Chapter 143: The Bullshit that is Tatsuo’s Existence
Scattered Cherry Blossoms Universe, Dimensional Gap, Team DxD Base.
{[Dimensional Chat]
James: Seriously, it's official
James: Tatsuo is bullshit
Lici: That's not very nice, James
Alfonzo: What did he do this time?
Akatsuki: I bet he's just whining because Tatsuo is better at him than something
James: Although you're not wrong, that doesn't change the fact that Tatsuo is bullshit
James: Oh yeah, and Akatsuki, pay attention to your word order
James: That last message only made sense if someone knew what you wanted to say
Akatsuki: Shut up!
Violet: I'm sure it can't be that bad
Lici: Seriously
Lici: Just calm down
James: You won't think that after hearing this shit}
With that, James went on to tell the [Dimensional Chat] everything that had happened during the day and a half since Tatsuo, Aletia, and Tio arrived. Everything from Aislynn asking to meet Tatsuo, which made sense since he was someone from beyond the Dimensional Gap, to how she decided to overwrite part of reality to make a pseudo-Hyperbolic Time Chamber so Tatsuo could get the most out of his trip to their universe. On top of that, how she was clearly throwing her metaphorical panties at Tatsuo from the moment she met him.
{[Dimensional Gap]
Alfonzo: What do you mean a pseudo-Hyperbolic Time Chamber?
James: It's just what it sounds like
James: It's a space where time dilation is real
James: 8 hours on the inside is only an hour on the outside
James: That kinda shit
Lici: Oh Lord, here we go...
Alfonzo: Damn... How did I never think of doing that?
Alfonzo: The only thing I did was added adjustable gravity settings
Alfonzo: I need to start delving into time magic
Alfonzo: But who do I know that uses time magic?
Akatsuki: he's not serious, is he?
Lici: Oh, he's completely serious
Lici: I promise
Lici: Once Fonzie gets an idea in his head, you can't stop him until he snaps out of it himself
Violet: Wow!
Violet: That's some pretty serious determination
James: Wait!
James: You have gravity control in your training room?
Lici: Oh, yeah
Lici: Fonzie came up with that like...
Lici: Around 4 years ago
Lici: All the training rooms in the guild hall have them, you know
Lici: He's even installed them in all our allied guild's guild hall's, too
Lici: Oh, and the training room in our house has one, too
James: I want one
James: I think...
James: Actually, I'm kinda scared to find out how Master would put it to use in our training
Lici: Yeah, it would probably be kinda dangerous
Lici: But I'm sure Fonzie would install one for you
Lici: For the right price, of course
James: Yeah, the right price
James: What do you even give the richest guy in his world as payment?
Lici: Beats me
Lici: But I'm sure he would come up with something
Akatsuki: Yeah, that's fine and all
Akatsuki: But is that all?
Akatsuki: Because although it sounded somewhat unbelievable
Akatsuki: I wouldn't call Tatsuo-Kun bullshit just because of that
Violet: Yeah
Violet: We all already thought there was much more to Tatsuo-Kun's identity
Violet: So, this probably has something to do with it, right?
James: *Sigh*
James: You're right
James: But that actually wasn't why I was calling him bullshit
James: Anyway, let me get back to the story}
From there, James went on to explain what happened next. How after returning from the Team DxD Base, Scáthach asked Tatsuo, Aletia, and Tio to show her everything they could do so she could create a training schedule for them, to how Tatsuo showed a level of mastery near the peak of humanity with most kinds of cold weapons and firearms, to how he had stolen the hearts of three of the girls living in his house, Kunou, Maria, and Kokoa, without even speaking a word to them.
On a side note, Kokoa did not think that anyone had noticed her instant infatuation with Tatsuo. Yet, just about everyone in the living room when Tatsuo, Aletia, and Tio arrived, noticed. Even Tatsuo and the girls.
Then, James went on to explain about how Tatsuo showed off his ability to master abilities he shouldn't even be able to learn, to how Venelana warned him to not show that ability off to any other Devils, to how they took a break for lunch after that.
{[Dimensional Chat]
Violet: Is he really that good with that many weapons?
Violet: I knew he had some level of training with a lot of weapons
Violet: But that many is unexpected
Akatsuki: How does anyone learn that many weapons before they turn 15?
Akatsuki: That's crazy
James: *Sigh*
James: Unfortunately, I think that has something to do with the fact that the bastards who kidnapped Tatsuo when he was a kid kept him drugged up almost all the time
Akatsuki: What?
Akatsuki: What do you mean drugs?
Lici: Yeah
Lici: According to Tatsuo, when he was in captivity, he was constantly drugged to make sure he would be obedient
Akatsuki: that's outrageous
Violet: It really is
Violet: But Tatsuo-Kun said he doesn't want us to come over and do anything about it
Akatsuki: Why?
