Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 34: Watchflix and Chill

Ymir was in her room, sitting in an electric wheelchair on her balcony. The bruises on her upper body were still there. Although the pain was fading away, she still couldn't rest on her sides or stomach.

When the nurse did a deeper analysis, it turned out that her ankle was fractured so she had to wear a walking boot and her left thigh was completely wrapped in gauze and bandages, forcing her to be in a wheelchair until her thigh healed.

'Luckily, tomorrow is a rest day,' Ymir thought, taking her vape pen out of her pocket.

She smoked from the vape pen and a burnt metallic taste punched her tongue. She coughed the smoke out of her before looking at the empty chamber.

"I'm out of liquid," Ymir said, looking closely at her vape pen.

Ymir groaned before she moved the stick in a half circle,making the chair turn 180 degrees. Then, she made her way to her backpack.She unzipped the bag and took out her laptop and a small black metal box.

'Luckily I bought more before I left,' Ymir thought. She took an ID card out of her wallet, she chuckled at the name that was on it instead of hers, "Samantha Wells". She flicked the card with her finger and wondered if the card would work in a nearby bar.

'I could get a Dirty Shirley or a Margarita.' She thought.

She heard a knock on her door. She stuffed the card back in her wallet and placed the laptop and the box on her bed before another knock hit her door. Ymir forced the nails on her right hand to ferociously grow into wolf-like nails. She forcibly got up from her chair and quietly walked to the peephole and leaned in to see who was in front of her door.

"It's me," Pieck said through the door.

Ymir unlocked the door and opened it. Pieck waved her injured hand protected by a white cast.

"How's your hand?" Ymir asked.

"Numb," Pieck said. "I could barely move my fingers. Can't even hold a cup properly."

"At least you can walk…" Ymir said, leaning on the wall. Her left leg shaking, struggling to keep her standing before her left leg gave up, but Pieck quickly caught her and put the tanned girl's right arm on her shoulder. "You shouldn't be out of your chair if you can barely walk."

"Fucking hate that guy," Ymir grumbled as Pieck helped her back to her chair.

Ymir placed her attention on the black box while Pieck closed the door. She opened the black box, revealing extra flavour cartridges for her vape pen. There were four left with half of them being Fruit Punch,one of them being Lemon and the other being Pineapple. She took one of the Fruit Punch cartridges and swapped it with the empty one.

"You shouldn't be smoking. Plus, how did you even get them? You have to be 18 to buy them legally, unless…"

"I have connections, that's all," Ymir said with a stern tone.

Pieck raised her hands up and smiled, telling her that she wouldn't pry into her methods…for now. Ymir sighed before taking an inhale from her pen. The fruity-like liquid turned into smoke and clouded her taste buds before she exhaled the smoke through her nose like an angry bull in an old cartoon.

"Can I try?" Pieck asked.

Ymir looked at her with furrowed brows. "You're the same person that just said, quote: "You shouldn't be smoking" she mocked Pieck in a high-pitch voice. "And now that same person is asking me for a hit?"

"I just want to know what's so addicting about that, "Pieck told Ymir about her motivations.

"I'm not addicted!" Ymir said, a bit offended.

"That's what all addicts say," Pieck rolled her eyes.

"Pff, whatever," Ymir rotated ninety degrees to face herself at the entrance. "Wanna hang out on the balcony?"

Pieck shrugged."Sure, want me to push you?"

"I don't need to."

Pieck sat down on Ymir's lap before she wrapped her arms around Ymir's slender neck, rocking her feet back and forth before saying, "Alright then, to the balcony!"

Ymir grew a smile as she tilted the analog stick forward, instructing the chair to move forward.

It was only 3:30, the sky was blue, a bit cloudy but it wasn't supposed to rain. The balcony was average-sized with a small white round table with the table being made of glass and two white plastic chairs with a black pillow included for more comfortability. Ymir took a hit from her vape pen, exhaling a short, thin smoke, the pain from her thigh increased but the warmth from Pieck's thighs made it worth it. 

"Um, are you going to stay on my lap or…?"

"It's pretty comfortable here, do you have trouble breathing?"

"No, I mean, I don't mind you sitting on me, but y'know…"

"Oh crap, your thigh!" Pieck hopped off Ymir's lap and sat on one of the chairs. "I didn't realise that, I'm sorry."

"No problem," Ymir grumbled.

'Shit, I should've stayed quiet,' Ymir thought.

"So, how are the others?" she asked. "I didn't get any updates on them, what about on your end?"

Pieck placed her head on her good hand. "Well Bertholdt is fine, aside from a few scratches and bloody clothes, he was fine. As for Porco, it turns out that the fracture was minor, so the nurse used her special mixture on his head. I actually visited him before I came to you."

