Chapter 62: Chapter 17: A Plot Revealed (2)
Four days after the attempted coup of the Northern Kingdom of Westeros, Warden of the North Lord Eddard Stark found himself once more forced behind his desk was, he worked tirelessly trying to return Winterfell to some semblance of normality. A task that he found infinitely harder as with the death of Vayon Poole, he found himself without a Steward. And without his Cat, he was without a Lady of Winterfell. Which meant that the workload that would normally be shared amongst three was now resting fully on his shoulders. His children had been trying to help where they could, but they were still but children with Robb and Jon being the eldest at three-and-ten. Jon aided where he could with the guards while Robb tried to handle some of the more mundane Lordly activities and Sansa was doing what she could as a pseudo Lady of Winterfell. But their contributions were unfortunately minimal compared to everything that needed to be done. And unfortunately, he couldn't ask for Nox's help either as his friend was alternating between his ongoing questioning of the rebellious nobles and some odd project that he wouldn't speak of to anyone. Not even his own wife.
'I was at least fortunate that I was able to pull him away from whatever it is he is working on to attend the gathering of the Northern Lords this morning,' he thought, signing off a request for reimbursement from one of the establishments of Winter Town as he reflected on the talks he'd had with his bannermen right after the morning meal.
The first topic of discussion was the one that everyone in the North wanted to know about. Just who, if anyone else, was responsible for the tragedy that befell Winterfell during Nox's wedding celebration. No one was surprised by the Lords and Ladies that Ned named off, after all they were quite literally caught with the daggers in their hands. But when he'd revealed that the true mind behind the plot were the maesters of the Citadel, well, suffice to say the North and her people had never taken an insult on this scale laying down. Almost every highborn in attendance started demanding for the immediate execution of every maester in the North, as well as a march south to route the grey-rats out of their tower and string them up like the traitors they were. Fortunately, Ned had been able to quell their anger, at least for the moment, by vowing to his bannermen that they would be heading south as soon as they could reach Torrhen's Square. And they would be bringing the wrath of the North with them and delivering it upon the maesters who were responsible for the attack.
That had perhaps been the easiest of the topics that'd been discussed that morning. The next was a joint telling by himself and Nox, and it revolved around the threat amassing north of the Wall. He and Nox had held nothing back from the Lords of the North. They told them everything; from Nox's vision to the impending march of the long-forgotten Others. Naturally, few of his Lords believed them at the start. Hells, he was even still trying to wrap his mind around the idea that a creature from legend was still alive and coming to end all life as they knew it. But he had faith in Nox. Faith that his friend, who had yet to show himself false or try to lead him astray, was not lying through his teeth. And it wasn't just his faith in Nox that had him convinced. There was something in his friend's voice whenever he talked about the Others that Ned never heard from him at any other time. Fear. Genuine, yet will hidden, fear. His friend, the Northern Sorcerer and the Stranger Incarnate, was fearful of what was coming. And that, more than anything, convinced Ned that Nox was telling the truth.
It took till nearly midday, but eventually he and Nox were able to at least get his bannermen around to the idea that they needed to keep their eyes trained on North of the Wall. He wouldn't delude himself into thinking that he had managed to truly convince them of the threat that was coming. No, that wouldn't happen until the day came that he could provide actual physical proof of the Others existence. But at least he had planted the idea of the Others returning into their heads.
Unfortunately, that was the easier part of the talks he'd had with his bannerman this morning. The second announcement he'd made that morning dealt with the fact that, because of their growing threat and the possibility of the Others approaching, that he intended to treat with the Wildlings and the King-Beyond-The-Wall. To say that that went over well was akin to saying that the Mountain-Who-Rides was a decent, law-abiding Knight of the realm. The uproar that'd broken out after he revealed his intentions was such that he was sure that those in Winter Town could hear his bannerman. It'd taken a combination of Ned shouting, Winter howling and Nox setting off some sort of sightless explosion inside the hall to get his bannerman under control once more.
