Chapter 29: Chapter 28 - Unknown Dangers (ಠ.ಠ) (+18)
The octopeople and even Inky just watched in amazement as it all happened, then came the turn of the meat that was also transported in big chunks by cranes and sprinkled with clean water before carrying it to the second floor and into the enormous cold storage, except one piece.
Erik used the tail meat to cook a banquet for the elders, leader and Inky sitting on the kitchens table and the soldiers regretfully left standing, although they didn't seem to mind much, even a bit afraid to sit with their elders, truth is, the chairs were too small for the elders anyways, they were luckily made of strong metal, although the Second Elders chair was just barely enduring its toned body's weight anyways.
He served some of the meat the elders gave last time as yakiniku and some steaks cooked by arroser and some fish fat on some skillets, then he cut big steaks of armoured grouper fish, applied to them some algae oil and covered in dry algae flakes, and then put them in the big oven in various trays at 240°C, the meat would be ready in just 10 minutes.
He looked back and they had already finished everything he served with glee, he then cut fine strips of the crab they just killed and served them on a plate along with some fried kelp, he wished he had rice, he could also make some grouper sashimi but he wanted to freeze it first to get rid of any possible parasites, so he made some more yakiniku and unfroze some fish soup, then covered dices of grouper fish in algae flour and fried them until crispy, and then served it on bowls of soup with dices of fried crispy meat inside with fried algae stripes on top, the soup also contained lots of dashi from boiling the kelp and then the fish meat, it was a soup made with the first armoured fish Inky had brought once, the kelp enhancing the umami flavor.
He saw as Inky taught the elders and leader how to use a spoon and the warriors imitated them, and they certainly loved it, this was a recipe that was impossible to cook underwater, if cooking underwater was possible at all, they finished their soups too fast so Erik just heated the entire pot of soup and put it on the table, a warrior came by an order of the First Elder and started serving them the soup.
Erik could only sigh at how convenient it was to have subordinates, cooking for so many people was tiring.
Then he heard the oven timer set off and opened the door, a fragrance of baked fish filled the kitchen, making all salivate as they seemed to taste the air with their mouths, it was a fun sight to see them breathe the air deeply, he then cut the meat into strips and set tray after tray on the table.
While they were eating, he made some yakiniku for himself and sat at the table with them on the last empty seat at one end of the table, to his left was Inky and in front of him the Second Elder, he was pleasantly surprised Inky had saved some of each for him with how fast they ate, he quickly ate the little bites to try it all and ate with them, he and Inky were full, the elders didn't look full but they should at least be satisfied and he didn't feel like cooking anymore.
"Rose, can you play a movie or something for them until they decide to go away? I'm gonna take a nap"
[okey, rest well~ ヽ(^o^)/]
Then thought to himself 'it's finally all over, I will check on the modules tomorrow, can't wait to gestate some sheep for some milk and make cheese, abyssal alien monster cheese still sounds cool though' the sheep were also genetically modified to be bigger and produce more milk and strong like spider silk wool, he might be able to make nets with it or at least some rugs.
Back in the kitchen, they were all eating and with a look between the elders, they secretly agreed to something and looked at the leader who looked at Inky and said.
Leader: "well, it's time for the warriors and me to go, but before that, we wonder if you would be interested in some fun, I will let you do me, what about that, Inky?~~~" she sat on the table and spread her tentacles, leaving her wet pussy exposed and fingered herself in front of Inky.
Inky narrowed her eyes but she could help to get harder and pounced on the leader and penetrated her and kissing her too while fondling her breasts, it was a new experience for the leader and she moaned into Inky's mouth, then Inky started stroking her the leader's shaft and with one tentacle penetrated her ass too, the Leader was feeling overwhelmed, all new to her and also she being part of the strong since young, was more used to doing the pounding than receiving it, the soldiers around and 3 elders were stroking and fingering themselves, all except the Second Elder who had disappeared at some point.
Second Elder:" jeje~~ that scout thinks she can best her betters? whatever she can I can do better, how can I live back at the tribe after seeing all this, tasting that food..." she was salivating
S.E.:" ah..., I need to taste her too, I've impregnated countless of my people but never an alien, I get hard just thinking about it..." she saw the locked doors and closed in, thankfully the ceilings were more than tall enough for her "let's see, the doors opened twisting this... ¿huh? why it's not opening? maybe it's another one? no... one of the warriors observed her, it should be this place... hmm, how do I open this?"