Shinobi:The RPG

Chapter 43: A Stranger in a Strange Land: The Liberation of Blackfoot Island

We zipped across the surface of the water. Captain took the lead in an arrow-head formation. Riku and Rookie were on the left and Masato and I were on the right.

"How do we know when we're above the target area?" I asked over the sound of water splashing above us.

"You don't need to worry, Shimoda," Captain replied. "I have thoroughly memorized the exact location of each area from our scouting reports...I'll know exactly when we're above the target area."

"Alright," I wasn't necessarily going to argue, even if I doubted he would be completely correct. We'd probably get a couple survivors and there's…what, 25-26 sharks per outpost? So…maybe one or two stragglers we'll need to eliminate the old-fashioned way. Worst case, half a dozen, maybe more.

We continued to move until Captain rose immediately with a flipper in the air. I stopped, thankfully able to stop the bomb with me.

"Hup! This is the target area," He said, turning to me. "Do your thing."

I set the bomb on the surface, started the timer then undid the gravity seal. It plunged beneath the waves and then all we had to do is wait.

"Riku! My Spyglass," Captain ordered, holding out his flipper.

Riku opened his beak and…spat out his spy-glass. Ohhhhh…the seal in his beak is a storage seal. I was curious.

He stretched out the collapsed telescope and brought it to his eye, looking in the direction of the main island. "Battle stations, men! We have Sea-Lion's incoming. Keep the blood to a minimum, we don't want to bring the sharks up on our heads!"

No blowing them up? Darn it. That makes things difficult. Well, at least I have lightning!

…also… 'up on our heads'? I guess it makes sense because the sharks are below us, but it sounds weird.

Perception Check Success: 8/8.

I could barely make out their forms as they moved like dots across the water and gradually getting larger. From the distance, I could tell that the lions were big. Bigger than I was as they zipped across the water like speed-boats burning Nitro...

Wait, can speedboats use Nitro? I don't think they can.

Just a second to put down both speedboats and nitro in my little black book before they catch us.

Eventually, they came into range of my Jutsu. Zeus.

+100 EXP.


The smoking corpse of the guy in front went down and the others started to scatter.

There were only five of them.

"Masato, Rookie!" Captain barked. "Give us some barriers, we don't want them getting too close. Shimoda, keep on doing what you're doing."

"Yes, Captain," The three of us replied.

Zeus. The Penguin's created ice-bergs around our area, forcing the sea lions to have to skirt around them to get at us. Apparently, their lack of finger-like appendages meant the sea lions couldn't do jutsu either, which left them at a serious disadvantage…I'm starting to wonder how and why they were able to keep the Penguins at bay for so long...

+100 EXP.

They got closer, the Penguins ice spikes lagging behind and allowing the Lions to maneuver around us. One of them jumped straight up into the airandrightintomyfaceOHCRAP!

I slid backward and the Sea Lions open mouth collided with the ocean below. They were definitely bigger than I think they should be. It was at this moment a muffled explosion sounded and a pillar of water shot up from under me.

Quest Updated: The Liberation of Blackfoot Island.

Destroy the Shark Outposts: 2/6.

Destroy the Shark Outposts: 5/6.

Completed: Destroy the Shark Outposts: 6/6.

Kill all the Sharks: 51/151.

Kill all the Sharks: 101/151.

Kill all the Sharks: 126/151.

Completed: Kill all the Sharks: 151/151.

Signal the Emperor that your task is complete.

+2600 EXP.


…wait…100 EXP per shark…I didn't get the EXP for the other bombs. Lame. Not unexpected, but lame nonetheless. Also, the bomb trick on their outposts isn't going to work forever…after this, they'll probably come up with some safeguards.

"Engage!" Captain ordered. "Don't worry about chumming the water anymore, just kill 'em!"

Masato and Rookie went after the one Captain Shizo pointed at. Rookie dove beneath the water and Masato shunshin'd behind the lion, who warped around, waving his front flippers in a ferocious melee, only for Rookie to come up from the underside and spear it with his beak.


One left. Where'd he go?

Riku dove under the water and I dove with him.

Now that I was under the water, I could see the sheer size of the smoke clouds that hung in the water, showing off just how massive this bomb we had dropped on them was…oh. Well, I guess introducing nukes is a pretty good way to win a war, huh?


