Chapter 749: Chapter 728 ( Connection - II )

"Haltin, you mean the creator of the maze?" - Kaori asked in surprise.

"Exactly, when she was born, the spirits sang as the withered trees began to come back to life, I guess that showed that she was destined for great things" - Ulfric replied as he sighed with regret, after all, the elven race had mixed feelings for Lyutillis Haltina. On the one hand, the elven princess had created a special barrier to protect her kingdom, yet on the other hand, she was considered to be one of the greatest sinners, that was why the Verbergen-born "Atavics" were considered to be potentially dangerous and were treated so cruelly.

"As for the reason for this reaction, it is because the connection that exists between Lyutillis Haltina with Nature, is extremely strong, that is why our ancestors thought that she would be the one to manage to guide us to the sacred tree, a task that also fell on my granddaughter's shoulders" - sighed Ulfric while shaking his head - "Anyway, it is strange that my granddaughter is chasing Cloud-dono, although it is possible that it is due to the strange connection that he has with nature."

Yue, Tio and Kaori, looked at each other as they felt that there was more to all this, and perhaps the answers would come from talking to Lyutillis Haltina herself.

"Altina?" - Ulfric said as he saw how his granddaughter had returned.

"Hello, Grandpa" - replied Altina as she looked around - "Have you seen Cloud Strife?"

"No" - Ulfric said as he frowned - "Why have you been chasing him?"

"I feel a strange scent coming from him, it's like he's nostalgic and I instinctively wish I had him around" - Altina replied as she wiggled her nose slightly - "I came back here because I felt his scent coming from this place, but he doesn't seem to be anywhere around."

Ulfric frowned even more because this was getting stranger and stranger, to the point that he was beginning to have suspicions that Cloud knew something important, something that his race desired - "Could you specify a little more?"

"The truth is, I'm not sure" - Altina answered while shaking her head - "It's a strange feeling, but comforting."

Ulfric didn't know what to say at this, so he quickly called the other sages who had awakened to speak on the subject - "Come, Altina, there's something else I need to ask you"

"Huh? Oh, ok" - nodded Altina, confused about the situation.

"I think Ulfric-dono has an idea of the reason for Altina-dono's strange reaction" - said Tio while frowning - "Maybe we should speed up our plans and enter the big labyrinth before things get out of control."

"I'm thinking the same thing" - nodded Yue as she started to think - "You can come out, Cloud."

"Ok" - nodded Cloud as he appeared behind a tree - "Did you feel me for my blood?"

"Yeah, it's impossible for me to forget about it" - replied Yue while licking her lips - "Anyway, I guess you heard everything".

"Yeah, and it's a bit complicated, especially since if they find out the truth, they're not going to stop bothering me for the rest of our stay in this place" - Cloud said while holding the bridge of his nose - "Anyway, I guess we'll have to enter the big maze after we make sure that everyone in Verbergen is okay"

"Or we can let everyone go in with us and let them stay at the entrance" - Kaori said as she thought of a possible plan.

"How feasible is it for them to create a city inside the labyrinth?" - Tio asked with surprise

"It depends on how Lyutillis Haltina reacts" - answered Cloud as he shook his head - "Or if she can make an area safe."

"It's possible, although we would have to discuss it with her, besides, we have to make sure that they can be safe even after the creator of the labyrinth is released from her prison" - added Yue as she remembered how she had been "saved" by her uncle

"Well, we'll find out soon enough" - Cloud said as he shrugged, though his expression paled when he felt Altina's natural aura rushing in his direction - "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to slowly retreat."

The girls didn't reach to say anything else, when they saw the princess of the elven clan running in front of them while sniffing the ground like a dog

"Ok, this is strange, even for us" - said Kaori as she gave a blank look to the elf princess.

"It looks more like a dog, than an elf" - Yue added as she gave a blank look to the elf girl who had run in the direction Cloud had disappeared.

"What are you'll talking about?" - Shizuku asked as she walked over to where the girls were.

"We'll explain when we meet up with the others," said Yue as she shook her head.

* * * * *


"Is something wrong, Lyu-chan?" - Diene asked with a frown.

"Something must have happened in Verbergen, because I sense the presence of many people outside the labyrinth, but I think we'd better leave that for another time, now I have some questions to ask you, Belta-san..."

"What do you want to know?" - Belta-san asked, who had regained consciousness and control of her body, though she was still confused about her overall situation, though it was obvious that Ehit was in on it all, and even if she didn't want to believe it, she was almost completely certain that she was a walking time bomb.

"Can you tell us anything about your situation?"

"The truth is that I'm not sure, although what I can tell you, is that it's better that they don't trust me..." - Belta replied with a cold expression - "I don't know how much control I have over my own body, or if I'm going to reveal the information they're talking about, that's why it's best that I know as little as possible, at least until I find out how bad I am."

Diene looked at the former leader of the [Liberators] with a little more kindness, after all, she was acting the way a leader should act.

"You talking like that, makes me want to trust you, though we can't risk it, sorry" - Diene said as she shook her head.

"You don't have to apologize, I was the one who said myself that it was better that I didn't know much" - Belta replied with a smile - "I'll be outside while you talk about your important issues".

"I feel we can trust her..."

"I think the same, though as she said, we can't risk it, after all, we don't know what kind of seals Ehit has put on her soul" - Diene muttered as she started to think - "Anyway, there's something I want to know..."

"Talk, we're both friends, so you don't have to think about things so much."

"I want you to tell me the truth, how bad are you?" - Diene asked as she gritted her teeth - "Onee-chan was so weak that she could barely maintain consciousness when I was in her maze."

"Oh, that's worrying..."

"Please don't change the subject" - said Diene seriously.

"The truth is, I'm not as bad as you think, the difference between my anatomy, and Meiru's is very different, I can maintain an optimal condition just by absorbing nature's mana."

"Right, your affinity with the tree world" - nodded Diene as she started to think - "Then, there will be no problem with trying to break the seal that imprisons you."

"Hmm, not really, though honestly I don't want to break the seal just yet."

"Why?" - Diene asked with a frown.

"As I said, I'm not bad and can be released without much trouble, though there is one very small detail..."

"And that is?" - Diene asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"My current appearance is not the most presentable, let's just say that the passage of time and the greatly reduced mana, has caused my body to age until I manage to absorb the necessary mana..."

"This has to be a joke..." - Diene muttered while holding the bridge of her nose - "Couldn't you have said a real reason, instead of something so superficial?"

"It may not be much of a problem for you, but for me it's extremely serious, I can't show myself to the world looking like an old lady."

"Anyway, how do I solve this... problem?" - Diene asked as she let out a sigh.

"I need a source of extremely strong mana and vitality, possibly in its purest state."

"Like what?" - Diene asked again because she needed to be more specific.

"Perhaps the liquid produced by the divine stone, or some other similar substance?"

"Wouldn't the heart of a high-ranking dragon be more effective?" - Diene asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No, it couldn't hurt a dragon, not when Van-kun was such a good partner."

"Uh... you have a point" - nodded Diene as she let out a sigh - "Though I don't think I could find a divine stone in such a short time."

"Relax, I feel like I won't need the stone."

"What do you mean?" - Diene asked with a frown - "You just said you need that stone to solve your problem."

"The truth is that I have been sensing a huge source of vitality and mana just outside the labyrinth, though the strangest thing is that this aura is surrounded by a familiar aura..."

Diene stared blankly when she heard this because she honestly didn't know what to do in this situation.



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