Chapter 19: Chapter 19 : [Flag Fishers (2)]
A system message appears in front of Kim Namwoon.
[You can no longer breath]
Him : "What..?"
He suddenly feels a severe pain in his heart. Small lightning appears around him.
[You are not allow to breath]
[Orders can't be use to kill someone directly]
[This order has been reduced by the system]
[You can no longer hold your breath for more than a second]
Kim Namwoon breath again but he is forced to breath really fast. He still feels the punishment some times for breathing too slow.
Him : "I..I.."
Yu Junghyoek : "Stop this ! He will not attack y.."
As he speaks, Yu Junghyoek feels the punishment hitting him again.
[You are not allow to lie to your leader]
~I can't be sure he will not trie to kill him again, it actually is possible knowing him.~ Yu Junghyoek realises.
Kong Pildu : "Why don't you continue speaking ?"
Him again, smiling : "Are you lying by any chance ?"
Yu Junghyoek : "...We need his strengh, in the lure team or the defense team, he will be among the most usefull !"
Kong Pildu : "His strengh ? It wasn't that hard for me to destroy him Yesterday."
Everyone turns to Kim Namwoon, he is on the ground trying to catch his breath, looking weak.
Yu Junghyoek : "You were just lucky to detect him thanks to your skill. He can be invisible, his sword can be two meters long and he still use it like if it was light. He destroyed dozens of specters in the Illusory prison that some of you may encountered and there are still a lot more to say about him."
~Hum... I know he can't lie but it's still hard to believe.~ Kong Pildu thinks.
Him : "And you are telling me I should take the risk to let him live ? Someone as strong as what you describe and who hates me ?"
Yu Junghyoek : "No... I am telling you that you should not take the risk to loose one of the strongest in this Shelter Station now that we need to cooperate to survive."
Kong Pildu doesn't respond, he activate his [
Him : "Breath again, young man."
[You can now breath without limitation]
Kim Namwoon takes a huge inspiration.
Lee Hyunsung approaches him.
"Are you okay ?"
Kong Pildu turns to Yu Junghyoek : "You take him in your team."
[40 minutes later]
The lure team is walking in the subway, led by Yu Junghyoek. There are about 20 people, most of them are fighter easly defeating the grounds rats they encounter.
They are trying to reach Changsin Station by following line 4. Yu Junghyoek chose this path because it require to visit Sungshin Women's University Station, the closest Shelter Station where he suspects his sister to be.
~I will find you Mia !~ Yu Junghyoek promises himself.
They all reach Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station, the nearest station which so happend to be a Shelter Station.
Yu Junghyoek : "Kim Namwoon, Ki Kangdae and Seyna Kim with me, the others wait."
~Thanks to Seyna and her Identity disclosure skill, I know everyone's attribute which helps me understand one's potential...~. Yu Junghyoek Thanks.
He looks at Ki Kangdae, a strong looking guy holding a police revolver.
~This guy is a Justice Enforcer and a HeadHunter... I've only seen one person with two attributes : Kim Namwoon. This means this man completed an Subscenario like Kim Namwoon did with the Illusory prison Subscenario, he must be strong.~
Kim Namwoon : "So, Ki Kangdae... You were a police officer before ?"
Ki Kangdae : "Indeed, I was around Yaksu station when it all beggan..."
Yu Junghyoek : "Yaksu ?! We went there... What happend ?"
Ki Kangdae : "We were attacked by a monster... He was so strong we got a Subscenario."
Seyna Kim : "I suppose you managed to kill it since you got a second attribute."
Ki Kangdae : "I did, but at what cost..."
~We can feel his need to help people.~ Yu Junghyoek notices.
They arrive at the entrance.
Ki Kangdae : "Quite everyone, I see three people in their."
~See ? But we didn't enter yet.~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
Ki Kangdae : "They can't see the first room, let's enter discreetly."
He pulls out his gun and acts like a police officer, walking with his gun pointed in front of him.
~This station is a Shelter Station since it has multiples railways... How come their are only three people ?~
Unknown 1 : "Hurry up, the King told us to come back as soon as possible !"
Unknown 2 : "I don't care about what the King said, imagine if we loot a rare weapon are something, we could kill him and..."
He stops speaking, the sound of an objet falling on the concrete floor resonates in the station.
Unknown 1 : "What !? Why did you do that !?"
Unknown 3 : "I protect my King, no one with the ambition to kill him should live."
Yu Junghyoek, whispering at Kim Namwoon : "Capture them, alive !"
Kim Namwoon activates his [
He sees two men quickly packing up their finds, their are corpses everywhere.
~a swordman and a spearman, I can win. The hard part will be keeping them alive~ Kim Namwoon analyses.
Kim Namwoon, whispering : "Tss... I know. I will hold back my power don't worry."
~The closest corpses to them is this one... Look like he was pierced so the strongest should be the spearman since he can easly kill his allies.~ Kim Namwoon thinks.
~I can't use my Dark enchantement in Ghost mode, but they don't look too tanky.~
He reaches them and cuts the tendons of the spearman.
Unknown 3, falling on the ground : "Aahh !!! What the ?!"
Kim Namwoon appears behind them.
Him : "Human body is like those of animals... It's so simple to do whatever we want with them."
The swordman seeing this tries to run away.
He gets shot on the leg.
Unknown 1 : "HaaAA..!!"
Ki Kangdae runs to him and grabbs his two arms, the two men are now completly restraint.
Yu Junghyoek : "Good job everyone, tie them up with a roop."
Seyna Kim brings a rope she found in the station to Kim Namwoon and Ki Kangdae who tie them at the same pillar.
Yu Junghyoek : "Now, you two, if you want to live, answer our questions."
"First of all, what is a King ?"
Unknown 3 : "Pfff, I won't tell anything."
Unknown 1 : "Neither am I."
Yu Junghyoek looks at Kim Namwoon in the eyes. Kim Namwoon stabs the two of them in the leg.
Unknown 3 : "Aah !... Still not telling any.."
Unknown 1 speak over him : "A King is the leader of a group who capture at least ten stations."
~Someone already captured ten stations ?!~Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
Him : "When did this scenario beggan for you ?"
Unknown 1 : "Four days ago."
~We are four days late ? How can we compete with them ?~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.
Unknown 3 : "Don't tell me you just enter the scenario !? HaaHaaa ! You are so DEAD !"
1- Each station is given a Flagpole where a Flag can be planted
2- You must defend your Flagpole from the other groups. If another Group's Flag is planted, your station will be taken over and the fate of your group will be left at their disposal. When a group's main station is taken over, it's other stations will be left empty and free to capture
3- The Flag can only be hold and plant by the Leader of each group. If the Leader dies, the next person who take the Flag will be the next Leader. If the member of an other group takes the Flag, the fate of your group will be left at their disposal
4- You must plant your Flag at a specified Target Flagpole within the given time limit or everyone in your group will die. Your Target Station is
DURATION : 12 days
REWARD : 2,000 coins