Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 27: Wolf In The Wind

Ymir was standing in the middle of a concrete jungle going face to face against possibly the cause of her death. When she exhaled, the cold air would leave her mouth. She turned into her hybrid form again. She slid her foot to see how slippery the ice was and when she extended her leg too far. She nearly slipped, catching herself before she landed on her back.

"That was close."

The tracksuit teen walked on the ice effortlessly.No slipping or missteps but Ymir wasn't surprised. She slowly rose, making sure she didn't slip again. Ymir formed her hands into fists and glanced to see that the ground was covered in ice as her eyes could see.

"Step aside," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm tired and I want to get this over with. Move please, so I can get the artifact, finish this test and go take a nap." 

"Don't worry about napping, I have your twin sleepers right here," she jumped to throw a punch but he stepped aside and side-kicked her into a clothing store.

Ymir tried to get up but the pain in her ankle ran up to her body making her stumble back down.

'Come on ankle, you piece of shit!'

Ymir limped to the nearest counter to help her stand up. When she looked outside, he was gone.

"Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!" Ymir slammed a fist on the counter before turning into wolf form tracking the scent down. Luckily she can recognise his scent so the issue wouldn't be finding him but what he'll be doing when she gets there. She made a right and sprinted with her heart beating loudly.

She then stopped at an intersection and sniffed around until she smelled something slightly metallic in the air. A scent she was all too familiar with. Ymir continued to mutter curses as she turned left to track down the scent of blood that was in the same direction where the ice guy's scent was coming from. After a few minutes, the scent stopped there but she didn't see Pieck nor the ice guy.

'Is my nose fucked up or something? Maybe the blood that I'm smelling is mine.'

But Ymir knew that couldn't be true. She's been having this slight smell of blood ever since her nose got kicked in and all of sudden her scent would reach its strongest here.She heard a small groaning coming from this area. But when she looked around, she didn't see anyone.

"The sound must be coming from one of the roofs."

She wanted to find an easy way to get to the roof, so she looked for any stairs and luckily there were black metallic stairs at the back.


She climbed up the stairs until when she was on the third story, she heard someone call her name.


"In here."

Ymir turned into her human form and opened the window and entered inside. The apartment was empty so when she took a step, it would echo a bit throughout the room.

"Bert? Which room are you in?"

"Living room."

Ymir walked to the living room. "Are you cooking something? Because I hear sizzling and-"

The brunette looked to see the tall teen sitting in the corner of the room, covered in pillars of white smoke. Blood trailed down his face as if he took a shower in it. His cardigan was completely gone, his white shirt was tattered from cuts and blood was seeping into the fabric of his shirt and pants. Ymir looked down to see his right leg cut off from just below the knee with steam emitting from the stump. 

Speaking of steam, there was steam emitting from any wound that he had and he had a lot of wounds. He had cuts all over his body with half of two of his fingers on his left hand gone, particularly his left thumb and pinky.

"Holy fuck, that ice guy did that to you?" Ymir asked. "When I saw him, he barely had any scratches."

"I underestimated his strength. He's much stronger than I imagined," Bertholdt said, looking at his fingers.

Ymir sat down diagonally across from him. She slowly felt the pain in her ankle fading away as her healing factor started to kick in. She touched her nose to realise that her nose had healed but the dried blood was still stuck in her nostrils.

"Didn't know that you could heal," Ymir said, looking at the steam-covered teen.

"I knew for a while. Don't know where I got it from, it just happens whenever I get hurt," Bert explained. 

"Did you ever tell your parents about it?"

Bert shook his head.

"So you've been here all this time?" Ymir asked.

"Yes. I was in worse condition before you found me," Bert replied, looking to see that his fingers were completely healed just without the fingernails. "Been here for a while, lost track of time."

"Well in case you need an update, we managed to beat all of the enemy team except the ice fucker, Porco's down for the count, Pieck has the artifact but the ice guy is chasing after her."

"So we need to get going," Bert demanded. "Pieck stands no chance against him."

"My ankle is swollen, shitface," she pointed at her puffy right ankle. "I'm surprised I could move around."

Bert's right leg was healing with a quarter of his shin being healed and his fingernails grew back. He sighed as he carefully stood up hopping a bit around the creaky floor to keep his balance. "Maybe I could use my power to fly us there."

"Are you sure you can fight like that? You're not completely healed yet."

"It's fine," Bertholdt insisted. "I just needed time to rest before I got back out there."

Bertholdt opened the living room window before placing his hand on the window sill.

"Can you walk?"

"I'll be fine," Ymir stood up. "A sprained ankle isn't going to stop me."

Bertholdt nodded before he jumped out of the apartment. Ymir followed suit with Bertholdt creating a gust of wind around the brunette, putting her in some sort of airball.Bertholdt created another ball of air to stand on.

"Ymir,can you track Pieck?"

"Are you seriously doubting my tracking skills?"

Bertholdt gave her a confident small smile. "Sorry for asking that."

Ymir grew a smug look. "When was the last time that you smiled?"

"Don't know. Maybe an hour before I confessed my feelings to her," the tall man sighed.

"Maybe I should've kept my feelings to myself. I feel like a damn fool."

'At least you had the balls to confess,' Ymir thought. 'All I did was text her good luck.'