Oh, there he is! He's swimming back to the island to get word back to his comrades…yeah, no.


The Lightning bolt flew past Riku, travelling obscenely quickly in the water and hitting the sea lion square in the rear, causing its body to stop short and spasm uncontrollably.

+100 EXP.



Level Up!

23 skill points and a perk…I'm not working toward Ninja anymore and I can get paralyzing palm anyway and all the perks I want I'm going to meet the requirements anyway, so…hmmm. I'll just put 12 points into Taijutsu, bringing it to a solid 100. Ah, that feels good. Then one point into Barter, bring it to a 10 so I can at least pass maybe one such check at some point in my life. Then 8 points into Medicine, bringing it up to a solid 50. Finally, 2 points into Speech, bringing it up to 40.

For Perk, Elemental Training, Water.

5,595 more experience until level 19. Awesome!

I'll start abusing my 'water regenerates my health' in no time!

"Sea lion eliminated," I reported after surfacing.

"Terrific," Captain replied. "Masato, send an Ice Mortar and let the Emperor know we've completed our task."

"Yes, Captain," On his flippers, his claws making seals in front of him, Masato spat a large chunk of ice the screamed into the air, disappearing on a trajectory going towards the Emperor's main forces.

Quest Updated: The Liberation of Blackfoot Island.

Completed: Signal the Emperor that your task is complete.

Drive the Sea Lions from the Island.

"Spyglass," Riku coughed up the telescope again, and Captain Shizo held it to his eye. "Everyone, under the water…the Emperor's coming."

All of us sunk underneath the water, I stuck with the group. With the Emperor's sheer size, I didn't want to end up like undersea road-kill and these guys would know how deep we'd need to be to avoid that. And we did go deep. To the point where I could actually start to see the surface below us beyond the dissipating smoke cloud from the bomb.

Pretty sure we're down here to make sure there's no survivors, now that I think about it.

Above us, I saw the massive shape of the Emperor zoom above us, followed by the Penguin army which zipped behind him like a series of arrows. Before they reached the Island, the Emperor himself dove beneath the surface to patrol the Island himself. Oh, yeah. His job is to deal with the Megalodon or the Sea Lion Boss if they show up. Right.

A slap to the back of my head. I whipped around and the captain gestured to head to the surface. I bit back the urge to punch him in the beak and did as instructed, swimming to the surface, popping out and standing on the waves.

"Good work, men!" Captain yelled with a grin. "We have our orders, let's move in to reinforce the main army and make those Lions pay for ousting our brothers and sisters from their homes."

Cheers from the other three as they slid forward on their stomachs. I followed just behind them. The Island itself was rocky, with only the occasional greenery being present to break up the boulder-y image that was present. The island probably got really cold at times, to boot.

Squad 3 and I moved fast, zipping up the beach and into an almost too-narrow passage made by the mountains right at our chosen points of entrance. But that didn't stop us. Thanks to chakra-slide, we moved through it with all the speed we had before coming out to the other side to a bloodbath.

Penguins and Sea Lion's danced around each other in the clearing. A trio of penguins speared a sea-lion through the side as it charged at a lone penguin. A Sea Lion bit off the head of a penguin and sent its body straight at a pair of penguins and knocking them over like bowling pins.

I cracked my knuckles and went to work with a giant grin on my face.

I zoomed forward. A sea-lion turned toward me and jumped over my charging fist and I fell on my back to plant both of my feet into his belly, causing him to explode upward and I quickly slid over to my next target.

+50 EXP.

I leapt up and landed a kick to the head of one of the squad leaders, so denoted by the semi-unique ascot on his neck before landing on my hands and spinning like a break-dancer, ending two more of them with a helicopter kick, splattering their remains all over the sand and rock around us.

+150 EXP.

I locked onto a target, standing on his rear flippers and spinning around like a helicopter…you know, I'm starting to think the Penguins and Sea Lion's may not be all that different. Whatever. Zeus.

He saw it coming and ducked beneath the lightning bolt before sliding up the rock face behind him.


Zapped like a fly on the wall, he fell to the ground, twitching and jolting with small bolts of electricity lighting up its skin. Behind me there was another rock face and I zipped up it and got a birds-eye view of the battlefield. I licked my lips.