Once his bannerman were finally under control, Ned had laid out the reasoning for why he was willing to treat with the Wildlings. He had no intention of allowing the Wildlings south of the Wall and had reiterated that only those who were sworn to House Stark and the North would be allowed south of the Wall when they returned. But he also stressed the fact that legends spoke of the Others, in particular the White Walkers, being able to raise the dead to create their army of Wights. He then posed a simple question to his bannermen. Would they rather face a hundred thousand strong freshly turned Wilding corpses on the field of battle? Or would they prefer those hundred thousand fighting side by side against the onslaught of the dead. Thankfully, that thought had quelled the dissenters, or at least given them something to think about. So, while his bannerman were not pleased with him going North to treat with the King-Beyond-the-Wall, the fear of what could be made them hold their tongue for now.
Mercifully, by midday his talks with his bannermen were done. But that was just the start of his day. After dismissing his bannerman he was then faced with his task of the day which, while not as draining as the talks had been, were certainly taxing. And that was rewarding those amongst the small folk who had contributed in the aid of Winterfell either during the actual coup attempt, or afterwards in the recovery efforts. In truth, he remembered very little of what transpired over the next few hours as he handed out rewards and boons to those who'd earned it. The only individual who'd truly stood out to Ned, though he couldn't figure out just why, was the bard who'd been responsible for knocking Lord Ludd unconscious and had also apparently saved Robb and himself from another crossbow bolt earlier in the scuffle. When asked what reward he wished for, the man replied that Ned had already given him more than enough, though he wouldn't elaborate further on just what he meant. In the end, he'd all but forced a Valyrian steel dagger into the bard's hands in recognition of his services to House Stark and the North.
"Lord Stark, Lady Nox is here to see you milord," the guard stationed just outside his door announced through the closed door.
"Send her in," Ned replied, dripping hot wax onto a letter that would soon be sent to Kings Landing and pressing the sigil of House Stark onto it.
Hearing the door open, Ned briefly looked up as the newly named Lady Nox entered his solar. Despite not having been born as a daughter or a serving girl with no noble family, she carried herself with the air of a refined noble woman that demanded respect and attention. Both of which she had earned through years of hard work; first as a chambermaid and then later as Nox's right-hand woman and now as his wife.
"Have a seat, Lady Nox," he said, motioning for her to take the seat directly across from him.
It was a testament to both Nox's and his own daughter's unprecedented ability to heal another that Lady Nox could move as well as she was considering that she had not only been run through a few days' past, but she had also given birth.
"Thank you, Lord Stark," Lady Nox said as she gently took the seat across from him.
Setting aside the scroll he'd just finished sealing, he gave Nyra his full attention. "I would ask how you are holding up Nyra, but that would be an insulting question, I think."
Nyra was keeping a strong face, but he could see and feel the pain hiding beneath the surface. "I – Thank you, my Lord. I – I suppose asking you the same question would be insulting as well, my Lord."
Sighing, Ned slowly nodded. "Aye. The pain…It will take some time to pass, if it ever does. Cat has been a constant in my life since the Rebellion. Her absence…It will be difficult to manage. And Rickon – no parent should ever have to bury their child my Lady."
"If – If there is anything I can do to help, my Lord, I'm willing. No, not just willing. I need to help." Nyra said, her grief disappearing slightly as a strength he often saw in Cat shown through.
"Actually, Nyra, that is exactly why I asked to speak with you today," he said, reaching into his desk and pulling out a folded-up piece of cloth. "I wish I could give you the time to grieve your loss, Nyra. I truly wish I could. But you are now a Lady of House Nox. And I – I need your help. I have lost my wife, the Lady of Winterfell, and my Steward of Winterfell, Vayon Poole. My children are doing what they can to help, but they are still but children."
Opening the cloth, he revealed a golden pin in the shape of a howling wolf. "Lady Nyra Nox, in the wake of Vayon Poole's death, I would have you take up the mantle of Stewardess of Winterfell and aid both myself and my children in the ruling of Winterfell and the North."
The former serving girl turned Lady, soon to be a Lady of a Great House should Nox continue down the path he was, stared speechlessly at the gilded pin laying between the two of them. "Lord Stark…" Nyra breathed, her eyes locked on the pin. "I – I don't know…I'm honored – but –"
"You should know the Northern saying better than anyone, Nyra. That everything before the word 'but' is horse shit." Ned replied not unkindly as he gave the girl what he hoped was a warm smile. "I know that your place is with your husband, Nox. And I am not fool enough to think that Nox will stay here in Winterfell one moment past the time when he feels he has completed what he set out to do. For all that he has done, not only for the North but for the Realm as a whole, he more than anyone deserves to be a landed Lord. Perhaps even on par with the other Great Houses, if you ask me. In fact, I plan on writing to the King personally and requesting that House Nox be elevated in the nobility and I plan on granting your House Moat Cailin and all the surrounding lands. And because of this, I know that once Moat Cailin is repaired and habitable once more, the two of you will leave. So, while I ask you now to be my stewardess to aid myself and my children, I also do so with the knowledge that it will be on a temporary basis. But recent events have shaken me greatly. I need someone I can trust completely and know can do this job well. And that is you, Nyra. Now, will you take up the duties of the Stewardess of Winterfell? Or shall I have to ask another, far less qualified individual?"
