Songs in the Void: A Multiversal Score

Chapter 139: Welcome to Kuoh

Scattered Cherry Blossoms Universe, Human World, Japan, Kuoh. 


In a relatively normal-sized town in Japan, there was an abnormally large mansion in the upscale area of the town. In that mansion, there were nearly fifty people gathered and waiting for some guests to arrive. 


"I know you proved that you weren't crazy, with Master Scáthach, Rias, and Sona going with you to another world..." The silver-haired vampire, Moka Akashiya, said while scratching the side of her head sheepishly. "But it's still hard to believe that we're going to have guests from beyond the Dimensional Gap, you know?" 


"Yeah, I'm a little worried about that, too." James replied while smiling wryly. "Let's just hope that Aislynn... I mean Great Red won't kill them upon arrival." 


"Baka Red." The Infinite Dragon God, Ophis, a short, petite, and extremely cute black-haired girl with grey eyes and an expressionless face wearing a gothic-style dress, corrected monotonously. 


"Yes... Yes..." James replied while shaking his head. 


"It still sounds impossible to me." A young man with blue hair and red eyes said while crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I mean, I know Master went with you on this so-called trip to another world, but I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to trick her, too." 


"That's enough, Setanta." A young woman with long, straight black hair that reached her knees, with split bangs, and heterochromatic eyes, her left being violet and her right light brown, wearing glasses said, sounding as if she were trying to warn the young man standing next to her. 


The young man in question was one of the [Knights] from James' first peerage, Cú Chulainn. Or Setanta as the young woman calls him, A spiritual reincarnation of Ireland's Son of Light, as well as a Reincarnated Devil, and because of all the times James has made fun of him and pulled pranks on him over the years they've known each other, he's trying his best to discredit James. Though, that was not because of any kind of malice. Instead, it was because they were best friends and Cú Chulainn just wanted to get him back for once. 


"Tsubaki, are you taking his side, too?" Cú Chulainn asked in a dumbfounded tone. 


"But my [King], Sona, also went with him to the other world." The black-haired young woman, Shinra Tsubaki, replied while shaking her head. "Besides, I'm just worried about---" 




"Gahh~~~~~!" Cú Chulainn groaned as the air was forced out of his lungs after he was struck in the diaphragm by the butt of a crimson red spear. 


"Are you doubting this Scáthach's words, my foolish disciple?" Scáthach asked in a cold tone. 


"Well, I was worried about that." Tsubaki said while rubbing the space between her eyebrows in exasperation. 


"Anyway, how many people are coming, James, Sweetie?" A tall, mocha-skinned woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail, James' mother, Leona, James' mother, Leona Alaverus, asked while holding an infant who was only about six months old in her arms. 


"Hold on, let me check." James replied while taking his smartphone out of his pocket and looking at the [Dimensional Chat] logs. "From what I remember, Alfonzo, Sumire, and Elicia wouldn't be coming." 


James then stopped to read the [Chat] for a few moments. 


"Yeah, they aren't coming." James reaffirmed. "Neither is Akatsuki. So, it should just be Tatsuo, Aletia, Shea, and Tio. But I'm not sure if Shea is coming. Aletia didn't borrow any Coins from Tatsuo, after all.' 


"If I had to guess, she never intended to." Sona said while adjusting her glasses. "I mean, she seems pretty possessive of Tatsuo. Kinda like How Rias used to be when it came to you." 


"Oh, my Satan!" Rias shouted in annoyance. "Do we always have to talk about how I was back then? I've changed, you know?" 


"Have you?" Sona asked skeptically. 


That question started the two longtime friends on one of their many arguments. And since this was such a common sight, almost no one paid them any mind. 


"Otou-San." A cute, about thirteen year old girl with golden blonde hair, golden eyes, a pair of fox ears on the top of her head, and nine fluffy fox tails poking out from her back said while pulling James' sleeve. "What are your friends from the other worlds like? Are they nice like Shizuku-Nee?" 


Hearing the little Fox Yōkai's question, James put his phone down. Then, he patted the girl on the head between her ears, causing the girl to squint her eyes in pleasure. 


"Well, Tatsuo's not a bad guy." James said, drawing the attention of everyone in the mansion's living room. "He had a pretty tragic past from what I've heard. But despite all that, he tries to be a good person." 


"What kind of tragic past?" Leona asked while narrowing her eyes. "You know I don't like to hear about kids suffering."