Zeus! Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!

+200 EXP.

Some of the Sea Lions got the idea that they needed to come kill me fast…five of them started zooming up the mountain towards me.

Sith Lightning!

The stream of electricity from my fingers headed off the initial offensive, taking down the first two while three of them split into two directions to pincer attack. I slid just to the side to avoid a slap from one, planting my fist in the side of his face and watching his head explode and the body fall off. I jumped off the side and used chakra-strings to pull myself back to the wall, right on the body of one of my attackers before sliding forward and nailing the other with a spin kick to the face.

+250 EXP.

4945 to go before level 19.

Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!

+150 EXP.

Sadly, I wasn't the only combatant and after this latest round of lightning, the Sea Lions actually started to retreat, sliding around the rocks in the clearing. I zoomed forward, following the penguins as they each went after them. Squad 3 and I reassembled on the chase, zooming over and around the rocks as we chased them away from the island.

We came to what looked like a village…there was a stone table and there was a penguin corpse on it, the insides had clearly been eaten out. It wasn't human, so it didn't disturb me the way I think it disturbed the others but if this was what they were fighting against, I can see why they'd want to kill some people.

But we chased them regardless. The survivors of our attack split off into groups and the squads went after them. Our group chased about five of them all the way to the shore looked like they were going to get into the water, at the very least but that's when the Emperor surfaced.

They screamed and scattered. The Emperor rapidly bent down and bit snapped up two of them, spitting their corpses out as the other three got away.

"Let them flee," The Emperor said with a grave tone. "They'll bear our message to their masters. Instead, focus on finding survivors. The other squads will focus on shoring up our defenses."

Quest Updated: The Liberation of Blackfoot Island.

Completed: Drive the Sea Lions from the Island.

Find Groups of Survivors: 0/6.

"Yes, Lord Emperor," the captain bowed. "You heard the Emperor, men! Get to searching!"

We moved back, heading to the villages and looking for caves the survivors could've hid inside. I exploded a rock and revealed a cave opening. "Captain, I think I've found some!"

"Excellent work!" The Captain said, arriving at my side. "This is Captain Shizo of the Emperor's Royal army! Are there any penguins inside?"

After a minute of waiting…a penguin, very clearly the same species as Yujiro, came out of the shadows. His eyes went wide and were full of excitement. "The Royal Army's here! The Sea Lions have been driven out!"

Find Groups of Survivors: 1/6.

One by one, they filed out of the cave, blinking in the light of day. The looked utterly ragged, partially starved and they had deep bags under their eyes. Trapping themselves in a cave had not been good for them…but I guess it beat the alternative.

Find Groups of Survivors: 3/6.

Find Groups of Survivors: 4/6.

Find Groups of Survivors: 5/6.

Completed: Find Groups of Survivors: 6/6.

Speak with Yujiro.

With every group we found, each as haggard and tired as the last, the island started to feel more and more dead. They converged in their villages, picking up the pieces of their shattered lives. Every village I passed shortly had the Emperor himself following by. Every villager would fall to their knees at his passing.

"We knew you wouldn't forsake us," Some would say.

"Long live the Emperor," Others still would reply.

I ended up finding Yujiro at the village we passed after our initial skirmish, standing before the hollowed-out body of the penguin that laid on the stone table.

I stood to the side and…wondered how I'm supposed to talk to Yujiro. Did he know her? Were they close?

"…did you know her?" I finally asked.

"No," Yujiro shook his head. "But what happened to her was disgusting all the same. She was pregnant, you know."

"How do you figure?" I asked with a frown.

Yujiro reached into the body with his flipper and gently lifted out a broken egg shell. Ooh.

I blinked. "So, what's the end game? Genocide?"

He barked out a short laugh. "As much as I wish, no. We never wanted to kill them all…we still don't. Killing them all would be bad for our food supply. No, our end-game is their complete subjugation so all those still living will never rise up against us again."

"But that doesn't solve the problem completely," I argued.

"But it does avoid a new one coming up," Yujiro replied quietly. "I don't know what it's like for some of the other summons you may have seen, but down here in the Frozen Seas, we've made our peace with nature and the cruel demands she's placed on us...I think going further by eating our predators was more us just flipping her the bird."

"And apparently, they're delicious," I replied with a frown. "You ever do this?"