Despite everything that'd happened, Ned was able to find some amount of amusement in the rather impressive imitation of a fish that the newly made Lady of House Nox was making towards him. "Well, I – I suppose I cannot say 'no' then, my Lord," she finally managed to say after taking several deep calming breaths. "I accept the duties of Stewardess of Winterfell Lord Stark. I swear on the old gods and – and on my son. I shall not fail you or the North."
"I know you won't, Nyra," he responded, giving the woman what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he felt a slight bit of the burden that'd been placed on his shoulders lift with the knowledge that he would be getting help. "And, when we are in private, you have my permission to call me Ned."
Nyra's eyes widened almost comically as her jaw dropped. "I – I don't think I could ever call you by – by your name, Lord Stark."
"Why?" Ned asked, finding a slight bit of amusement in playing with Lady Nox. Though where his amusement was coming from, he would never know. He blamed his childhood with Robert and recently Nox for this. Those two, as different as they were, seemed to find great enjoyment in bending what was considered proper and making others squeamish. "I doubt you call your husband by 'Lord Nox'. Try it. A simple word. Ned."
Licking her lips, Nyra looked around as if trying to see if anyone was in the room with them. "If – If that is what you wish…Ned."
"Good," Ned nodded, leafing through the papers on his desk trying to figure out just where he had left off before she'd come in. "I suggest that you take the rest of the day familiarizing yourself with your new position, Nyra. As good of a Steward as he was, I am afraid that Vayon was not the most organized of people."
"I am sure that I will manage…Ned." Nyra replied slowly, still clearly uncertain about using his name so easily. "There is one thing that I would ask, though."
"Name it," Ned replied without hesitation.
"I ask that you allow me to instruct Jayne personally. And, if she should prove herself worthy, that she would be my replacement as Stewardess of Winterfell."
The request was not one that he'd been expecting, and he wasn't entirely sure just how to respond to it. He'd been planning on taking wardship of Jayne now that she was an orphan and finding a place for her either with Sansa or here in Winterfell. But to set her up to become the next Stewardess of Winterfell? The people, and most importantly those seeking advancement, could accept Nyra's elevation to the position not only because of just who her Lord husband was, but also because she'd spent years making a name for herself as Nox's right hand well before she became his lover and wife. There was a possibility that Jayne could follow the same path. But it was not one easily walked. And it would be a path made significantly harder due to her being a woman. But, on the other hand, it would give the girl purpose and potentially relieve Ned of yet another task of finding a place for the young girl in either his House, or his Sansa's future House wherever she ended up.
"Very well," he said. "Should she wish it, Jayne will learn directly from you. And when the time comes that you must abdicate your position to follow Nox, then I will make my decision on whether she is capable of taking up her father's former position as the Steward of Winterfell."
"Thank you, Lord Stark," Lady Nox said, reverting to his title as she rose to her feet and picked the pin up off the desk. "If there is nothing else you need of me, my Lord, then I would see to my new position and get to work."
"Of course, Lady Nox," Ned replied, rising to his feet and bowing his head. "I thank you for taking on this responsibility given recent events. And should you need my aid, ask and I will do what I can."
"Thank you, Lord Stark," Lady Nox bowed back. "I will see you on the morrow for the trials. Good day, my Lord."
Seeing Lady Nox out of his solar, Ned was just barely able to sit back down at his seat before the guards once again announced a visitor. "Milord, the wild – Osha…is here to see you."
"Send her in," Ned replied loudly, trying to find where he was in the piles of paper before him.
"Ya wished to see me…Lord wolf?" The former Wildling woman said the moment the door closed behind her, leaving only the two of them together.