Akatsuki: If we all went over there, we could probably root out that organization in a few days
James: I'd probably only take a day if I really tried
Lici: Because he wants to get revenge himself
Akatsuki: That sounds dumb
Lici: If you met him in person, you'd understand
Lici: Especially if you felt him lose control of his emotions
Lici: Mainly his anger
Akatsuki: ...
James: Anyway, enough about that
James: Let me get back to what's been going on since they got here}
James then went on to explain how after lunch, Kunou and Maria rushed to offer Tatsuo a tour of Kuoh. Then, he explained how Aletia looked at them suspiciously while holding Tatsuo's arm possessively, while Tio only stood by and smiled. He then explained how Tatsuo agreed before he, Aletia, Tio, Kunou, Maria, and Kokoa, who inserted herself into the group without saying anything, left the house.
Then, James explained how after they came back a few hours later, Grayfia was just about to start preparing dinner, and Tatsuo asked to observe her. And by the time Tatsuo came out to have dinner with everyone else, he said that his [Cooking Skill] had increased from C- to C, though no one knew exactly how much of an increase that was.
After dinner, James invited Tatsuo to play video games, a few rounds of Dead or Alive 6, with the few gamers living in the house. And although he was pretty good, after watching James, Genkai, and Leona for a few rounds, Tatsuo's skill increased to such an absurd degree that everyone was slightly jealous.
{[Dimensional Chat]
Alfonzo: Wait, you guys were playing DOA 6?
Alfonzo: But isn't his adopted sister Kasumi from the DOA series?
Alfonzo: I mean, he mentioned the fact that Ayane had tracked her down to somewhere in Japan, right?
Alfonzo: Doesn't that mean they're at some point after DOA 2 but before DOA 3?
Lici: Oh, you're finally back
Lici: So, did you figure out how to add time dilation to the training chambers?
Alfonzo: *Sigh* No
Alfonzo: I don't know any time magic
Alfonzo: And the only people I know who do know it are Tear and Sawyer from the Oración Seis
Alfonzo: And I don't think Tear's magic, Arc of Time will help
Alfonzo: Sawyer's, or Racer's, might
Alfonzo: But he's still in prison
Alfonzo: And I really don't wanna go to the prison just to ask him about that
Akatsuki: You really gave that a lot of thought in such a short time
Akatsuki: You think almost as fast as Shiroe
Lici: Just for different reasons
Lici: The Villain in Glasses is a first class schemer
Lici: Speaking of which, has the plan to buy the guild building started yet?
Akatsuki: *Sigh*
Akatsuki: Yes
Akatsuki: We're getting the materials needed for the business venture that will start everything
James: Crescent Moon Burger, right?
James: Honestly, I'm curious to know how Chief Nyanta's maxed out cooking skill would compare to Alfonzo's cooking
Alfonzo: I wouldn't mind a little cooking duel against a supposed master chef, either
Alfonzo: But from what I remember, his cooking doesn't even give food-gasms
Akatsuki: Food-gasm?
Lici: I'll explain that later
Lici: James, are you done with your story?
Lici: Or is there more?
James: *Sigh* There is
James: And I'm watching it right now
James: After we finished playing video games, we all went to bed
James: Then, at about 3 in the morning, Master woke everyone up to start their training
James: And by 4, we were back at the DxD base
Alfonzo: Damn... She starts even earlier than I do
James: We don't usually start this early, actually
James: But Master decided to adjust the schedule while Tatsuo, Aletia, and Tio are here
James: Anyway
James: She then had us all warm up
James: After that, she started us on our energy control exercise
Lici: What kind of exercise do you do for that, BTW
James: Oh, it's a classic
James: Balancing on a spike with one finger coated in whatever energy you use
Alfonzo: Ah, that really is a classic
Alfonzo: A serious throwback
Lici: Yeah
Lici: Yu Yu Hakusho
Lici: *Sigh* That really takes me back
Lici: I still remember watching that on Toonami
Alfonzo: Yeah, those were the good old days
James: Well, Genkai is one of my Pawns
James: But I was using that way before she joined
James: That's been one of Master's go to's for a long time
James: Anyway
James: Back to Tatsuo's bullshit
Alfonzo: O yeah
Alfonzo: What did he do?
James: Instead of jumping right into it like everyone else, he watched everyone for a while
James: Then, after a few minutes, he started balancing on the damn spike like he had been doing it for years
James: And he's still going... 15 fucking hours later!
Violet: What?
Akatsuki: Seriously?
Lici: That's a long time
Alfonzo: If it weren't for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Lite, that would be a whole day of training wasted
Violet: Oh yeah
Akatsuki: Kinda forgot about that
Lici: But if you're in the time dilated space, how are you talking to us so smoothly right now, James?
James: I left the area that Great Red's powers affected
James: I'm watching Tatsuo from just outside the border right now
Alfonzo: Does that mean he out lasted you?
