Souls Online: Mythic Ascension

Chapter 7: Cruelty of Man

Leo sat in the forest clearing with his arms crossed, praying that no other goblins showed up as he waited for his health to regenerate after drinking the faint pink potion. In front of him were the spoils of his first fight: 4 copper coins, the empty potion bottle and two plank shields. 

'Child… Those two shields shall be the foundation of your strength. Put them in front of us and place your hands on both of them.'

While skeptical, Leo did as he was asked, he moved and placed both of his hands on the shields. All of a sudden, 

'Haha~! Time to feast!' 

The bracelets roared excitedly and before Leo could say anything, his hands turned pitch black interspaced with faint dots. The shields instantly shatter into fragments before being absorbed into his hands as if they were a black hole. Seeing this Leo couldn't help but shout. 

"What the Fuu….MY LOOT?!" Where is it. Where is my loot! What did you do?!"

 Leo glared at his wrists while shaking his arms, making him look like a small child throwing a tantrum trying to get an answer from his so called 'partner' 


Leos eyes froze after hearing the bracelet making a burping noise. His brain seemingly shutting down, unable to comprehend that the useless bracelet ate more than half of the spoils of his first fight. 

"Y-you a-ate it…..?" 

His eyes were swimming and ears twitched while his tail swished in the air annoyed. 

'C-child. Please wait a second. I-I just need a moment…' 

The bracelet was nervous upon sensing just how angry its partners had become.

Leo opened his mouth but he didn't get a chance to say anything before he saw a screen appear before his eyes as a swirling sensation could be felt on his wrists. 

Star Bracelet (N) has attempted to use Sealed skill: [Invocation of Evolution]

Low Grade Materials detected, Skill use granted. Result: Successful

2 Goblin Shields have been consumed. 

Star Bracelet (N) has reached the evolution prerequisites to use [Star Shield Gauntlets] as its base combat form. 

Do you wish to proceed with Evolution? [Y/N]


'Child, you just need to accept it and you will see!'

Leo could tell somehow that despite lacking a proper face, The bracelets were somehow giving off a smug expression.

He sighed as he had no choice but to accept this Evolution. Mentally saying Yes in his mind, the screen disappeared and his bracelets melted into a smooth but sticky silvery gold liquid. 

The liquid began spreading up his forearms and covered his hands, once up to just below his elbows were covered with the mysterious liquid, it began to glow, obscuring its overall shape and bubble like boiling water but Leo didn't feel any heat, instead the experience was pleasant like soaking his arms in lukewarm water. 

After a minute, the glow of the liquid faded to reveal thin but solid gauntlets covering both of his arms. They were extremely light with faint but ornate stars engraved into the metal and due to its structure they did not restrict his arm movement in the middle.

 Leo noticed that there was a curved blade along the outer edge of the gauntlet, with the thickest part being by the wrist. The gauntlets even covered his fingers up to the knuckles but was soft and malleable, allowing him to move his fingers dexterously. He felt a little bit of awe seeing this new form and even the bracelets themselves were eager to show off to him. 

'Child, put your arms together as if you are going to block an attack! Do it quickly!' 

Suppressing a small smile, he did as was requested once more. As if by magic, the gauntlets seemed to melt a bit before fusing together, forming a large shield in front of him. The shape of the gauntlets on both of his hands was actually 2 halves of a massive bladed shield?! 

"That….That's so cool'

Stars seemed to shimmer in Leos eyes at he inadvertently thought the feature was extremely cool. Before he could continue to admire the change, another notification appeared. 

Star Bracelets (N) has evolved to Star Bracelets (R)

Stats Adjusted to fit Upgrade

Sealed Skills have been Partially Unlocked. 

Star Bracelets (R)

A pair of bracelets that have revived a small connection to the stars. Potential for Growth

Innate Skills: Invocation of Evolution (Low)[New!], Bond of the Zodiac (Low, Currently Unavailable)[New!],???,???,???,???,

Bound to Player: Leo

Stat Bonuses: 

Def+ 10


Uprade Status: 0%

Star Bracelets (R) has met the requirements to be named. 