"By decree of the Emperor, no," Yujiro replied with a frown. "Bad for the supply to kill children, even unborn ones…best to let them grow older so there's more to eat and store."

"Oh," I said. "So…this was your home, right?"

"The home of the Jackass Penguin, yeah," He nodded. "…that mostly means me, by the way. Not my race."

"I figured," I deadpanned. "How are you handling the body?"

"Letting it stew for a few hours and add some krill seasonings," Yujiro replied with a nod and licking his beak.

Are you kidding? My expression as horrified as that thought.

"I'm kidding, stupid," Yujiro sighed. "We just went over my title, geeze. In all seriousness, we're going to round up what's left of the dead, freeze them into an ice-berg and set it adrift…give them back to the seas that gave them life."

"Okay, good," I nodded. "I mean…not that she's dead, but…you know what, just forget it."

Completed: The Liberation of Blackfoot Island.

+1200 EXP.

3595 more EXP to go.

Yujiro snorted. "You're crazy, Shimoda. But I like you, oddly. I think the Emperor would greatly appreciate it if you stuck around for the proceedings."

"I do have a time-limit," I replied with a frown. "How long would the funeral be?"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, you're supposed to be grounded," Yujiro rolled his eyes. "Rounding up the dead and then the funeral service proper won't really take long. It should be done in an hour and forty-five minutes. Is that good enough for you, Zappy?"

I have approximately two hours and nineteen minutes of clone time remaining before he goes poof. "That leaves me more than enough time, thank you."

"Good," Yujiro nodded.


The funeral was suitably solemn, in spite of it still being day-time. The bodies were arranged on an ice platform on the shore and the Emperor froze the top into a floating mountain of ice after a long speech about the strength and goodness of those who died. Afterwards, the platform was pushed to sea. Mourners were being comforted and penguins started to head back to rebuild.

The Emperor came up to me afterwards, thanked me for my contributions to the war effort and asked me to come tomorrow. I said yes and pinged my clone, letting him know I was on my way back. Hopefully he wasn't doing anything too stupid in his boredom.

Quest Added: Engine of War

Go to the Penguin Empire at around 12am.

I arrived back at my apartment and substituted with the clone, leaving him holding the canister. The warm air felt a little strange after spending so long in the artic, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Apparently, my clone had decided to go to bed rather than risk doing anything stupid. And I was going to guess he was using the wait command while under the shadow of the Stealth Boy.

When he popped, the answer was that he did. Smart.

So…maximum Taijutsu, maximum seals. Water Element. Well, it was time to start making jutsu again. I dove out of bed, that being where my clone was, and jumped out of my apartments window and shunshin'd my way to training ground three.

I stood on the platform, still there from the Ill-fated Capture the Flag game. So, first things first. Super-nutritional water – go!

Rat, dog, horse, rat…

Ninjutsu Check Success: 78/45.

Medicine Check Success: 50/50.

The check's only 45? Huh…oh, right. I have the Water Affinity now. Reduces Skill checks. Duh.

A glob of water, crystal clear and brimming with nutritional value was held in my fingers like a marble. I chucked the water marble in my mouth and swallowed, noting that it tasted awful.

+50 hp.

Oh good, I can make blood pills. Well, I mean, that's still awesome but it's not the hundreds of points I was hoping for. It'll probably end up going higher as I make a better jutsu with a higher medicine check. Maybe I'll be able to make something that heals for a percentage rather than a flat amount…that'll be amazing at the higher levels. But right now, I'll have to deal with my 50 HP on demand jutsu here, which isn't so bad…it just didn't help as much as I'd like during my sewer quest because it didn't fix crippled limbs, which I only get when I get bursted down or attacked from behind.

So…not bad. Better than what I had originally.

Now, let's see what happens if I mix together water and lightning…

I focused water chakra into one hand and lightning chakra in the other, brought both hands together and started mixing. See, the trick here is to get the chakra to create an entirely new entity, not just be a mixture with elements of each flowing around each-other concurrently. If all goes well, I'll have a whole new jutsu type to start working with and exploring.

Chakra Control Check Success: 100/100.

Ninjutsu Check Success: 78/50.

I got a bright green window in front of me, smiling Vault-ninja in the corner there. You've unlocked a perk; Elemental Affinity: Storm Release!


