Chapter 27: Chapter 26 - Explosive Taste
[yes..., but no I won't let you waste it on a bomb, it's hard to extract underwater]
"then make me 1 gas container divided in 2 inside with 1 inside the other like a matryoshka, with a water-tight container around, and a pressurizable container with 2 metal rods to connect a current" he said smirking.
[okey, so a hydrogen bomb huh? it should work with enough pressure if it explodes inside]
"Even better, the outer container will be full of steel balls and snail poison jeje... it will be like a super claymore blowing up inside"
[why not just poison it then?]
"you seen the size of that thing? I would need barrels full of poison to kill it, also can you add a resistor with potassium inside and a small battery controlled by a remote activator? that way if we add hydrogen with oxygen on the inside tank the resistor would heat up and generate a flame blowing up, the explosion growing enormously using the oxygen from the exterior tank, could also add methane from the composters but that would take too much time, the explosion then would create tons of shrapnel with the metal balls flying around, and even if it survives the enormous internal bleeding the poison will paralyze it... you know what, make 2, just in case, leaving it half-dead would be bad"
[well, since it's destined to be blown up I will make this palangre and hydrogen bomb set up out of normal steel then]
"Yeah, that's fine, better not be wasteful"
--- the next day ---
The bombs were already set up and with bait all around and shiny metal flaps to attract predators with the shine.
Inky and Erik were watching a movie about the stone age while they waited with their swimsuits on and weapons in hand, ready to go out.
[by the way, if you kill it, where will you store the meat?]
[you never thought about that I see]
"well, we will cut it up and store it inside the storage rooms, then coat the meat with salt to preserve it, can you make me an underwater chainsaw real quick?"
[yeah, can also turn the storage rooms into refrigerators]
"yeah, that would be great, if there's too much meat, we could just drag it to the tribe and let them have the rest... I could ask them to let me inside my spaceship in exchange and some help carrying my stuff, they will find out where I live sooner or later anyways"
[well, that's true]
as the movie was ending...
[there's movement]
Erik quickly paused the movie to the dissatisfaction of Inky and played the camera feed that was set farther away this time, and there it was, the same greedy bastard sucking the entire palangre, bombs included inside, and Erik activated the bombs, in 30 seconds they would explode, he waited patiently and then it happened, a torrent of bubbles escaped the mouth kills and eyes of the fish, and then rivers of blood started leaking out.
"let's go Inky!"
both quickly charged outside on the transporter, with Erik picking the chainsword on the way out.
When they arrived, the fish was already dead, he just hooked a chain to the fish and they took it next to the base, the belly wasn't armoured so he used his chainsword to cut it open, and just took the guts out and threw then away, it was too late to care about predators now, they would just have to work quickly, he also found his palangres inside the fish intestines along lots of crab exoskeletons and other undigested hard parts, this was useful for testing for DNA and also trading with the tribe, he also stored the sexual organs, with how this world worked that could probably increase his and Inkys, then used the chainsword to cut steak after steak and also peeled off the big armor plates, they could be used to make tower shields and blades for the transporter, they filled the garage with meat quickly and some spines too, predators were starting to accumulate so Erik just cut the tail and stuffed it on the garage, he would organize it later.
He then picked the other 16 palangres and quickly shut the garage door, driving in the direction to the tribe, dragging the corpses head and upper body behind, they quickly arrived at the tribe with lots of fish behind, the tribe warriors quickly arrived and hunted them down, also many more smaller octopeople just a bit bigger than Inky when he first saw her, this should be the hunter caste, and started launching harpoons and some using their new harpoon guns, the predators were quickly dealt with as more and more octopeople came, there weren't any injuries as they helped each other and fought organized and helping each other.
When the battle ended, they quickly picked the prey back inside the village and Erik parked the transporter with the prey close to the entrance and disembarked with Inky following calmly, then he set up the screen and a notebook for Inky so she could translate keywords at least and waited, before long the leader came accompanied by the 4 elders who were 3 frowning a bit, while the second elder looked downright pissed-off.