Bonuses will be applied based on Affinity of the name with the nature of the Ego.

'See Child! We ARE Useful. Feel free to shower us in praise' 

Leo had to admit that the bracelets had indeed surprised him as message windows popped up from the upgrade. Yet still he furrowed his brow as he had one more problem he needed to deal with before continuing on this partnership. 

"Yeah yeah. You aren't useless but you and I need to get one thing sorted out. I am NOT a child and I am already sick of you calling me that .How would you feel if I called you [Brat] all the time?". 

His annoyance at the overconfident bracelet was evident but quickly switched to amusement when he saw yet another notification screen

Do you wish to set the Ego name of the Star Bracelets (R) as 'Brat' 


He could feel gauntlet squirm and panic through their mental connection as it quickly replied with a stammer. 

'Ch-child… No Leo! Please don't! We won't call you that anymore! Please! Dont do this. You will destroy our dignity if you name us that! WAHHHH!~'

He hadn't expected it to plead or even cry but he could tell that they were genuinely begging him. If it had a human body, it probably would have been clinging to his leg with tears in his eyes. A wry smile flickered across his face when he pressed No. 

"As long as you understand. You call me by my name and I shall call you by yours okay?" 

'Sniff Sniff okay….' 

Due to its childish behaviour, Leo felt like he was making a deal with a small child and it made him feel guilty that he made it cry. 

"Well in that case, I look forward to working with you. [Astra]," 

'Astra…..? Thats a pretty name….is it really for us?' 

The voice clearly liked the name but was hesitant to accept such a pretty thing after being left neglected in a case for god knows how long. 

Do you wish to set the Ego name of the Star Bracelets (R) as 'Astra' 


"Of course its for you" If what you told me is true, we will be together for a long time. I cant be calling you 'you' all the time right? Besides, a pretty name suits such a pretty weapon~!"

Leo chuckled as he patted a gauntlet covered arm with one hand with a wry smile on his face.

 He could feel a surge of heat course through his mind when he pressed Yes, clearly a sign that he made his companion embarrassed.

Star Bracelets (R) Name has been set as 'Astra'

Compatibility: 100% 

Bonuses Being applied. Please wait…


Leon felt the heat surge through his arms again as Astra squirmed again, the feeling of discomfort being passed through their mental connection. 


Astras sudden scream caught Leo off guard but he quickly noticed the engravings of stars became more pronounced. Leo noticed 12 spherical indents being made on the surface in a perfect circle, 6 holes on each gauntlet with lines criss-crossing, connecting them in various ways. 

Bonuses applied.

Unique Skill: Elemental Conversion (Growth) 

Description: Distinct Elements gathered through the unique abilities of 'Astra' shall allow Player 'Leo' to convert their personal element into chosen element. 

Skill Lvl: 1/??

Usage Limitations: Can Only use (1) Distinct Element at a time. 

Distinct Elements Available: 0 

Cost: N/A

Note: As Player Leo is of the 'Void' Element, Element Conversion will drastically affect the appearance and abilities of the Player. Drastic Changes will result in Pain. Overloading Skill will result in multiple side effects which may permanent damage and or Permanent Death. 

'Wow! We feel so much stronger! It is entirely possible we can restore ourselves to our peak of power! Maybe even surpass it!'

 Astra was surprised by the surge of newfound power and even Leo couldn't help but chime in after seeing the updated skill. . 

"That Unique skill is kinda scary though. What does it mean by Overload? And what do you mean will result in pain?!" 

'My dear boy~! Overloading is where you use a skill at a level beyond your current ability. So dont try to use 2 elements to convert to at the same time!'

 Astra explanation gave more questions than answers but it didnt seem to notice as it was still on a high from the newfound potential power that it had gained from having a new name. 

"My dear….. boy?" 

