Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 36: A Mythical Discovery

Erwin and Rico were walking down the hall of the testing facility, the sounds of her boots 

hitting the white marble floor. As a matter of fact, the floor was so clean that he could see his reflection from the floor. The loud buzzing sounds came from a closed room near him before the blades started to cut the flesh of a recently deceased monster.

"It seems the kitchen will be well stocked for this week," Erwin said. "Are the cargo ships ready to depart?"

Rico nodded. "Yes, sir. The cargo ships are completely fueled up and ready to transport the meat. They're waiting for the meat to be prepared for transportation."


Erwin and Rico stopped in front of a white 7-foot door before he asked, "This is the instructor's lounge?"

"Yes, sir."

Erwin opened the door, hearing the chatter slowly die down as he opened the door further.

The room had comfy chairs spread around coupled with a pair of leather couches with a blackwood table in between. The room had a 65-inch TV that displayed a resolution of 16K. The television could be used to monitor the examinees or with a wireless connection, can be used to watch movies or TV shows. On the left side of the room was the kitchen with two sets of metal fridges and a white marble countertop with white round tables. 

The instructors turned their heads towards him before they immediately stood up, curled their right hands into fists and slammed them on the left side of their chests.

"Mr.Chairman, sir!" they shouted in near-unison.

"Thank you. Unfortunately, I need you all to leave for the moment, "Erwin began. "I need to talk to Mr.Gein and Ms.Ral…privately."

The rest of the instructors quickly glanced at the two before they gathered themselves and began to head to the exit, the chairman stepped aside to let them pass.

"Do you want me to step outside as well?" Rico asked politely. " To make sure they aren't overhearing?"

"No, let them eavesdrop. There will be no point in preventing it. Might make them more cautious in the future," Erwin closed and locked the door.

Erwin and Rico sat down on the couch across from the two. Petra tucked her lips as she clasped her hands together and Eld leaned back and averted his eyes away from him.

"So…who wants to start?" Erwin looked back and forth from Eld to Petra and vice versa. "Petra?"

"Y-yes sir?"

"I understand that last week's…incident is something you don't want to remember but this is important. Very important."

Eld and Petra looked at each other before Eld sighed and his small brown looked at Erwin.

"There was a report about a monster near the eastern coast of Merudiem…" Eld began. "Some of the uh…Socials went to collect more info on it but…"

Eld adjusted himself upright before he continued, "Unfortunately when we tried to contact them…there was nothing… so we waited for a couple of days but nothing…so we went there ourselves and…"

Eld rubbed his left hand over his mouth as his voice started to crack.

"Relax Mr.Gein. Calm yourself and tell me what happened," Erwin insisted.

"A few of its coastal cities were decimated," Petra continued, tears began to form from her amber eyes and her voice began to slightly crack. "All of the people were dead, some crushed by debris…some were dismembered ferally…as if they were eaten…we looked for any survivors but none was found."

"What the fuck…" Erwin heard Rico mutter under her breath.


Petra took a deep breath. "So, we looked around for it…travelling from decimated city to decimated city…but then…"

"A monster came at us in the middle of the night," Eld added. 

"What did it look like?" Erwin added.

"It was massive. It was one of the biggest monsters I've encountered."

"We've...We've encountered..." Petra said. "It was a massive three-headed dog with blackish bone-like spikes going from its back down to its tail."

'That's new.' Erwin thought. 'Never heard of a monster like that documented.'

"Are you sure the monster looked like that?" Rico asked, seeming to be a bit skeptical.

"Are you seriously doubting what we saw, Rico?" Eld asked the silver-haired woman, a bit angrily.

"I'm not trying to doubt what you saw, Eld. But a monster like that seems too…mythical."

"What do you mean by that?" The Chairman turned his attention to the woman beside him. "Elaborate."

Rico adjusted her glasses. "Well, by that description of appearance, it sounds to me that they faced a Cerberus."

"A what?"

"A Cerberus, Eld. A three-headed dog from the underworld from Athartan mythology. It guards the entrance of the underworld to make sure that nothing comes in or out. Although, many stories interpret the monster as having 3 heads, a few of them interpret the monster to have up to 50." 

"Interesting," Erwin said as he clasped his hands together and calmly placed his elbows on his thighs.

"Hold on a minute," Eld adjusted himself from his seat again. "You're telling me that a monster from some mythology is actually real?"

"If your description is accurate, then yes," Rico confirmed.

Eld's mouth twitched before he covered his face with his hands. Petra sat there, stiff.

"Alright. Now that we most likely confirmed what the monster is, continue the story."

Eld and Petra looked at each other again before Petra began once more, "We fought the monster and…we tried but…" she shook her head. "We couldn't do it."

"What happened with Oluo and Gunther?" The Chairman asked. "When agents from IISA did an investigation, they found Boazdo's legs missing from his torso and Mr.Schultz's body was missing, the only thing that they found was one of his arms . So what happened there?"

"Well…Oluo was caught off-guard and caught by one of the heads," Petra continued. "But…instead of just killing him right away one of the other heads began to laugh." 

Rico was taken aback, nearly dropping her tablet. "Laughed?!"

"Yes…then the other head began to speak…"

Erwin's brows furrowed. 'Speak?!'

"Was it speaking human language?"

"Yes, sir," Petra said as Eld quietly nodded.

"Speaking?!" Rico stood up and slammed her hands on the coffee table, making the two across from her flinch. "That's impossible! There hasn't been a single monster documented that can speak fluently!"

"I guess not anymore…" Eld grumbled.

"I see…well, thank you for giving us this. It will be very important," Erwin stood up and extended his hand. "I apologise for your arm, Eld," he turned his head to Petra, "and for your leg, Petra. The fact that you two still decided to be instructors this year despite the recent tragedy is astonishing. I'm grateful for your dedication."

Eld's hand met The Chairman's as they shook hands before The Chairman did the same thing with Petra.

"Let's go, Rico."

Rico and Erwin left the room with the rest of the instructors standing or sitting around nearby with one of them just by the door. He was of average height, average build with neat brown hair that was parted in the middle, complimented with light brown eyes and a long face, wearing the male version of the instructor uniform consisting of a dark grey uniform with the symbol of the association on both the back and on the left side of his chest and knee-high black boots.

"Did you enjoy the conversion, Mr.Berner?" The Chairman glanced at the young man standing beside the door.

He stood upright and frantically waved his hands. "N–n-no, sir I wasn't! I swear!"

"Oh really? Did anyone overhear the conversion?"

The young man and the rest of the instructors averted his eyes away from The chairman. 

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Alright, I'll trust your word. You may resume your activities in the lounge. Let's go, Rico."

Rico and Erwin walked down the hall as some of the staff members were transporting big white containers with a small transport truck.

"They're quite efficient when it comes to cutting meat," Rico commented, trying to change the subject.

"A Cerberus…" he muttered under his breath.

"What are you going to do now, sir?" Rico asked. "Are you going to find the Cerberus?"

"In due time. But I need to talk to them before I try anything," Erwin said with stern determination.

"But before that happens, I need to speak with him."

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