Chapter 26: Chapter 26 : [Stone Age (2)]
~A Tier 6 ?! We can barely take on a Tier 7 when we team up, how could I do this alone ?~ Yu Junghyeok complains in his head.
[A lot of Constellations are excited about this Sub Scenario]
[A few Constellations are worried about you fighting a Tier 6 monster this soon]
The Salamander rush to him, Yu Junghyeok jumps in the air to avoid but the agitated monster's tail hits him. He's projected against the wall.
Yu Junghyeok : "Kof... What an idiot..."
~What was I thinking ? I was hopping for a power up, but no reward comes without a great challenge. I have to do this !~ Yu Junghyeok thinks.
He gets up and pulls out his sword with his left hand. He then runs to the creature, determined.
[Some Constellations are impressed by your bravery]
[You received 200 coins]
~I can no longer use my right hand, it's been really strange to use my sword with my left hand for the past eight days but I am kind of getting confident.~ Yu Junghyeok thinks.
The Rock Salamander attacks again, Yu Junghyeok dodges and tries to cut its body but the sword doesn't slice through the scales.
Yu Junghyeok : "You are pretty hard."
He drops his sword and tries punching it. The shock wave propagates through the creature's sinuous body leading it to loose it's balance and run into a wall.
The monster shakes its head and begins climbing on the walls. Yu Junghyeok waits for it to get down and realizes his hand feel painful.
~Of course... It's to hard for a sword so I for sure feels pain punching it.~ Yu Junghyeok realizes.
The Rock Salamander suddenly throws stone spikes like spears from it's back. Yu junghyeok grabs his sword and managed to avoid or parry every one of them.
~Once my skill hits level 10, I will no longer be able to improve anything but my stats. Moreover, my attribute's main effect is to level up quicker so I won't even be able to benefit from my only avantages once everyone reaches their max level... That's why I need this unknown reward, I am sure it will be a special attribute like those of Kim Namwoon and Ki Kangdae.~ Yu Junghyeok tells himself.
Yu junghyeok : "Come back here you coward, you are the one covered in rocks !"
He throw in sword aiming for it eyes but misses, the sword hits the ceiling and fells on the ground.
The creature howls and runs back to the ground, agitating its tail all around it.
"GriiiIIHh !"
Yu Junghyeok runs to it, passing below the flying tail, and punches its left hind leg as hard as he can.
The leg breaks and the creature's chaotic movements make the whole cave shake. Yu Junghyeok gets down as he feels a lot of pain in the hand.
~It hurts ! I can't continue like that, one arm down is already too much.~ Yu Junghyeok thinks.
[Some Constellations wants to know what you are saying to yourself]
~Right, I should think out-loud when I am alone, it will always attract the constellations' support.~ Yu Junghyoek analyses.
Yu Junghyeok : "My sword can't cut through and my hand is too weak to keep punching."
[A constellation which has a thousand arms is laughting at you]
Yu Junghyoek : "I might not have a lot of arms but I can still kick your... Wait, that's it, I can kick !"
~Powerful Strike, nevered said powerful punches... Why do I always use my hands ?~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.
He jumps above the creature's head and kicks it with as much strength as possible.
The monsters is completly stunned, Yu Junghyoek doesn't let it recover and keeps kicking it in the face.
Soon, the creature falls on the ground, unalive.
[You received 1000 coins for killing a Tier 6 Rock Salamander]
[A lot of constellations liked this fight and look forward for the next one]
[You received 700 coins]
Yu Junghyoek : "Great, now where is my scenario reward ?"
[A few constellations are viciously smiling]
~What ?~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
Him : "See current Subscenario."
-Kill every
REWARD : ???
Yu Junghyoek : "Every... ?"
[Some constellations advise you to run away]
All the remaining rocks begin moving too and turn out to be three other Rock Salamanders.
~One, Two... Three !?~ Yu Junghyoek counts.
He quickly grabs his sword and run away, dodging some attacks, too focus to say anything.
When he climbs up the hole and reaches the store's toilets, the scenario ends.
[You partially succeed the Sub Scenario :
[Reward : 1000 coins,
[You received the
Yu Junghyoek : "Thanks god I received a reward !"
He activates the skill, his hands are covered in stones and some rock spikes have grown over his shoulders.
Him : "...Even though it won't help much with my lack of offensive skills, I can at least defend myself better now."
He walks his way to Chungmuro station, killing three Tier 8 monsters with his kicks and sword.
Suddenly, he see a lot of smoke coming from from the Station and begins running to it.
Seyna Kim is watching over the outside entrance, she sees Yu Junghyoek and explains to him the situation.
Seyna Kim : "There is an unknown group attacking our station from the subway and trying to light fire everywhere."
Yu Junghyoek : "Is my sister safe ?"
Seyna Kim : "The doctor's floor is safe, now go they need you !"
He jumps over the stairs and sees the all fight scene.
Kim Namwoon, Lee Hyunsung and the lure team are fighting in the landlords' properties to use their effect to enhance their capacity and reduce those of the enemies.
People with guns, included Ki Kangdae, and Kong Pildu's turrets are shooting at the distant enemies.
[A lot of constellations are watching this battle]
Yu Junghyoek approaches Kong Pildu : "Who are they ?"
Kong Pildu : "I believe it's the Tyrant King's group, even though I haven't seen him yet."
Yu Junghyoek : "The Tyrant King !? But he is the strongest of all !"
NAME : Junghyoek Yu
AGE : 28
COINS : 3900
[Stamina Lvl 15], [Strength Lvl 15],
[Agility Lvl 17], [Mana lvl 1]
NAME : Kim Seyna
AGE : 57
COINS : 150
[Stamina Lvl 5], [Strength Lvl 1],
[Agility Lvl 3], [Mana lvl 1]