"Yeah, that's why she agreed to take so many of us in back then." Jaes' [Bishop], Mizore, a Devil reincarnated from a Yuki-Onna, said cheerfully.


"Well, he was kidnapped when he was six and trained to be a human weapon for eight years while being drugged and mentally conditioned all the while." James explained. 


Hearing that, the six mothers in the room Leona, Venelana Gremory, Rias' mother, a woman who was a little taller than average with shoulder length flaxen hair, violet eyes, and an explosive figure similar to her daughter, Rhea Sitri, Sona's mother, a beautiful woman with black hair styled into a bun, violet eyes, and a gracefully feminine figure, Yasaka, mother to the little fox girl, Kunou, a tall woman with long golden blonde hair, golden eyes, an even more explosive figure than either Venelana or Rias, and fox ears and nine tails like her daughter, Irene Belserion, mother of one of James' [Knights],the [Queen] of James second peerage, a tall woman with long scarlet red hair styled into four braids with two falling behind her back and two falling over her shoulders, an explosively voluptuous figure, and wearing revealing witch's clothing with a fur-brimmed, black pointy hat, and Grayfia, whose child was not present, a tall woman with long silver hair and red eyes with a voluptuous figure and wearing a blue French maid uniform, narrowed their eyes with anger smoldering in their depths while imagining any of their own children ending up in a situation like the one James just described. 


"Hmm... maybe not easing them into Tatsuo's past was a bad idea." James muttered while scratching his head. "Oh well, Tatsuo can deal with that when he gets here." 


"So, when are these kids going to get here?" A short woman with pink hair and brown eyes wearing a martial artists attire asked while sitting in front of the television and playing a fighting game. 


"Well, technically, the only one who is coming that you could consider a kid is Tatsuo." James pointed out. "I know better than to get into a woman's age, though. So, I won't tell you how old the girls are. But they're definitely both older than you, Master Genkai." 


Hearing that, the woman, who did not look a day over twenty-three, but was actually in her late fifties, raised an eyebrow in surprise. Still, that information was not enough to tear her attention away from the game she was playing. 


"By the way, James-Senpai, are the girls coming with that friend of yours hot?" A young man with short, spiky brown hair and hazel eyes asked with a perverted smile on his face. "Ow~~~~~! Asia! Asia-San! Asia-Sama! please stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" 


Yet, before the young man could continue with his perverted line of questioning, a young blond woman with green eyes and wearing a nun's habit, Asia Argento, pinched the soft flesh on his side and started twisting with her supernatural strength, causing the young man, Hyoudou Issei, to cry out in pain. 


"Perverted Idiot." A short girl with short white hair, golden eyes, a pair of cat ears on the top of her head, and three white cat tails growing from her back said from her spot on James' lap. 


"Yeah, he's just lucky that Irina wasn't here, too." A girl with blonde hair styled into drill-shaped pig tails and blue eyes added from James' other thigh. "But she got called back up to Heaven for something, right?" 


"Ah! That hurts a lot more than usual." Issei grumbled. "But yeah, Irina is in Heaven with Lord Michael at the moment." 


"Anyway, you should probably chill out with your perversions, Ize." James said with a grin. "Tatsuo is a Half-Dragon. So, he's bound to be really possessive over his girls." 


"Oh, shit..." issei muttered, remembering all the beatings he has received over the years from letting his eyes wander. "So, exactly how strong is he? You know, just so I can prepare myself." 


"Because not being a pervert isn't an option, huh?" Irene asked after putting down a tea cup. "I mean, that would just be too much to ask, wouldn't it?" 


Issei could only look away awkwardly in response to Irene's question. 


In fact, Irene actually did no put any heat behind her words. Unfortunately, Issei was a pervert through and through. So, everyone knew there was very little he could do about his wandering eyes. Even if he had gotten better ever since he started having sex with Asia. In fact, he would probably get even better if he could have sex with Irena, too. But since Irina is an Angel, and she almost falls every time she gets jealous, having sex with issei would definitely cause her to become a Fallen Angel. So, those two have never taken their relationship any further. 


"Well, last time I saw him, he was at the Advanced-Level of the High-Rank." James replied to Issei's question. 


Hearing that, Issei sighed in relief. Even though the new guy would probably want to beat him up, as someone at the Intermediate-Level of the Ultimate-Rank, he would probably be fine. 


"Oh, and I forgot, his draconic heritage has control over space." James added with a devilish smile on his face. "And that means that he can teleport without disrupting space. Trust me, I've seen it. On top of that, he's a trained assassin. So, I'm sure he could figure out how to kill you, or at the very least take a limb or two, if you take things too far, Ize." 


