SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : [Geumho Station (5)]


Talks : " "

Thoughts : ~ ~

System messages : [ ]

Subway map from the Seoul Metropolitan Government :


Bang Cheolsu feints, Yu Junghyoek looks around him. Kim Namwoon is done fighting and the dogs diseappeared.

Lee Hyunsung approaches Yu Junghyoek with bandages.

Lee Hyunsung : "May I ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "Yes, do it please."

Lee Hyunsung wraps Bang Cheolsu's wounds in bandages.

[ hates you]

[A few Constellations warn of his words]

~I guess I disappointed many of them but those who I satisfy are the most invested in our story... I should be fine.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Seyna Kim is waiting, hidden behind the store counter.

Yu Junghyoek : "It's fine, you can come."

Seyna Kim : "Thank you very much, I thoughts you were with them since you come from the Major group."

Yu Junghyoek picking up Bang Cheolsu's knuckles : "You should stick with us for now on."

Seyna Kim : "I will, thanks !"

Kim Namwoon : "What do we do now ? The mask's effect is wearing of we will soon be poisoned but coming back without all of them is an issue."

Lee Hyunsung : "We can't give up on the Minor group !"

Seyna Kim : "The Major group was indeed unhealthy but still feeding the Minor group... Without them, the Minor group could die of hunger."

Yu Junghyoek : "They are too weak to feed themselves..."

Lee Hyunsung : "It's not true ! Why do everyone think that ? Why would the Minor group not be able to gather food from the surface with a mask like us ?"

~Wait ! That's true, why am I this sure of the opposite ?~ Yu Junghyoek realizes.

Kim Namwoon : "I.. I don't actually know..."

Seyna Kim : "Well, the Major group was killing the Minor group whenever they tried to feed themselves but... There is more than that..."

Lee Hyunsung : "It's Cheon Inho... The way he talks, the way he convives us... Something feels off."

Yu Junghyoek : "It must be a skill ! Not all skills are about fighting, like [Exceptional adaptivity] or Seyna Kim's special skill."

Lee Hyunsung : "And my [Sense of justice] skill reacts to his manipulation skill !"

Kim Namwoon : "This bast*rd !"

Yu Junghyoek : "He got us all along..."

~He even told us about how the subways are dangerous and this might made me stay here longer when I could have reach my sister already !~ Yu Junghyoek

Seyna Kim : "Will you forgive him like Bang Cheolsu ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "You can't trust a manipulator, even upon his death."

Lee Hyunsung doesn't say anything.

They all reach Geumho station entrance, Seyna Kim is koffing due to the poisoned fog.

~I guess she doesn't have enough stamina yet.~ Yu Junghyoek notices.

Nobody is guarding the entrance.

Kim Namwoon : "This is... strange"

They enter and find corpse on the ground.

Lee Hyunsung : "Intrusion ! We have to protect the people !"

He runs to the Minor group, followed by Yu Junghyoek, Kim Namwoon and Seyna Kim.

They find even more corpses until they reach the Minor group.

There are flames everywhere, some people are crying, a child screams.

In the middle of this chaos, Choi Hangyu is standing still.

Lee Hyunsung approaches him.

Him : "Are... Are you alright Hangyu ? Where are the intruders ?"

Choi Hangyu doesn't say anything.

Lee Hyunsung : "Why do you..."

Kim Namwoon grabbs his arm and pulls him back as fast as he can.

Choi Hangyu creates an explosion right before Lee Hyunsung eyes.


Lee Hyunsung left arm is blowned up by the explosion.

He scream of pain : "AAaaahh !!!"

Yu Junghyoek appears behind Choi Hangyu, his eyes are filled with rage.

Yu Junghyoek : "Bastard !!"

His sharp sword almost reaches Choi Hangyu's neck but another explosion knock him back.

[You have invested 1100 coins in Stamina : [5→7] ]


Yu Junghyoek's body is smashed to a pillar, he looks like a corpse.

[Coins left : 250]

Seyna Kim, trying to stop the bleeding from Lee Hyunsung's arm : "Yu Junghyoek !"

~Arg... If I didn't used my coins at the right time...~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

There is only Kim Namwoon standing, Choi Hangyu is looking like a demon, not saying a word.

~He already was the most powerful and now he used the coins from the all station, we don't stand a chance against him... Should I give up on them ?~ Kim Namwoon thinks.

He looks at his crew.


He runs at Yu Junghyoek while dodging an explosion blast.

[You have invested 700 coins in Strength : [3→5] ]

[Coins left : 100]

He grabs Yu Junghyoek's body and runs to the subway.

Him : "Run everyone !"

[Most Constellations are disappointed of you]

~Dammit !~

The majority of the Constellations watching Kim Namwoon are those who like genocides which fits him since he himself likes to kill people. However when a crazier incarnation is present, those Constellations' massive support turns it's back on Kim Namwoon.

[A few Constellations are glad you saved your companion and offer you 200 coins]

~Those good Constellations are broke compared to the bad ones but it's still better than nothing.~ Kim Namwoon thinks.

Seyna Kim, Lee Hyunsung, Kim Namwoon, Yu Junghyoek and two women from the Minor group succesfully reach the subway.

Seyna Kim : "Where do we go now ?!"

Lee Hyunsung : "I think Hangyu is following us !"

~I don't know where to go. Why is he unconscious now that we need him ?!~ Kim Namwoon complains in his head.

Him : "Just follow me, we have to outrun this monster !"

~I hope this way leads somewhere safer...~

They run ten minutes.

[You entered the ]

[A new Sub Scenario appeared]

~Dammit !~

~Couldn't have been worst timing !~ Kim Namwoon tells himself.





-escape the Illusory Prison within the time limit

TIME LIMIT : 1 hour

REWARD : 300 coins



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