SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK

Chapter 15: Chapter 14 - (+18)

[i wouldn't advise attacking those sea snakes]

"and why is that?" he asked a bit scared to know.

[their mother, was sleeping at that moment but she could have swallowed the entire transport (。ŏ﹏ŏ) ]

Erik felt a chill all over his body hearing that, he was also glad he killed the little snake with a twist as that wouldn't leave a blood trace, just in case though he put the algae and snake inside a sample collecting sealed container using the mechanical arms and also cleaned the venom attached to them and went back to the base, after that scare his need for 'adventures' had decreased a lot and designated that part as a danger forbidden zone not to go, he had already teached inky how to select movies to watch by herself with a remote he and Rose made connected to the usb port, so he left her in her bathroom calming down as he went to the kitchen/lab and skinned the snake and extracted the venom sack, analysis showed it was a nervous system venom, it would have ended him in just one bite with only 1 drop of venom entered his bloodstream, that knowledge made him feel nauseous at how close to dying he had been, for some reason those being had been also able to hide their brain waves from Rose too, making them even more dangerous, he took a deep breath and just decided to eat the meat while he froze the rest of the venom, it would be useful on the future if he ever started hunting leviathans he could just use poisoned bait to kill it once it eats it.

He removed the meat and roasted it over the fire like it's done for eel meat, also analyzed the algae that seemed to just be a bigger variety of kelp, they were tastier once cooked than the other kelp though, maybe with a remote-controlled robot he could harvest them he thought, or if they hibernated in winter or something like that, he still just needed to know more about this planet.

Meanwhile, at the bath, Inky was already adept and had watched lots of movies and videos the past weeks, she liked pottery and gardening videos, she was a bit annoyed at the moment that he was taking too long in bringing her her snacks, she was the one who brought food and hunted most of the time, it was only right he pleased her however she wanted, minutes later he came and gave her a plate full of crispy kelp, she pouted and ignored him while she started eating, he shook his head and went away, she was still trying to decide what to watch, when she saw a folder she hadn't watched yet with a weird label 'xxx'.

In that folder, she watched videos of those beings reproducing, but she was confused, they seemed to be different, having one's 2 holes and other just 1 and the tentacle while she herself had the 3 things, she was starting to get a bit horny though, she wondered about going back to her tribe to search for a mate but decided against it as other would also come and occupy the place with their rules and stupidities about respecting the sacred artifacts, she continued watching while pleasing herself and horny, and wondered if the being would be willing to do her, she had bathed together with him in the big bathtub and the new hot pools but he had never tried anything even when she hugged him while bathing, he just patted her head and that's it, hmm, she couldn't help moaning as she stroked her tentacle dick and fingered her pussy, some videos had anal sex on them too and she grew curious putting one tentacle slowly in and continuing to masturbate.


Meanwhile, Erik had finished dinner and was waiting for Inky to finish her long bath to eat together but ended up eating without her after waiting too long.

"What is she doing?"

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