said, placing his right hand on his face.

"I'm quite knowledgeable in a variety of monsters as well, Yeager," Krista said. "Don't underestimate my intelligence."

"I wasn't. I'm just surprised since you're always on your phone back in junior high."

"There are plenty of things that I do on my phone, Yeager," Krista crossed her arms, not even bothering to look at him. "But I have many books about monsters as well."

Eren looked back at the monitor, seeing Team 3 having a bit of trouble with the Duramboros with half the members knocked out with one of them laying flat on his back on the ground and the other one hanging on a branch. The monster swung its tail but the two remaining members dodged it and took a few steps back. The last members were a man and a woman. The woman had some sort of bamboo stick and shot something out of it. When it hit the monster, the spot turned gray and stony.

"What did she shoot out?" Eren asked.

"It looked like spit until it touched the duramboros," Annie analysed. 

"What so like, some stone spit?" Blake guessed.

"Most likely."

"Whatever it is, it looks like it didn't work," Eren said.

The monster charged towards the female but the male intervened, growing a turtle-like hard shell from his back and took the brunt of the charge, flinging him at a large tree but he quickly recovered and ran back towards the mossy beast.

The female spat in the monster's eye, turning the monster's eye into stone. The male bashed his shell into one of its horns, breaking it off his head and making the monster stumble. The brute wyvern twirled around violently, swinging its tail much faster than before. The two members slid underneath the tail swipe and the male punched one of its hind legs, making it topple over.

The woman spat in the monster's other eye, completely blinding it as it struggled to get up. Just when the monster flipped back on its legs, the male turned into a freaky turtle hybrid, cocked back his fist and punched right on its jaw, making it fall on its stomach. The monster tried to get back up but it fell back down and gave up.

"Holy shit, he knocked it out, "one of the other participants said in shock.

"Congratulations Team 3, you have passed!"The AI voice announced.

"Yeah, no thanks to them, "The female pointed at the two knocked-out members.

"They got pretty good chemistry," Blake said. "Blinded the monster so that it couldn't even counter or dodge."

"Cool, can't wait to see what the next team got!" Eren said, smiling.

"You don't have to wait long, "A familiar voice said.

Eren turned to see Jean with his hands in his pockets. "It's your team's turn, Jean?"

"Yeah, it's my time to pass this test and get it over with."

"Where is your team?"Annie asked him.

"Wait, Annie, you're here too? That's a bit of a shocker," Jean crossed his arms. "But my team is…" Jean looked around until he sighed. "...right over there."

He pointed to see Sasha and Connie jumping on some black greyish blob while Mikasa and another girl were relaxing on the other.

"Good luck, dude," Blake said to Jean. "Better get your group together." 

Jean sighed before turning to get his team.

"Hey!" Jean shouted. "It's our turn, so everyone, get the hell up!"

The woman lifted the beanie a bit, revealing one of her brown eyes. "Mikasa, wake up. It's time for your test."

Mikasa slowly rose and yawned before grabbing her katana and hopping off the blob. Sasha and Connie jumped off their blob before the other girl slowly slid off before the blobs slowly turned into piles of chairs.

"Did she melt the chairs and then make them normal again?" Blake guessed.

"Looks like it," Eren said. 'Her team could get a big advantage if they get land-based monsters.'

"Team 4, it's time for your test," Petra said, waving her arm.

Sasha, Mikasa, Connie and Jean follow the ginger girl.

Eren sighed and leaned in his chair. "I'm fucking bored. There's nothing to do but watch the other teams or eat snacks."

"Wanna play rock, paper scissors again?" Blake asked.

"You have more money on you?"

"Nope, but we could do it for fun."

Eren snapped his fingers. "How about truth or dare?"

"Sure, let's do that. Let's not make the dares too extreme, okay?" Blake said.

"No promises, "Eren hopped from his chair and scooted his chair across from the older teen.

"Annie, are you down to play?"

Annie shrugged. "I guess so. Nothing else to do here."


"Screw you."

"Just for fun, Krista. Don't be such a buzzkill."

"Don't talk to me."

"Yo, Armin!Floch!Reiner! We're playing truth or dare, wanna play?" Eren shouted.

Armin and Floch nodded but Reiner looked at him as if he wanted to kill Eren with his glance alone.

"Okay, so there's five of us so far…"

"I'm joining too," a man with a red mohawk said with his chair in his hand. "Not a fan of playing this game with kids. But it's either this or dying of boredom."

"Sure you wanna play this game with minors, Clyde?"Floch joked. "Might get arrested for playing with us."


"I don't see the issue, how old are you?"Blake asked the man with the mohawk named Clyde.