The Window disappeared and I was left with a bright, blue beam connected to my hands. I tilted my head, as this wasn't quite what I expected from Storm release. I thought there'd be some hint of an actual storm cloud but…let's see how it preforms.

Master Bolt!

The new jutsu was a reference to the Percy Jackson series, which I wasn't necessarily fan of for reasons I can't recall, but Zeus was already taken so I had to pick something.

Also, unlike Zeus, which was just a small, clearly a lightning bolt being cast, this was a bright blue, highly dangerous laser beam that disintegrated all the trees it hit and reduced them to cinders. I then created a new water jutsu that put out the fires I had just accidentally caused.

+600 EXP.

+300 EXP.

Okay, whew. That was a close one. I now have laser beams. Shame there wasn't any storm clouds, but I think this was worth the trade-off. Was I seriously disappointed about a lack of a graphical feature when the jutsu itself surpassed my expectations?

…yes. A little.

I'm such a filthy casual.

I mean, the jutsu even costs about the same as the Zeus jutsu, just more power. That's insane. I wonder what a storm-based Mjolnir would be capable of. This is actually pretty awesome.

Also, a theory I had about using lightning jutsu to speed up my reflexes?

Ninjutsu Check Success: 78/70.

Medicine Check Failure: 50/70.

It should be possible. Should. I just don't know how to get around short-circuiting the brain or stopping the heart. If I started to put a lot of points into Medicine, which is a really useful skill and I should do so anyway, I would know if it's possible and how to do it. I'm not sure how useful the jutsu itself will be, but the added points into medicine would be useful regardless.

Now, for the other thing…the hit-scan pistol I wanted to see if it was possible.

Fuinjutsu Check Success: 100/90.

And it is. Thankfully, writing out the seal so it releases kinetic force is possible, it just has to be along something like a chakra-string rather than just 'instant' without a bridging element. Thankfully, something like a chakra laser pointer would be perfectly fine, just a small, barely noticeable line of chakra extending from the barrel would be all the pistol would need to release its payload on an unsuspecting ninja. The only problem is sensor ninjas who'd be able to feel the chakra-laser pointer and get out of the way…not much of a problem if I'm fast.

The amount of a payload it brings? Well, I'm pretty sure it'd be one of my Tsunade Specials, just focused on a much tighter area…ah, the joys of being a Fuinjutsu expert. I should've buffed this much sooner. The only question now is how to make my new toy?

Not the seals part, that will be simple, but the actual metal components of the gun…I might be able to lop to tip off a Kunai and hollow it out to give me the barrel I'd need. After that, the handle might be a challenge. Though getting a glue and sealant shouldn't be difficult and carving with chakra-strings should be simple. Should.

Provided that's not another thing the game has no concept of and makes me do manually.


Last thing to do…mass shadow clones.

Well, I technically pull techniques out of my rear anyway so it's not like they can accuse me of peaking at Konoha's Kinjutsu, can they?

So…Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Ninjutsu Check Success: 78/75.

-200 HP.

I fell to the ground in the midst of a mass of smoke. My vision went blurry and my head hurt quite a bit. Ooh…what happened?

Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu Added.

Level Requirement Needed: 20.

Endurance Needed: 10.

Well, that explains it.

I slowly stood up and took a breath, looking at my surroundings. I took several gulps of Nutri-water (I guess that's what I'll call it) to heal the damage…yeah, the technique can kill you. No lies there. Ow.

Quest Updated: Chasing Shadows.

Completed: (Optional): Learn the Tajuu Kage Bunshin.

Optional: Teach Naruto the Tajuu Kage Bunshin before he graduates.


"Senpai, what's with the guitar?" Sakura asked with a blink.

"I'm trying to learn how to play," I replied, playing the wrong note once again. "I've learned that my bloodline doesn't cover musical instruments, so I'm getting the novel experience of learning through practice."

We were meeting right at training ground 3 this time, I was sitting at the wooden posts, trying to strum my guitar.

"Oh, really?" She smiled. "How's it coming?"

I broke the guitar in my hand after playing a wrong note again and grumbled as I fixed it up again. "I'm sorry, what?"

"…never mind," Sakura replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright," I shrugged, continuing to try to play.

