SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 : [Safe Shelter (2)]

Chungmuro station is bigger than Geumho, there are three floors, with automatic escalators, still working just fine.

As they walk, the group discovers some green human-sized holographic box with a system message on top indicating the room capacity :

[Green Zone : {1/1}]

The first floor is the subway entrance, there are multiple railways as it is a shelter station. The Green Zones are mostly of the size of one people or two, one of those has a capacity of five people and is currently used by four men :

[Green Zone : {4/5}]

The second floor is a big space where people can buy their tickets and use the bathroom. There are some small-sized Green Zones and around the bathroom, there is a crowd of people and a massive Green Zone :

[Green Zone : {48/70}]

The third and last floor is a hallway leading to the surface. There are a few stores, a cinema and a hairdressing office, however there is not a single Green Zone on this floor.

Seyna Kim : "We used the bathroom at Dongguk University Station, I think we can wait and go tomorrow morning when there will be less people.

Yu Junghyoek : "Still, we need a Green Zone for tonight and there are plenty of space in the bathroom zone."

They reach the bathroom and hear the crowd.

"Let me in !", "I promise I will pay you tomorrow !", "Please I need to drink water !"

Lee Hyunsung : "Someone is... Owning the bathroom ?"

Seyna Kim : "You are right, there are plenty of 'landlord' here."

~Does she scan everyone around her ?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.

Yu Junghyoek : "They definitely don't let anyone in freely so we have a choice to make. If we want to save our coins, we should fight our way to a Green Zone big enough for the four of us. But if we wan't to keep the remaining humanity inside of us, we can pay the bathroom guys."

Lee Hyunsung : "This time we have the choice not to kill anyone, so we should do so... Please let's do for once as I say, I am begging you !"

Kim Namwoon : "Loosing our coins means staying weak, in order to survive in this world, we can't be a saint anyway."

~By the look in his eyes, he definitely just want to use his knife on someone.~ Yu Junghyoek analyses.

Seyna Kim : "I agree with Namwoon, we should not try to avoid killing people since in the long run this could cost us our lives."

Yu Junghyoek : "I would agree with Lee Hyunsung if the scenario was during a single night but since we have to survive an entire week, we would loose all of our coins and hunt monsters to get more and still give it away... It's not an option."

Lee Hyunsung looks down, feeling sad and stupid.

[Many Constellations are bored and want to see an epic fight]

[Some Constellations are complaining about your choice]

Yu Junghyoek : "Don't worry Hyunsung, those in the Green Zone also killed people to get it."

Lee Hyunsung : "Still, I don't like the idea..."

Kim Namwoon : "Then I have a plan."

They reach the five-people-sized Green Zone on the first floor. Kim Namwoon hides his knife and approaches it, alone.

Him : "Exc..excuse me ? I am just a student and I just want to survive tonight so could I please stay with you since you have a slot left ?"

A strong-looking guy from the Green Zone : "Who do you think we are ? Saints ? How much coins do you have."

Kim Namwoon : "I have the 500 coins from the second scenario..."

The strong-looking guy : "This could do, but only for one night !"

~I just have to kill him when he reaches us.~ The guy think.

Kim Namwoon approaches and give him the coins. He then enters the zone and the guy attacks him with an iron bat. Kim Namwoon dodges the bat and disappears.

Him, smiling : "Ghost steps..."

The guy : "Where is he !?"

Everyone in the Green Zone turns to his direction, trying to see him.

His Ghost steps end and everyone now see him, his knife in inside the strong-looking guy's chest.

Another guy : "N..No !!"

Yu Junghyoek arrives from behind and cuts off his head.

[You received 300 coins for killing an incarnation]

The last two men are surrounded and confused. Yu Junghyoek and Kim Namwoon kill them easily.

[You received 400 coins for killing an incarnation]

[A lot of Constellations are satisfied]

[You received 600 coins]

[A few Constellations think you are a coward for not fighting face to face]

[Some Constellations are disappointed of you for killing but understands the situation]

[ is frustrated you survive this fight]

Lee Hyunsung approaches and looks at the corps.

Seyna Kim : "They were mostly 'Gangsters'."

Lee Hyunsung : "I don't care what they were, I just don't like this situation..."

~I am not sure he is capable of living in this world.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

They stay in the Green Zone, a few ground rats are waiting in the subway.

~So those are the monsters ? We could fight kill them all without an effort.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

However, other rats arrive, there are more and more each minutes. When midnight comes, it is impossible to count them.

[The Third Main Scenario is activated]

Monsters surge from the subway, destroying everything in front of them. They are an insane amount of ground rats and some other monsters Yu Junghyoek never saw.

~I was wrong, it is impossible to survive without a Green Zone.~ Yu Junghyoek realizes, shocked.

[The Green Zone effet is activited]

A Green Zone turns red : [Green Zone : {2/1}]

Some monsters destroy this zone and kill the two people instantly in such a violent bloodbath that even Kim Namwoon is frozen, deadpan.

This horrific show lasts until 8am, when the monsters all run back to the subway.

[The Green Zone effet is disabled]





-Occupy a green zone in the station and survive the monsters that emerge each night at midnight

-The scenario will last for 7 days

DURATION : 8 hours

REWARD : 1,000 coins


*Subways are closed for anyone after the completion of the Second scenario ]


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