Leo narrowed his eyes, glaring at his arms, conveying his annoyance to Astra who let out a small cough in response. 

I mean Leo!.....So petty

 It was a grumbled response in a small voice, Its self esteem deflating a little bit from the narrow mindset of its partner. 

Just as Leo was about to ask a few more questions, his head jerked up as another goblin entered the clearing. This one was equipped with an iron sword in hand and was a bit bigger than the ones from before. It appeared to be looking for something as looked around the clearing

"Kek! Kiek! Kiii! Kree!"

 it called out as if it was barking orders before its eyes settled on Leo. Unlike the ones before it, the goblins eyes were vigilant as it eyed Leo, perceiving him as a threat. From its back, it grabbed a small buckler and raised it up, on guard for any attack Leo might throw at it. 

Seems we are out of time! You ready Leo?

. "I'm all good to go"

 Leo leapt to his feet bounced a bit on the balls of his feet as he punched his palm, a lust for battle washing over him, acclimating quickly to this world of violence. His wounds had long since healed thanks to the potion he had drank earlier. 

With a snarl, the goblin lunged forward, stabbing its blade towards Leos heart, in response, the young man shifted his weight to the side, using one of his gauntlets to parry the blow, while he used another to throw a punch at its head. 



The goblin grunted as it tried to recover from the parry. While off balanced, it managed to raise its buckler in time and blocked the counter but was left stumbling backwards. Leo however did not chase after it, instead flipping his arm, opening his palm and beckoning the goblin to come at him in a taunting manner. 

The goblins forehead twitched as it grew aggravated, it roared as it charged again, swinging its sword down in a heavy chop. Leo once again sidestepped the blow, using his left foot as a pivot, he spun counterclockwise and sent a backfist to the Goblins temple. 



This time, the blow connected cleanly with the goblins head, causing it to jerk to the side after it was hit in the side of the head. The gauntlet covered blow stunned the goblin, causing it to stumble as it tried to regain its bearings. Not missing the chance this time, Leo then used his right foot to pivot back, using the bladed edge of his gauntlet to slash at the goblins chest 


A loud scream filled the air as blood splashed from the goblins chest. The goblin took a few steps and took a deep breath. Having a bad feeling about what would happen if he did nothing, Leo launched himself forward at the goblin, using one of his legs to try and kick the goblin in the chest to cut off its breath. 

[Critical Strike!]


Leo had miscalculated the distance as he was still unused to his new speed, getting much closer than he had intended to and before his brain could react to it, his leg was already rising to kick. The goblins face contorted in extreme pain, silently screaming as it was deprived of its breath as the sound of eggs breaking reverberated through the forest. 

Leo had unintentionally kicked the goblins crotch so hard that its legs lifted off the ground. Even Leo grimaced at the brutality he caused accidentally. Leo felt extremely guilty as the goblin looked at him with its beady eyes somehow looking pitiful.

'We know that the goblins before it were degenerate scum….but this one acted like an honourable warrior. Our Partner is a cruel man it seems

"It was an accident! I swear. Nothing deserves to be kicked like that! Even Goblins!

 Astras casual remark made Leo feel even worse about himself as he watched on, trying to find some sort of justification as he could only watch on as the goblin, unable to stand any longer, fell over holding its crotch, tears streaming down its face as it whimpered in agony. However that noise soon faded to nothing.

"No one has to know right Astra?!"

'We wont tell a soul'  

[Level 2 Goblin Supervisor Defeated]

[+30 EXP]

[Level UP]

[Title Achieved: Cruelty of Man]

Leos face slowly unfroze from the shock as he had to try come to terms with the fact that he had just killed a goblin by kicking it in the balls really really hard.

Trying to distract himself from what even he himself considered to be inhumane, he turned his attention to the new title he had gained. 

Title: Cruelty of Man

Description: Granted to players who have taken a life by destroying the liferod of a man. Perverts be warned, They will crush your balls!

Effect: Fame +5

"@*&#^*#&@^" Swear words reverberated through the forest,

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