She sat down on her knees, quietly watching. Then Sasuke showed up, greeting us with a grunt and leaning against the post, looking down the road.

"…you bought a guitar?" That was Nichiren.

"Yup," I replied, looking at the book and practicing.

"Why?" Nichiren asked, sitting down across from Sasuke.

"I had a stressful day and wanted some music to calm me down," I replied, going through my finger placements slowly before trying to play again. "Sadly, it didn't work…my bloodline doesn't cover musical instruments."

"So…you're learning by practicing," Nichiren summed up, a smile growing on his face.

"Yup," I replied. I played the wrong note and groaned. "It's not going well."

"It just takes time," Nichiren shrugged. "I'm just happy you've clearly decided to stick with it."

I continued to play. Nichiren and Sakura talked a little bit about medical jutsu-stuff but kept it to a minimum, I presume, because they didn't want to disrupt my concentration. Nice of them. Thank you.

"Since when do you play guitar, Daisuke?" Naruto showed up, causing me to play the wrong note and destroy my guitar. Again. "Oh…heh…sorry."

"It's okay," I said, fixing it up. "To answer your question, I don't."

"Wait, but doesn't your bloodline make you an expert on everything?" Naruto asked, blinking owlishly.

"Not musical instruments," I explained for the third time. "So, I'm learning how frustrating practice is."

Naruto's grin just got wider and wider. "Okay, I want to watch."

Presumably, he wants to see me break stuff more. Whatever, I can function with an audience. I think.

I continued, the song in the book still…eluding me. By a lot. Sasuke and Nichiren talked for a few seconds, I just stared at the guitar trying to make it work.

Finally, Hisako came around to the posts and gasped.

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"You play guitar?" She had this huge smile on her face.

"No, I'm learning how to play guitar," I replied, going back to the notes. "And failing, apparently."

"You're…learning how to play guitar," Hisako blinked. Then she put her hands on her hips. "I thought training and practice didn't work for you."

"Well, my bloodline has no concept of musical instruments," I shrugged, frowning. "So, here I am, learning how to play the hard way."

"You mean…through practice," Hisako said, starting to smile again.


"No instant expertise?"


"Really?" Hisako asked.

"Yes," I answered testily, standing up and storing away my guitar. "But since we're all here, I think we can get started with the training."

"What? No, no, no, we have time!" Hisako quickly replied, her face falling.

"No, we don't," Sasuke replied bluntly. "We're here to train, not watch Senpai fumble around a guitar."

"I agree with Sasuke," I nodded.

Hisako huffed. "Fine, but you better start practicing after we're done, okay."

"Alright," I sighed. Bringing the guitar out here was a horrible idea. "Look, can we start?"

"Sure," Hisako sighed.

We started our training in earnest. As usual, I was their sparring partner and, with 100 Taijutsu, the results were entirely unchanged. I still was an unstoppable opponent who they had no chance against. Well, sometimes they got close to attacking me before but now that possibility was completely gone. None of them could so much as scratch me.

Which made them rage and be frustrated, which allowed me to get benched while Hisako and Nichiren sparred with them. After that was done, I walked everyone through some of the Hand-sign exercises I had devised…I'm hoping they end up capable of inventing their own jutsu from scratch one day. I know Naruto could use it…speaking of which, I got a pair of jutsu to teach him now.

As we wrapped up our training session, I tapped Naruto on the shoulder. "Come with me for a second?"

"Sure," Naruto nodded.

"You still need to practice the guitar!" Hisako all but whined.

…I'm not getting out of that, am I? "I will, just give me a second."

"Okay good," Hisako nodded.

Naruto and I went into the trees. "So, what's up, Daisuke?"

"I got a couple jutsu to teach you," I replied. "They're…pretty awesome ones and since you're my best friend, I figured you could use them."

"Really?" Naruto's got wide.

"First ones called the Shadow Clone," I started.

"Wait, it's a clone technique?" Naruto frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," I nodded. "Trust me, you'll get more mileage out of this than I think anyone will realize."

Naruto took a breath. "Alright."

We went through the hand seals. I described how to manipulate the chakra in as basic terms I could. He tried the jutsu and failed, we tried again. Until…finally…he got it. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A puff of smoke and Naruto was standing between three clones, each of whom started moving. Naruto celebrated about getting it to work, jumping in the air.