"Aye," Ned nodded, pushing himself away from his desk as he realized that he would not be getting any of the work on his desk done anytime soon. "I heard that you played a significant part during the attack in not only protecting my daughter, but in also protecting some of the servants of Winterfell as well."
Osha merely shrugged. "Was more protecting me-self at first Wolf Lord. I was a spear wife north of the Wall, and I wasn't about to let no man touch me or kill me without a fight. And truth be told, those bastards talked big but didn't fight worth shit. After I killed 'em, I was gonna stay put until the fightin was over. But then I heard ye daughter's scream. Though probably all this castle heard that scream. And I went runnin to find out what it was. It just be merely chance that I found the young little wolf and the Sorcerer's woman. Plus, it wasn't right what those fuckers did. Breakin the laws of the gods like that…and you kneelers call us Free Folk monsters. Well, we ain't never attack one another in violation of the laws of the gods."
'At least she's honest,' he thought before saying out loud. "Regardless, you have done House Stark, House Nox, and Winterfell a great service during the attack. And after consideration, I feel that your talents are wasted down in the kitchens. A feeling that my daughter Sansa shares. As such, I would name you as my daughter's sworn sword."
The wilding woman just blinked dumbly at him. "'Sworn sword'?" she questioned. "What the fuck is that?"
"It would mean that you would be free from the kitchens for a start," Ned answered, folding his hands under his chin as he observed the woman. "But you would be responsible for my daughter's protection. Should anyone attempt to harm her, you would be expected to deal with that person."
It might've been a trick of the light, but he could've sworn he saw a smile forming on the woman's face. "So, if I become this 'sworn sword' person, then I can not only get out of the kitchens, but I get to fight again?"
"Aye," Ned nodded. "Of course, I expect the best of those assigned to my family, especially now. So, you will be required to attend the same lessons that my children are undergoing under the watchful eye of Lord Nox."
Osha's eyes went almost impossibly wide. "I – I get to learn from the Sorcerer?"
"Aye. Though it is unlikely that you will be able to utilize his magic at all. If you had any aptitude for it, he would've mentioned it and you would already be learning from him. But still, even without his magic, he is still the best blade in the North, perhaps even all of Westeros and beyond. You will be expected to learn everything you can from him so that you will be able to better protect my daughter from harm."
This time, Ned knew it wasn't a trick of the light as Osha's grin threatened to split her face in two. "I get out of the kitchens, get to fight, and learn from the fucking Sorcerer himself? I'll be your daughter's sworn sword. And I won't let another sick bastard like that pretty fuck Cobor, Crabey…whatever the fuck his name is, near her again. I swear it on the gods of the North."
Taking her oath, Ned got up from his seat and went to the far side of his solar where several Valyrian steel swords were laid out in a row. Picking up what he considered the strangest weapon, Ned carefully looked over the weapon. The sword-spear had a blade much like a sword that was nearly a man's arm in length but only half a hand in width. And the hilt, bound in woven fabric and animal hide, was as long as the blade. Walking back over to Osha, he hesitated for a moment. On some level, he still could not quite believe what he was about to hand over to a Wilding. "If you are going to be protecting my daughter, then I will ensure that you have the best to do so."
The former Wilding's eyes went even wider as she stared at the blade. With an almost agonizing slowness, Osha reached out and took the weapon from him, turning it around in her hands to get a feel for it. "This…I ain't ever seen a spear like this," she remarked, her attention solely on the blade in her hands.
"It's Valyrian steel. Special magic steel made by the Dragon Lords of Valyria. The technique of which to create was lost when Valyria fell," Ned explained, taking a step back as Osha continued her examination of the sword-spear.
"Well, you certainly know how to make sure your offer can't be refused, Wolf Lord," Osha smiled, sheathing the blade and holding it off to her side. "So, where be your daughter? Can't be protectin her if I don't know where she is."
'Good. She's taking this seriously.' "At the moment, she is resting in her chambers," Ned informed Osha. "I will have the servants set a room for you near the family wing so that you can be nearby whenever she may have need of you."
"Right," Osha nodded as she began shifting her feet. "Well…Is there more? Or can I go teach those green boys ya got trainin in the yard what it truly means to fight?"
"No, that was all. You are free to go to the yard if you so wish. But once my daughter is up and about, you will be expected to be by her side."