"What, he's conscious now?" 

Pieck nodded. "Yeah… he's a bit irritated because of how humiliated he felt after the test."

 "Yeah, because he got his ass whooped," Ymir took another inhale of vape pen.

"You got your ass kicked, too," Pieck recalled. "Don't forget."

Ymir pushed the smoke out of her nose."I thought that we were talking about Porco here," she said in an irritated tone.

"We are, but I just needed to remind you."

Ymir rolled her eyes. But then she remembered what Pieck said about Bert.



"Can people have multiple abilities?"

Pieck placed her index finger on her chin, humming in thought. "Well, I mean, when you really think about it, people can have multiple abilities. Like, take me for example, I have multiple powers like shooting out my tongue or having sticky fingertips, camouflage…"

"That's not what I mean. Look, when I ran into Bert. He was fucked up, I mean really fucked up like half of his leg was gone and missing fingers and shit. Are you sure that assessment was accurate?"

Pieck nodded. " It was accurate. I visited him and he was perfectly fine, although, his clothes were bloody and tattered."

Ymir took another hit from the vape pen and exhaled from her mouth. 

'I thought only he could heal like that, but Bert heals the exact same way, steam and all. Are they related or something?'

"Did you ask him how he got like that?"Ymir asked.

"No, I just assumed that his clothes were like that from the scuffle that he had with the ice guy," Pieck said. "But now that you mention it…it is a bit weird."

"Well, he can heal, he doesn't know where it comes from, "Ymir told the frog girl.

"Really?!" Pieck said a bit surprised but then leaned back in her chair. "So, that's why you asked me about it. Well, from what I know, when people have multiple abilities, it's typically from being a Beastia metahuman or a very lucky Alius or Natura type metahuman, but regeneration and wind don't mix. How did he even heal, was he surrounded by gusts of wind?"

"No, it was steam," Ymir said.



Pieck hummed in thought. "Well, that is weird but if Bert doesn't know about it, who would?"

"Maybe one of the instructors? Maybe they had an examinee in the past that shared this condition?"Ymir shrugged.

"That's not a bad idea. I'll look into it," Pieck said, rubbing her cheek. "So, are you going to stay cooped up in your room or…?"

"I was planning to. I want my body to heal as fast as possible. I don't want to be half a cripple when the next test arrives," Ymir tapped her finger on her mobility chair.

"I see..." Pieck slightly lifted her navy blue sweater, placed her good hand underneath and took out a rectangular black case. She unzipped it, revealing a large 11-inch tablet.

"Were you hiding it under your sweater the whole time?" Ymir asked, puzzled.

Pieck nodded as she unlocked the tablet. "Well, since you want to stay in for the rest of the day…want to watch something?"

Ymir glanced at the dark-haired teen and chuckled. "Sure, let's get some room service too."

Pieck jumped from her seat and entered back into her room. She took out a long white cable from the pockets of her navy blue sweatpants. Ymir rotated the analog stick 180 degrees and pushed it forward, going back into her room.

"Are you hungry right now?" Ymir asked.

"Not right now but what genre of movie?" Pieck began to scroll through a catalogue of movies.

Ymir moved her chair next to Pieck and leaned a bit to get a better look at the tablet.

"You have WatchFlix?"

"Yeah, my father had an account for years. Their homemade shows and movies are inconsistent in their quality but their TV shows tend to be good… like this one!"

Pieck pointed at the thumbnail of a young man with dark hair and a woman with light hair hugging each other with the man's hands covered in blood, holding a gun and a knife while the woman was holding a pair of handcuffs and a gun as well.

"What's this about?"Ymir asked.

"It's a show that recently got popular. It's called The Other Side, it's about this guy who's part of a very infamous gang and this girl who's the daughter of an experienced investigator who also becomes an investigator slowly fall in love, however, they don't know about their backgrounds, so she doesn't know that he's in a gang and he doesn't know that she's working in the police force. And bit by bit, they know about each other and then a big revelation happens, but that's at the end of season 1. Season 2 is coming out in a few months."

"What, so it's some stupid opposites attract show?"

Pieck nodded eagerly. "It's a very good crime romantic drama, a bit cliche in some moments but it's really good."

Ymir sighed. "If you think it's good. I guess I'll take your word for it."

"Yes!" Pieck shouted in excitement as she tapped the thumbnail. "Listen Ymir, I know romance isn't your thing but I think you would find this enjoyable."

"If you say so," Ymir got up from her chair and laid down on the bed before she took one of her pillows and placed it under her walking boot. Pieck hopped on the bed, sitting next to Ymir.

"Get ready to be amazed!" Pieck tapped the screen before a small thick red line started to spin in circles with a percentage in the middle going from 0 to 51 to 100 percent.

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