Quest Updated: Chasing Shadows.

Completed: Teach Naruto the Shadow Clone Jutsu before he graduates.

Speak with Naruto.

"Alright, now for the next one," I replied. "It's basically the same, just more chakra…"

I showed him the additional seals and he mimicked them, careful and memorizing the pattern.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He shouted and I suddenly had the urge to cough as the whole clearing went up in smoke. But the smoke quickly cleared…and I was greeted with orange. Naruto's as far as the eye could see, the trees lined with 11-year-olds and each of them confused…then they started cheering.

Completed: (Optional): Teach Naruto the Tajuu Kage Bunshin before he graduates.

I turned and saw that, yes, my team and the other members of team 7 had gotten curious, walking from behind their hiding spot with awe written all over their faces.

Naruto was looking at the army of him, utterly delighted but also gobsmacked.

"Congratulations, Naruto," I smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You have an army of you."

"How does he have the chakra for this?" Nichiren asked quietly.

"Who cares?" I replied with a smile. "He just does."

"I can't believe it," Naruto looked at them before he started jumping up and down and celebrating. "I did it! I did it! I've got an army of me!"

"They're also pretty good at training," I replied with a shrug. "At least that's my understanding of it."

"Oh yeah! I did it! I did it!" Naruto said, fist-pumping and celebrating.

"Naruto, did you catch what I said?" I asked with a frown.

"Yeah, they're good for training!" Naruto smiled. "That just doesn't work for you because training doesn't work for you…except for the guitar, I guess."

"Yes," I replied with a deadpan look. "That's exactly right. If anyone else tries this, they'd die. You just have a crap ton of chakra. For some reason."

"Wait, did you try this jutsu?" Naruto immediately frowned and the clearing went quiet.

…wow, I've got hundreds of pairs of eyes judging me all at once. "Yeah, but I knew it wouldn't kill me."

"Whew," Naruto wiped his brow. "So, you're going to use it more, right?"

Oh, come on, really? "No…I knew it wouldn't kill me, but I don't have a chakra to use it."

Naruto blinked and folded his arms. Whispers were going throughout the whole clearing. "How bad was it?"

…. man, really? "Half-dead."

"Oh, come on!" Naruto shouted, sending the clearing into outrage. "That does it, since I have clones now, I'm going to have one follow you around the clock to stop you from doing stupid, suicidal things."

"Please don't," I replied, with a flat look.

"No, please do," Hisako nodded. "We like him alive."

"I wasn't going to die," I whined…I'm not proud to admit it, but that's what it was. "And I healed up pretty fast anyway."

"I don't know, Senpai, using a jutsu that renders you half dead doesn't strike me as 'I knew I wasn't going to die'," Sasuke chimed in. "More like 'I'm not sure it'll kill me but I'm willing to take a gamble'."

"You're one to talk," I grumbled.

"I haven't gone to suicidal lengths for power," Sasuke still looked uncomfortable as he backed off.

"…do you have any other ideas for jutsu's that'll harm you?" Nichiren asked.

"…I had thought up a couple suicide jutsu," I replied with a frown. "Not to use, though. Just for theoretical exercises."

Nichiren face palmed.

"What? I've never actually done them," I said, cursing my tendency to put my foot in my mouth. "Never going too, either."

"Never going to do a suicide technique," Sakura frowned. "You promise?"

I sighed. "Yes, I promise. I'm not suicidal, I just like power."

Quest Complete: Chasing Shadows.

+2400 EXP.

295 more EXP until level 19…hold on.

…rat, dog, dragon…

I created a ball of water that flew toward a tree and hit it with enough force to bring the tree down and the clones with it.

+300 EXP.

"Hey!" Naruto frowned, pointing at me…oh yeah, memories from the previous clones. Glad he's noticed that now. "What was that for?"

"Power spike," I answered.


Level up! Level 19.

Ten points into Ninjutsu, bringing it up to 80, Ten Points into Medicine, bringing it up to 60 and three points into Ranged Weaponry on the off chance that my Pistol uses the skill for how good I can hit, bringing it up to 35.


Over in the Hokage's tower, Hiruzen took a puff of smoke from his pipe as he watched events occur on his crystal ball.

"So, he does know."

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