"Right, right, I won't let nothin happen to the little wolf lady, Wolf Lord." Osha bowed once before all but bolting out of his solar and leaving him alone once more.
Shaking his head, Ned resumed his spot behind his desk and flipped through the papers on his desk once more. 'Naming Nyra to the position of Stewardess was the correct thing to do. But naming Osha as Sansa's sworn sword…a Wildling guarding the daughter of House Stark…gods…I can't help but think I've just created another headache for myself. But, knowing my daughter as I do, she won't let Osha's more rough edges remain for long. Though I can't see that woman sitting through etiquette lessons. But given her reaction to what will be expected of her, I expect that she will fight like the hells themselves not to go back to the kitchens. I guess, if nothing else, it will be interesting to watch who breaks first. Sansa or Osha.'
"Milord," his guard called out once more just as Ned was about to pull over another sheet of paper.
'Gods…now what?' "Yes?"
"Your brother, Benjen Stark of the Night's Watch is, umm, well, he's standing right –"
"Let him in, now." Ned ordered, rising to his feet. The last raven he'd received from his brother he mentioned that if he was able, he'd try and make it down from the Wall for Robb's name-day celebration. But with everything that'd happened, he'd honestly forgotten about his brother's potential arrival.
Before Ned had even managed to get to his feet the door was already opening, and his brother was all but running in. "Ned, gods what the in the name of the gods happened he—?"
Benjen's words were cut off as Ned grabbed his brother and pulled him in tight. "Ben…gods…It–It's good to see you, brother."
Benjen returned the embrace with more than a slight awkwardness. "It's good to see you too, brother," Ben said as the two pulled back from one another. "What happened here Ned? Was Winterfell attacked? Is everyone okay?"
Catelyn's and Rickon's face flashed before his eyes as a heavy weight returned once more upon his soul. "It – There was an attempted coup, brother. Led by Roose Bolton and supported by the Dustins, Ryswells, and Whitehills. Cat…and Rickon, they – they're with the gods now."
Ned watched as anger and sorrow washed over his younger brother's face. "Gods, Ned. I'm so sorry. If only I'd gotten here sooner, then–"
"Then there is a chance that you might've been amongst the dead as well, brother," Ned countered, not wanting to let his brother berate himself for something he'd had no control over. "This – plot – There was and is far more to it that just a few Lords trying to seize power."
A hardened look entered Ben's eyes. "Tell me everything, brother. I might be a man of the Night's Watch now. But I am still a Stark of Winterfell and a wolf at heart."
Turning around, Ned ignored his desk and made his way to the infrequently used wine cups. "This…will not be an easy nor a quick talk, brother," he said, pouring a glass for himself and his brother before returning.
"I'm not going anywhere any time soon, brother," Ben replied, taking the offered cup. "Let's hear it out, Ned."
Sitting along the edges of the great hall of Winterfell, Nox sat quietly next to his wife Nyra along with his Apprentice Jon and the rest of the Stark children as they all watched the prisoners being brought into the hall while Ned, Lord Royce, and Ser Brandon Tully sat at the front of the hall waiting to act as judges for the accused. As they were marched in, whispers began running through the hall as everyone took in the clearly damaged state of the prisoners. Curtesy of their time spent under Nox's questioning.
"Gods, Master," Jon breathed as some of the prisoners had to be dragged into the hall as they were unable to even walk upright anymore. "Was this…necessary?"
"It's no less than they deserve," his wife almost snapped at the young lad, making Jon flinch.
Taking hold of Nyra's hand, Nox gently squeezed, trying to give her what strength he could as he turned his attention on Jon. Sensing his attention now on him, Jon wisely kept his mouth shut. 'He has come a long way, but he is still soft,' Nox thought with a frown as the ringleaders of the attempted coup were brought to the front of the hall and forced onto their knees before the three judges. 'He can kill when he needs to. But causing pain to another is something he still avoids. A weakness that others will try to exploit in the future. The next time I need to question someone I will have to bring him and Robb with me to observe and participate. Ideally, one should not revel in the opportunity to cause pain to an individual. But a Sith cannot be squeamish about such things.'
"Roose Bolton. Barbrey Dustin. Ludd Whitehill. Rodrik Ryswell. Harwood Stout. Lyn Corbray." Ned began, listing off their names while neglecting to mention their titles. As clear a sign as to what the outcome of this 'trial' would be to any who cared to notice. "You six stand accused of attempting to assassinate myself and the entirety of House Stark, as well as the assassination of House Nox, in order to usurp control of the North. Not only were you all caught in the act, but under questioning you all admitted your guilt."
