SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 : [Flag Fishers (5)]

"Paw !"

"Baff !"

Punches fly like bullets, the Brawl King dodges most of them, but when he does get hit, it feels like getting slammed by a truck right in the face.

Despite losing an arm, his opponent remains the most powerful incarnation Yu Junghyoek has encountered so far thanks to his stigma [].

As for the Brawl King, he lands numerous blows, but Lee Hyunsung's skills render them almost harmless.

[Skill [lvl 3] is activated]

[Skill [lvl 5] is activated]

No one else in the station is fighting, everyone is watching the battle in the Brawl King's arena.

Brawl King : "Help me damn Constellation !"

~You have been using it's stigma a lot, I doubt your Constellation can help you more than that.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Lee Hyunsung : "How fun, right ?!"

Brawl King : "Not that much."

Lee Hyunsung : "It looks like you had fun when you were beating up these people before, and when you assault my friend in this fighting box of yours..."

Brawl King : "They all are so weak, it's nothing to worry about since they will all die in the incoming scenarios."

Lee Hyunsung : "I refuse that, I will protect everyone from you strong people !"

[Skill [Lvl 6→7] ]

He turns to Yu Junghyoek and Kim Namwoon : "I know I've been acting a coward since the beginning, I wanted to avoid brutality at all cost but it only ended up making things even worse."

The Brawl King tries to attack him from behind but Lee Hyunsung catch his arm in the air.

Lee Hyunsung : "From now on, I will protect you guys, even if it means I have to kill people."

[Your attribute (Ordinary) is about to blossom]

Brawl King : "Get... Off of me !"

Lee Hyunsung : "It's over, I won't be restraining anymore."

He punches him so hard in the chest that he Brawl King collapses.

[Your attribute has change]

[You now are (Epic)]

[ : The more people you are protecting and the more you care about them, the more your stamina and strength increase]

[You received the (Epic) skill because of your new attribute]

[ : You can attract attention from your enemies. Works even better the smaller and the dumber your enemy is]

[The Brawl King's special skill has been deactivated]

[You may now leave the Brawl King's Arena]

The cube disappears, Kong Pildu approaches and takes the flag which is black. The flags disappears and Kong Pildu's white flag becomes red.

Kong Pildu : "it appears we can now have a buff on our stats."

Yu Junghyeok : "Great, now let's run to all those empty station and stop the fight at SinSeol-dong Station. Namwoon, Hyunsung, you know what to do !"

Yu junghyeok, Kong Pildu and Kim Namwoon and most of the Lure team are running to Changsin Station, taking Sindang and Dongmyo along the way. 

Meanwhile, Lee Hyunsung is trying to reassure the Brawl King's fighters about their destiny with the help of Seyna Kim who came back safely.

Changsin Station is empty, Kong Pildu plant his flag and the scenario's target station is now under control.

[The target station has been successfully conquered]

[You need to keep this station until the end of the scenario]

Kong Pildu : "We've... done the hard part now... let's slow down... I can't catch... my breath..."

Yu Junghyeok : "Yes, but you have to save the people from Sinseol-dong Station now Pildu, move."

Kong Pildu, showing his now navy flag : "I almost am a King now, don't talk to me like that !"

Yu Junghyeok : "Maybe but we are the ones making you the King so save your people."

Kong Pildu : "..."

Yu Junghyeok : "Anyway, I am leaving, Kim Namwoon will stay with you."

Kim Namwoon, quietly : "Tsss"

Kong Pildu : "Where are you going ?"

Yu Junghyeok : "Sungshin Women's University, in order to prevent anyone from taking it."

Kong Pildu : "Why ? We need you if the fight at Sinseol-dong isn't over."

Yu Junghyeok : "Just so that you will become King fas..."

Spark appears around his mouth and the pain in the chest hits him.

[You are not allow to lie to your leader]

Yu Junghyeok : "Damn it !... I have my little sister in there, I need to check on her." 

Kong Pildu : "The one from your speech ? Whatever, do as you wish."

Upon reaching Sinseol-dong, the Brawl King's main station, Kong Pildu and Kim Namwoon see most of the fighters dead. The whip woman from before and some fighters are still alive. The attackers were pushed back which is a relief of Kong Pildu, tired of fighting and running. They decide to send everyone to Chungmuro.

Meanwhile, Yu Junghyeok reaches Sungshin Women's University Station. There are a few people who look weak but he doesn't see his sister.

~Where are you, Mia ?~ Yu Junghyeok asks himself.


NAME : Hyunsung Lee

AGE : 29

COINS : 1300





(Epic) [Lvl 1]

(Rare) [Lvl 3]

(Ordinary) [Lvl 5]

(Ordinary) [Lvl 7]


[Lvl 3]


[Stamina Lvl 7], [Strength Lvl 8],

[Agility Lvl 5], [Mana lvl 1]






1- Each station is given a Flagpole where a Flag can be planted

2- You must defend your Flagpole from the other groups. If another Group's Flag is planted, your station will be taken over and the fate of your group will be left at their disposal. When a group's main station is taken over, it's other stations will be left empty and free to capture

3- The Flag can only be hold and plant by the Leader of each group. If the Leader dies, the next person who take the Flag will be the next Leader. If the member of an other group takes the Flag, the fate of your group will be left at their disposal

4- You must plant your Flag at a specified Target Flagpole within the given time limit or everyone in your group will die. Your Target Station is

DURATION : 12 days

REWARD : 2,000 coins



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