All the relief Issei had just felt seemed to escape him upon hearing James' explanation. 


"*Sigh* It's too bad that Alfonzo couldn't come, though." Rias said, a bit of drool leaking from the corner of her lips at the memory of Alfonzo's cooking. "His food was the best I've ever had." 


Hearing that, the silver-haired maid, Grayfia, as well as another maid, this one with tanned skin, white hair, golden-green colored eyes, a slim yet curvaceous figure, a rabbit tail, rabbit ear-shaped horns, and wearing a modified black French maid uniform with a lot of visible cleavage, a short skirt, and fishnet stockings, snapped to attention. They both then turned to stare at Rias with so much intensity that someone with a weak will would have collapsed to their knees. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for Rias, however, she was too lost in her thoughts to notice. Not that she would have crumbled under their glares either way. 


"Yes, Rias has not been able to stop talking about this Alfonzo's culinary prowess since the day she returned." Rias' mother, Venelana, said with an intrigued smile on her face. "I would also like to meet his wife. The outfits she made for Rias, Sona, Scáthach, and James with that wyvern leather was truly remarkable work." 


"I want to meet her, too." A petite, pink-haired young woman with pink eyes and a pair of narrow white horns growing from her forehead said quietly. "I believe I could learn a lot from her if I could watch her work." 


"I'm sure you'll get the chance, Shuna." James said with a smile. "And I'm sure Lici would be willing to give you any pointers she could, too." 


"That would be nice." Shuna replied with a smile of her own. 


*Flash!* x 3 


The conversation about the friends James made from other worlds continued for a while longer. However, it was abruptly paused when three flashes of light lit up the space behind the sofa where James was sitting with the cat girl, Koneko, and the blonde girl, Ravel on his lap. 


"Oh, there are a lot more people here than I thought there would be." One of the three people who appeared from the flashes, Tatsuo, said while looking around. "A lot mor women than I expected, too." 


Hearing that, the second of the people who appeared from the flashes, Aletia, quickly hugged Tatsuo's arm, showing all the women present that he was taken. Despite the fact that she was not technically his girlfriend yet. 


Meanwhile, the third of the new arrivals, Tio, looked around the room without a word. However, it did not take long for her to lock her eyes on a black-haired young woman with long, straight hair, golden pupils, and wearing a kimono in a way that revealed her shoulders and a large portion of her chest... In fact, if you did not take into account the differences in their heights and the fact that the shorter girl had cat ears and tails... The two would look like they were related. 


"Oh damn... I forgot about Kuroka." James muttered. "They look so much alike, it's kinda scary." 


Yet, Tio's gaze did not stay focused on the black cat girl, Kuroka for too long, as she could feel a gaze locked on her from another direction. And when she followed the gaze to its origin, she found a silver-haired young woman wearing a pair of red framed glasses with a pair of monkey ears on her head staring at her. 


"Damn it all." Tatsuo and James muttered simultaneously when they noticed Tio and the monkey-eared young woman, Sarutobi Ayame, staring at each other. 


And just as Tatsuo and James feared, before long, Tio and Ayame began walking towards each other with steady, yet purposeful steps. Then, when they were within arm's reach of each other, they both reached out their right hands... 




... and grasped each other's hands firmly. 


"You're pretty good." Ayame said in a serious toen. 


"You're not so bad yourself." Tio replied with a smile as she covered the lower half of her face with the hand fan she held in her free hand. "Perhaps we could exchange information at some point during our stay." 


"I wouldn't be opposed to that." Ayame replied. 


Then, as if nothing happened, Tio and Ayame released each other's hands. Then, they returned to where they had been standing before. And while most of those present were confused, as they did not know anything about Tio's personality, Tatsuo, James, Rias, Sona, and Scáthach knew what was on the horizon after those two world-level masochists met. 


"We're gonna have a masochist apocalypse, aren't we?" James asked. 


"Probably." Tatsuo replied in a forlorn tone. "And I just want to say... I'm sorry. I didn't think about their meeting before I got here." 


"No, it's not your fault, Tatsuo." James said in a consoling tone. "I get the feeling that this was inevitable." 


With Tatsuo and James talking about them as if they were ashamed of them, neither Tio nor Ayame could stop themselves from shuddering in pleasure. At the same time, after seeing their reactions, everyone else finally understood what had just happened and why it was such a terrifying development. 

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