Chapter 24: Chapter 24 : [Tax Collectors (2)]
Kong Pildu and the lure team reach Sungshin Women's University Station, still unclaimed after the Brawl King's defeat.
Kong Pildu, planting his flag in the station's flagpole : "Where is Yu Junghyoek ?"
Kim Namwoon : "Everyone, go looking for him is the station."
A little girl approaches Kim Namwoon.
Little girl : "Escuse me sir... Are you friend with that good-looking man from before ?"
[Gireum station]
Yu Junghyeok glares his opponent : "I let you choose, let us pass or end up like your guys on the wall ?"
The man puts on his baseball cap, he looks like a real player.
Him : "Listen to me you dumb ass, I am Lee Minho one of the best pitcher of one of the best baseball team of Korea, the legendary LG Twins. Might as well tell you that I hit really hard"
Yu Mia : "Not as hard as my brother."
Yu Junghyeok, quietly : "Mia, don't provoke him. You don't understand how the system can make someone unfairly stronger than you."
[Some constellations are wondering what you are whispering]
~Constellations ? They were barely not watching me recently because our third scenario was boring and I'm sure the Kings' war that happend at the same time was way more instresting.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.
~Anyway, it's the perfect timing for me to earn some coins.~ He thinks.
Yu Junghyoek pulls out his sword : "No matter how strong you are, I will not let you harm those innocent people."
[A few constellations are proud of your words]
[You were given 300 coins]
[A lot of constellations want to see an epic battle]
Lee Minho rush on him and is about to hit him with his bat.
Yu Junghyoek managed to parry the blow.
"Bang" Yu Junghyoek thinks.
Yu Junghyoek swings his sword in his direction but Lee Minho gets back.
An holographic baseball appears in the air, Lee Minho smashes it with his bat in Yu Junghyoek's direction.
The ball is as fast as a bullet but Yu Junghyoek avoid it in an instant.
[Most constellations are impressed by your speed]
Lee Minho : "Impressive, you are quite capable !"
~From what I've seen, every holographic things come from a stigma so this guy is sponsored by a baseball kind constellation.~ Yu Junghyoek analyses.
Lee Minho : "Anyway, if I am being correct, she is your sister, right ? Let's see if she can dodge just like you."
He summons an other baseball and shoots it at Yu Mia.
Yu Junghyoek tries to place himself between the bullet and his sister.
Him : "Mia !"
He doesn't managed to reach her in time.
Him : "Noo !"
An entire car appears in front of mia and blocks the baseball.
~What is that...?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
Lee Minho : "How the hell...?"
[Most constellations don't understand what is happening]
Yu Mia : "Junghyoek, don't be distracted, I can take care of myself !"
~She is right, I don't have the time for this, I have to beat him now~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.
Yu Junghyoek runs to Lee Minho.
~Mia can protect herself and the others, I can focus on this man.~ Yu Junghyoek tells himself.
He reaches his opponent and parries an other bat swing.
He quickly uses his left hand to punch him in the chest.
The guy gets back koffing a split of blood.
Lee Minho : "What are you all doing ?! Get him !"
All the Tax Collectors attack him together, there are more than a dozen.
Yu Junghyoek : "Coward !!!"
He kills a man with his sword but there are too much people.
Yu Mia : "Junghyoek !"
Yu Junghyoek turns his head and sees his sister running away, chased by a Tax Collector.
Yu Junghyoek : "Mia !"
He punches and swings his sword to his enemies to do not let them approaches.
He feels an insane pain in his right hand and drops his weapon.
Yu Junghyoek : "My... Hand...!!!"
Lee Minho, who sneaked on him and smashed Yu Junghyoek's hand, has blood all over his bat.
Lee Minho : "Told you I hit pretty hard."
[A lot of constellations are covering their eyes]
[Some constellations are pervertly smiling]
[A constellation who lose it hand looks at you with compassion]
Yu Junghyoek, trying to punch him : "Die !!"
Lee Minho dodges easly and swings his bat to him.
A knife parries Lee Minho's bat.
~Who ...?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
Kim Namwoon : "What happend here ?"
[A lot of constellations are surprised by this outcome]
[Some constellations are feeling relieved]
Lee Minho : "Who are you ?"
The Lure team arrives and attacks the Tax Collectors.
"Save Yu Junghyoek !"
"Kill them all !"
Lee Minho and Kim Namwoon are unfairly fighting, Kim Namwoon dodges every hit and slightly cuts Lee Minho's bodyparts.
Yu Junghyoek, watching everyone around him : "Thank you everyone..."
He falls on the ground after this way too long and hard day of fight for flags and survival.
1- Each station is given a Flagpole where a Flag can be planted
2- You must defend your Flagpole from the other groups. If another Group's Flag is planted, your station will be taken over and the fate of your group will be left at their disposal. When a group's main station is taken over, it's other stations will be left empty and free to capture
3- The Flag can only be hold and plant by the Leader of each group. If the Leader dies, the next person who take the Flag will be the next Leader. If the member of an other group takes the Flag, the fate of your group will be left at their disposal
4- You must plant your Flag at a specified Target Flagpole within the given time limit or everyone in your group will die. Your Target Station is
DURATION : 12 days
REWARD : 2,000 coins