From his kneeling position, Rodrik Ryswell scoffed before spitting on the ground. "Is there a fucking point to this Stark? Your pet has already told you everything we told him. Just get this farce over with."
"Watch your tongue, Ryswell," Ser Tully growled from his spot next to Ned.
"Or what? I'll lose it? Ha! What a fucking joke, you southern twit!" Rodrik laughed.
The Blackfish made to get out of his chair, only to be stopped as Ned held out his hand to block his path. "Your guilt is undeniable. But, unlike you lot, House Stark will maintain its honor and reverence to the laws of gods and men."
"Honor? Ha, another jest, Stark," Barbrey Dustin said, shaking her head. "You Starks are now nothing more than common dogs parading as wolves. You long ago traded your 'Northern honor' for southern cunts!"
The hall erupted as nearly all of those who were watching the trial shot to their feet and began hurling insults and accusations at the kneeling conspirators.
"ENOUGH!" Ned shouted. With his voice being empowered by the Force, it brought about an immediate end to the other voices in the hall. "You have not been brought here today so that insults can be traded. This is your last and only chance to explain yourselves before myself, the people of the North, and the gods. If you have anything to say in your defense, speak now. Or our verdict will be rendered."
None of the kneeling Lords or Lady said anything for a moment.
"If you are expecting us to beg, Stark, then you are sadly mistaken," Roose Bolton said calmly, his aura never wavering even with his death looming over his head. "We knew full well what we were doing. And we all knew the cost of failure. The Starks have ruled the North for far too long, change was needed. We took the opportunity that was given to us. And our only regret is that we failed to succeed. Render your verdict and end our lives. But know that our deaths will not be the end. We are just a few of many who wish to see House Stark brought low. You will never know a day of peace."
Nox had to hand it to the man. As far as last words went, they were some of the better ones he'd heard. And what was even more impressive was the fact that Roose was able to say them with complete calm and certainty. There wasn't even a fluttering in his aura to betray him. The man had no remorse whatsoever for his actions. And, honestly, Nox could respect that strength from him. All too often, Nox had seen men and women in his same position crumble into blubbering, hysterical messes as they tried to beg for their lives. It was fairly refreshing to see a man who knew he was defeated and about to die still be able to face his death head on without fear.
Leaning back, Ned gave the kneeling man a hard look. "Very well. Lord Royce, your verdict."
"Guilty, Lord Stark," the lord from the Vale answered without hesitation.
"Ser Brynden Tully. Your verdict."
"Guilty!" The uncle to the late Lady Stark responded almost before Ned could even finish speaking.
"And I, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, Warden of the North, do hereby find you six guilty of attempted sedition and assassination of no less than two noble houses of Westeros. The penalty is death, to be carried out tomorrow at sundown. Guards, take them away and bring forth the next of the accused."
The guards immediately stepped forward and grabbed each of the kneeling former Lords and Lady by their bound arms before forcing them to their feet and then marching them out of the hall. Once the first round of prisoners was gone, the guards started forcing the rest of the prisoners forward and to stand, or kneel, before the three Lords to receive their judgement. While Nox could appreciate the need for Ned to uphold the law, the entire process was incredibly tedious and Nox found his attention wandering further and further as the process dragged on for several hours. More than a few of those that'd been captured had tried to beg for their lives by pleading either ignorance of their actions or by trying to giving some sob story about how they were 'forced' to participate due to their Lord ordering them to do so. Some even tried to buy their freedom by offering that their Houses, or those they were sworn too, would pay a ransom for their return.
Their pleas, sob stories, or offers of ransom might have worked on a few Lords or Ladies, but the Starks were not amongst those that could be so easily swayed. Ned did let each man say his peace, but the result was always the same. The prisoners were given the choice between one of two outcomes. The Black or the block. Unsurprisingly, almost all took the block with only a few exceptions amongst those that were not originally of Westeros.
As the trials began to stretch beyond midday, Nox had pretty much completely stopped paying attention. 'Force…This was so much easier back in the Empire. If someone had tried to pull some shit like this back then, I could simply kill everyone and leave either Imperial Intelligence or someone else to clean up the bodies or deal with the paperwork. I miss that simplicity.'