But she made her decision. She can't change it now. She had to pass to get to see her again. to able to see them again.

She sniffed to find Pieck but she instead heard rumbling and crackling sounds a few miles away. Suddenly a huge geyser of ice erupted from the ground.

"I guess we don't need to track him down," Bert said. "Let's hurry and get there. I suggest covering your ears unless you want your ears burst."

Ymir covered her ears before Bertholdt bent his knees and pushed forward, creating a loud boom noise as they sped to the glacier. She removed her hands from her ears, looking around to see that she was speeding past the buildings below her. 

'Is this how a bird feels? Gotta admit this feels a bit liberating'. Ymir thought.

She wished that she had a power that gave her flight so then she wouldn't need a boat to get to Paradis back then and then have to go back to Marley. Could've saved a few bucks in the process.

"We're almost there!" Bertholdt told her as they got closer and closer. Ymir turned into her hybrid form as she looked around the area to find Pieck. Ymir noticed a few shards from her right heading their way.

"Shards incoming!" she warned the tall teen.

He raised the air ball that Ymir was in before he tilted himself, dodging the shards. Betholdt stopped to look around where the shards came from.

"Do you see him, Ymir?" the tall teen asked.

Ymir looked around but no dice. "No. I don't see him." 

She looked around to see where the frog girl was until she heard another round of ice shards. It seemed that Bert noticed too, moving and swerving to dodge them. One of the shards nearly hit the teen but he swiped down creating a gust of wind and pushing the shard away from him.

"The shards got faster," Bert noticed. "Let's go to ground level. We're easy pickings up here."

Bert and Ymir landed on the building below them. When Ymir looked at the glacier, she saw that it wasn't just some random glacier, it was a building mostly covered in ice.

"Can you track Pieck?" Bert asked.

She sniffed and realised that the scent led to the nearly ice-covered building. She pointed at the ice and said: "she's in there."

"You mean-?"

Ymir nodded. "She's trapped in there and I doubt that any of these buildings have any source of heating."

"He's trying to force her out," Bert said. "Unless she wants to freeze to death, she would have to give up the artifact." 

"She's not dying," Ymir said with a bit of anger in her tone. "Not while I'm here."

She was about to leap across until a large gust of wind pushed her back on the roof.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"We need a plan, Ymir," Bertholdt said. "We can't go in there head first. I thought being close to Krista would make you smarter than that." 

"And I thought being close to Annie would make you a better fighter. But that isn't the case, is it?"

Bertholdt gritted his teeth. "That isn't funny."

"You started it."

Betrholdt rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Anyways, we need a plan. We know that he's around the area somewhere,we just need to be careful and watch our step."

"I guess going to ground level is not a bright idea huh?"

"Not entirely. I want to try something first before we think about going to the ground," Bertholdt said.

He stood in the middle of the roof before he looked at the nearest apartment building. He moved his hands in a circular motion, his right hand was going in a clockwise motion.

Ymir felt an aggressive breeze hurling toward her forcing her to dig her nails into the roof to prevent herself from being blown off the roof. She looked at the apartment building with the bottom half being surrounded in air before Bertholdt used his left hand to go in a counter-clockwise motion to surround the top half before clasped his hands together fusing the two opposing air movements together. Ymir lifted her nails off the concrete as Bert slowly lifted his hands. She heard the concrete breaking and the apartment was off the ground.

"Holy shit. So what are you-"

Bert made a pushing motion, immediately throwing the building at the frozen one but when it collided with each other, the frozen one was unscathed while the other building turned into rubble

"That didn't work," Bertholdt sighed. "The ice is stronger than I thought but I'm not surprised that he would do so."

"Are you crazy?" Ymir said, with aggression in her tone. "What if that worked and the building fell over? You could've hurt Pieck or worse."

Bertholdt rolled his eyes before he crossed his arms. Bert strolled a bit before he snapped his fingers.

"What, you have another plan?Let me guess, a bigger building to throw?"

"Not a building.A person."

Bert glanced at Ymir before she looked around to see if Porco was nearby. "You don't mean me. You must be fucking joking."

"I'm not. Look up there," Bert pointed at the roof of the building.

Ymir saw that the roof of the skyscraper was encased in ice. So, the chance of entering the building was possible but the issue is that what if the ice guy did that on purpose, just to get Bert or her in a death trap?

'So I'm going to be a lab rat, huh?

Unless there was a secret underground entrance, the roof was the only chance to get inside.

"Fine, but what will you do?"

"If he's out here, I'll keep him busy. If he's in there, I'll support you but right now, Pieck needs help. Are you ready?"

Ymir nodded before she went inside an airball again before Bert levitated her and launched her to the roof of the skyscraper as she was heading towards the building, something was coming her way from the corner of her eye.

"Shit, more shards?!"

Ymir felt the air surrounding her get more aggressive, shredding the spears into cold powder. She looked but the air was so aggressive, she could barely see outside the ball. The air ball dissipated just before she landed on the roof. She looked to see a bipedal porcupine-like monster with muscular arms and legs but it seemed to be made of ice with an ice cold mist surrounding it. It shot another round of shards, this time it at Bert who was blocking the projectiles with a large circular windshield.

'If it wasn't an ice guy that was shooting the ice shards. That means…'

Ymir noticed that the rooftop door was already opened.


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