Alfonzo: Sounds like you're a quick shot
James: Never that
James: just ask any of my girls
Akatsuki: Perverts
Lici: Although that's true, they're just 13 year olds on the inside
Lici: At least Fonzie is
Lici: James is a devil, so lust is something that comes with the territory, I guess
James: Exactly
Alfonzo: Lici knows me so well}
And just as James was telling the [Chat], he was wearing his training clothes while watching Tatsuo balance on a spike with a thin layer of [Energy] coating the tip of his finger. AS for what he said about Tatsuo doing the exercise for longer than he did, that was because he only needed to do it for twelve hours. Scáthach just wanted to make sure that no one had digressed in their control.
As for Tatsuo, Aletia, and Tio, they all were required to hold that position for as long as they could. And to James' surprise, both girls managed to hold it for more than twelve hours, as well, with Aletia holding it for just under thirteen hours and Tio holding it for just over fourteen.
However, the only reason Tio could hold the training position for longer than Aletia was because she was physically stronger than the former vampire princess. As far as control went, Aletia completely outstripped Tio. In fact, she was probably as good as any of the best in James' group when it comes to control.
"Yo! James!" The voice of a relatively tall, about 6'4", white-haired, blue-eyed man wearing a red trench coat over a black outfit, shouted, pulling James' attention away from the [Dimensional Chat]. "What the hell is going on? Did we just waist a whole day on control training? I could have taken a job instead of doing this crap. And who the hell are the new guys?"
As he asked his last question, the white-haired man pointed at Tio, Aletia, and Tatsuo, in that order. Then, he turned back to look at James with an irritated, questioning gaze on his face.
"Take it down a notch, Dante." A fair-skinned woman with chin-length black hair, heterochromatic eyes, with her right being bluish-green while her left was red, as well as a scar across the bridge of her nose said harshly. Also, she stood at about 5'8" and wore a white, long-sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a pair of black shorts, and a pair of combat boots. "Instead of interrogating the guy who signs your paychecks, why don't you try asking nicely?"
"Damn it, Lady! Stop fucking hitting---" The white-haired man, Dante, growled. However, when he finished processing what she had to say, he stopped speaking immediately. He then turned back to looked at James with a flattering smile. "Hahaha... Sorry about that, boss."
"Don't worry about it." James said while waving dismissively as he put his smartphone away. "By the way, after the training session was over, I was going to talk to Mom about your debt. So, you should probably come along."
"Oh, come on, Old Buddy, Old Pal." Dante said, quickly throwing his right arm over the younger man's shoulders in a friendly manner. "Why do we always have to talk about money? Don't you know money ruins friendships?"
"Yeah, especially when one party doesn't get the money they're owed." James said in a dry tone.
Dante could only shudder while smiling wryly.
Meanwhile, the black-haired woman, Lady, rolled her eyes.
"But I'm actually curious to know the answer to Dante's earlier questions, too." Lady said. "But unlike this deadbeat, I noticed that even though we were on those spikes for twelve hours, only an hour and a half has actually passed. So, there's definitely some time shenanigans going on here..."
"Wait? Seriously?" Dante asked as he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his smartphone. "Damn... She's right!"
"As curious as I am to know how that's even remotely possible," lady continued while ignoring Dante's shock, "I'm even more curious to know who our guests are. I mean, this place is supposed to be off-limits to everyone other than the leaders of the factions involved with the members and the members themselves, right?
"Normally, you would be right." James said while smiling wryly. "But Great Red wanted them to train here. And I don't know about you, but I don't think telling her no would be such a good idea. Oh, and the time bullshit is her doing, too. Overlapping dreams and reality or something. Honestly, that's about as much as I know about the details on that one."
"Got it." Lady replied with a nod. "So, Great Red is the reason for everything. But who are they?"
"Oh, friends from that [Chat] I've been talking about for the last few months." Tatsuo replied with a shrug. "You know the ones you guys called imaginary."
In response, Lady looked away sheepishly. Meanwhile, Dante shrugged his shoulders uncaringly.
"Well, if either of us had said the same thing, you wouldn't have believed us, either." Dante said nonchalantly.
"Actually, I probably would have." James replied just as nonchalantly.
'Especially since I know I'm a reincarnater. 'On top of that, there are characters from a bunch of anime and games that I know from my past life in this world. So, why the hell couldn't some dimensional chat fan fic bullshit show up here, too?'
"Sure, you would." Dante said in a disbelieving tone.
"Anyway, I'm going back inside." James said, ignoring Dante's retort. "I only came out here to let the members of the [Chat] know what's happened since Tatsuo and the others got here. But It's actually better to rest in the region Great Red set up. You know, since you'll have more time to do so."
"Understood." Lady replied. "Then, I'll go back in, too. In fact, I only came out to make sure this idiot didn't do something he'd regret."
Hearing that, James grinned, he then turned towards the region of time dilation and made his way back inside with Lady following right behind him. Meanwhile, Dante glared at lady for a moment before he eventually shrugged his shoulders and followed the two back into the time dilation region, as well.