SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : [Safe Shelter (4)]

Lee Hyunsung and Yu Junghyoek quickly defeat the current user of the five-people-sized Green Zone with pure strengh.

Since it's already been five nights, the group can sleep well even when the monsters are destroying the station. Moreover, they don't even need to take turn and look after each other since the monster rampage prevent anyone from approaching.

Lee Hyunsung : "But what if the Green Zone breaks ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "We won't be able to survive in this situation, so don't loose your time thinking about that."

Lee Hyunsung seems even more worried than before so Yu Junghyoek orders him not to think about it and just go to sleep since they don't know if the next scenario will let them rest.

~I suppose they are not hardheaded enough for my emotionless sentences... I feel like I miss Namwoon for that part.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

The next day, they wake up before 8am in order to get ready for the next scenario. Seyna Kim cooks some meat Yu Junghyoek and Kim Namwoon hunted the day before, and they all wait for the monsters to leave.

[The Green Zone effet is disabled]

[You succeeded the Third Main Scenario : ]

[Reward : 1000 coins]

A few people fell on the ground, exhausted.

~They couldn't sleep because of the monsters for an entire week now...~ Lee Hyunsung analyses.

[Please reach the second floor]

Yu Junghyoek's group takes the stairs to the second floor.

A new Dokkaebi appears : "Good morning people, I, Dokkaebi Malec, am here to open the Fourth Main Scenario."

Incarnation 1 : "What ? A new scenario already ??"

Incarnation 2 : "I...I... I can't take it anymore !"

Incarnation 3 : "We barely survived this one ! When will all this end ?"

Dokkaebi Malec : "Don't be like that, the next scenario is fun... Even for you, this time."

Incarnation 4 : "Fun ? Like a game ?"

Incarnation 5 : "You mean our lives won't be threaten anymore ?"

~Interesting... This Dokkaebi doesn't kill loud people, instead he answers them.~ Yu Junghyoek analyses.

Dokkaebi Malec : "It's a game indeed, but there will always be death around the corner or no one would participate."

Yu Junghyoek : "I would."

Dokkaebi Malec : "I am listening ?"

Yu Junghyoek : "Even if a scenario doesn't threaten our lives, we should complete it in order to earn coins which will help us for the futur... Right ?"

~Let me check... A ? It makes sens.~ Dokkaebi Malec thinks.

Him : "Absolutely ! Anyway, before the Fourth Main Scenario begins, you have to choose your station leader."

Incarnation 2 : "Choose... ? It's a democratic election ?"

Dokkaebi Malec : "Well... Something like that."

He snaps his fingers and a new scenario appears.





-Take the White Flag installed at the center of the plateform for five minutes

DURATION : 30 minutes

REWARD : 1,000 coins, the attribute


*You will be granted authority over others at this station

*Subways are closed for anyone after the completion of the Second scenario ]


A holographic White Flag appears on top of a holographic pedestal.

Incarnation 2 : "Wait a minute... This is not an election !"

A unknown incarnation runs to the Flag and grabs it.

[Kangdae Parc has taken the White Flag]

[If the ownership of the Flag does not change in the next five minutes, Chungmuro Station will be under his command]

Kangdae looks like a muscular titan, he has an iron mediaval spiky club.

~Where did he get that ?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.

For a few seconds, no one tries to attack this strong-looking man. Suddenly, the Landlord groups approaches him.

Kong Pildu : "How much do you want ?"

Kangdae Parc : "Well... Let's say 10,000 coins !"

Kong Pildu : "No one has this much... What about 2,000 coins ?"

Kangdae Parc : "I won't sell it at less than 10,000 coins."

[Some constellations are laughting at the incarnation Kanhdae Parc]

Kong Pildu : "Such a shame, I wanted you in my team... Kill him."

The landlords attack him, they are surprisingly stong even thought they look like weak men.

~In this world, strengh is a matter of coin, not muscles.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Kangdae is quickly defeated and Kong Pildu takes the Flag.

[Pildu Kong has taken the White Flag]

[If the ownership of the Flag does not change in the next five minutes, Chungmuro Station will be under his command]

Lee Hyunsung turns to Yu Junghyoek : "What do we do now ?"

Yu Junghyoek looks at his companions, Lee Hyunsung and Seyna Kim are waiting for orders, Kim Namwoon is still asleep, recovering.

Kong Pildu : "Listen to me everyone ! I know the last scenario was difficult for the all of us, but we got to stay united here."

Yu Junghyoek walks toward Kong Pildu : "Do you plan on making us pay for our survival, like you did before ?"

~Even if we all join forces, we might not be able to take him down right now. The best thing to do here is to negociate our defeat. Plus I didn't plan in staying here forever anyway...~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Kong Pildu : "My allies are not my clients, I never made the Landlords pay up and I won't make you from now on."

Yu Junghyoek : "How can we trust you about that ?"

Kong Pildu, loud : "I can only promise you I won't make you pay for anything abolutly necessary for your survival."

[Many Constellations are listening to the incarnation Pildu Kong and will make sure he keeps his word]

~What ? Constellations are making sure everyone keeps their promises ? Or is it only him because he somehow pissed them off ?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.

~Still, he insistes on the "absolutly necessary" so he sure plans to reap our money off as soon as he can.~

Yu Junghyoek : "Then I have nothing else to say about you being the Leader."

[Some constellations are disapointed by your answer]

No one else tries anything until the timer goes down.

[3 minutes]

[1 minute]

[Kong Pildu has been elected as your station leader]

[The Fourth Main Scenario will begin soon]

Dokkaebi Malec : "Great, I'm about to show you the next scenario window and then I will let you a hour to get ready before I open the subways for the Fourth scenario. Good Luck, people."

~Time ? We never had time to prepare before.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.





1- Each station is given a Flagpole where a Flag can be planted

2- You must defend your Flagpole from the other groups. If another Group's Flag is planted, your station will be taken over and the fate of your group will be left at their disposal. When a group's main station is taken over, it's other stations will be left empty and free to capture

3- The Flag can only be hold and plant by the Leader of each group. If the Leader dies, the next person who take the Flag will be the next Leader. If the member of an other group takes the Flag, the fate of your group will be left at their disposal

4- You must plant your Flag at a specified Target Flagpole within the given time limit or everyone in your group will die. Your Target Station is

DURATION : 12 days

REWARD : 2,000 coins



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