"Twenty-five.Turning twenty-six in July." 

Floch, Annie and Armin hissed their teeth in discomfort.

"I don't think that's really good…" Armin said nervously.

"Fine then, I won't play," Clyde growled, grabbing his chair.

"Wait, you could stay. You're not the only adult in the circle," Eren said, chuckling.

"Hey, dude. I'm a grown man as well so don't feel old," Blake waved at the redhead.

"How old are you?" Clyde asked.


"You're not even in your 20s!" Clyde said

"I'm turning 20 next month. So technically I'm like one foot into my 20s."

"Hey, Annie. Didn't know that you were here as well," Armin said, a bit shocked.

"Nice outfit," Floch complimented. "Like the camo with the black."

"I know right? This is why black is one of my favourite colours. You could match it with any other colour and it wouldn't look bad," Eren added.

Armin shrugged. "Not the biggest fan of black in my opinion.Especially during the summer, because dark colours absorb heat and my skin can't handle a lot of heat. I often get blisters."

"I don't care about dark clothes in the summer, but wearing black jeans though. Those are a killer," Eren said.

"Can we get to the game, already?"Annie said, a bit irritated. "I appreciate the compliments but let's get on with it."

"Ok, ok, ok, we're gonna play the game. After all, we're going to be the last team to go, so we have a lot of time. But okay let's start since Miss Grumpy Pants here wants to play so badly."

"Watch it, Eren. Unless you want your back touching the floor," Annie warned

Eren chuckled. "I'll take my chances. But before we start the game,I want to introduce some of you guys to Blake. Blake, these three are my old classmates from junior high. The one with the glasses is Armin, the angry beefy one over there is Reiner and the one with the goofy hair is Floch. 

"Hey!" Floch covered his head.

Blake lazily lifts his left hand. "What's up, dudes? Name's Blake Lively, glad to meet you."

"So, since you want to play so badly, Annie…truth or dare?"Eren asked.

"I'll do truth for now," Annie chose.

"Okay, I guess let's start off easy now. So, when did you start playing guitar?"

"I started when I was 8. My dad had an acoustic in his closet but he barely played it. Whenever my dad was busy doing something, I would play with it. When he caught me, he took it back til my 9th birthday when he gave it to me as a gift."

"Oh, so that guitar you carried around junior high was your father's?" Armin said.

Annie nodded. 

"Your turn, Annie," Eren said.

"Floch, truth or dare."

"I'll choose dare."

"I dare you to tell us who you had a crush on in junior high."

Floch's face reddened. "Can I whisper it to you?"

"I said tell us. So you have to tell us who."

Floch sighed. "I had a crush on…on Mina for a bit."

Armin, Eren and Annie tilted their heads at the auburn-haired teen.

"Mina Carolina?!Really?!"Armin said, surprised. "I didn't even know that."

"Mina…that's the girl with the pigtails, correct?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, it is. But why her though?"Eren smiled, curious.

"It was because she was pretty and a very nice person, "Floch briefly explained.

Mina was a classmate in the same year as Eren. Mina was always the shortest girl in his year, being even shorter than Krista and Annie being only 143 cm when she was measured at the beginning of the third year. She had long black hair typically styled in two pigtails that lay over her shoulders with fair skin and big grey eyes.

"When did you start liking her?"Armin asked.

"Beginning of the second year," Floch answered.

"But wait, she started dating Thomas, right?" Eren remembered.

Armin looked at Floch."Oh yeah, she was. When?"

"Beginning of the third year."

Eren tucked his lips in as the others averted their gaze away from Floch. He didn't know that Floch even liked Mina. Sure, he noticed that Floch was nervous around her but never even knew that was because he liked her.

"That sucks, dude," Blake said.

"Anyways, let's not talk about it anymore. Anyways, Blake truth or dare?"Floch asked.

Blake scratched his chin."I guess I'll start with the truth." 

"Are you a virgin?"

Blake shook his head. "Nope.Lost it a year ago with my ex. We were on a date, going to the movies and stuff, you know like that typical romantic stuff and then we let it happen. She got into a great college but it was in Marley and I couldn't afford to go with her so we ended our relationship a week after."

"Did you feel anything?" Armin asked.

"Of course I did. I cried for a little bit but I realized that it was for the best. After all, I'm going to become an adventurer so it wasn't going to work out anyway with her worrying if I would be even alive to be able to text her. Long-distance relationships don't really work out in the long run."

"It appears that they're starting now," Krista pointed at the monitor facing her.

Eren and the others turned their attention to one of the monitors, seeing the doors open to see Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha walking out, ready for whatever monster would come at them.

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