SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 - Breakfast

After the health checkup, he started making breakfast.

Meanwhile at the bath, Inky was feeling incredible, she remembered his member inside her and her member inside him, she liked both and wanted more. She wanted him to bear her eggs, he excreted them though, making her a bit unhappy with him, but she couldn't be angry for long remembering that feeling and she came strongly for the 8th time, releasing sperm and some eggs into the water. She grabbed one and saw it was a dead egg, so she ate it, it was a waste otherwise, she ate her floating eggs and finally felt refreshed and relaxed after all she did yesterday and today.

Then she closed that folder and watched a promotional video where he appeared, attracting her attention, in the video, he ascended on a brilliant cylinder and then got inside a floating cylinder with rotating rings around that advanced with blue lights coming from behind, then he was shown entering a small cavity and becoming frozen, she was surprised about how he could survive that, then there were pictures of a strange place, a green, brown and blue sphere, with him descending there again on a brilliant cylinder and setting a green paste on the water and blue arrows coming out of the water, then him showing his teeth while building a structure while lots of other cylinders descended, it was all really confusing for her, how could he be in 2 places at the same time?.

As she was having these thoughts though, her stomach rumbled, ¡she was hungry! so she came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen where the being was already eating, ¡he was eating without her!, she frowned a bit but stopped caring as she was too hungry, so she grabbed one of the round white discs, a shiny thing for eating and was about to serve to her plate when she changed her mind and just carried the entire pot and put it on the table.

She rapidly ate, but it was hot, and she burned her tongue 😖, making her drop her shiny thing with a yelp of pain, the being passed her a clear cylinder with water quickly though, and she drank alleviating her burnt tongue, she then looked at him demanding an explanation, and she saw him just taking her metal thingy from her hand, picking food, blowing on it, and offering it to her, hmph! ¡she wouldn't fall for that again! he was insisting her though so she finally reluctantly ate it, ¡it didn't burn her tongue anymore! she looked at him surprised and he smiled and continued eating his food again, she ate 3 entire pots and a serving of fried algae's and an algae salad, she was super hungry and stuffed herself, after the meal, she went to the bathtub, and fell asleep.

Erik had just watched amazed as she ate, he was planning to eat more but by the time he finished his plate she had finished everything, left with no choice he got up and cooked some more for himself, there was enough food on the base anyways.

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