Hearing a commotion from the crowd, Nox finally started paying attention to the proceedings once more as three young men were dragged into the hall and forced to their knees before Lord Stark. 'Oh? This should be interesting,' Nox thought as he saw through the Force that all three were barely even able to keep themselves upright even a full day after Nox was done questioning them. Unlike many others who bent almost immediately to his questioning, these three held strong in their conviction that they had not truly committed a crime, but rather a service to the North.
"Roger Ryswell. Rickard Ryswell. Roose Ryswell, sons of Rodrik Ryswell, you three have been brought before us today accused of crimes against the North," Ned said loudly and clearly, letting the entirety of the hall know just who was kneeling before him. "Under questioning by Lord Nox, you three have admitted to the rape and murder of Septa Mordane as well as the destruction of the Sept that had been constructed for Lady Stark's personal use. Do you three have anything to say in your defense before you are judged here today?"
"Crimes against the North?" the eldest son, Roger Ryswell, growled as he spat upon the floor. "The only one here who has committed crimes against the North here is you, Stark! For thousands of years, we have repelled the Andals and their false gods from the North! We kept to the true gods of Westeros! Yet, you, a man who has never even been fully of the North, spat upon our people and your own ancestors when you ordered the creation of that accursed Sept in the middle of Winterfell! The heart of the North and seat of the true gods! All because you didn't want to upset your cunt of a southern wife!"
Jumping out of his seat, the Blackfish glared down at the three kneeling men. "Have a care how you speak! That is – was – my niece and the Lady Stark you are disrespecting!"
"Doesn't change the fact she was a cunt that couldn't accept the ways of the North!" Rickard shouted back, coming to his brother's defenses. "Just ask any of the ladies here! They were under constant pressure from 'Lady Stark' to abandon our millennia of tradition and bring Septas into the North to 'properly' raise our daughters! She never gave two shits about even trying to learn the ways of the North and instead expected us to match her! And our weak-willed southern-raised new Lord Stark bent over backwards like a pathetic cuckold to his bitch of a wife!"
The hall exploded in an avalanche of noise as people either came to the defense of Lady Stark or voiced their agreements with what the young Ryswell lad had said. Though, the latter was being drowned out by the former by a wide margin and largely went almost completely unheard save for by Nox who could just barely pick them up with his Force enhanced hearing.
"Silence!" Ned finally yelled at the top of his lungs after several failed attempts to bring order back to the room. Once the noise finally died back down, Ned brought his attention back to the three kneeling before him. "Religious differences do not justify rape and murder. Regardless of whether you believe your actions were in service to the North, or your feelings towards myself and the way I have acted as Lord and Warden of the North. The fact the remains that you brutalized and burned a woman to death in the home of another after receiving guest rites. You have confessed to your crimes both under questioning and here today. Should you have anything else to say, say it. Otherwise, we will hand down our verdict."
"Verdict, ha!" Roger Ryswell laughed. "We all know what you will say. This whole 'trial' is just a farce. And I will not be subject to your whims any longer! I will put my fate in my own hands and demand a trial by combat as is my right by the laws of the gods!"
If he were being honest, Nox was more than a little surprised that it had taken this long for anyone to try and use such a method to escape Ned's judgement. Considering that the perpetrators had literally been caught with the daggers in their hands, it was pretty much the only hope they had of escaping without punishment. Of course, it was akin to a snowball's chance on Tatooine. But it was still a chance. Though, Nox was more than a little curious as just how Ned would proceed from this point.
"That is your right," Ned agreed, his face set. "Will you champion yourself, or name one?"
Roger scoffed, "I'm a true Northerner, Stark! I will champion myself! And we all know just who you will choose as your champion. So, prove your cowardice before the entirety of the North as you name your pet as your champion!"
'So that's his angle,' Nox thought, derisively. 'Even now with his head all but on the block, he's trying to prove to the North that Ned is incapable of ruling these lands like a 'true northerner'. It could've been a good ploy, but at this point it is far too little too late. If they truly wanted to discredit and erode Stark's hold on the North through this route, they should've started years ago by using expendable assets that would fall into this situation. It could've worked. But still, far too little and far too late now to try and convince these people that Ned is not the man for the job of ruling the North.'
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